Rising America

Chapter 1663: Bad Andrew

The sound of Lang Lang's reading still echoed in his ears. Jin Xiantai felt that all this was so dumbfounding. Those blonde and blue-eyed Oscar children from mainland China were reading the Analects of Confucius word by word in very strange Chinese. It's funny when you think of it.

Especially those children are very serious one by one.

I heard from Andrew that China is developing the Principality of Stein, which its daughters have fully occupied. It can be basically foreseen that it will not be long before the Principality of Stein will become a ‘Little China’.

Well, the official language is Chinese. When you walk on the street and look around, all the shops have Chinese signs. Thinking about it makes people feel very exciting.

As Andrew said, as long as those children who go to school go to school a few times, they will be assimilated.

Jin Xiantai didn't dislike such methods and methods.

Earthlings came to the new world, after all, they came to be invaders, and the way they are now is very gentle, at least much gentler than all the methods used by European and American adventurers in a certain time and space to conquer the Incas.

Besides, for other countries that also want to develop the new world, they must also adopt such methods and methods, so there is nothing wrong with China in different time and space.

The premise is, as long as they don't neglect the benefits of Cocoa.

Follow the straight stone avenue to reach the castle of the former Duke of Fire Dragon in the middle of the city, but now this castle has become a temporary foothold for Cocoa.

In the Frankish Empire, the Grand Duke of Fire Dragon, who has always been known for his force value, also ended up like a Duke Stein. Now the corpse is still hanging by the northern city gate.

The closer he gets to the castle, the more Jin Hyun-tae finds that his guards have become much tighter, and patrol teams with armbands on their arms will appear from time to time. These teams are composed of skeleton soldiers, bull monsters, and Lei Gong’s mouth. The basic structure of the army under the command of Coco is these guys.

The soldiers in the swamps and dungeons were not sent to patrol because of their bad appearance. In contrast, although the skeleton soldiers had no IQ, they could appoint a soldier with a normal IQ to lead the patrol.

The monsters are all in Eastern style armor, and the weapons in their hands are all kinds of weapons. Jin Xiantai even saw monster soldiers holding mountain axes and ice blades such as three-piece forks.

The equipment of the skeleton soldiers is very unified, the bone shields and bone knives are all uniform, and they are also covered with a layer of armor formed by white bones, which also look very powerful.

I touched the card in my pocket. This is the card that my daughter asked Andrew to give to me. The logo on this card is [Heroes without enemies BUG card]. For the heroes without enemies, I played this in the original time and space. Kim Hyun Tae is no stranger to stand-alone games.

To be honest, even as the father of Cocoa, he would always be surprised that his daughters can always tinker with such weird things from time to time.

Next to him, Andrew was still quietly communicating with the forest elf Druid Nana, and the two were discussing the development of the forest elf tribe’s seaside fishery resources.

"Our elves don't master sailing skills. That's what Pandegar's talents understand. If we can grow flowers and plants, we can still do it, but fishing is a bit difficult."

Nana didn't think Andrew's proposal was feasible, and she also mentioned considerable reasons.

Forest elves are born with an affinity for animals and plants, and they like large forests to get close to nature, so they like to live in forests or where plants are lush.

It has been like this since a long time ago, and it has not changed until today.

And the forest elves are different from the prairie elves. They can be self-sufficient in the forest. It can be said that they do not need to trade with the outside world to survive.

There are abundant resources in the forest, enough to feed the forest elves tribe, coupled with the plant magic that the forest elves are born with, it is also enough to prevent yourself from being hungry.

As long as you open up a small piece of orchard, after the magic is blessed, those orchards can produce a lot of fruits, and these fruits are enough to satisfy all the forest elves, and they even have the gift to brew fruit wine.

Besides, there are all kinds of delicious mushrooms, pine nuts, hazelnuts and so on in the forest, so the forest elves never say that they want to learn from the Pandegar people and go to the sea to seek life.

Therefore, the forest elves do not have the skills to survive at sea, let alone fishing.

In this way, Andri's proposal is obviously unlikely to be implemented.

When Nana said this, Andrew was not disappointed.

Instead, he continued to say to Nana: "I can provide fishing technology. Besides, it is not for you to conduct ocean operations. It is only offshore, so it is not difficult. Besides, the boats I provide are very convenient to operate. It’s your ship here that is complicated to operate."

Nana looked noncommittal.

The forest elves are not allowed to trade at all, and can be self-sufficient, so Nana is not very interested, and even her attitude can represent all of her countrymen.

If this is another person, she must be discouraged facing Nana.

But Andrew was different. Not only was he not discouraged, but he was confident that he could persuade Nana and even all the forest elves.

"We are not so hungry for money. Trading is nothing more than making money."

"No! No! No! Ms. Nana, your thinking like this is very wrong. Is it true that trade must be to make money? Don’t you want to trade books and works of art in the world we live in? These ones?"

Anna, who was originally lacking in interest, suddenly came to her head, obviously she was attracted by Andrew's words.

Indeed, if it is not for money to trade, and at the same time, what the trade can obtain is the literature, film and television works that are most attractive to the forest elves. This is very attractive to the forest elves.

No way, who made the forest elves all the literary and petty bourgeoisie.

"You mean the trade between us can be the literature of your world?"

Andrew nodded: "There are also film and television works that you can watch, all types are available, and there are even dark adult series."

When he said the last sentence, Andrew smiled cheaply.

Nana is a forest elf who can write the Oscar continental version of "Fifty Shades of Ash", so Andrew judged that Nana was probably a..., so he planned to prescribe the right medicine.

Sure enough, after Andrew mentioned the term dark adult, Nana's eyes flashed.

Although the word ‘dark adult line’ sounds very strange, but the general meaning Nana can still understand and understand.

After vaguely understanding the word, Nana was indeed very excited.

Speaking of it, Nana is really different from the average forest.

Most of the literary works that her compatriots like are love, especially tragic love, but Anna is different, she likes sadomasochism, even dark.

I have to say, secretly the taste of the forest elf druid, that is not ordinary.

"Dark adult line?"

"Yes, dark adult film and television works. This kind of work can be appreciated through scenes of images. It is far more intuitive and more direct than text books."

Andrew continued to bewitch Nana.

Kim Hyun Tae, who had been silent for a while, couldn't help it.

"Don't you know, my young master has the largest adult film factory in the country, and it has a large group of actresses who can produce a large number of movies of this type every year, and there are many fans all over the world."

Well, what Andrew said is right. The adult film company under CNN is indeed the largest in the United States, and its annual profit accounts for half of CNN's annual profit~lightnovelpub.net~ is considered a golden egg. enterprise.

But the problem is that this film factory was not created by Kim Hyun-tae himself, but it already existed when he took over. It’s just that Kim Hyun-tae pinched his nose and recognized it for the sake of making money. It’s not that Kim Hyun-tae is in some wretched mind. Established.

Now that Andrew said this, people who didn't know thought it was built by Kim Hyun Tae.

"Can you watch?"

Nana didn't know what a movie was, after all, she had never seen these things in Oscar mainland, so Nana looked confused.

"Are there any real-time images in the magic here?" Andrew asked.

Nana thought for a while: "Yes."

"It's similar to the magic difference of real-time video." Andrew explained to Nana what a movie is in a statement that Nana can understand.

After listening to Andrew's explanation, Nana finally understood.

However, from Nana's straight and pretty face, a deep disappointment appeared.

"The real-time image magic intelligently saves images with no more than 180 points of interest, and it is still a high-level magic that can only be used by time masters. At the same time, those images are still blurred. If so-called movies are like this, I think I should have no interest. ."

Jin Xiantai raised his ears and felt embarrassed for a while listening to the conversation between the two behind him.

After all, the conversation between Andrew and Nana was really strange.

Andrew took out his tablet, made a gesture to Nana, and then opened the video playback interface. A movie called ‘Spiritual God of War’ started playing, but Andrew turned off the volume very much.

The content of this film is also very dumbfounding.

In fact, it is the H version of "Future Warrior"...
