Rising America

Chapter 1607: 3 fires for new officials

In the United States in the secular world, AI smart robots have become popular, and then they have begun to sell in 26 states, and they are selling well. The true owner of this company, Coco, has already begun to perform in another dimension at this time. Own Ziwei Emperor is responsible.

Of course, the bear child will use his own unique bear child way to perform this serious duty, especially for the bear child of Coco, it is not at all unexpected that such a thing happens.

Perhaps, this was because the Jade Emperor hadn't even considered the problems that would happen, so now the joy in the heavenly court is great.

Since he has been the emperor of Ziwei, I think that since he is such a high position as the emperor of Ziwei and become such an official, then he should use the style of an official. Otherwise, what prestige is there? Younger.

Besides, this was the first time in my life to be an official, and he was still a high official under one person in the heavenly court, so he had to show full official authority.

At the same time, the little guy also conducted an instant live broadcast of his being an official in the heaven.

Show off.

But the one who likes to show off the most, right?

If she doesn't show off, then she is not cocoa.

The person in charge of shooting is the Bull Demon. Now the old bull who is regarded as the marshal of the left and right marshals by Coco, began to play the live video camera, and no matter where Coco goes, he has to do everything with his hands. The camera faithfully filmed it.

And Monkey King was not idle. He became Coco's BUFF controller. He had to be very clever and timely, playing appropriate music with a player on his shoulders as a background to set off the atmosphere at the time.

Compared with the old cow, Monkey King’s job is really difficult to do, because if it does not conform to the meaning of Coco, then Coco will beat it back, and the little guy has always said that it is done, it is not polite at all. .

So, Monkey King is very careful about his temporary job, but the effect is still very good. At least until now, Coco has not beaten it for this reason. There have been several veterans watching it. When she arrived at the fairy, she was beaten by Coco several times because of her idiotic expression.

As the so-called "three fires for new officials to take office", Coco uses this routine without exception.

However, unlike the ordinary three fires, the first fire that Coco burned was the first order that she had become Emperor Ziwei, and this order was for all members of the heavenly court, including her The Li family father and son who had been beaten horribly, and Yang Jian, who looked like an independent force outside of Heaven.

This order is very simple, but it means ‘according to the order of the highest military leader and considering the external image of the Heavenly Court’s military, Emperor Ziwei announced a unified and standardized dress! ’.

That's right, Coco's first fire was also the first order she issued after she became Emperor Ziwei. It was to rigidly stipulate and require the heavenly army, including all levels of gods and generals, to have uniform clothing styles.

There is nothing wrong with this. For a serious army, there is no problem in trying to get such a uniform dress. This is normal.

But the problem is that if the Emperor Ziwei declares this order by another person, there is definitely no problem, but Coco is different.

As a bear kid, any order of Coco can not be taken lightly, and this time there is no exception.

Uniform dress is correct, but the new military uniform of Tianting is quite different.

Dark Gothic is not mainstream!

That's right, Coco ordered all heavenly generals and gods within the jurisdiction of his own power, as well as all kinds of fairy soldiers, to wear a non-mainstream costume in the future, and this is still a rigid rule. Anyone who disagrees will be personally charged by Coco. Ask him for an'interview'.

This is simply the rhythm of introducing the non-mainstream into the heavenly court.

In fact, there is no problem with the wearing of the gods and soldiers at all levels in the heavenly court. It can even be said that their golden armor can also set off their micro-power.

But Coco is not pleasing to the eye no matter how you look at it. Everyone must become a non-mainstream.

As for the simple reason, Coco is a non-mainstream member himself.

Therefore, the little guy thinks that since he is a non-mainstream member who has become a big official, he must contribute to the non-mainstream group to expand the non-mainstream group and let more people join the non-mainstream group, maybe waiting for the non-mainstream in the future Become a trend, and you can become a non-mainstream, especially the great people who have a name in history in the non-mainstream of the Dark Gothic system.

Besides, it is such a great thing to introduce the dark Gothic non-mainstream into heaven.

Since it is great, don't be afraid of anything, and do it bravely.

Besides, I am already a high official.

Since he is a high official, who else would dare not obey his orders.

But for anyone who dared to object, Coco definitely didn't mind serving with a meal of pink fists.

As the two guys, the Bull Demon King and Monkey King, who cocoa brought to the heavens, you don't have to think about it. They were the first to have ‘become a non-mainstream member of the Dark Gothic family’. After all, they don’t want to be beaten.

So, according to Coco's request, the Bull Demon King is dressed in black leather clothes and leather pants, and a big gold ring is worn on the nose of the bull. He also wears a lot of skull accessories all over his body. Two big bull eye sockets are also painted. Thick and dark eyeshadow.

Monkey King is no exception, basically the same appearance and costume as the Bull Demon King, except that the two of them are a Bull Demon and a Monkey Demon, so they feel different.

In Ziwei Emperor's Mansion, those'holy warriors' who were summoned by Coco from the end-time world were all dressed in such a costume according to Coco's request, but because these people are all Coco believers, and all of them are brain-dead fans. Because of the believers, they faithfully implemented this order of Cocoa.

Only after this order was conveyed to the various ministries of the original Heavenly Court, problems appeared.

Wen Zhong and others, who originally belonged to the line of Jin Ao, are now the righteous **** of the Heavenly Court Lei Bu, summoned the former Jin Ao members scattered everywhere, and everyone discussed whether to execute this order of Coco.

To be honest, they didn't want to disobey Coco's order, but Coco's order was really strange, and it really made them feel a little embarrassed.

Now Tongtian has joined the Wa Palace and has become the Deputy Palace Master, clearly standing on the side of the Nu Wa camp.

Coco is the only disciple of Nu Wa, and he will definitely be the heir to the Wa Palace in the future, so they, the former members of Jin Ao, look at Tongtian, and they must obey the order of Coco, the Ziwei Emperor.

Just asking them to be the non-mainstream of the Dark Gothic...This is really too difficult, OK?

The old lady Wen Zhong with a righteous look, the current Heavenly Court Leibu Zhengshen, was very sad, waiting for the host to come up with an opinion.

At this time, there were a lot of people attending the meeting, basically all of them were from the original Jiejiao, or else they had an old relationship with Jiejiao, who had been on the list of the gods since the first battle of the ancient gods, and finally served as officials in the heavenly court.

For example, the Sanxiao sisters, Wen Zhong and his subordinates, Lu Yue from the Plague Department, etc., the Hanzhi fairy sister paper named Fengshen, Zhao Gongming of the Dragon and Tiger Profound Altar, the four brothers of the Mojia from the southeast and the northwest, and the Huo De Xingjun Luo Xuan and others all came, only a few people did not, such as Shen Gongbao who was town in Beihai Haiyan...

For a long time, Fairy Caiyun spoke first. I don’t know if it’s because women are not too repulsive to non-mainstream. So Fairy Caiyun said that she can put on dark gothic non-mainstream costumes and paint thick costumes. Accepted, even thought it was pretty cool.

That's right, Fairy Caiyun used the very modern word ‘cool’.

It can be seen that these old antiques in Tianting are not completely ignorant of some things in modern society.

Although they have been away from the mundane for a long time, and it hasn’t been long for them to return, their learning ability is still quite strong. After only a period of time, they have learned and understood many familiar things in modern society.

As Fairy Caiyun spoke this way, Sister Sanxiao also said that she could accept the order of Coco. At the same time, they said that the three of them must keep pace with the times, and also reminded that there is absolutely no benefit to defying bear children. I hope everyone will pay attention to this. a little.

The reminder of the Sanxiao sisters played a very important and crucial role. Everyone at the meeting was reminded of the sturdy cocoa that Coco has always shown. So after a lot of deliberation, these unlucky ones who were in the Primordial Conferring God battle~ lightnovelpub.net~ finally chose to obey Cocoa's order.

But compared with Wen Zhong and others, the other fairy generals didn't think so.

Among them, especially the guys from the victorious side of the ancient Conferred God battle, that is, the Heavenly Mansions of Ji Fa's family, performed the most intensely. Some even beat the people Coco sent to convey their orders. This is no different. The bucket of ant honeycombs gave cocoa the opportunity and excuse to burn a second fire.

The attacker was Su Quanzhong, the army-breaking star. This guy is the son of the Eastern Star official Su Hu. The two of them are members of the Ji Fa family. Although they were the first to die in the Taigu Conferred God battle, they belonged to the Ji Fa family. The relationship between people and horses, so they were able to preserve the true spirit, and finally sealed the gods, and the gods were not low.

For example, the Sanxiao sisters are so powerful, but because they stood in the wrong team, although they were finally sealed by the gods, they only sealed the position of the three induction fairy (the third girl of the Keng). If you say that there is no tricky person who believes.

Perhaps it was because of the triumphant faction that Su Hu and his son had a good time in the heavenly court, and they were used to being domineering.

So I really didn't put the Ziwei Emperor Coco in his eyes, and it was really rampant.

Of course, there is no lack of them who don't understand the relationship between Cocoa, but if they understand Cocoa little, then Su Quanzhong would not dare to beat people.

And the consequence of his beating was that after ten minutes, the mansion where he was located was surrounded by people with Cocoa. Coco himself smashed the door of his house with a sturdy blow and rushed in. And catching Su Quanzhong was a fat beating and beat him to death.

However, Su Quanzhong was not the only one to be beaten, because he was not the only one sent to inform the messenger after hitting Coco, as well as Long Dexingjun Hong Jin and his wife Princess Long Ji, both of them also shot Cocoa. People going.