Rising America

Chapter 1618: Social problems caused by AI intelligenc

Due to the emergence of AI smart robots, there has been a wave of unemployment in 26 states in the United States, and the social chain reaction caused by this problem, even the supporters of the 26 states that originally supported AI smart robots on the market did not expect .

Especially the people who were replaced by AI smart robots, so that they and their families were in a difficult life, because of anger, they took to the streets to protest and demonstrate. At the same time, they also caused a lot of problems in 26 states. safety issues.

People need to eat!

But if you are unemployed, you will have no money, and of course you will be hungry without money.

In order to prevent themselves or their families from being hungry, a large number of unemployed people began to make money through illegal channels and methods.

robbery! theft! There have even been cases of murder for a mere five dollars. In short, 26 states have begun to become chaotic, so that the police officers in these states have shown their faces after facing the mountain of case files.' Let me die' look.

Conservatives started making waves with this trend.

Annie is also facing moderate and strong pressure here. There are political allies from 26 states, as well as problems that need to be resolved in reality.

Therefore, Annie kept in touch with some relevant bosses, hoping that they could give up working with smart robots and continue to hire ordinary people to work in this way to alleviate the current outbreak of social problems.

But in a capitalist society, those who do business and boss, how can it be so easy to listen to Annie, besides, this matter is related to their own pocketbook and profit.

In a short period of time, more than half of the 26 states that originally welcomed AI smart robots have begun to oppose AI robots, and some states have also urgently introduced state laws to force AI smart robots to replace them. Ordinary people stepped into their jobs and asked those big and small bosses who had already purchased AI intelligent robots, no matter what method they used, to re-employ the dismissed ordinary jobs and lock those AI robots into the warehouse for storage.

For this problem, it is already quite white-hot.

It was at this time that Annie went to Washington and found Old George to discuss with him how to solve this problem. It was also after seeing Old George that Annie understood why this trend was so violent.

"Conservatives are fanning the flames. They didn't work hard in this matter. Otherwise, do you think the states that support AI will change their attitude so quickly? It's all conservative guys doing good things, and They also won the support of the public this time, and we are quite passive on this point."

Faced with Anne, who felt her office on Capitol Hill in Washington, the elder George did not conceal some secret information, allowing Anne to clearly understand that she had to face such a situation first, and what forces were behind it.

At the same time, Annie also knew more clearly that on the issue of AI intelligent robots, it is true that those capitalists who let AI robots replace ordinary people's jobs are not very kind. They do this for their own benefit, and they will let them Things have become so unbearable now.

If they can not be blinded by benefits, but serious thinking will cause a series of troubles, if they are not so greedy, things will not be corrupted to such a degree now.

After all, it was too greedy.

Of course, the unemployed who took to the streets to protest are not all innocent.

Some of them will always sneak and rape, or they will take half a month of sick leave for a month, but they still have to receive full wages. If they are unhappy, they will ask the labor committee to come forward and make the employer and boss suffer.

So, compared to these troublesome guys, AI intelligent robots are of course a better choice, isn't it?

And now that they lost their jobs, these guys knew it was uncomfortable.

So how did they do it in the past.

Not to mention the conservatives, who are still taking the opportunity to make trouble, so the problem that Annie is facing now is really troublesome.

"What are the conservatives doing?" Anne, who was sitting on the sofa, asked old George with an ugly face.

Old George took out a newspaper and handed it to Annie, and said to her: "The conservatives want this."

Annie looked down at the cover of the newspaper. On the cover, there was a conspicuous headline in large black font "Kin Coco Masters the Passage to the Alien Plane. Is this a human gospel or a nightmare?" Should all mankind share it, or should it be held in private? ].

After seeing this title, Annie immediately understood everything.

Wrong words, revealed this information, and sure enough, now attracts some people's covet.

To be honest, Annie personally doesn't want to share it. After all, this belongs to Cocoa and belongs to her family. Why should others share it?

But Annie is Annie. After a little thought, she changed her mind.

Because she knows very well that even if the passage to the alien world is opened to all mankind, it is difficult to be able to travel to the alien world, and in which world to hold a foothold or even obtain resources.

Not everyone is as strong as Coco, like Annie.

Although the conservatives also have powerful armed forces in their hands, once these armed forces face high martial arts, or even cultivation, even in the world of advanced science fiction planes, they are quite inadequate.

So Anne felt that maybe she could use this thing to pit conservatives and let them know how powerful it is.

"Uncle George, maybe I can talk to them."

A cold light flashed in her eyes, and Annie replied to her usual calm expression. Only Old George caught the fleeting cold light in Annie's eyes.

"Do you really plan to open up the passage?"

Annie smiled and replied: "I'm looking for Coco to talk about. Only the little guy has this ability, but the conservatives think things too easily. They don't know that not everyone can be qualified for that. The world gains a firm foothold and then acquires the resources of that world."

Annie said that of course, because she had the experience of going to the alien world. She was not the kind of ignorant Xiaobai who knew exactly how dangerous the alien world was.

Although Old George hadn't been there, he could see something from Annie's reaction, so he felt that Annie was so uncomfortable to compromise, and it quickly faded away.

"This issue has already been stabbed to the United Nations. This is a good thing the French have done. Perhaps these French people hope to put pressure on us in the United States in the name of the United Nations, and then use our hands to force Coco to open up communication. The passage to the alien world is for everyone."

Well, this matter has also been stabbed to the United Nations.

But it's not surprising to think about it. After all, in the face of this matter, which country would be uninterested.

In different time and space, the earth's resources are depleted. All countries are worrying about energy and resource issues. Especially the overall environment is that the Middle East countries control oil exports to control the world's oil lifeline.

If there is a channel and way to allow oneself to obtain the resources and energy needed for one's own development from another world, this is of course a great thing.

Besides, the global population is expanding. If you can go to another world, it will not only solve the resource and energy problems, but also relatively solve the problem of overpopulation and ease the pressure on the population in different time and space.

So, for a while, all countries have their eyes on the United States and also on Cocoa.

The reason why this matter was brought to the United Nations was mainly because everyone wanted to get a share of it, fearing that it would be blocked by the Americans.

After all, Coco is an American citizen, an American, and other countries have no right to ask her to do anything.

So if you get to the United Nations, you can use the name of the United Nations as an excuse for ‘all mankind’ to ask for cocoa sharing in a serious way.

As for the conservatives in the United States, they also have this idea.

They hope to be one step ahead of everyone else. After all, one quick step can gain a lot of advantages, and it may not even be necessary to establish an independent country of their own power in the alien world.

Therefore, conservatives took advantage of the problems caused by AI robots and began to jump up and down, in order to use this method and method as a bargaining chip to get what they want.

Faced with the old George revealing that the French had stabbed this matter to the United Nations, Anne did not show too much excitement, because Anne had already thought about how to hack those countries, so she knew that these guys would face nothing in the future. Great ending.

"It's okay, let them jump for a while, and some of them will cry." Annie smiled coldly, and then said something to Old George~lightnovelpub.net~Uncle George, help me make an appointment with the conservatives now Rudolf, the leader of the party, the problem of AI intelligent robots needs to be solved immediately. We have to stabilize the domestic situation before it can be achieved. As for the United Nations, if those countries pay a certain price, I think there is no problem with opening the channel, but They need to bear the possibility of a bad result. "

Old George laughed when he heard the words, and then said: "They will accept both good and bad results. After all, can they still listen to persuasion? I think everyone is fascinated by the ghost now, and no one can say anything. I can't hear it anymore."

Old George knew exactly what Annie meant, and at the same time he agreed.

At the same time, Old George moved the phone on the coffee table and dialed a phone number.

In accordance with Anne's request, Old George contacted Rudolph, the leader of the conservative party, and said on the phone that Anne asked him to come out for a talk.

Mr. Rudolph did not refuse the invitation, and told the place and time of the meeting on the phone, and ended the call with George.

"Uncle George, since this is the end of the matter, shall we go one step further?"

Since people all over the world are eager for Coco to open the way to the alien world, and there is no way to refuse this matter, Annie feels that it is better to let people in her camp take advantage.

Old George nodded: "Of course it would be a good thing to go ahead. I have no objection to it. Mr. Rudolph has made an appointment to meet at the Walt Steak House at 20 o'clock this evening."

Annie stood up from the sofa, nodded to Old George, and said: "I'm going to Huaxia now. I need to talk to Coco on this matter. I hope she can understand our concerns, so I must give Xiao Xiao The guy explained thoroughly, otherwise she would never agree with the little guy’s temperament." 8)