Rising America

Chapter 1642: I came with sincerity

On the 17° line, the vampires of the Hellfire Legion, sneaking and in the darkness, brought a symphony of death to the North Vietnamese army guarding here, and the attack went like a bamboo to a small valley one kilometer away from the passage.

However, it was in this place that the advancement of the team was hindered and encountered a team formed by the North Vietnamese side, all of which were mutants.

"These Beiyue guys are so innocent, they want to dominate the passage!"

Listening to the report coming back from the front, Andrew murmured at the calm face of Kim Hyuntae beside Andrew's angrily.

Indeed, the practice in North Vietnam is to eat alone.

It stands to reason that this passage is located on the demarcation line. Obviously, it must be controlled by the South and North Vietnam. But now the North Vietnam has sent troops to block the passage around the passage, which does not give South Vietnam a chance. This is a bit unreasonable.

Of course, since the North and the South are now in a state of hostility, it is understandable for North Vietnam to act like this, but now Jin Xiantai also wants to use this channel to go to the new world, which becomes a little troublesome.

The U.S. military does not mean to help South Vietnam at all. Although the Americans are helping South Vietnam to fight North Vietnam, this does not include fighting for the New World Channel.

Therefore, if you want to go to the new world, Nanyue has to rely on its own strength. The Americans cannot count on it.

And Jin Xiantai is going to the New World under the name of Hellfire Security Company, so he can't use his power to mobilize the US troops in Vietnam, so he can only command the mercenary troops under his command.

However, Hellfire's mercenary team is only 50,000, which is a huge disadvantage in terms of numbers compared to the hundreds of thousands of mutants on the North Vietnamese side.

If only some ordinary troops are guarding here, then these troops will not be an obstacle to Jin Xiantai, but how is this possible?

"Send someone to talk with the other's generals. I don't think there is any need to cause too many casualties for this matter. This is not good for both of us. I just want to go to the new world through the way."

Jin Xiantai didn't want to fight, if it could be solved peacefully, he would make this choice.

But the problem is that he is willing, but the North Vietnamese general who is in charge of guarding here is not willing.

For those North Vietnamese generals, Kim Hyun Tae, the dogleg of U.S. imperialism, is also his enemy.

Hearing this, Andrew replied: "I have sent three people, but the envoys sent three times have been killed by the other party. Obviously the other party is a hardliner. If we do not choose the method of force, we will not be able to enter the channel. New world."

Andrew's answer completely extinguished the idea of ​​Kim Hyun Tae not using force.

After all, in the end, we must rely on strength to speak.

So Kim Hyun Tae was cruel and gritted his teeth and asked Andrew: "If you are allowed to take action, is it possible to deal with a compromise while avoiding casualties?"

This is very difficult for some strong people.

But since Kim Hyun Tae had spoken, of course Andrew had to find a way.

Fortunately, Andrew is not an ordinary person. He really has a way to do what Kim Hyun-tae asked for, so Andrew nodded: "Yes!"

After getting a guarantee from Andrew, Kim Hyun Tae ordered Andrew to act.

As for what Andrew did on earth, Jin Xiantai didn't ask in detail. For him, as long as the result reached his goal, he didn't need to pay attention to the process and methods.

Although the soldiers of the Hellfire Corps are all vampires, they are all unsatisfactory low-level vampires, that is, the diao silk among vampires. Although they are stronger than ordinary people, they are only stronger than ordinary people.

Once encountered by North Vietnam, a mutant army that has been formed by all strict training, these vampire diaos of Hellfire will not become.

Fortunately, in the Hellfire Corps team, there are high-level kinsmen leading the team, so even after the team suffered a fatal blow, there was no rout and chaos, and it was able to stabilize the position.

But this is only temporary.

If the situation has not been reversed for a long time, then even with these high-ranking blood races, there will be no way to save the fate of complete failure, and eventually the Hellfire Corps will completely collapse.

It was in such a situation that Andrew appeared in the North Vietnamese army guarding the passage, and the senior officer commanded the camp.

Along the way, Andrew witnessed the powerful strength of the North Vietnamese mutants. They killed those low-level blood races as easily as cutting melons and vegetables. No wonder the Hellfire Corps suffered a setback after encountering this unit. It's really not wronged in this way.

"My young master hopes that it can still be resolved peacefully. There is really no need for military means. We just want to borrow this channel. Moreover, this channel is built by my lady. It really doesn't make sense for you to dominate alone like this."

Andrew suddenly appeared in the busy command tent and frightened everyone at once.

Because Andrew appeared too suddenly.

Even the guards outside the account were unaware.

Thanks to Andrew's lack of malice for the time being, it would not be impossible to get the people here in one go if he had no good intentions.

If something happens to the people in this tent, the consequences will be unimaginable.

After all, this tent has gathered all the North Vietnamese guards for the passage.

Huh! Boom!

Before Andrew had finished speaking, the guy who responded quickly took out the pistol from his waist and fired three shots at Andrew.

But what is even more surprising is that with the sound of the gunshots, three energy lines formed by the impact of the bullets appeared in front of Andrew, and the bullets that were shot at Andrew were blocked by an invisible energy barrier.

"Let's talk about it. If it weren't for my young master who wanted to have a peaceful talk, you people would have been eaten by me, so I came with sincerity."

There was no mood swing on Andrew's face, but a trace of dissatisfaction could be heard in his words.

That's right, anyone who is shot with a gun is not in a good mood.

But because he remembered Kim Hyun Tae’s account of this relationship, Andrew did not fight back by force, otherwise the people here would die immediately.

Don't doubt that Andrew has such strength and ability.

Boom! Boom!

Three more shots responded to Andrew.

Now Andrew couldn't help it. He glanced at the guy who was shooting at him, and raised his right hand far away. The guy immediately seemed to be pinched on the neck by an invisible big hand, and the whole person was strangely suspended. , Began to blush and struggle again and again.

Click it!

The guy's neck was irregularly twisted, and after a crisp sound, it became a dead body that lost its vitality, and fell softly to the ground.


"Don't shout, this space has been closed by me, all of you are under my control, which means that your lives belong to me."

Andrew walked by the North Vietnamese officers in a carefree manner, then sat down in a chair with his hands, and put his legs on the long table in front of him.

A North Vietnamese officer slowly moved his arm and touched the holster.

Andrew didn't even shift his sight, and said: "If I were you, I wouldn't be so reckless, because your behavior will kill everyone here."

After listening to Andrew's words and seeing his weird methods, no one would act rashly for the time being.

"I know who of you can call the shots. I came here with sincerity, so let's have a frank and fair talk."

Andrew didn't bother to talk nonsense with these guys, and after seeing the shock to everyone, he began to enter the subject.

"In a word, we want to go to the new world by this way, and please stop attacking us. Everyone is in peace, OK?"

An officer with a star on his face responded sternly: "Impossible! You imperialist scumbags, our duty is to guard this place and prevent your Americans and South Vietnamese puppets from passing."

Andrew squinted at the middle-age general officer who responded to him, and said: "Is Ruan Dacheng right? According to the information I have, you are the highest commander of all the North Vietnamese troops guarding here, so your attitude is largely It represents the higher level in the north, but I can also understand, after all, we are in a hostile state.

But this world is not incompatible with everything. In my opinion, it just depends on the price. And I think the conditions in my hand can move you, then would you like to listen to my conditions? "

Ruan Dacheng sneered, and raised his head proudly, his eyes full of contempt for Andrew.

"You imperialist puppies, you always think you can achieve everything if you have money, but today I just let you down, because you think you have a good bargaining chip, and you are **** with me!"

Ruan Dacheng himself was very excited by what Yizheng said.

Faced with the temptation of imperialism, he rebuked it with firm belief.

Especially when so many colleagues are watching the scene.

But soon, Ruan Dacheng would not think so.

Andrew took out a tablet from his arms, swiped it on the screen casually, and threw it in front of Ruan Dacheng.

"Look at the conditions first, and then talk about it~lightnovelpub.net~Don't think that you are so great. Be excited and wait for a while."

An instant video screen appeared on the tablet. A middle-aged woman appeared in the screen, surrounded by two women, one boy and three children, looking happy and happy.

An ordinary real-time live broadcast image made Ruan Dacheng's face quite ugly.

Because the woman in the picture is his wife, and the three children are his children.

At the same time, Ruan Dacheng could see that someone was shooting his family at close range. Thinking about this photographer can also bring threats and harm to his family.

Old God Andrew shook the seat under his butt, and took out a dozen tablet computers in a tricky manner. It really makes people wonder how big pockets he has in his arms to enable him to take out so much. Here comes the tablet.

And without exception, the families of these officers appeared in the live video on the tablet.

"Well, my terms are okay? I personally think that you have no way to refuse, so I am really sincere."