Rising America

Chapter 1648: Your daughter is really interesting

"The Duchy of Stein is just a small duchy under the jurisdiction of the Frank Empire. There are thousands of military nobles like Grand Duke Stein in the Frank Empire. Regardless of whether Stein is a duke, he actually possesses military power. , In the empire, he can't be on the table at all, so he will always stay in the country, a place where birds don't shit."

"As far as I know, there are only three dukes and nobles with powerful armed forces in the Frankish Empire, one prince, and even two nobles with earl titles. Each of these nobles has more than three million troops. many."

"From this we can draw a conclusion that the military power of the entire Frankish empire is very powerful, and it is not comparable to the Duchy of Stein. After the annexation of the Duchy of Stein, we are bound to face the military pressure of the entire Frankish empire. , So I ask you to think twice."

The advice of this ogre is also very sincere.

If this is changed to someone else, after listening to the Frank Emperor's statistics, he will more or less retreat, but the question is, is Coco afraid?


Cocoa is not cocoa if she is afraid.

Although I don't know how big the Oscar continent is, or how strong the Frankish Empire is, Coco has never been afraid.

The little guy has gone to so many plane worlds and experienced large-scale cold weapon wars. It is not a little kid who has never seen a big scene.

Besides, the bear child has a plug-in that can cheat, so how could she be scared by such a thing.

Not only did the bear child not be frightened, but on the contrary, he was stimulated with a strong fighting spirit.

"There is nothing else in my cemetery, that is, there are more violent soldiers! I am not afraid of anyone than the force, so these concerns of yours are not necessary at all!"

The little guy sat on the throne of bones with a look of "I have decided", causing the admonishing ogre to sigh in his heart, thinking that this dark power will not be long before, and it is estimated that it will be human The forces were wiped out.

At that time, he will most likely die in an unfavorable manner, or else he will end up wandering and hiding again.

"Everyone, go back. Tomorrow we will start attacking the Duchy of Stein."

The little guy didn't choose to launch an attack right now, mainly because he wanted to come out more aggressively, so he decided to march the next day.

After the local dark creatures who rushed back down, many of them fled the cemetery castle that night. It can be seen that these guys are really not optimistic about Coco launching a military operation against the Stein Principality. A force will be wiped out by the powerful military of the Frank Empire.

For those guys who fled, Coco didn't care.

The little guy himself hadn't counted on these bastards, but the little guy also secretly decided in his heart that these escaping guys must not let them go. In short, after the Oscar continent is unified, none of these guys will have a good end.

On the same day, Coco started a cheating program and gave his own cemetery and castle violence.

At the same time as the violence, all the buildings in the cemetery castle were also promoted to the top by cheating.

The cemetery castle itself is a ‘stand-alone game’, so the little guy knows that there is definitely a cheat editor. Sure enough, the little guy found the cheat-edited merchandise from the secret store and bought it right away.

With the cheat editor, the level of opening and hanging of the cemetery has been greatly improved, and a large number of troops have been exposed within a dozen hours.

Even Cocoa is not satisfied with just having a cemetery power. The underground power that the little guy also bought, the castle of the swamp power, built the castles of the two powers on the edge of his cemetery castle.

For a while, at the place where the Principality of Stein and the Great Plains handed over, a large number of dark camp legions appeared densely.

Of course, it's not that the little guys from other forces didn't buy them, but they didn't feel that they were in line with their own style of the horror big devil, so the little guys didn't use it.

After all, a terrifying devil led a human army and angels to fight against humans. This style of painting is really nondescript, so he holds the castle of human forces in his hand, but the little guy did not use it. It only used the cemetery forces and the swamp. The forces, and the castles of the underground forces, were embodied in the Oscar continent.

But even so, the military power possessed by the bear children now makes people stunned.

Even the noise on Cocoa's side was so loud that even the Huaxia base in the back knew about it and sent people to check it out.

This check doesn't matter, Coco's big move made China Base also startled.

No one could have imagined that the bear children would now take the initiative to attack the natives of this world, ambitions to lay a big turf for themselves.

Due to the appearance of the castles of the three major powers, the people who came to check in West China also found that the tasks they received every day had also changed, and they were all related to the three major castle powers.

And after completing the mission, you can also hire heroes from the taverns in the three castles, and even rely on the level of completion of the mission and the affinity with the three camps to hire the corresponding units from the three castles.

This discovery was so remarkable, so the observer hurriedly returned to the base and reported the news.

And some adventurers also discovered that most of the missions released by Coco's Horror Devil Temple every day are related to the three major castle forces.

In a word, as long as the adventurers of the China Base can do the missions released by the Great Horror Temple of Cocoa, after a period of time, they will definitely be able to travel alone and protect themselves.

This is a great guarantee for the safety of adventurers.

Imagine a Chinese adventurer who hires a hero from a tavern and hires a team of low-level troops to go out for adventure. Even if he encounters a gang of goblin robbers with hundreds of people, there is absolutely no danger if he wants to come, compared to one person. It's much safer to go out on an adventure.

I have to say that this is also a disguised welfare.

At least, other bases do not have this kind of welfare. For example, in the Citi State Development Base, which was established far away under the influence of the hill dwarves, those adventurers from Citi State do not enjoy this kind of welfare. They can only be in the mountains every day. The hill dwarf wanders around, and every mineral found is owned by the hill dwarf.

And going out will also encounter various dangers, such as the ubiquitous goblin bandit gang, it is impossible to get out of the safe area that the hill dwarves can guarantee.

But the Huaxia Development Base is different here. The bandit group on the Great Plains has been wiped out, and now with the invisible benefits Cocoa gives, it is absolutely no surprise that it will be out of the Great Plains in the future.

It can be said that China has a strong advantage that no country has on the Oscar Road, and no country will be able to surpass it for a long time.

It was at this time that Andrew, who followed Jin Xiantai to the new world but appeared on the forest elves of a remote island, appeared in front of Coco who was about to wield the Principality of Stein, and told the little guy about the accident.

"What! My dad walked along the corridor between North and South Vietnam, so he appeared far away? Is he in danger? Where did the indigenous people not attack Dad? No, now you take me to Dad. "

Hearing this news, Coco was a little messy. After all, the little guy knew that his father was an ordinary person, and he didn't have such a strong power as himself, so Coco was worried about what dangers his father might encounter.

Andrew comforted the old **** and said: "Miss, you don’t need to be so nervous, the young master is safe now. Those forest elves did not embarrass us, especially after knowing that we have nothing to do with the North Vietnamese pioneers. Friendship, even the young master became friends with the fighting druid over there."

"That won't work either. The world is dangerous. There are powerful and powerful natives everywhere. I must bring my father with me to be at ease."

Although Andrew said that Jin Xiantai is safe, Coco is still very worried.

There was no way, Andrew had to come to the super big island where the forest elves were with Coco, and let the little guy see his father in person, so that the little guy really felt relieved.

As for the things on the Great Plains, Coco left it to Oli for the time being before leaving. I want to be the king of Spartan loli, Oli has no problem dealing with related issues and things, after all. It's the king.

When Coco and Andrew appeared, Kim Hyun-tae was discussing literary issues with Druid Nana. When the little guy and Andrew appeared out of thin air, they also frightened the druid.

However, after Kim Hyun Tae introduced his daughter, the druid also showed great kindness towards Coco.

"Dad, leave here with you and me, with the blood legion. It just so happens that I am about to go to war with the human forces."

"I have also built three castles, all of which will be reserved for you. You will be the emperor when you go, and I will be the grand marshal. Together, our father and daughter will become legends in the history of this continent.

No matter where he goes, the little guy is uneasy, and he is about to go to war with humans in this world. This is not beyond Jin Xiantai's expectations, so he is not surprised at all.

On the contrary, the daughter becomes a lady, that's an anomaly.

Druid Nana looked at Coco talking endlessly, with a smile on her face. She thought this little guy was so interesting that she didn't make any drafts.

However, Jin Xiantai didn't think that his daughter was bragging because he knew his daughter well. Since Coco said that, she must have done so.

"Cocoa, why are you going to war with humans again? Isn't it good to live in peace?"

"I am the great horror devil. What peace is needed? Evil is the essence of the devil."

"But if you start a war, it will bring disaster to ordinary people here."

"What sympathy is needed for npc."

"They are not NPCs, they are all flesh and blood creatures."

"I don't care, I will be the devil!"

The little guy had some problems with his father's communication ~lightnovelpub.net~ so Coco played a little bit and left with a pouting mouth.

Looking at the daughter who disappeared from the magic channel, Jin Xiantai smiled helplessly and said to Andrew: "Let the blood legion go wherever cocoa, you go too, watch the little guy not let her cause too much killing."

"Then young master, you?" Andrew didn't take the order immediately.

Kim Hyun-tae thought for a while: "I want to take a boat from this place to see the mainland. I heard that the opposite of this big island is the Land of Frost, where the people of the bear country have established a base."

The magic channel reappeared, and the little guy went and returned, and threw a card to his father.

"The throne is still reserved for you. I will become the emperor whenever I figure it out! I will act as a general marshal when you are away, and I will try my best to avoid involving civilians in my path to dominance."

The little guy was still angry, but said that the throne was still reserved for his father.

After speaking, the little guy disappeared in the magic channel again.

He stayed in a daze looking at the card in his hand marked with [Heroes No Enemy Bugs].

"Haha, your daughter is really interesting."

Nana finally couldn't help laughing.

Kim Hyun Tae looked at Druid Nana with a wry smile, and asked her, "Do you think my daughter is joking?"

Nana nodded: "Yes."

Kim Hyun-tae put on a serious expression and said to Druid Nana: "You are wrong. What my daughter said is true. She said that if you want to start a war against mankind, something like this will definitely happen. This is definitely not Just kidding, this bear kid has such ability and strength."

Hearing what Kim Hyun-tae said, Fighting Druid Nana looked wrong.

"Isn't it, such a big girl can still start a war!" rw