Rising America

Chapter 1630: Tragedy under the routine

The French New World pioneering team has been wiped out by the regiment three times and lost more than 35,000 people. The high death compensation alone has made the already stretched fiscal deficit even worse.

But even so, the French continued to start the fourth new world development, because for them, the land and resources in the new world are the best way to alleviate instability in the country.

And in order to be able to establish a safe forward base, after the fourth pioneering team was organized, it was as many as 150,000, which shows that the French are also desperate.

It was still the swamp, or the group of Edman three-headed snakes, and the same tragic battle was inevitable after the arrival of the pioneering team.

But this time the results are not one-sided, because of the 150,000 pioneering teams organized by the French, one-third of them are mutants, or supernatural beings, and the worst is the kind with power beyond ordinary people. Special humans.

So these three-headed snakes are tragic.

Originally, these three-headed snakes thought they had luck, so they don't have to worry about food anymore.

But how did they know? The humans who did not know where they came from this time brought them death and killing.

After the loss of more than 10,000 people, the three-headed snake was finally wiped out. The French finally got a relatively safe New World area. After this incident was passed back, the French were very happy.

It's also because they don't know how easy it is for China to build a base. If they knew it, they wouldn't be so happy.

It is not only the French who are saddened by the fact that Spain, Portugal, Teddy Bear, Dongying and other countries in the world, except China, have suffered more or less losses in the process of establishing forward bases in the new world, and such losses are not light.

After four times, the French can start to build a forward base, and the area is still full of miasma swamps, but this is all considered good.

Because the development team of Mao Xiong Country didn't even build the forward base.

Speaking of it, the Teddy Bear Country is really unlucky. The place where they appear randomly is actually a place called Frost Plain, and this place is the territory of the ice barbarians.

Therefore, the pioneering team of the bear country will be violently attacked by the barbarians of the ice field every time they appear.

For the barbarians of the ice field, there is a great advantage in attacking these guys who don't know that they have always popped out, that is, they can get a lot of food.

Yes, it is food.

As a pioneering team, they will certainly carry a lot of supplies, of which food is indispensable.

Barbarians have always been enemies of humans and orcs, and their living environment is quite difficult, and supplies are very scarce.

Originally, the barbarians of the ice plains had no interest in the people of the bear country, but who would have thought that after the pioneer team of the bear country arrived here, they would actually want to capture the savages who looked like soil turtles as slaves and build their forward bases. coolie.

As a result, the tragedy of Mao Xiong's development team began.

The barbarians of the new world seem to be right, but it doesn't mean they are easy to provoke.

Facing the development team of the bear kingdom with hot weapons, the ice barbarians are not afraid, and they are born with frost armor. Basically, a charge will destroy the development team of the bear kingdom.

The bullet hit the frost armor, it would not cause any harm to these ice barbarians at all, and these barbarians have not yet maddened.

After the group destroyed the development team of Mao Xiong Country, the barbarians were surprised to find a large amount of grain and various meat products in the half of the base.

On the same day, the barbarians who participated in the attack held a bonfire party on the side of the destroyed base.

Unexpectedly, another group of pioneering teams arrived the next day.

Is this still necessary!

The excited barbarians immediately gave them another end of the group annihilation, and at the same time discovered a new group of mysterious outsiders who had appeared, and they also carried a lot of food.

This discovery suddenly excited the barbarian.

In the end, after the cleverest sacrificial judgment among the barbarians, there will be batches of mysterious aliens arriving in the future, and these mysterious aliens will carry a lot of food, so all they have to do is wait here and come. Just kill one batch by batch.

After all, the food carried by these mysterious people is exactly what the barbarians urgently need.

What's more, there is no need to travel through mountains and rivers to do trade, nor to fight with ice monsters, risk death to kill them, and then use their fur to trade with human profiteers.

As long as I wait here, there will be mysterious outsiders arriving with a large amount of food. When that happens, just kill these guys by yourself. Compared with fighting against the ice monster, killing these mysterious outsiders is not too easy.

And to be on the safe side, this news was notified to all ice barbarian tribes, and these tribes also sent powerful warriors to participate.

The barbarians are quite united, and the benefits will never be swallowed by themselves, and they will share with their fellow citizens.

As a result, Mao Xiong Country has become a tragedy.

After each batch of pioneering teams arrived, they would find themselves surrounded by a group of beast skins with black mysterious patterns on their faces, messy hair, and guys holding various cold weapons. They surrounded them with excitement and waved the heavy ones in their hands. The cold weapon slashed towards itself.

It seems that all of this is random, but in fact, this is basically the pit dug by the bear kid, and it is the routine of the bear kid.

How can this be possible if you want a bear child to suffer.

It is precisely in this way that the bear children slammed together the countries of the world.

I have to say that Coco's character is really quite bad.

Of course, indigenous forces such as the ice barbarians have slowly discovered a change, that is, in the mysterious teams that continue to appear, more and more powerful guys have become more and more powerful, which makes them more capable of dealing with It's getting harder.

This is also an inevitable result.

The countries on the Earth in different time and space all thought of this kind of good thing, and ordinary people could come first, so they all explicitly and secretly excluded the existence of special humans such as mutants and supernatural beings.

But as the development of the new world did not go smoothly, the countries slowly added mutants to the development team in order to ensure that a stable forward base could be built in the new world.

Like the Mao Xiong Country, finally after being wiped out by the Ice Barbarians seven or eight times, he ruthlessly recruited 80,000 mutants to form a pioneering team, and only then laid a base in the Frost Plain, but it also lost almost Half of the people.

But the bear country has also become enemies with the barbarians. They can only fight endlessly with the barbarians here in the Frost Plain. Unless both sides have paid a heavy price, they may be able to start talking about peace.

On the other hand, thousands of people in Huaxia District, without a single casualty, successfully established a forward base at the intersection of the four forces. This is simply a matter of envy.

Of course, with regard to this matter, China has made a fortune in secret without declaring it.

Even when asked, the official spokesperson of Huaxia will show a secretive appearance, avoiding the matter, giving people the appearance that Huaxia has also suffered heavy losses.

With the establishment of the forward base, people who traveled from the capitals of various countries to the new world began to arrive in the new world one after another.

And with the new world as the front station base, these scattered people began to expand the surrounding area, while the old man stayed at the base and was responsible for the affairs of the base.

Those scattered people who come to take risks, if they want to get supplies here, they must exchange the various resources obtained in the new world. This is a very fair thing.

At the same time, there are various weapons and medicines available at the base, which can allow sick or injured adventurers to get proper treatment, and the role of the base is this.

Of course, since this is only the initial stage, the Huaxia Advance Base has not yet made a name, so the area that adventurers can go to is not large, just around the plain.

If you go deep into the four major forces, you will encounter some danger if you don't manage it.

But even so, adventurers have amazing discoveries.

For example, a guy who plucked up the courage to take an adventure picked up a magic sword next to a corpse on the grassland. After returning to the base, he exchanged more than one hundred thousand soft sister coins. When he returned to reality, he said the matter immediately. All my friends around me had the idea of ​​taking risks.

There are always a lot of things like this.

In a word, the China Base has already started to operate, and it has taken the first step compared to all countries in the world.

At the same time, the adventurers who come to the new world can not only go out for adventure, but also receive tasks issued by the laws of this plane world every day (cocoa release), such as going out to catch a bunny, or sweeping the streets of the base for a day. of.

The rewards are also quite diverse.

Grey magic swords, leather armor, shoes, and hats are basically some crude equipment that adventurers need in the early days.

It seems that the little guy treats the adventurers in the new world as if they are actually playing in online games.

Of course, all the people who came to the new world for adventure were told after arriving at the base that everything in this world must be careful, because dying here is really dead, because this is not a game.

The Zhuoer sisters who stayed at the base have assumed the responsibility for the investigation around the base~lightnovelpub.net~ Once they find a team from the gods of human forces, they must rush back to the base to report as soon as possible. Be prepared for defense here.

It was at this time that Coco brought Fenrir, the magic wolf, and hundreds of liquid metal robots with metal exoskeletons into the sphere of influence of the hill dwarves.

At the same time, Coco gave himself the identity of a magic puppet master summoner.

Obviously, Fenrir, the magic wolf, is the monster she summoned, and hundreds of liquid metal robots are her puppet warriors.

It's really a loss for the little guy to think of it.

Dressed as a Little Red Riding Hood, riding a **** nightmare, surrounded by magic wolves and liquid metal robots, Coco and his party left the plain and entered the rolling hilly area.

Unlike ordinary people, the little guy seemed quite relaxed all the way, not afraid of encountering danger at all, but gave people the feeling that she was on an outing.

To be honest, the little guy is indeed traveling, at least that's her mentality.

Of course, the little guy didn't encounter the kind of robbers who didn't have long eyes along the way, but they didn't need movable fingers, they were all solved by the liquid metal robots.

Because of her performance was too strong, when Coco and her party entered the hills and mountains, there were several more caravans from the human empire around her, including a business team led by dwarf merchants.

For these caravans, Coco was not at all polite and asked them to pay for their protection.

Taking into account the power of Cocoa and the safety issues along the way, all the caravans also paid the protection fee quite easily.

This makes Coco quite satisfied.

But shortly after his party entered the hills and mountains, a group of tens of thousands of hobgoblins bandits focused on Coco and the others.

I really don't know if these hobgoblins were caused by bad luck.