Rising America

Chapter 1695: It's ok

After a briefing, Hilda met Kim Hyun Tae.

In the strange costume of the emperor with the combination of East and West, Hilda couldn't help but laugh out loud when she watched. In front of the smiling girl who fell, Kim Hyun Tae didn't know what to do besides a wry smile. Up.

Speaking of himself, he couldn't stand such a dress up, but his daughter insisted that he must dress like this. As a father, Jin Xiantai really had no choice.

Although this kind of dress is very strange, Coco firmly believes that it is very trendy. To be honest, there is really no such thing as a bear child's aesthetic.

"How did you come?"

After almost waiting for Hilda to laugh enough, Jin Xiantai took Hilda to a small garden and asked after sitting down with her.

Looking at the dragon robe, the Western crown, and Kim Hyun Tae who was wearing an 18th century curly wig, Hilda forcibly suppressed the urge to continue to laugh, and responded with a weird expression: "This time to see the young master, it is mainly one thing. I need to ask Master what you mean.” Soon, the girl told Jin Xiantai what happened on the other side of the earth.

On the other side of the earth in different time and space, Manhattan was attacked by mechanical monsters and was completely destroyed and turned into ruins.

Her daughter Coco has a business in Manhattan, and she entrusts Hilda to take care of those businesses.

Hilda saw a business opportunity from the'Manhattan Incident', and joined Stark, Osborne, Wayne and others to take down the cleanup and reconstruction of Manhattan’s ruins, and took the opportunity to buy the land there, etc. After the reconstruction, a big win.

But unexpectedly, the second wave of alien invasion is coming soon.

After investigation, it was found that the aliens who attacked the earth were the army of Thanos.

The reason why Thanos sent his army to invade the earth is actually to find some ‘jewel’.

However, considering the cleanup and reconstruction of Manhattan, and the appreciation of the land that has already been bought, Hilda could not let the aliens come again regardless of the second attack, so she let Kaman Taj’s magic The masters went to Mars and started a **** battle with the second wave of alien forces.

And because of the alien invasion, the people on the earth are panicking, and at the same time, the nations of the earth have the ambition to enter the universe and open the interstellar immigration.

Of course, with the current level of science and technology on the earth, there is obviously no way for humans to start the era of interstellar first, so Hilda intends to push forward on this matter.

After all, with the support of the black technology mastered by Dr. Frankstein and even the weird and powerful products of the Cocoa Mystery Store, it is still very easy for the earth to start the era of interstellar migration.

At the same time, my lady Coco is very strong, and the earth in different time and space is too small for Ms. Coco.

If it can push the earth into the era of interstellar migration, this is also a very good thing for Miss Coco, who likes to mess around.

After all, there were a lot of nonsense at that time, and at the same time, you don't have to be too scrupulous to constrain your strength, and you can have fun while playing, right?

Therefore, in response to this matter, Hilda needs to ask Jin Xiantai what he meant, and see what his views and attitudes towards this matter.

If Jin Xiantai agrees, then Hilda will immediately start to do this after returning to Earth, so that the Earth will enter the era of interstellar migration as soon as possible.

But if Kim Hyun Tae disagrees, then Hilda will abandon the plan.

Everything depends on what Jin Xiantai means.

And now, Hilda has taken the first step.

The Protoss clan on the other side of the earth has already appeared before the eyes of the world.

As long as Jin Xiantai nodded his head here, the Protoss promised to support some necessary technologies when it came into contact with the representatives of the earth humans.

On the contrary, Protoss will refuse.

It can be said that on the far side of the earth, how many countries are currently in contact with the Protoss civilization on behalf of all human beings, and when there is a turmoil, no one knows what actually controls this matter. The person is actually Kim Hyun Tae.

"Master, this is the way things are. This is also the purpose of my coming here to find you. Now it's up to you what you think. I need to see your attitude."

After speaking, Hilda looked at Kim Hyun Tae fixedly, and sat quietly waiting for his response.

But Jin Xiantai showed a thoughtful look, and began to weigh the pros and cons of this matter from the bottom of his heart.

He felt that if the earth in different time and space enters the era of interstellar immigration, this is of course a good thing.

Regardless of the fact that the earth in different time and space is ten times the original time and space earth, compared to the vast universe, the stage of the earth in different time and space is nothing.

Besides, who doesn't have a dream of a "starry sky and sea" in his heart, and Kim Hyun Tae is no exception.

If the earth in different time and space opens the era of interstellar migration, then you can take advantage of the trend to become a pioneer, and then appreciate the magical features of those planets, as well as the customs of various civilizations, which is much more enjoyable than performing on earth.

Of course, there are some aspects that need to be considered.

First of all, in the era of interstellar migration, other alien civilizations will be foreseen.

Danger will follow.

At the same time, can you participate in it to ensure that your own interests are not damaged.

If all of the above problems can be solved, then of course Jin Xiantai will not reject this plan.

You know, once the earth in different time and space opens the era of interstellar migration, for Jin Xiantai, who has Andrew and a girl against the sky, he will also get huge benefits.

At that time, maybe I can still make a planet to dominate and become a king.

And such a thing is extremely possible.

"In principle, I am not opposed to it, but how can I ensure that my interests are not harmed? If the era of interstellar migration begins, it must be dominated by the world's official government. Businessmen like me will never die the first wave of beneficiaries. , So how can I ensure that I will not be excluded?"

"Of course, I know that with the advantages I have, it doesn't matter even if something like this happens, but I still don't want it to happen."

When Hilda asked about Jin Xiantai just now, he said that what Jin Xiantai possesses, of course, he can explore the space on his own without worrying about the human beings on earth, and develop those barren planets and build a powerful civilization.

But this is rather meaningless, and it will give people a sense of night walks.

But it's different after starting the era of interstellar migration with all mankind.

At that time, I was using my own advantages to stand on the top of all mankind, and I could get super satisfaction in my heart.

Kim Hyun-tae recognized this.

Although he doesn't like showing off as much as his daughter, but Jin Xiantai is a mortal after all, and he still has a little vanity. After all, he is not a saint.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae himself has no opinion on leading all mankind to start the era of interstellar migration.

It's just that if your own interests will be violated, that's different.

And Kim Hyun Tae's scruples are not without reason.

Once the era of interstellar migration begins, the ordinary people at the bottom will certainly not be the first beneficiaries, and it is definitely the officials of all countries that dominate all of this. Even the ones that can enter space at the beginning will only be those big countries, small countries only For watching.

Money had no effect at that time.

And the government will also control the livable planets, all kinds of minerals, and even the infrastructure projects on those planets. Outsiders simply cannot get a share of the pie.

Hilda nodded, expressing that he understood the situation that Kim Hyun Tae was worried about.

For this situation, Hilda also has a solution.

"Master, I have also considered this matter and found a solution. If you believe me, I can handle this matter, and you will never suffer any loss, Master."

"Well, since you have a solution, then I won't ask in detail, I believe you."

"Master, I think the gold you have stored in your hand is best to sell as soon as possible~lightnovelpub.net~ because after the interstellar colonization is turned on, the gold will become worthless."

"You are right, you can help deal with this matter."

"By the way, do you have any ideas about what business I want to get involved in after the beginning of the era of interstellar immigration?"

"Human and cargo transportation, interstellar communications, and military and civilian warship spacecraft manufacturing. We can get involved in the three major fields. At the same time, we can also build a cross-interstellar media platform with CNN as the main body, while controlling the mineral-rich planet, so you are still at the top of the pyramid. One member."

Hilda had already considered this matter.

After hearing Hilda's answer, Kim Hyun Tae was also very satisfied.

According to Hilda's words, it is true that his interests will not be harmed, and on the basis of these, even if he enters the era of interstellar immigration, he is still a member of the golden spire of mankind.

Basically, once you understand this level, you don't need to understand the rest.

But there is one more important thing before you, and that is the threat posed by Thanos.

"Thanksgiving is a big threat." Jin Xiantai raised his hand and rubbed his smooth chin, muttering in a gloomy tone.

Upon seeing this, Hilda explained: "Master, you don’t have to worry about this. According to the information I have, we can deal with Thanos. Then I will urge the nations of the earth to build a galaxy defense system. It's not a threat anymore."

Hilda said Thanos is not a threat, which is definitely a big truth.

Kim Hyun-tae knew very well that Hilda would never fool herself.

That being the case, he was not allowed to worry about this matter.

"Well, I agree with your plan. When the era of interstellar migration begins, I will also have a good taste of the magnificent scenery in the universe."