Rising America

Chapter 1624: I can provide convenience

Annie is here, and Annie is gone. After all, she has more things than Coco and she has to deal with every day. Even though there are many professional managers around her, there are still many things that need to be handled by her personally.

But after Annie left, Coco had to announce the news of ‘I’m going to kindergarten in China’s kindergarten’ in a very painful tone on the live broadcast, and then ‘sadly’ left the Heavenly Court.

Of course, even if Coco goes to kindergarten, she is still the emperor of Ziwei in Heaven, and this will not change.

At most, she is the Ziwei Emperor, who goes to kindergarten in the world on weekdays.

But no matter what, it's always a good thing for Coco to go to kindergarten. After all, bear children behave outside all day, which is really worrying.

Look at what Coco did during the time he was not in kindergarten.

Established a weird and invincible martial art, became the emperor of Ziwei in the heavenly court, and destroyed the Shushan Sword Sect, offended the people of Western religion, and caused the world to covet the "New World".

Therefore, from the above things, it is best to go to kindergarten for a bear child. If she can always dominate the kindergarten, maybe there will not be so many troubles now.

The gods and goddesses of the heavenly court, after hearing about this, they were very excited, and they almost didn't buy firecrackers to set them back.

However, although Coco was leaving the heaven for the time being, she left Sun Wukong and the Bull Demon, and told them to notify herself whenever something happened. So even if Coco leaves the heaven, she can still control things in the heaven, so those gods and gods are happy. Some are too early.

Sure enough, when I returned to the cocoa in the duny world, I met a guy who claimed to be a special commissioner of the United Nations at the home of Mr. Jin, as well as representatives of some countries.

These people gathered at the old man's house, and they strongly demanded that Mr. Jin let Coco come out to meet with everyone, and negotiated the opening of the'new world' on the spot.

Since Coco was in Heaven at the time and the relationship that Mr. Jin looked at these people was very unpleasant, he just got up with these people, and even quarreled many times.

With the return of Cocoa from the heavenly court, when he saw someone pulling and pulling with Mr. Jin, the bear boy still stayed in Nai, and immediately shot the goods into the sky, turning them into a star in the sky.

"If you want me to open up a new world, you can, but there is nothing in this world that takes advantage of nothing. You have to show some sincerity? If you don't have sincerity, you guys say fart, tell you the truth, don't mess up Me, you don’t have good fruit to provoke me, don’t forget what kind of child I am."

Coco is not for nothing, and the threatening words come with open mouth.

And by virtue of her reputation for nonsense, these words really have a deterrent effect.

So that the representatives of these countries gathered at the home of the old man suddenly remembered that the seemingly harmless little girl in front of them, in fact, has a perverted destructive power.

Therefore, it is best not to irritate the other party.

"What kind of sincerity do you want?"

"Yes, say it, as long as the price is reasonable, we will have no problem."

"It's just that you don't want the lion to speak loudly."

Just talk about it, as long as you can talk about it, this is also recognized by everyone.

And now Coco didn't say anything to death, which is a good thing for everyone.

"I'm a kid, and I don't understand these things, so I don't know how to talk about it. Is it possible that you want to bully me, a girl who doesn't know anything? At the same time, I remind you that it's live broadcast now."

That's right, the little guy is broadcast live wherever he goes, and at this moment.

As soon as Cocoa said it was live broadcast, all the representatives of various countries immediately became serious.

At the same time, Coco continued: "Wait patiently for this matter. I will let my representative talk to you. In short, everyone will be satisfied, and I will not suffer. Now I am tired and want to rest. , Please leave first, okay."

It's rare, Coco didn't use force to expel these guys.

However, the little guy issued a eviction order, and it was difficult for them to continue to stay, and the little guy said that they could talk, which was enough.

Therefore, the representatives of various countries left one after another, and the home of Mr. Jin became quiet again.

With the departure of the representatives of various countries, Mr. Jin asked Coco unwillingly: "Do you really want to open the'New World' to them?"

Coco walked to the recliner in the yard and lay down, and replied helplessly, "What else could be done? I am worried that if it is not open, they will make trouble for my dad and even threaten my dad's safety, so Even I can only give in temporarily."

Although he was talking about the so-called "surrender", Mr. Jin didn't notice that the little guy was submissive, and he was obviously wrong.

Based on Mr. Jin's understanding of Coco, this bear kid shouldn't be so submissive. She is a bear stuff that dares to be stunned.

Of course, it is not unreasonable for Coco to compromise in the end so that his father is not threatened. After all, for the bear child, her father is her only relative in this world. Even if the bear child bears, he knows this truth. .

So in order to prevent my father from being in any danger, there is no way to compromise temporarily.

But the problem is that Xiongzi is only so small, how does she understand this?

Obviously, someone must have made her understand this truth.

After all, the whole world is like a child as old as Coco, and few people understand this truth, but it happens that Coco understands this truth, which is indeed quite strange.

Elder Jin pulled a wicker chair and sat beside Coco, "It's rare that a child as old as you actually understands this truth, but many children as old as you don't understand it."

Mr. Jin no longer looks old. Because he ate ginseng fruit and obtained the martial arts inheritance that Coco bought from the secret store, Mr. Jin already looks like a middle-aged man. That one is old.

I have to say that since Cocoa came to China this time, Mr. Jin has also gained a lot of benefits. At the very least, regaining his youth is a very good benefit, which many people in the world dream of.

"This is what Mummy Anne told me, otherwise I wouldn't understand it."

He didn't put gold on his face.

"Grandpa Jin, do you also want to open up a new world?"

Coco turned his head and stared at the old man Jin suddenly asked such a sentence.

To be honest, although the U.S. has begun to study genetically modified technology, this technology is not as mature as the other time and space. At the same time, China's grain hybridization technology is also in the research and development stage, and there is no mature mastery.

Therefore, in different time and space, there has been a huge population, but a serious problem of food shortage, especially China, which has a large population, is the most troublesome.

This is obviously different from another time and space.

If Cocoa can open up the ‘new world’ and let China join it, having a large territory in the alien world, this is indeed a good thing for China.

With the land of the'New World', it can be cultivated and turned into fertile land. The grain produced from the fertile land can alleviate the shortage of China’s food to the greatest extent, not to mention that there are a lot of mineral resources underground in the "New World". , These are all needed for the development of China Xia, so it is impossible to say that China Xia does not want to participate.

And the task of contacting Cocoa and obtaining recognition from Cocoa was handed over to Old Man Jin. After all, Mr. Jin and Coco are acquaintances, and no one here in China is more familiar than Old Man Jin and Coco.

And the senior management of Huaxia has decided that if Coco agrees, then the now youthful and powerful old man Jin will be appointed as the leader of the "New World" pioneering force, and go to the New World to conquer China by force. A site.

Therefore, when Coco asked, Mr. Jin just thought about it for a while, and then nodded in response: “Of course, Mr. Jin also hopes that the country can participate in the action of opening up a new world. Who doesn’t want this thing, because the new world has too much. Opportunity and hope."

Cocoa fixedly stared at the old man Jin for a long time, then turned his attention away, and said in a self-talking tone: "Anyway, the whole world wants to go to the new world. It doesn't matter if there is one more China, but you I never thought that the new world has not only opportunities and hopes, but also dangers that ordinary people can't imagine?"

Hearing it, Mr. Jin heard a little bit, and asked quickly: "What kind of dangers are in the new world, can you tell Mr. Jin~lightnovelpub.net~ Cocoa was lying on the couch, The cowhide replied with a roar: "There are many dangers. Fierce beasts, indigenous people with magical and powerful power, and strange magic are not something ordinary people can deal with. Modern guns are not necessarily better than those indigenous people. How powerful is it, I really don’t know how much it will cost all countries to open up a new world. "

Old man Jin sank in his heart.

Obviously, the new world is very dangerous, otherwise the bear kids would never say that.

However, the senior management of Huaxia is also quite interested in opening up a new world, so it is absolutely impossible to give up because of these words of Xiongzi.

So Grandpa Jin tentatively asked Coco: "Little guy, how is Grandpa Jin treating you? And how good is your construction uncle to you."

Coco rolled his eyes to look at Old Man Jin, and said, "Okay! You are very good to me, then Grandpa, do you hope I can provide some help?"

The little guy is quite shrewd, so why can't he hear the subtext in Mr. Jin's words.

Mr. Jin laughed ‘haha’, the meaning is self-evident.

Coco was silent for a while before he said: "My dad often said that even if we have American identity, we can't forget that we are descendants of Yan and Huang. Although I don't know what it means, my instinct tells me that in this matter, I really should provide some convenience to Huaxia, well, after the new world opens, Huaxia can follow me, so that some unnecessary dangers can be avoided, because then I will go somewhere, after all, where there are things that need something I will deal with it."

In the end, Coco thought of the things his father usually said, and agreed to this small request to facilitate China.

And the old man Jin is always comforted, just for the phrase in Coco's words, "Don't forget that you are a descendant of Yan and Huang"... 8)