Rising America

Chapter 1654: Sir, you are not young anymore, but...

Chapter 1654 Sir, you are not too young, but...

【Tomahawk Brotherhood】

This is the name that Chi Sperm finally determined after listening to Zhiyu's advice, and after paying all the fees, he finally registered on the base.

In the future, he will bring his apprentice Zhiyu to start recruiting members from the Oscar continent. As for whether he can grow up, it depends on Chi Sperm's ability.

Just like Zhiyu said, here in the Oscar continent, there are all kinds of brotherhoods, colored and uncolored, and there are not too many commercial guilds. Even the coolies are organized.

Therefore, Chijingzi wanted to make the [Tomahawk Brotherhood] bigger and put a foot in it. This is really not an easy task.

Of course, if it is an ordinary person, it is basically impossible to do so, perhaps it is no different from looking for death, but Chijin is not an ordinary person, so he is confident that he can achieve the goal.

Yourong Beef Ramen

Chijingzi took Zhiyu and ordered two bowls of noodles here. The one who was in charge of the ramen was a drow wizard girl. God knows where she learned this craft. It didn’t take long for the Huaxia base to be established. .

The store is small, it can only accommodate a few dozen guests, and the decoration is very elegant, very antique, the drow fairy sister paper is behind the bar, the guests come to eat and sit in front of the bar after ordering, the sister paper will come. After making ramen, guests will have a panoramic view of the whole process. This is a little different from the chef of Earth Ramen in the back kitchen.

More importantly, the master of ramen here is sister paper, and she is also the drow elven sister paper who has a good appearance and a super body.

Sitting in front of the bar, when the sister paper is stretching the noodles, the customer can clearly see the two swaying **** on her chest. This will not make customers feel that the waiting time is too long, especially the drow sister The paper is just wearing a small leather cover, which is even more eye-catching.

"Master, are you here to eat noodles or to see things."

In the process of waiting, Zhiyu found that his master was staring straight at the other girl Zall’s paper. His eyes never moved at all. The squinting appearance made the little guy quite unable to sit still. This is really true. What a shame.

Therefore, Zhiyu couldn't help using such words to remind his master to pay attention.

"Beautiful and delicious! The owner of this shop is really good at doing business. Putting such a sister paper here as a noodle stretching master, this business is hard to imagine."

Chi Jingzi didn't respond to Zhiyu directly, but his sight that didn't look away in the end still deeply betrayed his heart.

To be honest, Chi sperm came to see sister paper.

After all, Chijingzi did his homework before coming to the New World. I heard people say that there is a ramen restaurant in Huaxia Base. The noodle maker in it is a sister of drow elves. Customers who come here can order noodles while eating. Seductive, so Chi Sperm came here admiringly.

And the result did not disappoint him. Although the drow girls look different from the Eastern girls, they have another unique charm.

"Guest, your face is ready."

The drow sister puts a bowl of hot noodles in front of the red sperm. Due to the distance, the girl needs to lean forward when handing the noodles, so the red sperm can clearly appreciate the softness of the two **** of meat. , And even smell the body fragrance from the girl.

Zhiyu no longer looks at his own master, because Chi Sperm's current appearance is not flattering, Zhiyu thinks it is better to pretend not to know him.

The flour is local, and the beef is produced in the world. Therefore, these raw materials give this bowl of noodles a very special taste. They have their own advantages and disadvantages with the earth's ramen, but they are all equally delicious.

Coupled with the seductive relationship of the girls, so if you want to come to this ramen restaurant, you usually have to queue for 24 hours, which shows how popular this restaurant is.

You can pay soft sister coins to eat noodles in a noodle shop, which is greatly convenient for many adventurers from the earth.

"The owner behind this shop is not simple, I have already inquired out from the teacher, he is a very powerful character."

In the process of eating noodles, Chijingzi and Zhuoermeizhi had a unique chat, and a lot of information was gathered from the sister, such as who is the owner of the store.

Zhiyu finished the bowl of noodles in front of him, patted his belly, took the napkin at hand and wiped his mouth, then glanced at his mysterious master, and asked, "Who is the boss? "

Chi Sperm did not say who it was, but just responded to Zhiyu by saying: "He is a very powerful person. Even the master can't offend me. For the master, I really didn't expect this person to be in this world. Ramen restaurant business."

Cut, pretending to be mysterious.

Zhiyu curled his lips, no longer interested in further inquiries.

Suddenly, there was a shout outside, and the two masters and apprentices who were leading turned their heads to look outside.

But seeing from the street outside the noodle shop, a group of monsters with bright armors and bright armors passed by. These monsters are all bull monsters. The bull monster led by at least a thousand years of Taoism, Chi Sperm just released the fairy power to detect it. .

The leading bull demon looked like a majestic and majestic, shouting and greeted the subordinates behind him with swaggering heads, and walking side by side in a neat line on the street, looking quite majestic.

Just listen to the leading bull demon shouting down his opponent: "Little brothers! The king has already obtained the title of Marquis, and he will have a fief in this world in the future, but the premise is that we must defeat the army of the Frankish Empire, so We must work hard, and we must not ruin this good thing about the king."

A crowd of Mavericks in a neat line behind him heard the words and suddenly raised all kinds of weapons in their hands and clamored.

"The boss rest assured! We must go all out to get our king to obtain a marquis' fief and defeat that **** Frank Empire!"

"That's right, here to play the prestige of our Thunder Mountain! Let the people here know that our men in the Thunder Mountain are humbling!"

"Jilei Mountain is mighty! The Jilei Mountain will win!"

"Everyone, hurry up. I heard that the Generalissimo has formulated a military plan and will soon launch a comprehensive military strategy against the Frankish Empire, so our group of talents will be called up to this world."

A few words revealed a lot of information.

Those who don't know will definitely be confused, as if Master Chijingzi was puzzled.

But for those who knew the inside story, the information revealed by these bull monsters from Mount Jilei was quite shocking.

"What, the country of Moe is going to launch a full-scale military offensive against the Frank Empire? This is not a joke. The country of Moe has only so many soldiers and horses. I heard that the Frankish Empire can pull out an army of five or six million people casually. It can draw out a large number of knights with powerful strength."

"This brother, you must not underestimate the military strength of the country of cuteness, and you think that the little girl, the grand marshal of the country of cuteness, Coco, can be treated with ordinary eyes."

"I think this friend said very well, but this little girl can't use common sense to look at it. Isn't this kid doing amazing things? I think it is very likely that the Frankish Empire will be tragedy."

"Why are you talking about so much? We can't participate in this kind of battle anyway. After all, our strength is here, so I want to say that we should quickly improve our strength, and then go out of the base to take a real adventure."

The adventurers on the street whispered one after another, discussing this matter quietly.

Some people expressed dissatisfaction with Mengzhi's military strategy against the Frankish Empire, others expressed optimism about it, and even more expressed their sigh that they were not strong enough to participate in the near future.

After eating the noodles, Chi Jingzi, the master and apprentice, walked out of the noodle shop. Seeing that everyone was talking about it, Chi Jing found someone beside him and started talking.

"As ordinary people, how can we improve our strength? Is there any genius here?"

Some people in the discussion will pop out two sentences "hurry up and improve their strength" from time to time. This has long aroused the curiosity of Chi sperm, especially Chi sperm who want to know, adventurers from the earth. , How did you improve your strength here?

"Go to the temple! Where the devil sacrifices will release various tasks, as long as you can complete the task, you can get reward points, and then you can use those reward points to exchange weapons, equipment, and combat skills from the temple, but now there is only "Heroes, Coco, Invincible "" series of combat skills can be learned, "Diablo Coco", "Coco King on Horseback and Blade" and "Coco Heroes" are not yet available."

The black line on Chi sperm's face.

He really didn't expect that Coco could still play like this.

Even for an instant, Chijingzi thought of setting up such a temple to teach adventurers the benefits behind the skills, so that Chijingzi couldn't help but shocked.

Yes indeed!

I didn’t think that if I could set up my interpretation and teaching here, it would also allow adventurers to complete tasks, so that people could become followers of my interpretation and teaching, so that they would not be able to successfully acquire followers for the master and gather them. Do you believe it?

In the end, it is the 12th National Congress of Education, Chi Sperm's brain is not stupid.

However, he thought about it, and temporarily he was excited by Nai, intending to go to the Temple of the Terror Demon King in Coco to find out, and learn and study by the way, and then report the matter to the master.

If you can succeed, then your status in the master's heart will definitely be greatly improved.

At the moment, Chijin picked up Zhiyu and went to the temple of the ‘Terror King’, and from a long distance I saw many people gathered outside the temple, as well as devils wearing sacrificial robes.

Speaking of which, only Cocoa can do such a thing as a sacrifice to the devil.

However, these demons obviously did a good job. They didn't let their appearance and origin scare those adventurers from the earth, and they were also very amiable.

"Can I take the task?"

Chi Jingzi walked over with Zhiyu in his arms, and asked a devil sacrifice.

The devil sacrificed a glance at Chi Sperm, and responded: "Anyone who believes in my lord can come and take the task, and then obtain combat skills from my lord."

Believe in Coco that kid!

The Chi sperm was quite speechless.

Obviously, Chijingzi has no way to believe in Coco, because he is an educator.

"What if you can't believe it?"

The devil sacrificially rolled his eyes, and his tone changed.

"Everything has a price, and there is nothing in the world that can benefit you in vain. This gentleman sees that you are not too young, don't you understand the truth?"

It must be ~lightnovelpub.net~ to be despised by the devil.

At the same time, the answer of the devil sacrifice is very clear. If you don't believe in cocoa, then you will talk about everything. At this time, believe in cocoa is the most important major premise.

Cocoa is obviously not stupid either.

However, Zhiyu was very interested in this, and said: "The Great Terror Demon is my sister. I don't need to believe in her to learn combat skills, right?"


Zhiyu's words made the devil sacrifice almost jumped up.

Was it the bear boy in front of him talking nonsense, or was it true? This devil sacrifice did not dare to take it lightly, so he immediately asked his superiors in a special way.

At the same time, Chijingzi found that there was a little more vigilance, a little more fear in the eyes of the devil's sacrifice in front of him, and a little more ill-intentioned cold light.

Obviously, if it is confirmed that Zhiyu is nonsense, then there will definitely be bad results.

But if it is confirmed that Zhiyu is indeed the younger brother of Coco, the lord of Nine-Layer Purgatory, then the devil's attitude will be completely different.

That's why the gaze in the eyes of this devil sacrifice is so complicated.

Being vigilant is to be afraid that someone will bluff people by the name of Coco, if this is not a good sign.

Fear is that Zhiyu is really Coco's brother.

Hanmang was as long as he confirmed Zhiyu's nonsense, then the devil sacrificial priest would take action to teach Zhiyu, and even the red sperm would have to be cleaned up.

After all, Coco is the lord of the nine-layer purgatory, so some people can't let some people beat her name.

But as long as it is confirmed to be true, then, as Zhiyu asked, do I still need to believe in cocoa and complete tasks to learn combat skills?


If it is confirmed that Zhiyu is the brother of Coco, and the task of returning the fart, the temple is definitely responsive.

No way, who made Coco, the master of the nine-layer purgatory, in the eyes of these demons, is an absolutely terrifying master.