Rising America

Chapter 1697: There is no friendship at present

Why does China and the United States represent all of us!

This is the first thought that flashed through the hearts of representatives sent by various countries in the United Nations.

Yes, with so many people and countries on the planet, China and the United States can't represent them all, not to mention the complicated interests entangled in them.

But the problem is that China and the United States are the representatives of the earth designated by the Protoss, so even if other countries are unwilling, they can only accept such a result.

They can't look for the Protoss to make trouble like they are in the United Nations.

Besides, even if they can see the Protoss and make noise, will the Protoss civilization take care of them?

Well, this is a very simple truth.

Therefore, the nations are called jealousy.

After all, such a good thing is not my own, so it really makes people unwilling.

In particular, Gaul, Teddy Bear, and Corruption, which are the same Big Five, are really unacceptable to such a result.

But whether they can accept it or not, this is a foregone conclusion.

Therefore, some small countries have also accepted their fate.

In the end, only a few countries started to make small moves.

At the same time, the United States and China have started receiving secret power-ups from other countries. The content of the power-ups is to allow the two countries to open up delegations and bring a few people from their own countries to contact the Protoss clan. .

Everyone is not a fool.

If you do not participate, then the ultimate interests will be divided between China and the United States, and no other countries will have hair. And if the earth enters the era of interstellar immigration in the future, China and the United States will surely be dominated by China and the United States. Become a vassal, and even see that your country will slowly die out and assimilate over time.

This kind of thing, the nations do not want to happen, so they racked their brains hoping to join in, try their best to seek the beginning of the era of interstellar immigration will have a little advantage, even if it will not be a hegemon like the United States and China, at least It's enough to become a second-line force.

In the power-on, soft words, coercion and temptation, and arrogant and overbearing have any meaning. The United States mainly faces European countries, while China faces Asian countries, Central Asia and some countries in South America. Both the United States and China have looked for it.

Among them, Mao Xiong has the worst attitude.

In the secret communication with the senior leaders of China, the senior leaders of Mao Xiongguo first recalled the brotherhood of the two countries in the past, and then the conversation turned fiercely to inform them that if they could not achieve their goals, it would lead to the two countries. There are some unknowable dangerous situations, in short, "You have to take Laozi."

The United States also encountered this situation. The countries in the Middle East joined forces with President Kenny and informed that the price of oil would rise sharply. If Kenny does not bring himself to see the Protoss civilization, and the Protoss civilization may provide The United States will experience the pain caused by high oil prices for a long time in the future.

All nations have shown their magical powers, and they all hope that they will not be left behind, and will not be left behind in the forefront of the coming great changes.

Because it is not about individuals, but about the future of a country and a nation.

But for China and the United States, the high-level leaders of the two countries are in a headache. Don't want to be excited.

"The future is left to the future, and we will never be intimidated by threats and intimidation!"

The above sentence was given to Mao Xiong and the third brother from the big brother of China.

It can be said that the final result of electrification is unhappy.

Now this situation, the Huaxia elders can see clearly, since the Protoss has designated Huaxia and the United States as representatives, it is equivalent to giving Huaxia a chance, so of course it is impossible to share this opportunity.

Just imagine, if Teddy Bear is designated, will it share the opportunity to China?

Obviously, this is absolutely impossible.

As for threats and intimidation?


Is Huaxia still afraid of this!

If it is a general international dispute, there may be discussions.

But in the face of this opportunity for China as a whole, as long as the senior leaders of China are not stupid, they absolutely know that this cannot give up benefits, it will not work at all.

At this point, the Chinese boss in different time and space is very sober.

However, because of rejection, Mao Xiongguo became angry and began to provoke disputes on the border, hoping to put pressure on China by this, and ultimately achieve his goals.

It's a pity that Mao Xiong's approach is basically the same as the jumping clown.

Huaxia has exercised considerable restraint, and has not been fooled by Mao Xiong, so that Mao Xiong does not see opportunities and hopes when he goes around.

Because the Huaxia boss is very clear, as long as you hold down the fire, wait for the contact with the Protoss Civilization, and let the Protoss Civilization agree to support the Earth's corresponding interstellar immigration era technology, and allow China to take the lead in opening the interstellar immigration era, and the bear country will not need to clean up. It's over.

So, now I don't need to deal with them at all. They are willing to make a shock, so let them do it.

As for the Teddy Bear Congress not provoking military disputes, China is not very worried.

Because the domestic situation of Mao Xiong is also very complicated.

The Afghan war has dragged the bear into the quagmire of the war, and its domestic military expenditure has soared. At the same time, its domestic prices have soared, so that the complaints of the domestic people are full of complaints.

But these are still secondary.

What’s important is that there is now an opposition force headed by Flamy in Teddy Bear’s country, which is attacking the ruling power of Teddy Bear’s country. At the same time, countless foreign banks have entered the Teddy Bear country to open institutions and absorb a large amount of private deposits. A large number of domestic loans...

China has been paying attention to this matter, but it is not clear what kind of changes these will bring to Mao Xiong.

But in general, it is an ironclad fact that Mao Xiong Country has no money now.

Since there is no money, of course Mao Xiong Country cannot really go to war with China. You must know that China is not a small country like Afghanistan.

Nowadays, the little Afghanistan has dragged down the bear country, and the bear country has not yet settled Afghanistan. Where does their energy come from to open up a second battlefield and fight against a large country like China?

Even if Mao Xiong is now a fool, he would not make such a brain-dead decision if he thought about it, and even if he was willing, the people under him would not.

Therefore, Huaxia was calm in the face of Mao Xiong's provocations, and just ignored it anyway.

But besides Teddy Bear, there was another one that irritated China.

That is the country of Assange.

The third brother who originally wanted to fish in troubled waters, Chen Bing and the border between Pakistan and Nepal, planned to do something at this time of chaos in the international situation.

However, unexpected changes in the environment were unexpected. The Protoss Civilization appointed China and the United States as representatives of the earth, and other countries were excluded. This was something that the third brother did not think about.

And it caused the third brother to give up the idea of ​​fishing in troubled waters, and put all his energy on how to participate in the meeting with the Protoss.

In order to achieve his goal, the third brother made the same choice as Mao Xiong, showing that the secret power-on Hua Xia was arrogant, and after being rejected, he mobilized the army and directly crossed the Himalayas borders.

It doesn't work for Mao Xiong to do this, let alone the third brother.

Moreover, Mao Xiong was quite strong in military strength anyway, so Huaxia would never choose to fight against it in the same way, but the third brother was different.

The third brother claims to be the third military power in the universe, but the problem is that they pride themselves.

In fact, the military strength of the third brother is the same thing, even a joke at all.

Therefore, when the third brother of the self-proclaimed third military power crossed the border, he was immediately hit head-on by the Chinese army, and all three army divisions were eliminated there.

As for China, what it paid was only the slight injury of five soldiers.

This shows that the third brother of the third military power in the universe, what virtue is the overall military strength?

To tell the truth, the third brother is still very strong at playing Jie Luohan, but let them fight this...Haha...

Although the United States has not faced military provocations and pressure, the verbal threats from European countries ~lightnovelpub.net~ have made US President Kenny feel enough.

In particular, the threat of the Middle East oil countries wielding a big oil stick made Kenny feel that it was really uncomfortable.

And the international oil futures price doubled that day.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae's family had already returned to the earth, otherwise their family would have missed the big show.

Of course, in this big drama on Earth in different time and space, the promoters behind it have a close relationship with the Kim Hyun-tae family. After all, this situation occurred after Hilda ordered the Protoss Civilization to designate a representative country, and Hilda It's the head maid of Kim Hyun Tae again, so...

The high-level people of various countries started to intrigue, but the people at the bottom didn't care so much.

The goodwill shown by the Protoss clan, and the prospect that after the representatives of China and the United States contacted the Protoss civilization, it is very likely that the earth as a whole will be brought into the era of interstellar immigration. These all excited and excited the general public.

More than 99% of people are thankful that they were born in such an era.

Only born in such an era can we see such drastic changes in the world.

If all goes well, then the people of the earth will start the era of interstellar migration and launch the magnificent "interstellar voyage". At the same time, history will also remember the people of this era. This is so exciting to think about.

Of course, what is more important is that as with the development of the ‘new world’, once the earth opens the era of ‘interstellar migration’, there will be a lot of opportunities to change destiny in the vast starry sky, which is very attractive.

Therefore, human beings on the earth are looking forward to it, waiting for China to contact the Protoss civilization with the United States to see if it can get the technical support of the Protoss civilization, so that the people on earth can start the era of ‘interstellar migration’.