Rising America

Chapter 1619: The situation in the Northern Dynasty

When the eyes of the whole world are attracted by cocoa, the Northern Dynasty is the only country that has not been affected by cocoa. For special reasons, people in this country are even concerned about the disturbances outside. Know nothing.

At the same time, the high-level domestic capital of the Northern Dynasty has also entered a white-hot stage, so people have no intention of paying attention to what is happening abroad.

In a country with a regime system like the Northern Dynasties, there are not many people who can challenge and threaten the power of the Li family, and often those who possess this kind of power will also be ‘owners’, who are considered to be members of the ‘imperial power camp’.

Now that the inner capital that has erupted within the Northern Dynasty, it is also such a guy who provoked disputes. This guy has the special identity of Li Eryang’s brother-in-law, and at the same time the two elder brothers in his family are also in the Northern Dynasty Army China has a lofty status and holds a lot of military power.

The faction headed by this guy, with the support of Mao Xiongguo, suddenly decided to overthrow Li’s rule in the Northern Dynasties, but due to operational errors, Li Er was not taken down in the first time, so After ensuring his safety, Li Er, who had escaped the coup, began to free his hands to confront his factions.

Because of the opponent’s influence and the complex factors of the relationship network, Li Er could not effectively solve the opponent in a short period of time. Therefore, a weird situation of tug of war appeared in the Northern Dynasty, and the factions on both sides were against the opponent. Quite fearful.

It is for this reason that Li Baoying returned to the Northern Dynasties from the United States and returned to his father's side to help his father cope with the current situation.

As the daughter of the Li family, although Li Baoying can claim to give up everything she has and go to the United States to pursue her love, she cannot abandon her identity as the Li family. Moreover, if her father fails, the Li family Completely finished, then Park Zecheng, who is now in trouble, will definitely pursue her and her brother who is far away in Switzerland endlessly.

Therefore, Li Baoying had to stop pursuing Kim Hyun-tae in the United States and returned to the Northern Dynasty to share the worries for her father. After returning to the Northern Dynasty, she was also blocked by Park Ze-sung's team, and she was also injured.

It can be seen from this that this power struggle within the Northern Dynasty has reached the point where it is like water and fire.

Li Eryang was shot three times in the body on the day of Park Zecheng's attack. After such a long period of treatment, he did not get much improvement, and his condition worsened.

Therefore, the situation Li Baoying is facing now is quite bad.

At the same time, loyal to the Li family, and among the group of people who belonged to the Li family, who were both prosperous and ruined, there was also a wave of momentum. Even Li Baoying received secret news. Someone has begun to have secret contact with the Pu Ze layer. It seems that It is to surrender to the other party.

For such a person, in this situation, Li Baoying can only choose to kill without mercy.

At the same time, there have been a number of appalling serial murders in the Northern Dynasties. The murderers blatantly plundered and killed the girls, not to mention, they arrogantly left photos of their crimes, and openly challenged people's moral bottom line in this way.

Even in some of these cases, the murderer carried out a murderous massacre on the whole family of the victim in broad daylight. Even the five-year-old girl was not spared. It can be said to be extremely cruel.

However, due to the special identity of the murderer, not only did the murderer not be arrested, but the Northern Dynasty police officers who investigated his true identity were devolved one by one for strange reasons. Among them, there were even more police officers. After being decentralized, he was killed in an extremely cruel manner.


In a secret and well-guarded mansion, Li Eryang was lying sickly on the hospital bed, looking tenderly at his daughter Li Baoying, who was waiting in front of his bed. In addition to his father’s love, there was something in his eyes. A trace of reluctance.

My body knows that Li Eryang can feel it, and the time left for me is running out. If I have such a situation, it may not be possible that the whole Li family will be overthrown, it will really make Pu Zecheng and the others succeed. Not necessarily.

So what he has to do now is to try his best to get rid of Park Zecheng and the others while he can still breathe, pave the way for his son and daughter, and ensure a safe environment for the children after he leaves. .

Therefore, Li Eryang worked hard to cheer up, and said to Li Baoying, who was guarding the bed: "The serial murder was committed by a kid like Li Guangri. He is a pervert. He likes to kill people very much and also He likes to kill girls very much, and relying on his father Li Bingshu's relationship, he can escape the law every time.

When this kid committed 12 serial homicides on Pingyuan Road, it was his father who pleaded with me. I just kicked him out of the country and asked his father to send him to Mao Xiong. I thought this guy would spend his entire life. Won't be back.

But unexpectedly, it was precisely this method that allowed Li Bingshu to catch the line on Mao Xiong's side, and also to pull on Park Zecheng. They all became the people on Mao Xiong's side, and Mao Xiong's secret With support, we launched this rebellion against our Li family. "

Li Eryang's remarks sounded a bit irrelevant, and seemed to have nothing to do with the current environment and situation.

But Li Baoying knew that her father would never say these things to herself for no reason. His reason must be in it, so all she has to do now is to quietly listen to her father's words.

Li Eryang continued: "Li Guangri is the only son of Li Bingshu. Originally, as Park Zecheng's right-hand man, it is hard to believe that he still cares about his children so much. Therefore, Li Guangri was the breakthrough to defeat Park Zecheng. Li Bingshu controls the foreign accounts of his faction. As his only son, Li Guangri, it is impossible not to know.

If you can keep those overseas in your hands, then the people of Park Zecheng and his family will be confused if they don't have money, and there will be opportunities. "

The key point is here.

Li Eryang wants to get rid of Park Zecheng and their ‘faucet’ so that their first team has no water source. Then there will be a chance for Li Baoying to take action.

It is very simple. Without financial resources, Pu Zecheng cannot provide various benefits to the members of his camp, nor can he arrange living expenses for the members' family members abroad. It can also cause a series of various problems.

So "money" is really a very important and important thing for Park Zecheng and his family.

After all, there are many people in Park Zecheng's first line, worrying that they will fail in doing things, so they stayed behind early and sent their family members out of the country and arranged them abroad.

But when those family members go abroad, they are bound to lose some of their domestic privileges. They can't expose their identities at will, so if you want a comfortable life, you must have sufficient money to support and back up.

In order to let everyone follow him, Park Zecheng also made a lot of money and made various promises to his team, including sending living expenses to the families of those people every month to ensure that they live a very luxurious life.

Li Bingshu is someone who specializes in the account. All economic transactions of the Park Zecheng camp are done through that account, so this account is very important.

The so-called "snake hitting seven inches", Li Eryang told his daughter Li Baoying that the perverted son of Li Bingshu, who came back from Mao Xiong country, found the breakthrough of this seven inches.

Li Baoying, who understood what her father meant, nodded tearfully: "Don't worry, father, I will definitely pry open that perverted mouth. Now his father is only gaining power temporarily. Park Zecheng hasn't completely defeated us yet, he I've already acted so arrogantly by relying on my father's interpretation, so I will never make him feel better."

Li Eryang raised his hand with difficulty, gently stroked the top of his daughter Li Baoying’s head, and exhorted: "Nowadays, many people have taken refuge in Park Zecheng, so there must be many people around Li Guangri to protect him. You want It's not so easy to catch him. You have to be mentally prepared for this.

There is also telling your brother not to come back, at least not until the dust has settled. If the situation is not right, you should leave the country as soon as possible, and then hide your name with your brother. Do not seek revenge on Park Zecheng~lightnovelpub.net ~ Your brother and sister are the most important to live. "

Li Eryang was a little bit confessing the funeral, and he also revealed that he himself obviously had a bad judgment about this struggle.

The tears in Li Baoying’s eyes kept streaming down, no matter what the outside world thinks of her father, but at least in Li Baoying’s heart, the father is the father, which team she and her brother love, and the people who love them, shelter her brother and herself. Rain man.

Although Li Eryang's eyes were misty, he still kept fighting his daughter Li Baoying. After all, the environment is now dangerous and he needs to make his daughter Li Baoying be careful.

"The People's Armed Forces and the military from Pingyuan are all on the side of Park Zecheng. Excluding the neutrals in the army and most of the wall grass, we now have few forces that are truly loyal to us. Therefore, it is difficult to guarantee that the news of your arrest of Li Guangri will not be spread out, so you must proceed very secretly."

"Father, room 35 is still under my control, and all the people there are obedient to me, and during this time many people have formed an insoluble hatred with Park Zecheng's people, so the people in room 35 People can be trusted."

Li Baoying, who knew what her father was worried about, used simple language as much as possible to tell what the power she had in her hands was.

With a satisfied smile on Li Eryang’s face, he said to Li Baoying: "I know that your daughter is smart, and you know how to have a group of loyal subordinates, and insoluble hatred is a good one. The method, this is promised to be incomparable with money, because everyone knows that if Park Zecheng is not finished, they will not end well, so they will definitely follow you with all their heart. Dad is very satisfied with you."
