Rising America

Chapter 1631: Tragedy see everywhere

None of the hobgoblins who came to the robbery left were wiped out, and there was not even a single one to escape.

Although hobgoblins have an absolute advantage in numbers, they still become tragedies.

Cocoa didn't even make a move. Just letting hundreds of T2000 models with him and the liquid metal robots dealt with the trouble caused by the hobgoblins.

And the powerful fighting style of the T2000 liquid metal robot, and the destructive power it showed, also really made the caravans who went to the hills and mountains to do trade halfway met, and they were dumbfounded.

Battle puppets are not a new thing in this world. Many alchemists will have so many magic puppets around them, and most of them will also take on battle matters.

But they hadn't heard of any kind of magic puppet with such a strong fighting strength, and the performance was so fierce.

And as far as the alchemists they know, even a legendary powerhouse with a big name can only have a dozen combat puppets at most.

But today, I saw a little kid who could drive hundreds of fighting puppets, so that they all began to wonder, could this cute kid be a legendary powerhouse?

Do not! Even more powerful than the legendary powerhouse!

Coco is not clear about the shock of those in the caravan, and she has no interest in understanding.

Dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood, I look cute and beautiful. Just carrying a small basket in my hand, I can really play the cocoa of Little Red Riding Hood. Of course I did not forget to put black eye shadow and children on my little face. Lipstick, dark gothic non-mainstream makeup is a must.

The T2000 liquid metal robots were cleaning the battlefield, and at the same time, they made up for the goblin bandits who hadn't breathed, and sent them to life bliss.

These T2000 liquid metal robots did not change the appearance of adults according to Coco's requirements, but directly revealed their liquid skin. At the same time, they were all dressed in Little Red Riding Hood, but they didn’t wear skirts. The tight-fitting safari suit and the red cape are nothing more than two thin swords on their waists.

Little Red Riding Hood

This is the very interesting name that Cocoa gave to these teams of T2000 liquid metal robots.

Hobgoblins are very poor. Basically, in this world called "Askar Continent", hobgoblins and goblins are all representatives of diao silk, and it can even be said that they are even more diao silk than diao silk.

Therefore, the liquid metal robots did not find anything useful on the battlefield. They were nothing more than some thick wooden rods and broken leather armor. It can be seen that the hobgoblins have reached such a level.

But think about it, if it weren't for being poor and diaosi, they wouldn't have come to rob Coco and his party.

But to say that there is nothing wrong with the discovery. At least one liquid metal robot knew from the mouth of a dying hobgoblin where the hobgoblin’s nest was, and at the same time, the hobgoblin said that it was in theirs. There seems to be some valuable things in the old nest.

Immediately, this aroused great interest in Cocoa.

As for the powerful power of Coco, the leaders of several caravans also agreed to follow Coco to the hobgoblin's lair to find out. After all, everyone felt that by following Coco to ensure safety.

Of course, these indigenous people also want to find out where Coco came from from time to time, but basically they return without success.

The little guy doesn't bother to take care of these turtles at all.

If it wasn't for the protection they paid, Coco wouldn't let them go with him at all.

In this way, after the episode of the hobgoblin bandits attacked and the hobgoblin bandits were solved, Coco and his party came to the hobgoblin's lair.

Speaking of this is the home of hobgoblins robbers, but in Coco's view, it is nothing more than an open-air camp with a few tents, and it is still the kind of camp that is so simple that people want to cry.

It's so broken!

As soon as they entered the camp, the smell of restarting Xuntian came over, and the Xuntian couldn't breathe, which shows that hobgoblins don't pay attention to personal hygiene at all.

It is not enough to describe this place as ‘dirty, messy and bad’.

In the center of the camp, there is a cage made of thick wood, and several dying men and women are held in the cage. At the same time, there is a big iron pot on the side. There are already several human beings who have lost their breath of life in the iron pot. It is being simmered in a pot, and organs like intestines are piled up beside the iron pot fire, which makes people feel nauseous.

But Cocoa is a thick line, and she is more courageous than ordinary children. After seeing this tragic scene, she did not show any fear or panic. Instead, she dared to walk over and look into the big iron pot. A few glances.

I have to say, Coco, this little kid is really extraordinary.

"Poor fellow, I didn't expect them to become a Chinese food for the natives of this world. Master, if you read it correctly, they should be adventurers from the earth."

Fenrir, the magic wolf, observed very carefully. It saw clues from the clothes worn by the men and women in the cage and other details, and made a judgment based on this.

That's right, these humans trapped in the hobgoblin's nest are adventurers from the earth.

"Can you tell which country it is from?"

Coco cast a glance, then retracted his gaze to Fenrir, the magic wolf.

Fenrir stuck out his tongue and shook it, showing the second of Erha perfectly.

"From the perspective of skin color and foreign trade, it should be from a certain country in Southeast Asia. Master, do we want to save them?"

The little guy curled his lips, obviously not intending to save these unlucky ghosts.

Because the most ferocious countries in the United Nations, apart from France, are some small countries in Southeast Asia, so Coco hates these countries quite a bit.


Don’t you want to come to a new world!


Bastard! Know how great the new world is!

The liquid metal robots began to search the camp to see if they could find something good.

The people of the human caravan gathered together, looked at the cauldron that was boiling the human corpse, and began to whisper to each other quietly, with fear and fear flashing across their faces from time to time.

Obviously, this scene makes them a little uncomfortable.

"Master, we found a few boxes of gold coins, and we can't find anything but these gold coins."

Soon, the liquid metal robot that searched the camp was discovered. This discovery was only a few boxes of gold coins. Obviously this was the destroyed hobgoblin bandit group. I don’t know how long it took to accumulate the wealth. Now it’s all cheap. Coco this bear child.

But Coco has never been short of money, and gold coins are not too important to her.

But after all, I have come to this world and will be going around for a long time in the future, so it is still necessary to get some currency in this world. It is for this reason that the little guy will accept the few caravans accompanying them. And provide protection on the road by collecting protection fees.

But now these boxes of gold coins can make the little guy need not worry about the money of this world for a long time, and suddenly make her a rich man.

Because of the gains, Coco's mood has become quite good. Under the influence of this factor, Coco ordered the liquid metal robots to release those Southeast Asians in the cage, and they have not yet provided simple treatment.

Due to the darkening of the sky, Coco and the others left the hobgoblins’ lair and found a camp by the fresh air stream.

The liquid technology robots quickly set up a tent, raised a bonfire, and produced a live cow demon from the nano space. After slaughter, it was skewered with a large iron rod and put on a lively grill.

Now that the little guy’s recipe has been upgraded, ordinary food is no longer enough to satisfy cocoa, so she needs to eat monsters, demons and other creatures every day to prevent herself from being hungry, so she eats like roasting Such things as monsters have become the norm.

Thanks to the fact that Coco has made her own name, the monsters in the monster world have to pinch their noses to send the monsters to her, so Coco doesn't have to worry about having nothing to eat.

The rescued several Southeast Asians are still in shock. Obviously, the experience of falling into the hands of hobgoblins has become an indelible nightmare in their lives, even if they return to the earth to see a psychologist, it is useless.

After saving these guys, Coco stopped taking care of them.

At this time, the little guy was sitting in front of the campfire, carefully studying a broken enchanted leather armor in his hand.

The leather armor was found in the hobgoblin's lair. Said it was not valuable, and it was **** in the **** on the Oscar continent, but the little guy thought it was quite interesting, so she stayed to study and study.

The leather armor was enchanted, and in Coco's sight, a value of 0-2 defense appeared, which made the little guy feel that it was like an online game, and his interest suddenly increased.

Unfortunately, although the little guy has many skills, she doesn't know magic.

So she didn't know how to re-enchant it to make this leather armor stronger.

Throwing the leather armor into the bonfire in front of him, the little guy did not appear disappointed on his face. Anyway, as long as he is in this world, then there will definitely be a chance to contact the natives who use magic in the future. Then she only needs to copy the opponent's ability All right.

After all, I have a talent for copycats.

Several caravans from the Oscar continent were also preparing dinner, but no one came to bother her in Cocoa, so the campsite was clearly divided into two parts, a few caravans were one part, and Cocoa was a separate part.

Fenrir, the magic wolf, was idle, found the few Southeast Asians who had been rescued, and began to gather information from them.

The three crescent moons in the sky hung bright and high, and the night completely enveloped the earth.

The liquid metal robot is very careful. It cuts up a plate of roast beef demon meat for the cocoa, sprinkled it with chili powder, cumin powder and other seasonings, and then brought it over and placed it on the small dining table in front of the cocoa. Prepared a glass of milk carefully.

Drinking milk at night will help you sleep. This is what Dad said. As a good girl who listens to Dad~lightnovelpub.net~ Cocoa never forgets this every day.

Most of the T2000s were scattered around and merged with the darkness. They began to take charge of security matters and took on the defense of the camp where Coco is located.

It can be said that with these T2000 version of liquid metal robots, Coco's Oscar trip to the mainland is a comfortable trip, and there is no need to worry about safety or anything.

"Some music!"

The cocoa during the meal felt too deserted, so he ordered a liquid metal robot beside him to play some music to listen.

Yo! Yo! Check it out!


You are the king of the streets of Los Angeles

The night makes you up

The enemy perishes in laughter

Not far from the indigenous caravan camp, people suddenly heard music different from this world, coming from the camp of Coco.

It's just that the genre that has never appeared in Oscar continent, the rhythm is fast and quite attractive, people can't help but want to move their body to the rhythm of the music.

Of course, they don't understand the lyrics.

The song played by the liquid metal robot is a private rap that Coco recorded when he was fine. Anyway, no matter whether the audience finds it strange or not, Coco feels good about himself anyway.

Accompanied by the strong rhythm, the girl's rap, the magic wolf Fenrir is back.

"It is confirmed that the men and women rescued are from a certain country in Southeast Asia. They are a group of pioneers, but unfortunately, the place where they appeared was the den of the hobgoblins, so it became a tragedy."

When reporting this information, Fenrir, the magic wolf, seemed so gloating.

Using the fork in his hand, he picked up a piece of bull meat, Coco responded with a smirk: "Deserve it! Do those guys really think I'm a bully?" 8)