Rising America

Chapter 1632: Domineering Unparalleled Gold Coco

Early the next morning, after washing up, Coco started a new day.

After three more days of walking, Coco separated from all the caravans, and the group embarked on a journey alone to the fortress of the hill dwarf capital, located in the heart of the hilly mountains.

During these three days, Coco and his party encountered small troubles such as a monster attack, a hilly dwarf bandit group, and a raiding group composed of indigenous human adventurers.

However, these guys who dared to trouble Cocoa all ended up in a group.

To be honest, these guys don't have long eyes, and they can only say they are unlucky when they meet Coco.

However, the few Southeast Asians rescued from the hobgoblins all died in these attacks by the indigenous creatures, which also made Coco very light.

As he gets closer to the hill dwarf’s capital, Coco finds that the surrounding area is filled with a tense atmosphere, and at the same time, more and more small units of hill dwarves will encounter interception.

Of course, the small units of these hill dwarves were basically dealt with by available force.

And from the captives of the hill dwarves, Coco also got an unexpected piece of information. War is breaking out in the fortress of the fortress. A group of humans who do not know where they come from are fighting the hill dwarves, and the fighting between the two is in full swing.

According to the description of the dwarf captives, Cocoa judged that the humans who fought against the hill dwarves were to a large extent a pioneer group from the earth, but it was not certain which country they belonged to.

So Coco speeded up the schedule, ready to go to the scene to watch the excitement.

The melting pot fortress is called a fortress, but it is actually the capital of the hill dwarves, and it is also a real military location.

The melting pot fortress is built on a mountain as a whole, and the entire city is built on a mountain. It has the advantage of being easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is precisely by virtue of this advantage that the hill dwarves have spread to the entire Oscar continent in several race wars. You can save yourself.

And today, the same hill dwarves, relying on the advantage of the fortress, fought with mysterious humans who did not know where they came from, and had the upper hand.

Although the earth's thermal weapons are powerful, for unknown reasons, they completely lost their function after 24 hours in this world, becoming a pile of scrap iron.

Therefore, the members of the pioneering team from the earth can only pick up cold weapons to fight against the hill dwarves, or use their special abilities to fight.

Obviously no one knows that this is the reason for the power of the law of the plane, so such a situation has occurred.

Because they lost hot weapons as a backing and picked up cold weapons to fight against the indigenous people, the pioneer group from the earth immediately fell into a passive situation. Thanks to the large number of people, they struggled to support Coco to watch the excitement. .

After all, compared to the Earth Development Group, the hill dwarves who are indigenous creatures have natural [petrified skin] and [Earth Power] racial talents. Therefore, after the Earth Development Group lost the advantage of heat weapons, the battle immediately fell into The situation is not surprising at all.

Not to mention that the weapons and armors of the hill dwarves are all enchanted, so these dwarves have completely suppressed the Earth Development Group.

If it were not for the sudden outbreak of the battlefield war that the hill dwarves did not have time to gather troops, and the Earth Development Group had a number of hundreds of thousands, these pioneer groups that appeared near the hill dwarves’ capital might have been grouped a long time ago. Went out.

But even so, the Earth Development Group that has supported it now is already at the end of the battle, and it will be a matter of time before the group is destroyed.

The reason is simple. Over time, the summoning order has caused a large number of dwarven troops to gather in the fortress and join the war.

The number advantage of the Earth Development Group has been quickly lost with the arrival of the dwarven army.

If there is no accident, Tuan Mie is basically the end.

After clearing the surrounding hills and dwarf troops, Coco occupies a high ground, where you can see the full picture of the battlefield and have a panoramic view of all the situation.

According to intelligence reports, the war that broke out on the capital plain of the hill dwarves had been fought continuously for a week, and neither the hill dwarves nor the Earth Development Group meant to stop.

Cocoa can understand.

Since they have not been able to return to Earth, the Earth Development Group has become a lone army. If they do not fight desperately, the solution will definitely die, so they have to desperately do it.

As for the hill dwarves, of course, they are also thinking about solving these strange humans, because the dwarves cannot tolerate such a large-scale human armed force to appear near the capital and have a firm foothold.

On the high ground, it is clear that in the camp on the human side, two flags representing their respective countries are flying, one is the Stars and Stripes, and the other is the five-star red flag.

This is strange. Hasn't China Huaxia established a relatively safe forward base and can already go back and forth in both directions?

Then, in the pioneer team on the hill dwarves, how can there be a Huaxia team?

Because logically speaking, China's pioneering team, whether it is scattered people or large and small forces, should appear on the side of the Great Plains.

Just when Coco was wondering, the hill dwarves had reorganized the offensive team and launched a new round of offensive against human defensive positions.

It may be due to the rush. In addition, as soon as the pioneer group arrived here, they fought with the hill dwarves, and there was no time to build an effective defensive position. Therefore, the defensive facilities on the human side are quite primitive. , It can be seen at a glance that it was built in a hurry, so the role of defense is actually quite limited.

There are many mutants and supernatural abilities in the pioneering team that is combined by the two national pioneering teams of the Bald Eagle and China. There are also little monsters, they have now become the middle force in the war, and they bear the responsibility of every battle.

Ordinary people are on the second line, and the main battles are undertaken by the first few types of people.

According to Coco's observations, there are mostly European and American faces on the human side of the battlefield, and the Chinese face is actually only a small number.

Although I was curious about why Huaxia's pioneering team appeared here and mingled with the Bald Eagle's pioneering team, Coco still lost the mood to watch the excitement, and immediately decided to join the war.

If it is a pioneering group from another country, Coco will never care about it.

But the bald eagle and China's pioneering team fell into such a situation, leaving the little guy unable to remain indifferent.

After all, the little guy is of Chinese descent, and she also has the identity of a bald eagle. Based on the above two points, the little guy really has no way to watch the excitement.

"Hmph! I originally wanted to have a good talk with these hill dwarves, but now it seems that I can only change it by force and force them to yield."

The magic energy is running, the magic wheel flashes under the feet, and Coco's magic equipment covers the whole body. As long as the little guy wants to use force, this is an obvious sign.

The "Little Red Riding Hood Knights" formed by T2 liquid metal robots also immediately entered the combat mode and started the combat procedure.

The magic wolf Fenrir stretched out his big bright red tongue and licked his mouth. The dog's face showed a humanoid expression of excitement. In response, Coco said: "I can hit and hit. I can take the opportunity to eat a few indigenous people. I don't know these dwarfs. How does it taste."

After everything was ready, Coco immediately rushed down the high ground, directly into the battlefield, and swept a whole way along the way. No hill dwarf was her enemy.

The human side who had been in a bitter battle, due to the addition of Coco, the passive situation was immediately changed, and all the people on the front line obviously felt that the pressure was greatly reduced.

The magic spear in Cocoa's hand swept away, and there was a wave of destructive waves, but any hill dwarf who was in the range of the ripples would end up with a body burst, which made people look horrible.

No way, Xiong's tricks are so bloody.

Coco rushed on the battlefield, rushing the offensive troops of millions of dwarves in a very short time, and suffered a lot of losses.

The combat effectiveness of hundreds of liquid metal robots is also very impressive. They formed a small team, like a meat grinder, entered the places where the hill dwarves are the most, and with their weapons, they began to aggressively attack the hill dwarves. Kill.

Although countless hill dwarves culled bravely, but there was no way to break through the formation of liquid metal robots.

Fenrir, the magic wolf, manifested his own body, just standing there with his mouth widened and sucking, he sucked hundreds of hill dwarves into his mouth, and then swallowed a few mouthfuls into his stomach.

It can be said that just Coco and the others caused hundreds of thousands of casualties to the hill dwarves in less than a minute, which is extremely destructive.

"The Almighty and All-knowing God of Forging Campana, your followers weeping blood summon you to come, please come down and destroy these evil humans!"

The old priest of the hill dwarf who watched the battle in the fortress, felt the breath of trembling from Coco who suddenly joined the battlefield, so the old priest made a decisive decision to burn his soul and began to call all the native creatures worshipped by the dwarves. , Campana, the **** of blacksmithing, hope he can hear the call to come here personally, or descend the gods to kill the terrible little human girl.

The army of dwarves retreated like a tide, and a huge warhammer suddenly fell from the originally calm sky, slamming it straight on Coco's head.

At the same time, a bearded dwarf wearing a dark blue dragon scale armor and a horned helmet appeared in the sky.

"Asshole! Alien creatures, you are too much, you dare to kill my descendants of Campana!"

Facing the smashed warhammer, he calmly stretched out his white tender little hand and took it down like that, making Campana, the **** of forging, who had arrived aggressively, stared in shock.

"How is it possible! How can you take my hammer like this!"

Coco swung up the huge warhammer and danced it easily. Then, with a little effort, the huge, thick warhammer was squeezed into a ball for a few strokes, and then thrown aside, showing a shocked beard on his face. Dwarf Forging God's Way: "Returning the hammer, it is far from the Quake hammer of that guy in Asgard. Even the Quake hammer I can play casually, and I have a lot of it here."

After speaking, Coco took a few times from his pocket, took out a big hammer with flashing arc, and threw it at Campana, the **** of forging at will.


Don't look at the seemingly random loss of the little guy~lightnovelpub.net~, but the Quake's hammer that didn't know where it came from, the speed after being thrown out exceeded the speed of sound.

Fortunately, the forging **** didn't give it to him in vain, but saw him stick out his huge palm, trying to grab the Thor's hammer.

But unexpectedly, when he was holding the hammer handle, the huge thunder power instantly covered his body, stiffening Campana's body, and immediately fell from the air.

At this time, Coco took out two Thor's hammers, one for each of his left and right hands, and rushed over, holding it up high, and sneered loudly with a tone of contempt: "Don't think that you are very powerful when you get a seemingly huge hammer. Today I will let You know, how big the world is, how terrible my little girl is!"

In mid-air, Coco smashed two hammers, and smashed the forging **** Campana, who was stiffened by electricity and fell from the air, and smashed the forge **** worshipped by the dwarf. Behind the ground, a deep hole was smashed into the ground.

"Such gods, I want to fight ten!"

Falling on the edge of the big hole, Coco is unrelenting and domineering, holding two Thor's Hammers...