Rising America

Chapter 1674: You can try this proposal

On the whole, the development momentum of the plain where Huaxia’s development base is located is very good. Especially Huaxia’s ability to start and develop in such a short period of time also far surpasses other countries. It has achieved the Oscar road in the New World. Achievement.

Of course, this kind of stability and performance is not unrelated to Coco, the bear child. It is also thanks to Coco that she created her "Moe Country" and actively launched a military offensive against the Frank Empire. That's why Huaxia, located in the plains, The development of the base has the guarantee of a stable country, and the Principality of Stein was laid down, and the Principality of the Fire Dragon was captured, and the division of forces made the Frank Empire not have time to take care of so much. It also developed the war outside, creating a stable development for the plain. surroundings.

Otherwise, where can the Great Plains develop agriculture so steadily and carry out the development and construction of the Stein area?

It can be said that in comparison with the Frankish Empire, which was raged by war in the country of cuteness, the plain here is a complete paradise.

Of course, the factors of restlessness are not without, but those restless guys are basically discovered for the first time, and then the official Huaxia garrison responsible for the garrison will deal with them.

During this period of time, dozens of original remnants of the Principality of Stein have been found out, and those guys have been sentenced to capital punishment without exception.

Hua Xia in different time and space is dealing with this matter, but it has taken out iron and blood methods, and is also very decisive and cold.

In a word, as long as there is no strange mind, then you are good, I am good, everyone is good, but if you want me to have a hard time, then I will destroy you from the soul.

In this matter, there is absolutely no room for compromise.

Of course, Huaxia in different time and space is smarter than European and American countries. It does not put on an aggressive and disgusting face of "I want all of you to be slaves" at the beginning, but adopts In order to show a friendly attitude in advance, avoid the use of force as much as possible.

Therefore, the official personnel on the Huaxia Development Base, as well as the large, medium and small groups, and even individuals who have poured into the New World, all get along well with the locals of Oscar.

Although there are a few scums occasionally, such a guy will be suppressed by thunder means. After all, whether it is for China's development base or the country of cuteness, stability and harmony are the main keynote, those who make damage to harmony and stability All will be ruthlessly suppressed.

Therefore, relying on the identity of a Chinese adventurer, those who thought they had a little power and wanted to do evil here eventually tasted the bitter fruit, and some even lost their lives.

After all, there is no way to avoid this kind of thing. After all, the people who come to Oscar Continent are all kinds of people, and it is inevitable that there will be a few scums.

Therefore, things like **** local women, deceiving local people's money with earth routines, organized violent crimes, etc. are endless.

And these things, if one is not handled well, it will cause a big rebound from the locals. It will not benefit China's development base and the rule of the Mengzhi Kingdom. On the contrary, it will bring great disadvantages, even the Stein area. Those remaining forces lurking hidden, therefore, are supported and expanded.

Therefore, regarding these matters, the management of China Development Group and Moezhiguo unified their thoughts and promulgated corresponding laws and regulations to effectively curb this phenomenon, thereby preventing the spread of this situation.

From this point of view alone, the China Development Group is different from other countries' development groups, at least for those European and American countries that want to colonize the new world, they have not done this.

"The hill dwarf merchant group in the hills and mountains arrived at the base five days ago, and we completed the first transaction. Both of us are satisfied with this transaction. Through this successful transaction, I can be sure of the next transaction. It will certainly expand, and in this way, we can establish trust and friendship with the hill dwarves."

Mr. Jin revealed this to Jin Xiantai.

"I, the emperor, is a decoration. You know what is going on, so we don’t need to be so serious about this. So, Mr. Jin, you just need to make up your mind. You just need to ensure that my girl’s benefits , Don’t tell me the trivial details,"

Jin Xiantai said to Mr. Jin dumbly.

Old man Jin nodded with a smile: "Since you say that, I will tell the people below to deal with it."

Coco rolled his eyes and felt that his father, the emperor, was too unreliable. At the same time, he didn't have the emperor's majesty at all, giving people the appearance of playing.

In fact, Kim Hyun-tae did have the attitude of playing family and sat on the emperor's throne that Coco gave him, so it is not surprising that Kim Hyun-tae has such a mentality.

Even Annie didn't take her so-called ‘Holy Knight’ and ‘Grand Duke of War’ seriously. Who would let this be Coco’s own title.

"The hobgoblin bandit group forces that were active on the plains have been almost wiped out by us. Even those who slipped through the net were driven to the hill dwarf's territory or the orc empire's territory."

Mr. Jin is the chief administrative officer of the Moe Country, and things like this must be made by him, so he is very clear about these things.

"Will we send someone to station at the border?" Jin Xiantai asked.

"Yes, of course we will send troops to station, otherwise the hobgoblins who slipped through the net will come back to do it by themselves. I recruited 50,000 locals from the Stein area to form an army, sent them to the border in batches, and will continue to recruit several locals. People join the army."

While chatting, the team approached the Huaxia base.

Along the way, Jin Xiantai also communicated with Mr. Jin to get a general understanding of the situation between the country of cuteness and the China base.

It can be said that the current situation is very good. It can be said that the start was smooth and profitable, and a very good foundation has been laid. As long as we continue to maintain the current state, then Huaxia can continue to develop here, and Huaxia will also take advantage of it. Take a ride on the country of cuteness, and settle down here easily.

"The people from the Teddy Bear Kingdom are not progressing smoothly here. People from the other side of the earth say that the people from the Teddy Bear Development Group have suffered heavy losses on the Oscar continent. They seem to be in a place called the Frost Wasteland. The tribe has forged a vengeance."

When talking about this matter, Mr. Jin looked very gloating.

Kim Hyun-tae had also heard of this, but he knew it through American channels.

"I also heard about this. Before I came to Mao Xiong Country, I had a swollen face and a fat man, claiming to the public that everything was going well here, and they had also established a development base, so that they could start exploring local resources."

Before Kim Hyun Tae came, it happened that at that time, countries such as Mao Xiong Country, the United States, France and other countries made high-profile publicity on the progress of their country's development of the new world, and it seemed that the situation seemed to be in good shape.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Mr. Jin curled his lips.

"That is to say, bragging about not taxing, otherwise Teddy Bear could brag about bankruptcy. The information we got through special channels is more detailed. It is true that the people of Teddy Bear State have established a base in the Frost Wasteland, but they are losing tens of thousands. The elite army was only established at the cost of heavy casualties.

And after the base was built, they couldn't go out at all. The barbarians of the Frost Wasteland all united. Whether they encounter singles or large, medium and small teams that go out in groups, they will besiege frantically. It's just this insider. The bear side did not expose it, but concealed it at home and abroad. "

The credibility of Mr. Jin's words is still very high. As for the detailed inside information obtained by Mr. Jin from what channel, Jin Xiantai personally has no plan to explore, nor is it necessary.

The old man Jin continued: "But the bear country is not without much gain. After fighting the barbarians over there, the people in the bear country discovered that there is a kind of icefield beast over there~lightnovelpub.net~ this kind of beast can produce in the body. A kind of crystal, and this kind of crystal contains amazing energy. If this energy is used in space vehicles..."

"It's like Zijin discovered by the China Development Group, right?" Jin Xiantai asked.

Mr. Jin nodded: "This place is full of treasures. It depends on whether we can find them. I think we will discover more valuable minerals or local products over time."

"Old Jin, what do you think about Coco's previous proposal? Are we going to talk to the forest elves? If they have their magical plant magic support, it will be very helpful to the agricultural development of the plains. Personally, I can try it." Jin Xiantai shifted the topic to'whether to contact the forest elves and try.'

After all, for him, there is such a small advantage in this regard.

You know, Druid Nana of the forest elves is now a guest in the Green City.

Once this can happen, there will be immeasurable benefits for the ongoing agricultural development of the plains, and it will be able to connect with gods and spirits.

Therefore, for the little guy’s random suggestion, the old man also seriously considered it in his own heart. Therefore, when Jin Xiantai asked about it, the old man replied: "I also think I can give it a try, after all. There is no harm in trying, and once it works, the help of the forest elves will start to benefit us greatly."

Mr. Jin is not stupid, he thinks very clearly about some of them.

"That's OK, after I go back in the evening, I will go to talk to Nana, and ask her to go back and discuss with her compatriots." After Jin Xiantai got the reply from Mr. Jin, he knew what he was going to do. What to do. rw