Rising America

Chapter 1622: Give me twenty-four hours

Walking on the streets of Pyongyang, Andrew now looks no different from the locals. He wears a Northern Dynasty-style suit and wears a red badge with the head of Li Eryang on his chest, just like a Labor Party member.

Through some observations on the street, Andrew did not notice people's sense of crisis of domestic tensions, as if the high-level fighting did not cause much panic to the people.

The streets of Pyongyang are clean and tidy, and there are few vehicles on the streets. Even if there are vehicles passing by, most of them are very old cars, and the license plates are also special. Obviously there are no people who can own cars in the North Dynasty. General status.

Andrew walked to the No. 35 office where Li Baoying was located.

He wanted to see the girl before Li Baoying went to find Yuri and let her dispel the idea.

Because Andrew knew very well that at that time his young master gave such an idea, but also because he had not considered the reasons for allowing him to come to the Northern Dynasties.

Now that he has come to the Northern Dynasty, there is no need for Li Baoying to find Yuri.

Moreover, if Li Baoying went to Yuri like this, if he didn't keep the balance, Yuri Lion would make a huge price.

You know, the situation facing the Li family is not so optimistic.

Room 35 is located in a secluded villa by the Datong River, and the guards seem to be loose, but in fact the secret whistle is very tight.

But Andrew easily entered Room 35 and found Li Baoying in the office on the ground floor of the basement.

In order to avoid some trouble, Andrew changed back to the face of the old British man before seeing Li Baoying.

When Andrew appeared in the office, Li Baoying was really shocked for the first time.

However, as Andrew explained his intentions and when he was appointed by Kim Hyun Tae to help, Li Baoying showed no suspicion at all, and the expressions were full of sweetness.

"William asked you to come. He was worried about me, right? I knew he was not a wood, and I still have me in my heart. It seems that my proactive pursuit of him is not without effect."

Looking at Li Baoying in this state in front of him, Andrew was silently complaining in his heart.

【Humph! It seems that the books say that girls who fall in love will have a negative IQ. It seems that this is not unreasonable. Even girls from elite families like Li Baoying look like this now. 】

Indeed, according to common sense, sister Li Baoying should not have such a reaction, nor should she be so excited.

After all, her background environment and the energy to grow up would not make her have such a strange reaction at this time.

It can be said that Li Baoying would react like this, not because of Kim Hyun Tae's relationship, because of the mysterious energy released from Kim Hyun Tae's body all the time.

If it hadn't been for meeting Jin Xiantai and being affected by the mysterious energy and putting a heart on him, of course Li Baoying would not have become so weird at this time.

You know, Li Baoying is not a girl in the usual sense. She was the one who held the power of life and death in the Northern Dynasties. She has dealt with many people since she was 9 years old and let them die.

So under normal circumstances, it is impossible for her to be so wonderful.

Unfortunately, who made her meet Jin Xiantai.

"My young master is indeed very worried about the plight you and your family will encounter, and even more worried about your possible security threats, so he asked me to come to the Northern Dynasty to help you.

As far as I am concerned, it is now necessary for us to use force to solve the current predicament in the shortest possible time, to reverse the unfavorable situation facing the Li family, to regroup the scattered hearts of the people, and to bring people confidence. "

The meaning of Andrew's remarks is very clear. He hopes that Li Baoying will authorize him, and then Andrew will take the necessary force to solve the threats he faces in a short period of time.

Of course, for Andrew, this is the best way.

No matter who is against the Li family, as long as the person burps, the threat is naturally removed, isn't it? This is a very simple truth.

And the reason why Andrew dared to think like this is because he has strong confidence in his own skills.

But the problem is that Li Baoying doesn't know Andrew's greatness, she doesn't have that much confidence.

Regardless of whether Li Baoying controls Room 35, she has huge overseas wealth in her hands, but even so, she is not confident that she can be assassinated with the support of the bear KGB, control the Pingyuan Road Military District, and have the power of the Nanpu Road Military District. At the beginning of a little bit bigger Pu Zecheng to kill, it is not so easy to deal with KGB people alone.

Not to mention that Park Zecheng, who is now starting to grow bigger, will definitely select elite soldiers from Pingyuan Road and the Nampo Road Military Region to form his own guards. The guards of military origin are not easy to deal with.

Of course, Li Baoying can't directly reject Andrew. After all, Andrew was sent by her lover to help. As the saying goes, Li Baoying can't do too much without looking at the face of the monk, so she said to Andrew very tactfully: " Violence is possible when necessary, but now we must take a long-term view. After all, we are on the disadvantaged right now."

When Andrew heard this, he knew what it meant.

But Andrew didn't force it, anyway, he made up his mind to go his own way.

Anyway, as long as the opponent of the Li family is finally resolved, everything in the Northern Dynasty can be returned to the control of the Li family.

At that time, he can return to Nanyue to return to Jin Xiantai.

"Well, but I hope you can give me the right to use force to solve problems and troubles when necessary. After all, this is the Northern Dynasty. I hope to get your authorization. This is also a respect for you. I don't want to be authorized. Just act, this will affect your friendship with our young master."

Andrew’s words are beautiful.

Li Baoying got into the set immediately.

"Yes, there is no problem. Of course you can use force to solve problems when necessary."

Kim Hyun-tae asked Andrew to help him, which has already moved Li Baoying.

Li Baoying, who was born in the Li family, has been responsible for many things for the family since he was nine years old. He has also seen with his own eyes the situation of throwing the pot between relatives when they are in trouble, knowing that the hardest thing to see in adversity There are still people who can help, and most of them are in trouble.

Therefore, when Kim Hyun-tae is facing such a difficult situation with the Li family and himself, he can still send his butler to provide help. How can Li Baoying not dare to move, how can he not feel warm.

At least this shows that Jin Xiantai did not forget himself in times of difficulty. He didn't use his powerful thoughts and mentality to get acquainted with him. Moreover, he did not hide himself like most people. This is quite rare.

The world doesn't know how many people will avoid it at this time, for fear that it will cause unnecessary trouble to himself, but Jin Xiantai did not do so.

"But if you go out like this, it will cause a lot of trouble. After all, you have to know the ideology of our Northern Dynasty, which is not so friendly to Europeans and Americans."

At this time, Li Baoying mentioned the appearance of the old man Andrew Yinglun, and warned him that going out with such honor is quite troublesome and dangerous.

Fortunately, this is not a troublesome thing for Andrew, it is actually quite easy to deal with.

Therefore, Andrew took the initiative to change his appearance in front of Li Baoying.

Since Li Baoying is not an ordinary girl, she is far more knowledgeable than ordinary girls. He knows that many mutants and even supernatural beings have the ability to change their image at will, so Andrew changed his appearance in front of him. Li Baoying did not have much emotional reaction.

In the end, Li Baoying also made a little suggestion, so that Andrew became a very ordinary young man in the Northern Dynasties according to Li Baoying's suggestion.

At the same time, Li Baoying also gave Andrew the identity of the North Dynasty Room 35, the special operations team leader, so that he could act in the only activities of the North Dynasty.

Of course, Andrew is the polished commander, and Li Baoying did not arrange for him to have any subordinates, but also Andrew himself requested.

Because in Andrew's view, those agents in Room 35 Li Baoying are really a little too inferior, far inferior to his own private armed forces, so it is better to not use them at all.

Since Andrew said so, of course Li Baoying did not insist.

Next, Li Baoying told Andrew about his plan.

"Now that the Pak Ze-sung faction is getting bigger, even some people in our camp have begun to contact Dao Pu Ze-sung and go to the Dao Pak-sung, so we have now lost the advantage in the face. Three months later, the whole country At the meeting, we will definitely be blocked by Park Zecheng's one party, and even then we will fail completely.

Therefore, I plan to start with the lucky Li Bingshu beside Park Zecheng and destroy their sources of funds. Without the funds, Park Zecheng cannot provide various benefits to his subordinates. It will also create a look like Park Zecheng’s successor is weak and make him camp. People produce a series of guesses, which is bound to cause a lot of shock. "

Andrew thinks that it is best to solve it by force, which is easy and convenient, but now he can only listen carefully to Li Baoying's plan.

"And if we want to get rid of our source, we need to have access to their capital account. Therefore, we need to catch Li Bingshu's perverted only son and pry out the account-related intelligence information from his mouth."

While talking, Li Baoying opened the drawer in front of him, took out a stack of photos from the drawer, and threw them to Andrew on the opposite side.

"Look at how abnormal Li Bingshu's son is. Recently, Park Zecheng should have gained power. As his right-hand man Li Bingshu took him back from Mao Xiong Country, this guy committed several crimes in a short time. Ten homicide cases, four of which involved the destruction of the family."

Picking up the photo that Li Baoying had thrown over, even though Andrew was an alien, his hands trembled as he looked at the suffering of the victims in the photo.

Even the youngest victim in the photo is just a four or five year old girl.

According to the investigation by the North Dynasty police officer who handled the case, the little girl was finally brutally killed by the murderers after watching her family members being killed one by one.

And after the family was victimized, they were also taken pictures by the murderer and brought to the female victims to show them one by one.

This impact is conceivable for the victims.

"His father Li Bingshu is Park Zecheng's right-hand man. He is responsible for managing Park Zecheng's special account of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. As the son of Li Bingshu, this perverted Li Guangri must know the account information, so we need to catch him."

Andrew did not speak, but he had already realized that this guy named Li Guangri had been sentenced to death and decided to kill the scumbag anyway.

Now hearing what Li Baoying said, he asked, "Where is this guy now?"

Li Baoying replied: "According to reliable information, this Lee Kwang-il ran to South Korea. I can't figure out what happened. Because his father Li Bingsu is in the first camp of Park Chak Sung, he shouldn’t have gone to South Korea. So I think there must be something wrong with this."

Andrew closed his eyes, his thoughts began to connect to the Internet and entered the private network of Park Zecheng and their headquarters in Pingyuan Road, where they learned a lot of insider information.

Immediately, Andrew opened his eyes and said to Li Baoying: "Li Bingshu has a huge deficit in the money that has caused Park Zecheng's dissatisfaction. In order to leave a way for him, Li Bingshu put his son Li Guangri The secret was sent to South Korea, which made Park Ze-sung not dare to act rashly for a while~lightnovelpub.net~ Li Baoying looked at Andrew incredulously, wondering why he said so confidently, and was very curious about why he had such a firm judgment. , As if he really knew the facts.

Andrew continued: "I know where Li Guangri is. Give me 24 hours. I can catch Li Guangri and his father and give it to you. However, I have one condition. Let me deal with it. I don’t know why. When I saw the little girl who was killed in the photo, I had the urge to kill him, so I wanted to personally let him taste the cruel abuse suffered by the victims."

If Andrew can capture both Li Bingshu and his son, this is certainly a good thing for Li Baoying.

But the problem is that the guards around Li Bingshu are very strong. Even Li Guangri, who ran to South Korea, has a large number of edges, so it is definitely not that easy to deal with.

As for giving Li Guangri to Andrew, there is nothing wrong with Li Baoying.

It's just a scum.

"Are you sure? Don't say Li Guangri, the security force around Li Bingshu is very powerful, even I am not sure."

Faced with Li Baoying's worries, Andrew smiled confidently and said: "Give me 24 hours and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

The figure of Andrew sitting opposite Li Baoying slowly disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

It can be seen that Kim Hyun Taenang sent his butler to the Northern Dynasty. Obviously, this butler has a special and powerful strength.

And when he thought of Kim Hyun Tae worrying about her own affairs, Li Baoying couldn't help but feel a sweet excitement in her heart...

PS: Li Guangri is a fictitious person. It comes from the author who watched a movie called "Priority to Kill", and after watching it, he was very depressed, so he needed to vent.