Rising America

Chapter 1633: Strongly stop conflict

Gods, for ordinary people, are very powerful beings that can only be worshipped, worshipped, and can be viewed from a distance but not close.

But for Coco, the gods are not so unattainable, because in the perception of the three-year-old girl of Coco, what gods are not gods, only the big fist is the boss, and she is confident that she is invincible. So the gods are a fart.

Even the monsters have been eaten in the earth of different time and space, and the demons of the Nine-Layer Purgatory have not escaped the clutches of Coco, then the native gods of the main material plane are nothing.


A group of turtles must have never seen their own power, if they knew that the invincible themselves had descended in this world, these guys would definitely be trembling with fright.

The cocoa who arrogantly announced ‘fight ten’, as I thought of it in my heart.

The little guy's self-confidence is not without reason. Just think about what the little guy has done in the past two years in different time and space, and you can already draw one or two conclusions.

The bear child not only fought Hydra in different time and space, nor only swallowed the devil of the nine levels of purgatory, she also often went to play in the world that belongs to the space of unlimited killing and reincarnation that she can control, and it will be set off wherever she goes. It was a **** storm, and the gods really didn't kill them.

Therefore, the little guy's invincible confidence and confidence are all based on the facts, not just the YY of a bear child.

And don't look at Coco's young age, but in terms of experience in the multiverse plane world, she far exceeds many adults and even the indigenous gods in some plane worlds.

At the very least, the native gods are at best being kings and hegemons on their own planes, but this bear kid is already able to control many planes and worlds. In this regard, Coco is not general. To look at.

Immortals, monsters, and demons are not afraid. The indigenous gods of the main material plane are nothing. Cocoa, who has always considered invincible, is only strange if he can be afraid.

Now, the forging **** of the Oscar continent has personally experienced the power of Coco, the bear kid, and was beaten by the bear kid in a violent way in front of all the dwarves.

"Walk through the dark night! Bring death and killing! All the gods are crawling under your shadow, fear and disaster are the source of your strength, tremble! Cheers! Welcome the appearance of the new king of the world!"

Fenrir, the Nordic magic wolf, hiccuped and turned into an afterimage, appeared next to Coco, and began to flatter, with numbing words protruding from the dog's mouth.

But regardless of whether others sounded nauseous or not, Coco himself was quite satisfied with Fenrir's flattering flattery. This can be seen from the expression on the little guy's face.

Maybe it’s been a long time with Coco, so Fenrir also saw that Coco is a little girl who likes to be touted. Coupled with the precepts and deeds of his cousin, the **** dog Cerberus, the so-called daring **** in Norse mythology Wang Odin's magic wolf also incarnates into this kind of flattering guy now.

In fact, this is not surprising. After all, it is better to make Coco happy in his small life, and the end of annoyed Coco is absolutely uncomfortable, so as long as you are not brain-dead and know what you should do, Fenrir is obviously not a brain-dead. Realize this.

So, Cocoa's satisfactory result is that Fenrir was rewarded by Coco, a red millennium vermilion fruit, so it seems that flattering is not without prospects, at least like Fenrir who follows cocoa, shoot Coco The flattery is that the premise is bright.

Fenrir, who received Zhu Guo as a reward, swallowed Zhu Guo into his stomach without the slightest hesitation, and then a red glow flashed across its body, and its manifested body increased slightly. If you don't look carefully, There is no such change at all.

Obviously, Fenrir's strength has improved slightly due to the relationship between eating Zhu Guo, so it is not to blame the famous Nordic Demon Wolf, now he also likes to flatter.

After all, the benefits of cocoa flattery are greatly reduced.

"Music! Lights! Create an atmosphere for me!"

Coco put down the two Thor's Hammers in his hands, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, while bowing his head and pinching his waist with one hand to pose.

From time to time, the little guy will let people do this for himself, and this has not changed since now. God knows where the bear kid learned these things, anyway, it gives people a strange feeling that they can't be stranger.

Of course, doing this as a kid is strange, and it will also give people a cute and funny feeling, but if adults do it, it will make people feel sick, so the little guy is also thankful Because of his young age.

A liquid metal robot flew into the air, and its body quickly changed, turning itself into a searchlight, and hitting Coco's body with a bright beam of light.

"Not enough! Come a little more! It's daytime, I want more lights!"

Just a beam of light is not enough, so Cocoa asks for more.

The boss of Coco has spoken, and all the subordinates can do is to follow suit.

All the liquid metal robots got out of the battle, and they all rose into the air, or turned into searchlights, or turned into big speakers themselves. Even Fenrir was not idle. I don’t know where I got it. A fan and a lot of dead leaves hid behind Coco's and started the fan, and then started to raise the leaves with his dog's paw.

I punch Longgong Kindergarten

I kicked the Tianting Nursing Home

I am invincible

I am invincible

I am cocoa gold and also cocoa gold

Yo! Yo! Yo! Check it out!

I am also a terrifying devil

Under the shroud of hundreds of light beams of various colors, Coco continued to put on a funny look, and at the same time the surrounding space began to reverberate with the funny rap that Coco recorded by himself. The bear kid just used this method to create his own environment BUFF. The atmosphere can be said to be the only one.

But the hill dwarves on the battlefield, the pioneers from the earth, were all dumbfounded for a while.

The hill dwarf camp was dumbfounded because they didn't think that this little girl who was so powerful that even the **** of forging could beat her was actually a mentally handicapped person.

The humans in the Earth Development Group camp were dumbfounded because they didn't expect that Coco would play cards so unconventionally and act in such an alternative style.

Raising his hand and covering his face, Coco felt that the atmosphere he created must have already shocked the audience. She is indeed the most powerful little girl in the world.

Of course, if Coco knew that the hill dwarves regarded her as a mentally retarded, maybe he wouldn't have such an idea.

At this time, Campana, the **** of forging, crawled out of the hole. He looked quite miserable at this time. His horn helmet had been damaged in half, and the dazzling dragon scale armor on his body was also deformed. Campana's two front teeth were also missing, apparently knocked out by Cocoa.

"You...who are you!"

The gods all dwarves believe in, Campana, the **** of dwarves and forging, did not feel the breath of the magic net from Coco, and had never heard of such a powerful existence in the world, so Campana is urgent Hope to know who Coco is.

Although he didn't know anything about Coco, Campana was very clear that the little girl who was able to fight against herself as a **** and clean up herself should definitely be a powerful god.

Because under the restrictions of the laws of the world where Oscar Continent is located, the gods can only be harmed by the gods, even if the powerful legendary powerhouse does not have a godhead, there is no way to harm the gods.

But the question is, what kind of **** this little girl is and which camp of the gods he belongs to, this is what Campana desperately wants to know.

Now the world is not peaceful. The righteous gods’ camp has defeated the dark goddess family that suddenly appeared hundreds of years ago, leading the secular empire and destroying the kingdom established by the dark family, and at the same time began to turn the guns towards other gods. There is a sign that the God of Light will dominate the Oscar world.

And now, I don't know where a strong little girl popped out, so how can I make the "God of Dwarf Forge" astonished.

"Short! Asking so much what to do, is it possible that you still want to do it almost impossible?"

Dogleg Fenrir jumped out, grinned at Campana, and barked in response.

Campana didn't want to be familiar with a dog, especially when the dog looked very mentally retarded, so Campana just looked at Coco steadily, waiting to see what Coco could respond.

Speaking of it, Fenrir is a husky, which causes it to always be regarded as a second-hand. This is also quite tragic. After all, it doesn't want to be like this. What's the natural way.

It was not its fault that parents gave it this look back then.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what is important is that I have the ability to kill all the hilly dwarfs here, so if you don't want to see this happen, then the best thing is to let your believers lay down their weapons and solve the current problems peacefully. ."

Coco makes herself as arrogant as possible~lightnovelpub.net~ is a bully, after all, she is a little girl who wants to become the horror king, so when will she behave if she doesn't behave like this at this time.

"Those are your people?"

From these words of Coco, Campana heard something, and then asked.

Coco re-grabbed the handles of the two Thor's hammers, and responded with a buzzing voice: "We are all from one world, and I am the great devil that represents terror and killing!"

Cocoa didn't worry that it was quite alarmist to say so, anyway, she felt that it was cool to say that she was the horror king.

What a goddess of darkness, where does the horror king sound cool?

As everyone knows, in these words, Coco revealed more information, and Campana, who has become a **** for many years, already has a general judgment.

[This little girl, as well as the humans who have fought against the hill dwarves, are unexpectedly from another world. It seems that the Oscar continent will be more chaotic in the future. 】