Rising America

Chapter 1698: cheat

No matter how many countries make trouble, this is basically the case.

The third brother intends to use force to seek benefits, but the end result is that he is "taught to be a man" by Huaxia and then he becomes honest, at least in the short term, there is no way to make noise again.

On the one hand, China and the United States wrangled with other countries, and on the other hand, they acted quickly, formed a delegation to meet with Protoss, and worked out a list of technologies for seeking Protoss support. Ling sent the spacecraft to take the delegation to Mars.

How do people in other countries think about it? Anyway, the people in China and the United States are excited and excited. After all, contact with alien civilization is a big deal, especially if it is related to all human beings on the planet, whether they can enter the era of interstellar immigration. key.

Then, as representatives of China and the United States, of course, they have become the focus of attention of the people of the world. Of course, the people of the two countries feel very proud and proud.

For other countries that cannot be represented, they must be gnashing their teeth secretly, and there is no need to list them one by one.

Anne, who returned to the United States, called Coco to come back right away, because she also had to plan for the future.

Hilda has already told Annie that once the era of interstellar migration begins, Annie will also get a share of it and become the pioneer of colonialism to enter the interstellar development.

In this way, Annie will leave everyone behind.

But in this case, it will definitely attract a lot of hatred, so the little guy continues to stay in China, she feels that it is not so safe, so she decided to let Coco return to the United States, take care of her best.

It is true that Coco's strength is against the sky, but Annie can't guarantee that she will jump out of a guy who is even more against the sky than Coco.

So, it’s safest to take it around and watch it.

For this, Cocoa doesn't really matter.

Anyway, she was tired of staying in China, and it was fine to go back to the United States for a few days.

Therefore, Coco Ben immediately set off, gave up the transportation, directly opened the magic channel to Annie's side, and started running around with Annie every day.

Thanks to Hilda’s reminder, Anne’s focus is on shipbuilding factories, because these shipyards will be converted to spacecraft manufacturing at that time, ensuring that she can leapfrog into the hottest businessman on the planet with this product.

After all, after entering the era of interstellar colonization, mankind will have a great demand for spacecraft capable of space navigation, and whoever can build spacecraft will inevitably become a guest of government. This is very obvious.

With this advantage alone, Annie can get rid of other businessmen and become a member of the pyramid.

Even thanks to this, Annie can also form her own space exploration and immigrant team to occupy those planets.

You know, in the interstellar age, such things are nothing new.

Of course, if someone can't seize this opportunity, no matter how rich they are now, they will definitely decline in the end. This is also a fact.

"Mommy, with our advantage, we will definitely have a big advantage in the future, so what industry will you enter?"

Accompanying Annie, I ran around the United States with her every day, inspecting the ports and docks on both sides of the strait, as well as the shipbuilding factories. Coco asked such a question in his free time.

Regarding this question, Annie replied: "After entering the interstellar age, the most demanded spacecraft will be spacecraft capable of long-distance navigation. There will be a large market for both military and civilian use. In addition, there are floating ports, landing ports, and circular ports between planets and planets. I am determined to get involved in this industry first and form a monopoly. As for minerals, I will talk about them later."

For this matter, Annie had already planned in her heart.

She has a clear position and knows what she should do.

After entering the interstellar age, as she said, humans will have a great demand for spaceships, whether for military or civilian use, and in addition to the planets, ports and docks between planets are also indispensable. Yes, or where do those spaceships stop?

Therefore, Annie intends to monopolize this business and become the overlord of Starport, the interstellar shipping industry, and this is definitely promising.

Based on this question, she will then be involved in the mining industry.

Of course, her old bank banking business will not give up.

Because of the interstellar age, people will definitely have a lot of loan demand, so Annie will definitely take this opportunity to win a vote.

In general, the business of Whiston Bank in the future will mainly be lending, spacecraft manufacturing, and ports. As long as these are mastered and a monopoly is formed, then Whiston Business will be invincible.

And there is cocoa, Annie believes that she will not lack technical support, so she has nothing to worry about.

Therefore, she believes that she can go further and achieve more brilliant achievements than all her peers.

"Okay! Okay! I don't know what I should do. Now, after hearing what Mommy said, I think it's best to invest in you. I'm the technology. Let's be half of us."

The little guy is actually thinking about what he should do, but because of the relationship between age and experience, the little guy can't think of what he can do.

After all, Cocoa is still a bear kid today.

But now, Xiongzi has found a shortcut. Since he can't think of what to do, the most worry-free way is to invest.

Mummy Anne's idea is very good, but one of the key links is indeed indispensable.

That is to provide technical support.

Whether it's spacecraft manufacturing or the port terminal of the interstellar age, if you don't provide the sci-fi technical support of the mystery store, then all this will be in the mirror.

But if you have your own support, everything will be completely different.

Besides, the fertile water does not flow to outsiders’ fields. Annie has a clear plan for her business, which she lacks, so she uses technology to invest in, and finally she can lie down and count the money.

Well, lying down and counting money is my favorite thing.

Annie looked at the excited little guy dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say.

But in Annie's opinion, Coco's proposal is indeed quite good.

So, after thinking for a while, she said to Coco: "Well, it's my own business anyway, so let's cooperate."

"Happy cooperation." The little guy stretched out his little hand with a smile.

Annie also stretched out her hand and shook it like the little guy.

"Now you are more like a business man than your father, and you can put profit first for Mommy." Annie Gu complained about Coco.

Hearing this, Coco responded to Annie in a serious manner: "The family belongs to the family, and the business belongs to the business. This is what Mommy taught me."

That said, but Annie was very satisfied with Coco's answer.

Because in her opinion, doing business should be like this.

"Mommy, we have two goals, what will happen to Dad?"

Cocoa thought of his father, and a small worry arose in his heart.

Annie smiled, raised her hand and knocked on Coco's forehead, and said, "Your father is very smart, so you don't need to worry about us. Besides, do you think Hilda will not give your father convenience and advantages?"

------split line------

"According to my thoughts, when the Protoss contacts with China and the United States, they will promise to provide some related technical support to help the earth enter the era of interstellar immigration. In addition, the Protoss civilization will also designate some non-governmental commercial organizations. , To become the pioneer of the interstellar colonization era and provide technology for this."

"Of course, all of this is used to deceive the world. In fact, this is just an excuse, so that we can become pioneers without being suspected and show some technology."

Hilda came to Saigon from Manhattan to meet Kim Hyun-tae, and after seeing Kim Hyun-tae, she said her plan.

Of course, Hilda had already negotiated on the Protoss side and everything was ready.

Therefore, she came to see Jin Xiantai mainly to give him a bottom line.

"This, isn't it cheating~lightnovelpub.net~ Looking at the girl in front of him, Kim Hyun-tae's eyelids twitched and said an adjective.

Yes, this is cheating.

Protoss civilization is a civilization summoned by cards purchased from the Coco Mystery Store. As a user, Hilda has the power to live and kill this Protoss civilization.

At the same time, Hilda is Kim Hyun Tae's maid. With her there, of course, he can provide Kim Hyun Tae's family with the convenience and advantages that others cannot enjoy.

Basically, these conveniences and advantages are really open and cheating.

Hilda shrugged her shoulders with a smile, made a cute face, and then responded to Kim Hyun Tae and said, "Whether it is cheating or not, I just want to make sure that the young master can become a top class human. Too much care."

This truth is correct, Hilda cares only about Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, and she will not care about others.

"According to my script, Master, you will become a cross-star network tycoon based on your existing foundation, master communications, media and other electronic media fields, and obtain a monopoly."

"You know, even in the interstellar age, communication is an indispensable way for people to contact people, especially the communication between interstellar planets and planets. Master this, you don’t need to worry about lack of money even if you lie down. ."

"Does the councils give up this piece of business? You have to know that this business has great benefits and is very basic communication." Jin Xiantai admitted that Hilda's idea is very good, but there are certain obstacles to the implementation of this matter. of.

Hearing this, Hilda said: "Why don't they give up? Do they have inter-stellar communication technology? No! So they can't do this business!"



As long as you have this technology, you are not afraid of others robbing yourself...

Kim Hyun Tae suddenly felt bright.