Rising America

Chapter 1617: Everyone is looking forward to it

[If there is a fast food chain opened by Tianting Yuchu, will people try it? According to news circulated on a famous live broadcast platform, the only daughter of the famous American wealthy William King, Jin Keke, took advantage of her identity as the emperor of Ziwei in the Heavenly Court, and invited more than a dozen imperial chefs from the Jade Emperor, and also let these imperial chefs learn In order to create a new brand of fast food based on these delicious snacks, the Parkson fast-food chain will create a new brand of fast food based on these delicious snacks. 】

[Today, the bear child is too dangerous, the only daughter of the American richest person, Jin Xiantai, who understands the principle of seeking personal gains at a young age, has already acquired more than a dozen royal chefs from Tianting, and is about to build a new Chinese-style fast food chain brand. This move has already triggered Hot discussion on the Internet. 】

[Do you have any expectations for the fast food chain developed by Tianting Yuchu? There will be new chain brand stores for Chinese-style cuisine under Parkson Catering, and according to reliable news, these upcoming fast-food chains with Chinese-style cuisine will have Tianting Imperial Kitchen to develop and develop food, although Parkson Catering Group has not done so yet. People who have expressed their opinions, but those who learned of the news through various channels have expressed their expectations. 】

[Parkson fast food brand chain is developing rapidly. It will soon develop a series of snacks and fast foods with Chinese flavors. Experts and scholars said that this move will help to show China to the world. There is a certain understanding, so this is a good thing. 】

[Will the flavors of Chinese foods and snacks launched by Parkson still maintain the original flavor? Many people have already expressed doubts about this. A well-known person in the catering industry revealed that the reason why Parkson can quickly become bigger and stronger is because their major fast food brands can be standardized, such as French fries. It takes 2 minutes and 45 seconds, and the fried chicken must be fried for 14 minutes, no more, no less. However, it is difficult for China's catering to be standardized, so people in the industry are not optimistic about this. 】

China’s major mainstream media magazines and even lace tabloids reported on this matter, which made everyone aware of the news for a while and made most ordinary people full of expectations for the information disclosed in the news.

After all, those are the imperial chefs of the Heavenly Court. They are all gods who cook for the Jade Emperor. Some famous chefs in the world have made very delicious food. Then these gods who want to come to the Jade Emperor will definitely know how to cook. Even more powerful.

As an ordinary person, if you can eat it once in your life, you won't be in vain.

Regarding this matter, reporters from some local TV stations even went to the street to conduct random interviews on the street. In this way, it was more intuitive to see what kind of attitude everyone had towards this matter.

For example, in Beijing, a college student asked by a reporter said

"William's fried chicken is delicious, and the clown burger is also good. I have eaten both Yoshinoya and Ajisen ramen. I heard that Parkson will launch a Chinese-style fast food brand again. For those of us who like fast food, it is definitely considered a good thing. That is good news.

And I heard from my friends that Parkson is going to launch a Chinese-style fast food brand series this time, and the Imperial Kitchen from Tian Ting is behind the scenes, so I am full of expectations for this matter, and I really want to try Tian Ting Imperial Kitchen. What is the taste of fast food under our leadership? "

In Magic City, the white-collar workers interviewed said, “I hope that the price will not be too expensive, like William’s fried chicken or clown burgers are very good, cheap and delicious, but still full.”

A cool **** the streets of Yangcheng said to the camera, "William’s fried chicken and clown burger, as well as Yoshinoya and Ajisen ramen, which sounds like foreign fast food, but if it launches a Chinese-style fast food brand series, I certainly want to support it more. Yes, after all, the fast food restaurants under Parkson are very fast and the environment is quite good. As long as I can stick to this style, I will definitely support it."

Most passers-by expressed their expectation. As long as Parkson launches a Chinese-style fast food chain brand, then he will definitely support it, and everyone is also very eager to try the standardized Chinese-style fast food developed by Tianting Imperial Kitchen , What will it taste like in the end.

So, don’t look at the current event, but it’s just the beginning, but this event has already triggered a wave of discussion in the secular world. It can be said that it has attracted most people before it was launched.

This is really a good thing for Parkson Catering Group.

So that the group does not need to expend much effort at all to have gained enough attention, which is much better than spending a lot of money to advertise.

Do not!

Even spending money on advertising does not necessarily achieve the current effect.

All in all, the fact that Cocoa uses Tianting Imperial Kitchen as a basis to develop a new brand of fast food with Chinese flavor has spread throughout China, and even foreign media have begun to pay attention.

But when everyone was discussing this matter, Parkson Group encountered a lot of trouble in the United States, and even caused a large number of people to take to the streets to demonstrate.

What is going on here?

Speaking of which, this matter has a lot to do with AI intelligent robots.

At the Las Vegas Adult Merchandise Fair, the AI ​​robot caused a sensation and began to sell well in 26 states after the fair. However, there was also a situation that Annie met early in the morning.

Because the intelligence of AI robots is really high, it really allows some bosses to see the advantage of saving labor costs from AI robots, so many people have come up with a lot of With banknotes, I bought batches of AI robots to go back and let them do things in their own shops or factories.

And finally proved that these AI intelligent robots are indeed much stronger than ordinary people, especially they can work 24 hours a day, they have no requirements for salary, and they will not negotiate with the boss about welfare conditions.

Therefore, compared with these AI robots, ordinary people with flesh and blood really have no advantages at all.

And for a while, with the sale of AI smart robots, in the 26 states that allowed the sale of AI robots, waves of unemployment began to appear, and people's jobs were taken away by AI smart robots.

After all, capitalists are profit-seeking. When there are AI robots, they can work more efficiently than ordinary people, and they can also reduce labor costs. They are working 24 hours a day, and there are no salary and welfare requirements. These The guy will inevitably abandon the troublesome ordinary workers and choose AI robots to replace their jobs.

This is because in addition to reducing labor disputes, production costs can be greatly reduced, and profits will be doubled. Therefore, capitalists of all sizes will of course have choices. This is also a normal thing.

Even the Parkson fast-food chain has fired many ordinary people recently and bought a large number of AI intelligent robots standing behind the counter, causing a large number of employees of Parkson's fast-food brand to lose their jobs.

Of course, Coco didn't know this situation, because the little guy was still in Heaven.

This is also the kindness of the executives of Parkson Group. In order to allow Coco to get more profits at the end of the year, it is understandable that they did so. After all, fired ordinary workers and purchased AI smart robots to work. It's a very cost-effective thing, but anyone with a brain can figure it out after doing the calculations.

But as an ordinary person, losing their job means that they have no source of income. In addition, Americans have always liked the relationship of excess consumption. Therefore, the lives of the unemployed suddenly fell into difficulties, even at home. The house I live in has to be taken away by the bank.

So ~lightnovelpub.net~ people took to the streets one after another, protesting that jobs belonging to normal people were replaced by those AI-only robots. Everyone began to resist AI robots and oppose the use of AI intelligent robots by big and small capitalists. Work, calling for all those who have lost their jobs to be re-employed back to their original jobs.

The above is the trouble that Parkson fast food chain brand group has encountered in the United States.

Of course, although it is troublesome, everyone's guns are not all aimed at Parkson, after all, there are still many companies that do this kind of thing.

At the same time, due to Annie pushing Kay out to top the cylinder, most people don't know that the AI ​​intelligent robot is actually a thing made by Coco.

Otherwise, the people in the United States would have cursed it to death.

After all, it was these AI intelligent robots that she made that caused many ordinary people to lose their jobs and put families that had normal lives into trouble.

So now the person being scolded has become Kayla, so much so that in her home in Beverly, there are many people throwing rotten eggs every day, which is a big scapegoat for Coco.

However, Kayla herself was willing to this gangster, because AI can only sell big, she just calculated it roughly, and found that when the dividend was paid a year later, she could get something she didn't even dare to think about. The rewards are generous, so now that someone scolds it, it doesn't matter if someone throws some rotten eggs at home.

Besides, she doesn't live in Beverly's house now, and now the problem with rotten eggs is her stingy parents, so she doesn't care about this little thing.

Coco, who is still in the heavenly court, doesn't know what is happening in the United States now. If she knew it, she wouldn't be so stable in the heavenly court if she wanted to. She would have left the heavenly court and returned to the United States a long time ago. 8)