Rising America

Chapter 1687: Worries of the earth people

The second wave of invasion echelon under Thanos is an alien civilization called'Saranduo'. This alien civilization has the same body and limbs as humans, and the skin and appearance of the crocodile. The level of science and technology is also far beyond that of the Earth in different time and space, and can skillfully use space folding and jumping techniques, as well as weapons such as antimatter annihilation guns.

Of course, because Thanos hopes to find'jewels' on the earth, the Saranduos cannot use the weapons that can destroy the earth. They can only obey Thanos' orders, first stand on Mars, and then send subsequent troops to come. It is a very troublesome thing that the earth conducts a carpet search.

But even if it is very troublesome, the Saranduo people have to follow orders.

Thanos’ orders cannot be disobeyed. This guy is notoriously aggressive and brutal. Those civilizations that do not obey orders basically have only one end, that is, disappearing into the universe completely, so as a civilization under Thanos’ rule, The Sarando people knew exactly what they should do.

It's very simple, completely execute Thanos' orders, only then can there be no mistakes.

For humans on Earth in different time and space, Mars is a taboo planet. Humans have not been able to survive on Mars for the time being. Therefore, the Saranduos believe that setting up a base on Mars is the most suitable springboard to invade the Earth.

Of course, this kind of thinking is also correct, but what the Saranduos did not expect is that although most ordinary humans on the earth are indeed unable to do anything to them, there are some powerful humans beyond their cognition. These extraordinary humans can come to Mars to trouble them with their powerful power.

Sure enough, Dr. Frankstein became a ‘Doctor Manhattan’ and ran to Mars to teach the Sarandotians a lesson.

With powerful combat capabilities, individual soldiers can be unafraid to attack by hundreds or even thousands of people on Earth. Under Dr. Frankstein’s ‘education’, there is no power to fight back.

Hundreds of thousands of Sarando people who have arrived on Mars and have been involved in construction have been killed by Dr. Frankstein alone, and there are still tens of thousands of people suffering.

That is to say, Dr. Frankstein had no intention of killing him, he just wanted to try his mutated ability, and left quickly after the test.

If Frankstein really wanted to carry out the massacre, it would be impossible to say that none of these Sarando people on Mars would be able to escape and all would die in his hands.

After all, because of Frankstein, the original Manhattan doctor no longer exists, and he is replaced by Frankstein.

So as the person who replaced "Dr. Manhattan", Dr. Frankstein must also possess the incredible powerful abilities of "Dr. Manhattan".

On the basis of these abilities, the Saranduos certainly could not be Dr. Frankstein’s opponents, and even the energy weapons they were proud of were of no use to Dr. Frankstein.

Since the body was transformed into a form of pure energy, Dr. Frankstein was almost invincible, at least invincible against the Sarandotians.

In addition, Dr. Frankstein slipped quickly, and did not give the Sarandor a chance to use a weapon to deal with energy, so the Sarandor was quite aggrieved.

Due to this wave of harassment by Dr. Frankstein, the Saranduo people put away their mentality of despising the earth, and once again made great efforts to build a Mars base.

Therefore, this prevents the earth from being attacked by the Sarando people in a short period of time, and many countries and forces on the earth have time to prepare.

Of course, for Hilda and the others, the Saranduos weren't a threat at all. They could be used anytime, and there was no need to prepare.

Perhaps for other countries, forces and organizations, they need preparation and preparation, but Hilda and the others really don't need it.

The Namek surveillance spacecraft, which is still absorbing energy in the outer layer of the sun and replenishing energy for itself, has turned on 24-hour monitoring of the Saranduos, which enables Hilda and the others to grasp the trajectories of the Sarandos anytime and anywhere. news.

This is an advantage that no country, organization or force on earth possesses.

All the work of cleaning up the rubble in Manhattan has temporarily stopped.

Washington also knows that the current situation is very special, so it also revised the time limit for the contract to be completed in the previous year and a half.

Manhattan, which was in full swing, suddenly became a ghost again.

The only people who are still active here are Hilda and the others who still live in the Whiston Apartment Building, as well as the employees of the ‘cocoa waste recycling’ plant that claims to be stationed in Manhattan.

Of course, those employees are not ordinary employees, they are all liquid metal robots.

According to the current situation, just how much bonus you give, ordinary workers dare not stay here in Manhattan.

After all, the aliens have been killed outside the solar system, and they have even begun to build bases on Mars, preparing for a large-scale invasion of the earth.

And there are quite obvious signals that the location of the second wave of invasion is Manhattan.

So, how dare everyone continue to stay here in Manhattan.

Don't talk about Manhattan. In areas around Manhattan, such as Long Island, the wealthy people have already gone elsewhere. Even the upper and lower Virginias have been affected, and local residents have begun to run south.

Some people in the northern region even crossed the border to Canada.

The only people who can still appear here in Manhattan are the dispatched troops and Hilda and others.

The army has no way, the superiors have ordered them to execute.

Unlike Hilda, they are not afraid, but the army is panic.

After all, what they have to face is not the enemy who are also humans, but the aliens who have advanced technological weapons and individuals with extraordinary powers.

At this time, even the National Guard troops retreated to the second line, and the first line was all active-duty troops.

But now these armies did not go to war with the Saranduos, but first fought with iron blood and aliens.

Although iron-blooded and aliens were ordered not to break out 100% combat power, even so, it also caused a lot of casualties to the front-line troops, letting the military know the gap between itself and the alien creatures.

It can be said that if Hilda and the others had not ordered the restriction of iron blood and aliens, they would doubt life with those iron blood and aliens that could fight them.

Today, human beings on the earth are in a state of extreme panic, and even large-scale riots have occurred in some areas.

Of course, Huaxia did not experience such a situation.

Because after the news that aliens were about to invade the earth again, the Chinese official and the major legendary forces jointly issued a reputation, using this method to quickly stabilize the worries of the domestic people and stabilize the people's hearts.

Therefore, when many countries are in chaos, Huaxia is peaceful here. It is so enviable that many foreign citizens have died, so that many foreigners sighed "Why I was not born in Huaxia".

But these outside disturbances, Hilda and the others did not care at all.

The focus of their girls is on the large amount of land sold at low prices in Manhattan, and some projects have been subcontracted by the buyers.

To describe it in one sentence, it would be ‘regardless of the flood, I will continue to eat blood buns’.

Of course, there is another important issue that needs attention, that is, how can we ensure that Manhattan will not suffer a second attack and that the earth will not be directly attacked by the alien troops sent by Thanos? Only by solving these two problems can we guarantee The value of land here in Manhattan has rebounded, allowing Cocoa and his collaborators to make a lot of money.

Therefore, Hilda and the others believe that if these two problems are to be solved, there are only two ways to leave their own.

One way is to go directly to the outside of the solar system to develop a planet, and use this planet as a defensive base to reach the endless alien army~lightnovelpub.net~ The second way is to find a way to use the earth as an energy shield Protect it.

Right now, the Kama Taj magic mage power represented by Gu Yi told Hilda that they are going to adopt the second method, which is to use magic energy to put a protective cover on the earth, in this way to avoid alien troops A terrible attack with devastating weapons.

Although he was very noncommittal about this method, because Hilda, who was temporarily focused on business, was unlikely to directly hit Mars, so he approved Gu Yi's suggestion.

Therefore, Gu Yi took the magic mages to build three basic magic shields in Manhattan, Hong Kong, and Paris, and set up a magic shield in the outer layer of the earth that is invisible to ordinary people.

Of course, this news cannot be carried out in a low-key manner. After all, Hilda still counts on this event and news to play an uplifting role in the appreciation of the Manhattan land.

Therefore, Hilda and Qiao Ann began to report on this matter through cnn. Through the reports, Kama Taj’s magicians appeared in front of the world for the first time, and they began to slowly. Of familiarity.

However, because people are skeptical about the strength of the magicians, despite the large-scale reports of cnn, they still haven't relieved people's sense of crisis and worries about alien attacks.

Therefore, what Gu Yi and the others have to do is to show their strength to the world and use this method to make people have confidence in them.

Therefore, Gu Yi approached Hilda and asked Hilda for help, so that she could lead the magicians to Mars, and at the same time let cnn send people to shoot along with them, and record the video of their battle with the Saranduos.

Faced with Gu Yi's request, Hilda certainly would not refuse.

Not only did she not refuse, she also expressed willingness to travel together...