Rising America

Chapter 1655: Strong military

The private castle of the former Archduke Stein was now a temporary private residence in the Moe Country created by Cocoa. Because the Frankish Empire has not been completely defeated, Cocoa can only live here temporarily.

But even though it is only the castle of Archduke Stein, its luxury is not low, and the location of the castle is quite good.

This is a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, with a towering mountain, splashing waterfalls, and a large green forest. Standing on the balcony of the castle, you can have a magnificent view, and such a view It is not common on Earth in different time and space.

And inside the castle, in order to maintain a dry and comfortable temperature, the original Archduke Stein did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy a lot of expensive element magic crystals embedded in the castle from the mage tower, which can provide the castle with constant throughout the year. Pleasant temperature, no need to worry about the weather outside, it is much better than the earth's air conditioner.

The handmade camel hair carpet of the desert rhinoceros covers all the ground in the castle, and it is quite soft to walk on.

I have to say that Archduke Stein is a very enjoyable person.

However, all his enjoyment is based on the exploitation of those people in the Principality, and all he spends is the money raided from these people.

Of course, these are the rights of the nobles, at least this is a normal thing on the Oscar continent.

However, now all this is cheap cocoa.

The hapless Grand Duke Stein was now an air-dried corpse on a boom outside the city, and could no longer enjoy all the luxury things he once had.

The area of ​​the Principality of Stein is not small, basically the same size as the other normal capital of China. It has 16,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 30 million. Because it is located on the border of the plain, the Principality of Stein has always been very developed in business. .

And a developed business foundation will inevitably attract a large number of mercenary organizations, so the Stein Principality not only has money, but also has a large number of mercenaries.

However, since Coco defeated Archduke Stein, all of this is now cocoa stuff. Those mercenaries were also killed by the three heroes and invincible forces when they fought against Archduke Stein. Now there is only money left in the Principality of Stein, and there are not many mercenaries.

But as long as Cocoa can continue to win, not bring stability to the Stein area, and reopen business matters, then there will definitely be a large number of mercenary organizations coming here.

At the moment, the person in charge of the Stein area's government affairs is Mr. Li, who is teaming up with Mr. Jin to open up a new world.

The burden of being an administrative officer is not easy.

Moreover, people’s livelihood problems are very serious at the moment, and there are a large number of urgent problems to be solved. If these problems are not handled well, they will definitely cause great troubles.

Therefore, the old man is busy hitting the back of the head now, and he can't wait to turn his head in 24 hours.

Only Coco, who leaves everything to others to do, is the most leisurely person.

There are many elven maids in the castle. They are all slaves bought by Archduke Stein at a high price. The elven girls who were caught and sold here by the human slave group are all marked by slaves.

Speaking of which, they are also poor people.

Fortunately, I changed the owner, but he wouldn’t be like Grand Duke Stein, who would bully these little elves if nothing happened, and the little guy also improved the daily treatment of these elves, making them better than before. Great dignity.

Therefore, for the new owner of Coco, the elf maids in the castle are very grateful, and this gratitude is also quite sincere.

This is clearly felt by Annie who has followed Coco around the castle.

Anne was still very pleased that Coco was able to gain the loyalty of these elven maids.

In the small open-air garden on the top of the castle, Annie and Coco sat on the edge of the garden, enjoying the view of the lush green forest and waterfall in the distance, while chatting about the elven maids.

"It can be seen that these girls are grateful to you from the heart, and even I think they are still willing to fight for you. How did you do it?"

Annie is quite curious that the little guy can harvest the loyalty of these elf girls.

The little guy ate the mousse cake snacks in front of him and drank milk black tea. Hearing the words, he responded, “I took them to see the hanging of Grand Duke Stein, and personally dealt with the leader of the slave trader in the city to report to these young ladies. If you have a grudge, maybe it is because of this relationship that they are like this?"

Obviously, there is nothing to ask the little guy, after all, the little guy never cares about these things.

Simply, Annie stopped asking.

"You plan to launch a full-scale military offensive against the Frankish Empire. Are you sure about it?"

Although the topic is very serious, neither Coco's face nor Annie's face can see any signs of tension or worry, as if for them this matter is just a small matter, a very trivial matter. .

Oh my!

That is the Frankish Empire!

There are only a few countries on the Oscar Road that can be called an ‘empire’, and each of them has strong military strength, which is not comparable to a small principality like Stein.

As one of the three major empires of mankind, the Frank empire, its strength in all aspects is beyond doubt, population, economy, and soldiers cannot be imagined.

Even those in the country with extraordinary powers can be said to be as numerous as stars.

Even though Coco has won several victories and defeated the 6 million troops of the Frank Empire, this is nothing to the Frank Empire. Perhaps the Frank Empire just used these cannon fodder to try the tricks of the country of cuteness. .

Of course, it is true that the Frankish Empire is strong, but Coco's cute country is not weak.

After all, as a representative of invaders from another world, Coco is also an existence that cannot be viewed with common sense.

Moreover, with the preparations for war, Cocoa's forces began to gather here.

Troops purchased from Heavenly Court, Monster Race, and Mystery Shop, so the missing Cocoa did not have the confidence to fight against the Frank Empire, and even eventually won the war.

"Tell Mommy, what kind of military power do you have now?"

"One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, one hundred thousand thunder mountain bull monsters, one hundred thousand flower and fruit mountain monkey monsters, three hundred thousand cemetery troops, three hundred thousand swamp troops, three hundred thousand underground forces, a total of 1.2 million An army of people!"

A hint of pride appeared on the little guy's face when he mentioned this.

Indeed, although the number is a bit smaller, the quality of the army under Cocoa is definitely very strong.

Regardless of the army of the three heroes and invincible forces, only the 100,000 heavenly soldiers and the 200,000 monster army from Mount Jilei Mountain and Huaguo Mountain, each of its small soldiers has extraordinary power.

With these three hundred thousand extraordinary, cocoa still fear the Frankish Empire?

Not to mention that a large number of warriors such as Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Hong Haier, Yang Jian, and Wen Zhong have gathered, but of course they are quite confident.

Moreover, even if the number of troops is not enough, or the gods of this world are brought out, Coco can also summon all kinds of weird thugs here to fight against the gods on the Oscar continent.

Even Cocoa still has countless hole cards that have not been shown.

For example, you can cheat and hack an army. The Empire Era army that can enter cheats, no matter the little guy can take out one, the violent soldiers can be violent and the Frank empire is weak.

Annie nodded, and also felt that this kind of military strength was enough to invade the Frankish Empire.

Although there are extraordinary existences in this world, Annie, who is also a strong man, doesn't think there is anything terrifying about the strong in this world.

As a fusion of Olympus and the Nordic gods, Anne, who has become a new generation of dual goddess, also has this kind of strong confidence and confidence.

"Mummy came here as a relaxation. It's okay to play a live-action Cold Weapon War show with you, but you have considered defeating the military power of the Frank Empire~lightnovelpub.net~ how to conquer so much Is it popular?"

After all, coming to Oscar Continent is not for fun. The ultimate goal is to own everything here, population, resources, and land. Therefore, it is impossible to kill all the natives here. Conquering the natives’ hearts is also a very important part.

Facing Anne’s question, Coco replied strangely: “I don’t need to think about this question. I have appointed Grandpa Jin and Grandpa Li as civil affairs officers. They will take care of these matters.”


Cocoa is like a great shopkeeper.

The little guy didn't want to talk about this headache, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Mommy, I am now the Grand Marshal. The position of the emperor is reserved for Dad, so what status do you want, Mommy?"

In the country of cuteness, the little guy has a lot of power, and everyone's position and appointment are all determined by the little guy. If the little guy doesn't speak, it won't work.

It was precisely because of this relationship that the little guy proclaimed himself the Grand Marshal, and the position of the emperor was left to his father. Of course, it was easy to find what position Annie wanted.

"Look at it, but Mommy wants that kind of cool."

Annie didn't bother to consume this brain cell, so she asked Coco to help herself.

As everyone knows, this is simply not difficult for Cocoa.

Seeing that Coco thought for a while, he said to Annie: "Our next plan is to conquer the territory of the Duke of Fire Dragon. Then after we conquer there, Mommy will be a Paladin. I will give you a female prince. Lordship, and give you a fief over the land there."

For his own people, the little guy has always been very generous.

Annie was a little dumbfounded: "Paladin? Which paladin of the gods?"

"The dark paladin of the terrifying devil!" The little guy responded quickly.