Rising America

Chapter 1647: That would face an empire

After obtaining Coco's consent, Fenrir would be polite, and immediately swallowed all the guys who dared to shout into his own mouth, and even chewed and chewed cruelly. So that everyone present could clearly hear, the sound of smashing bones came out of his mouth, and after hearing it, people couldn't help but a chill rushed along the tail vertebra.

"These blind guys, who do they think they are? What kind of existence do they think they are talking to? Do they really think that my master is just an ordinary little girl, can they be bullied by these old fritters!"

While chewing his own dog's mouth, Fenrir uttered Oscar 6's lingua franca. The dog's eyes fiercely looked around the natives around him, and said in a disdainful tone.

The temperature in the entire hall has dropped a lot, even to the point where people feel a biting chill, and even some places on the granite floor have begun to form ice ballast.

This phenomenon was due to Fenrir, because this guy released his own unique Nordic frost pressure while speaking.

After all, it is the existence in the mythology of the cold regions of Northern Europe in different time and space, so in Fenrir's ability, there will be passive freezing and cold special effects. Perhaps this can be regarded as Fenrir's talent bonus.

However, compared to the normal cold, the passive cold effect under Fenrir's ability is not a little bit more powerful, and the effect it produces is far beyond the natural cold.

Of course, at the moment Fenrir is just to increase his aura, and does not have the idea of ​​using this ability to kill, otherwise it would have become a world of ice and snow.

But even so, the bitter chill made the indigenous dark creatures who were not involved in the noise in the hall shudder from the depths of their souls.

If you don't agree, you will swallow the uproarers, without any compromise. Although Coco himself didn't say anything, its monster (Fenrir) has already told everyone about Coco's tough attitude.

"My master is the King of Kings! The masters of many planes bring slaughter and death. The true horrors of blood and fear, these unopened guys actually think my master is a bully, so they really deserve to die what!"

Fenrir began to flatter Cocoa.

As a'pet', the skill of flattering has now become an instinct of Fenrir. After all, if it wants to be moisturized in Cocoa, it must be comfortable for its owner for a long time, so that it can survive. Comfortable.

Look at his cousin, Cerberus, this guy just relies on flattering, and now his life is going well.

Therefore, now Fenrir has also begun to learn the style of his cousin, the three-headed dog of hell, aside from his own face, as long as he looks at the opportunity, he starts to flatter Coco.

Of course, the result of this must be Cocoa's satisfaction, and Fenrir can also get great benefits.

Sure enough, a red fruit was thrown over to Cocoa, and it was thrown right into Fenrir’s dog’s mouth. The huge energy contained in the fruit was absorbed by Fenrir’s body for an instant, and the warm feeling made it feel warm. Fenrir hummed comfortably.

It is conceivable that Fenrir, who looks like Erhu, stretched out a comfortable and comfortable look on the dog's face and hummed what it was like, which made it look even more different.

"That's right! This is a reward for you, and I hope you will keep it up in the future."

The little guy stood up from the throne and praised Fenrir who flattered himself. Obviously Fenrir’s flattery just now made the little guy very satisfied, otherwise the little guy would never have such a reaction. of.

To be honest, Coco is only such an older kid, and he likes to listen to flattering compliments. This is really speechless.

However, it can also be seen from this point that it is obviously Cocoa’s only ‘weakness’ that he likes to hear compliments from others.

Of course, these are basically the unique characteristics of children. Which child is not like this, but Coco is no exception. Maybe it will be better in the future.

But no matter what, now the little guy likes people to compliment himself very much.

With a wave of his right arm, dozens of liquid metal robots appeared. They were busy around the throne behind Coco. Due to the occlusion, the people present did not know which puppet warriors "liquid metal robots" were doing. .

After the busy schedule, the liquid metal robots retreated, and everyone present found that the throne behind Coco had been replaced by a throne, from the normal throne before to a bone throne made of white bones.

At the same time, a kind of music that no one has ever heard reverberated strangely around the hall. The tone of this music was mysterious and profound, with a strong dark flavor.

Anyone who is familiar with Coco knows that the bear kid is creating momentum for himself, because this is a routine that bear kid often uses. After all, this bear kid is very good.

A music excerpt from a chapter of the Zerg level in a time-space single-player game "StarCraft", which is quite suitable for use at this time.

I really don't know how much energy the little guy put in to create this atmosphere.

Dare to love that she didn't speak before, but actually used the method of "One Qi Transforms Three Cleansing" to make her clone return to the Olympus Mystery Store, where she chose such a pure music.

With this powerful ability, to do such a weird and funny thing, only Coco this bear can do it.

The music of the "StarCraft" Zerg is weird, the human is passionate, the Protoss is profound, and Coco is now playing the horror devil, so the profound and passionate are not in line with her identity, so the Zerg At that time, the weirdness is very related to her identity.

Of course, the little guy himself does not know this. This is the suggestion given by the sound in the mysterious shop, so the little guy knows this.

Cocoa has placed audio equipment everywhere in the cemetery and castle. In order to create an atmosphere anytime, anywhere, the little guy has made complete preparations.

And this kind of trivial matter is not difficult for those liquid metal robots.

A children's black robe, painted black eye shadows, black lipstick, a dark gothic non-mainstream makeup, wearing a purple headgear that played the role of the murderous girl in "King of the Sea", Coco standing in front of the bone throne, It's quite an alternative style of the dark camp.

"This is my castle! This is my territory! Anyone who dares to covet me will be ruthlessly obliterated. My majesty cannot be provoked. The price those guys have already paid, I hope the rest of you can remember this and remember me These words!"

To be honest, after Fenrir swallowed the provocateurs, the rest of the people had been frightened out of their guts, and no one would dare to do such a thing anymore.

Although everyone still doesn't know how strong Coco is, it is just the powerful combat power displayed by the monsters Fenrir, Spartan Lolita, and the metal golem warrior beside Coco, which is enough to shock them.

"Next, let us talk about the next military plan."

Coco turned around and walked up to the Bone Throne in a serious manner, and then climbed up and sat down amusedly. After all, the little guy is not three years old now, he is quite short, and the Bone Throne seems to be a little bit taller, and the little guy wants to sit on it. You have to climb up first.

After all, he led the war in several ancient worlds, so Coco knew exactly what he would do after defeating the Duchy of Stein.

The ancient worlds of the "Five Huluanhua" planes and the "End of Ming Dynasty" planes are definitely not in vain. In those worlds, the little guy led his cheating army to fight all over the world. of.

Therefore, the little guy is absolutely no stranger to how to fight a cold weapon war.

The little guy knows a little bit of it.

Although not comparable to those genius commanders, the little guy is definitely not a layman.

Therefore, Coco knew very well that the Principality of Stein had just been defeated by himself, so its domestic military power would definitely be very empty, so this was his own opportunity ~ lightnovelpub.net~ an opportunity to invade and destroy the Principality of Stein.

It is because of this point that the little guy wants to talk about it now.

A cemetery castle is not enough, and Coco doesn't like passive defense. She has always liked to attack actively. Only active attack is the most suitable for the character of the little guy.

Now that the Principality of Stein has an opportunity, there is no reason for the little guy not to seize it.

After taking down the Principality of Stein, he was completely able to completely block the pressure of humans, so that the Great Plains would not be threatened by human forces.

More importantly, oneself can expand one's own evil power territory, this is the most critical one.

The little guy didn't want to just guard a cemetery and castle, she also wanted to lead the Skeleton Legion to cross Oscar 6 and cover this plane with darkness and terror.

"Now the army of the Principality of Stein has been defeated by us and lost a lot of troops, so I judge that its domestic military strength will inevitably be vacant, and its defensive ability will be insufficient for a long time, so I think this is our active offensive. Great opportunity for the Principality of Stein."

Coco's meaning is obvious. She wants to attack the Principality of Stein with troops, and take the Principality of Stein in one fell swoop and put it under her control.

Ollie was the first to stand up to support Coco's decision. This violent loli said loudly: "I support your decision by the eldest sister. We Spartans are willing to be the vanguard!"

Fenrir also stood up after Oli and said: "I am willing to overcome obstacles for my master!"

However, an ogre who had taken refuge in anxiously stood up and reminded Coco: "I have no objection to the Principality of Stein, but once the Principality of Stein is taken, you will definitely face the military pressure of the Frank Empire. This is not a The principality is an empire."