Rising America

Chapter 1608: The first step of the big devil

Hong Jin and Long Ji are not simple. According to the worldly terms, Hong Jin is a horseman, and Long Ji is one of the princesses of the Heavenly Court. His position in the Heavenly Court is extraordinary.

Especially the status and power of Princess Longji is not so big.

Red Luan Xingjun!

That's right, Princess Longji is the Hongluan Xingjun, who is in charge of the love between men and women in the world.

This may be an inconspicuous heavenly position in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of knowledgeable people, this position is absolutely extraordinary.

This shows how much Princess Longji is favored.

Therefore, Princess Longji is also used to being in the heavenly court, and even with her husband, Hong Jin, is also a sly fox.

To say that Princess Longji and Hong Jin came together, it was thanks to the calculations of Jiang Ziya and the gang of Chanjiao people, and the use of beautiful men's strategy made Longji stand on the side of Ji Fa's camp.

In short, the means cannot be said to be too glorious.

Coco beat Su Quanzhong, including Su Hu who came to help his son, was also beaten by Coco.

In short, the father and son were beaten by Coco very much. Even if they were gods, it would take ten and a half months to get out of bed.

After beating Su Quanzhong and his son, Coco immediately moved to Princess Longji's mansion. He didn't hesitate at all. Even though he was told that he was the daughter and son of the Jade Emperor, Coco still beat the couple and the couple. People were beaten into pig heads, and even before they left, they destroyed Princess Longji's residence with a punch, turning her home into ruins.

And whether it was Dasu Quanzhong or Longji's couple, after the fight, Coco left ruthless words [now it's just a lesson, if you dare not follow the emperor's order to kill Wushe], he left with imposing power.

And the news of Coco's beating people spread throughout the heavenly court in a very short period of time, so that some guys who didn't want to obey the order knew the consequences of disobeying the order.

Of course, they all overlooked one point. Cocoa's people not only disobeyed orders, but also hit people who Cocoa sent to convey orders. This was the key factor that made Cocoa break out.

But in any case, when Coco broke out, it had an immediate effect.

I have to say that these guys in Heavenly Court are really cheap.

At the same time, through such a fight, Coco also showed a brutal side, letting everyone know that he was not easy to mess with.

But things are not over yet.

The person who was beaten must be uncomfortable, but considering that he couldn't beat the fierce bear child, the victims decided to go to the Jade Emperor to file a complaint.


Go to the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor can definitely take care of this.

Therefore, Su Quanzhong and his son, Princess Longji and the young man appeared in front of the Jade Emperor with swollen noses, especially the cry of Princess Longji.

"The child has never been beaten like this before, and he asked his father to be the master!"

No matter what others think, the Queen Mother by the Jade Emperor can't sit still anyway.

The Jade Emperor himself also had a dark complexion. Obviously seeing the girl with a swollen nose and swollen nose, he was not happy.

"Send me someone to catch Emperor Ziwei!"

As a mother, the Queen Mother definitely loves her girl.

So before the Jade Emperor could speak, she jumped up and began to order her subordinates to catch Cocoa.

But the Queen Mother didn't want to think about it, but this bear child can be caught by ordinary gods?

If Coco was caught so easily, how could the Jade Emperor not say anything about his attitude towards this matter until now.


Fortunately, at this time, someone stopped the gods and generals who were about to take action, which was regarded as saving the lives of these gods.

This thing can be thought of with the ass, but if these gods obey the Queen Mother’s order to catch Coco, they will be beaten to death by angry Coco. If they fail, Coco will also come to the heaven. Up.

And in terms of Coco’s combat power and destructive power, if she gets into trouble, it will definitely not be the kind of destruction caused by the Bull Demon King and Monkey King, but it will be absolutely devastating, and she will not even invite the Buddha to come. use.

After hearing the prestige, the Jade Emperor was shocked.

I saw an old man wearing a slaying costume with skull trinkets all over his body and white eyebrows and beard, rushing into the hall quickly.

Not only was the Jade Emperor horrified when he saw the old man's appearance, everyone in the hall shuddered after seeing the old man's appearance.

"Old gentleman, why are you dressed like this?"

After finally getting over the spirit, the Jade Emperor called out the old man's name.

The person who came is not someone else, but the clone of Taishang and Heaven.

Although this clone is in the heavenly court, it usually stays in his residence to make alchemy. Most of the time, he will not leave his residence easily. Even when the Bull Demon King and Monkey King quarreled in the heavenly court, this old guy did not take action. Otherwise, the Jade Emperor will not go and invite the Buddha.

But today this old guy ran out of the house, and he was dressed in a weird manner, which is really puzzling.

"Emperor Ziwei cannot be offended. Once offended, there will be no peace in the heaven."

"Old gentleman, don't be alarmist." The Queen Mother was a little unhappy. She felt that this old fellow's words were too false, but she was just a little kid, how powerful he could be, even better than the Bull Demon King and Monkey King. ?

Even if it is stronger than the two Demon Kings, what can it be, won't they all be cleaned up in the end?

After all, the Queen Mother didn't understand how powerful and terrifying Cocoa was.

An old gentleman dressed as an elderly village murderer did not mean to pay attention to the queen mother at all. Instead, he looked at the Jade Emperor with generous eyes and continued: "The Jade Emperor, you know how good Coco is, even though she is just a little girl, But if there really is a mess, you say that anyone in the heavenly court can be her opponent, then the heavenly court will lose all of her face."

"And I would like to remind you to be careful, this little girl's master is Nuwa, and recently Tongtian has also become the deputy master of the Wa Palace, so to offend the little girl is to offend her master Nuwa and the fat man at the same time."

"And according to my understanding, this little girl's stepmother is not an ordinary person, she is the new master **** who has mastered the Western Olympus and the Nordic God Realm in this world, and she is amazingly powerful and cannot be underestimated."

The face of Jade Emperor became quite ugly.

Because every time the old gentleman said, he was even more jealous.

The Queen Mother was also dumbfounded at this time, including Su Hu and his son who came to complain, as well as Princess Long Ji and her husband.

I originally thought that Ke Ke was a little boy with no background, the puppet that his father got to occupy the position of Emperor Ziwei, but unexpectedly, he really came from a big crocodile, and it was still a very terrible big crocodile.

For a long time, the Jade Emperor spoke to Old Jundao: "So, even you..."

Before the Jade Emperor finished the question, the old man nodded: "Yes, I wisely chose to become a non-mainstream member of the Dark Gothic system. It will save trouble. Besides, it's just a piece of clothing. We are a fairy. The skins are foreign objects, let alone clothes. Don’t be so obsessed with all of you. Everything must follow the little guy. After all, when the Arthurian Protoss returns in the future, the Heavenly Court will let the little guy stand in front. ."

The Jade Emperor has nothing to say, he just said nervously: "Then I?"

"You'd better be dark Gothic, everything is best to follow the little guy." The meaning of the old man's words couldn't be more obvious, and the Jade Emperor's face was tangled.

Before Laojun's words fell, he heard a burst of arrogant children's laughter outside the hall.

"Hahaha, old man, you're a clever man, let's go with me in the future."

Immediately, the cocoa wrapped in a cloud of dreamy colored bubbles floated into the hall.

When Su Hu and his son, Princess Long Ji saw Coco, the expressions on their faces were quite wonderful.

The Queen Mother also looked incredible, because she never thought that the murderer would be such a tiny little girl.

The Jade Emperor twitched his cheeks and did not make a sound. Lao Jun's expression stiffened, and then his old face bloomed like chrysanthemums. The hypocritical appearance was really very fake.

"The second child greets Emperor Ziwei."

Taishang's avatar didn't seem to have any discipline, and when he saw Coco, he lowered his posture.

Coco burst into light in his eyes, staring at the old man weirdly for almost ten seconds, and then the little guy burst into a burst of ‘come! ’, I immediately saw that from the little guy’s Tianling cover, another three identical cocoa jumped out.

That's right, after seeing Taishang's clone, Coco actually mastered the "One Qi Transformation into Three Purifications" method only from the clone, and successfully produced three other selves.

Not to mention whether she has become the emperor of Ziwei, it is definitely worth her trip to heaven just because Coco copied the supernatural power.

"Ah, this is Coco boss!"

"Haha, then I am Erke!"

"I am Sanke!"

"No way, I can only do it!"

Having transformed into three selves, it is tantamount to having three more bear kids in this world. For a while, Coco chatted with his clone, and the more they talked, the more excited they got.

The doppelganger Laojun was sweating all over, and his eyes revealed endless anxiety and panic.

No way, the bear child's performance is too frightening, isn't it?

What made Laojun even more frightened was that the main body of Coco's head was in the middle of the three relics, and there was actually a golden pagoda with a golden whole body floating in the middle of the three relics.

I went!

[Isn't that my true treasure Xuanhuang Pagoda! Although the top of the little guy's head is one size smaller, the ripples of the law of the road are exactly the same! What the **** is going on! ? 】

"Boss of the ontology, this old man knows how to make alchemy and has a magical alchemy furnace. How about you also get us some ammunition as snacks?"

Cocoa's second proposal, the third to the fourth can indicate agreement.

Coco, a new gadget that was copied just now, is in full swing, and this proposal was made by himself, so there is no reason for Coco to refuse, so it immediately manifested in the copycat version of Laojun alchemy furnace. , I didn't know where he took out a futon and sat down, and then he made a pill in the private hall of the Jade Emperor.

The wind-fire futon and banana fan of the cottage appeared in the little guy's hands or under his buttocks, and the avatar Laojun was so terrified that his calves trembled.

He threw a lot of immortal fruits into the alchemy furnace, regardless of whether he could make a pill or not, anyway, the bear child thought it would be possible.

After throwing a bunch of immortal fruit road cottage alchemy furnaces, Cocoa turned his gaze to the avatar old monarch, and said to him: "You are very clever. You have a task, if you want to complete it well, I will appoint you to be my personal tax collector. Now you go to notify every fairy and tell them to offer me fairy fruit and fairy crystal every month. I know about fairy crystal. It's the currency in the heavenly court. You can treat this as a protection fee. As long as you pay it, it's fine, but if you don't pay it... Come back and tell me, this emperor will take care of it."

As soon as Coco's words came out, not only the avatar Laojun of Taishang was stunned, but also the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother at the scene, as well as the few people who complained.

Because cocoa is really sturdy enough, the protection fees have been received from the heavens, and the collection is open and honest.

The Bull Demon King and Monkey King who followed Coco to the Jade Emperor's side glanced at each other, and both felt that they were comparable to Coco. It was simply incomparable.

Of course, all of this was broadcast live through the live broadcast room.

The Three Realms became lively.

Even mortal public opinion has blown up.

But Coco, as the person involved, didn't know how much he did in the heavens.

Even the little guy continued: "In the future, the Three Realms will follow this rule. All people must pay protection fees to the emperor. If you don't pay the consequences, the Heavenly Court will have to issue some rules. Otherwise, who is afraid? Look, the emperor mostly thinks for the heavens~lightnovelpub.net~ Coco opens his eyes and talks nonsense, and this ability is getting stronger and stronger.

The queen mother couldn't help but shouted at Coco: "Who is the fairy crystal that I received?"

Coco responded without hesitation and consideration: "I keep 20% for myself. This is hard work. Of course, the remaining 80% is turned over to my master in the Wa Palace. No way, the master's Wa Palace is poor. "

Monkey King and the Bull Demon gave Coco a thumbs up in their hearts. Just by relying on their affection for their master, they were enough to move the two of them. After all, even though Coco was taking the arrogance, at least she could still think of it. My master, this quality is worthy of admiration for the old cow and monkey.

Following this opportunity, he also announced the third fire he was going to burn. Yes, it was to impose a protection fee on the Three Realms.

As for whether there will be resistance in the process, this is a small problem that can be solved by fists in the eyes of the little guy.

Coco, who is confident and invincible in the multiverse, does not think that a mere fairy can be her opponent.

At the same time, as a disciple, she can also take this opportunity to benefit from the Wa Palace, so why not do it.

No one would have thought that the trivial bear kid would still think so, and did so.

But Coco has never forgotten that she is going to be the child of the most evil and terrifying big devil in the multiverse, so now this evil thing is just the beginning in her opinion.

She will not bully ordinary people, it is meaningless.

But bullying the powerhouses of the different planes, or the super beings of the original plane world, will feel more fulfilled in this way.

As for what others think, Coco ignores it.

Anyway, the little guy feels good about himself.

Anyway, she felt that as long as she didn't bully ordinary people.

Well, I want to be an ideal devil...