Rising America

Chapter 1675: A hero from another world

During this visit, Jin Xiantai mainly looked at the agricultural development situation on the Great Plains and the Huaxia Development Base. On the whole, it was just idle and boring.

Don’t look at the war between Moe’s country and the Frankish Empire. The peripheral battles have been one after another, and the casualties on both sides have been high. However, due to the fact that his camp is cheating, Kim Hyun-tae doesn’t have any thoughts of worry at all, so he travels well. Oh.

Because he believed that no matter what kind of branding, the Frank Empire could not toss the daughters who opened the door, and the heroes summoned by their daughters.

In the Han, Sui, Tang, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties, the fierce men were summoned to the Oscar continent by their own daughters, and these fierce men also brought their own elite troops, and at the same time, they could also get the endless supply of cocoa. Therefore, even if the Frankish kingdom is very powerful in fact, he will definitely kneel down in the end.

In that case, why should Kim Hyun-tae worry about this?

Basically, Kim Hyun-tae is now leisurely with a travel mentality.

While Jin Xiantai’s family was enjoying the scenery of the Great Plains, the hero Yue Fei, summoned by Coco, was taking his elite back army and surrounding the last elite legion to the west of the Frankish Empire. As long as this legion was eliminated, then Yue Fei will be able to stabilize the situation in the west, open up a large territory for the country of cuteness, and reduce the military threat pressure on the west of the Frankish Empire.

In history, there were not many ‘Beiwei Army’s, but due to the fact that the bear kids cheated, the summoned General Yue Fei’s army is as large as millions.

As a well-known army in history, after coming to the Oscar continent, it is bound to let the Frankish Empire see its own strength.

And those who were summoned along with Yue Fei, and those fierce generals under his command.

Such a powerful Yue family army, of course, caused a big loss to the army west of Frank.

What's more, the version of Yue Fei that Cocoa summoned was not the Yue Fei in the official history, but the Yue Fei in the Romance Book, so in addition to having stronger force, he also had quite strange magical powers.

Therefore, when the legion on the west of the Frankish Empire encountered this version of General Yue Fei, how could it not become a great tragedy.

Not to mention that the Beiwei army under General Yue’s command was equipped with a “fighting star movement” formation in both marching and fighting. Therefore, the army on the west side of the Frankish Empire was beaten. Is always being crushed and beaten.

Even those celestial beings with extraordinary powers have nothing to do when facing fierce men with super-powerful strength such as Lu Wenlong, Yue Yun, and Niu Gao, who also possess magical powers.

This is a small valley, densely crowded with more than 800,000 elite troops of the Frankish Empire, outside the valley is surrounded by layers of soldiers under the command of General Yue, and you can see corpses all over the valley in some dangerous places. It can be seen that fierce fighting took place in those places.

The morale of the Beiwei army was high. On the contrary, the morale of the Frankish Western Army declined, and they were hungry for several days due to lack of supplies, so the situation was very unoptimistic.

On a small hill outside the valley, General Yue’s camp is located here, because from the hill you can overlook the entire valley.

"General, when will we launch a general offensive and use our military power to eliminate those guys in the valley? It shouldn't be a difficult task."

A handsome and handsome Lu Wenlong in silver armor, he found General Yue, who was reading the military book, and asked the question he had always pressed in his heart.

After encircling the Frankish Empire's western army in the valley, Yue Fei ordered strict defense, and did not show the idea of ​​annihilating them in one fell swoop, which made Lu Wenlong puzzled.

Putting down the "Army of War" in his hand, Yue Fei raised his eyelids and looked at the Titans under his command, with a faint smile on his face and said: "Why should we rush to attack? If we just fight like this at this time, although You can completely destroy the enemies in the valley, but you will also have a lot of casualties. This is what I don't want to see, so I ordered them to besiege and not attack.

According to the spy’s return, the Franks in the valley have no food. As long as we can trap them here, it won’t be long before they will be hungry and dizzy and lose their combat power. Then I will attack. kill.

Wenlong, I usually show you the art of war, but you always don't listen. Now I don't even think of this, and it really disappoints me. "

Lu Wenlong grinned with a big grin, and replied: "Look at what that stuff is doing, you know General, I have a headache when I read a book."

"You!" General Yue raised his hand a little, and finally shook his head helplessly. In short, he had nothing to do with Lu Wenlong.

But after knowing General Yue's plan, Lu Wenlong's doubts disappeared and he left happily.

Now he just needs to wait patiently.

When the Franks in the valley were hungry, their legs and feet were sore, then they would lead the team in to ‘kill the pig’.

Different from the ease outside the valley, the Frank Emperor team in the valley went up and down, and there was a gloomy mist.

The commander of the Western Legion is the prince of the Frankish Empire.

At this moment, the prince lost his former style, with a gray-headed look.

"When will the reinforcements say!"

The army was besieged in this valley, and he ordered his troops to launch countless attacks, hoping to break through, but every time they were defeated by the Beiwei army guarding the important places, and for this reason, a large number of troops were lost.

At the same time, one's own side has no geographical advantage, so the safest way is to send someone to ask for help.

Just send someone to ask for help, there are several problems that need to be resolved.

One is that the people sent out must break through the blockade of the Beiwei Army, and the second is that the reinforcements must be able to shake the encirclement of the Beiwei Army. Only in this way can the besieged Western Army turn the crisis into peace.

If the person sent cannot break through, then all this will become empty talk.

"There are still three days to travel. The people we dispatched have already broken through. After they left, they sent pigeons back to report this matter. Your Highness, I hope you can be patient."

A general beside the prince answered his question.

And the general's answer made the prince's uneasy heart a lot easier.

It’s good to have reinforcements. Those guys who surround themselves will be attacked by reinforcements from the outside. Then they will instigate and cooperate inside. Not only can they avoid the end of being encircled and annihilated, but it is even possible. Will those enemies fight back and wipe out.

To be honest, this prince really thinks too much about the fight against siege.

Let alone whether General Yue Fei was defeated so easily, it is still unknown whether the reinforcements can arrive on time within three days.

You know, there are a lot of heroes that Coco has summoned, and they are all heroes with powerful force and weird methods.

The people sent by the Grand Prince, after breaking out, rushed to the nearest city non-stop, and passed the news of the siege of the prince back to the empire through the mage tower, so that Emperor Philips VI ordered the mobilization of all the troops in the western territory through the teleportation array. Starting to gather towards the area surrounded by the prince, it can be seen that the emperor wanted to rescue his son.

But at the only passage away from the valley direction, the leading troops who came to the rescue encountered obstacles.

A heroic and brave female general just withstood five rescue armies in this place, hundreds of thousands of people marched, and dozens of famous knights of the Frank Empire were killed.

"Who else!"

The female general rode a horse to invite to the battle. Not far away from the Frankish Rescue Army team, no one dared to show up. Around this female general’s horse, there were scattered corpses, some wearing knight armor. People, and guys wearing long robes that resemble mages, these people are the achievements of this female general today.

Behind the female leader, in the camp, a large flag embroidered with the name and name was waving in the wind, and loud noises rang out from time to time.

The female general held her spear upside down and rode her horse back and forth a few times before the battle. After beheading several Titans from Frank's reinforcements ~lightnovelpub.net~ and even a great magister, she has completely suppressed everyone.

After a few more invitations to fight, seeing that no one among the Frank reinforcements came out, the female general completely lost patience.

"Erlang! Kill these bullies with me!"

Stopped the truce, the female general waved the spear in her hand, and then very bravely launched a charge towards the reinforcements of the Frank Empire. The soldiers lined up at the gate of the camp behind them were also in a high-value silver armor and white robe. Led by the young general, he rushed over with great momentum.

"Put the magic shield! Put the magic shield! The armored warrior stepped forward, and the archers scatter freely! The epee prepares!"

The entourage magicians in the reinforcements of the Frankish Empire released their magic shields under the orders of the officers, forming a transparent shield in front of the formation. At the same time, there were magicians who used the blessing of the earth to increase the defense for the heavy infantry in front. Strength, and cast a sharp technique for the archer to increase the penetration of arrows.


The seemingly ordinary soldiers behind the female general screamed at the same time, and suddenly a phantom of a basalt beast appeared in the sky.

Frank's reinforcements took the lead, and arrows shot from the sky.

But these arrows were all blocked by the phantom of the basalt beast in the sky, and there was no way to hurt the soldiers below.

At this moment, the female general riding a horse has rushed to the front of the Frankish reinforcements, but seeing her lightly waved her spear, she broke the magic shield in front of her, and swept a piece of heavy infantry in front of her. Flew out.

And from the vermillion gourd behind the female leader, there was still red mist sprayed out. Seeing those people who were enveloped after the red mist sprayed out, they immediately wailed and fell to the ground and quickly turned into a pool. Bloody water, even the heavy armor on his body disappeared without a trace.