Rising America

Chapter 1701: This is the first

The spacecraft of the Protoss civilization descended on the earth at noon the next day, appeared in the capital of China and Washington, USA, and picked up the delegations of the two countries.

According to Hilda's order, the location of the meeting was not chosen on Earth, but Mars.

For this problem, human beings have no choice.

At the same time, the Protoss Civilization launched an attack on the Sarando fleet outside the solar system, and it took only a short time to destroy the Sarando star fleet.

After all, the existence of this fleet is a considerable threat to the earth, and it is impossible to always allow this fleet to exist outside the solar system.

At this point, the earth is temporarily safe.

Of course, according to Thanos’ virtues, it is estimated that the third wave of invading teams will soon appear, so before that, the people on earth must reach an agreement with the Protoss Civilization. After joining the "Justice League", start from the Protoss Civilization. To obtain the necessary scientific and technological support, so that mankind can master the power of self-protection.

Under this major premise, China and the United States, which represent human rights, are very clear that it is necessary to properly correct their mentality.

Arrogance is really not suitable for performance right now.

Moreover, human beings really have nothing to be proud of in front of the Protoss civilization.

After all, if there is no Protoss civilization, it is impossible to say that humans and the earth will be invaded and destroyed by the Saranduos.

The science and technology of the Protoss civilization is very advanced. It only took a few minutes to travel from the earth to Mars by spacecraft, and through this process, the members of the delegations of the two countries have learned so much about the technology mastered by the Protoss civilization. A little bit of knowledge.

This is a level of technology that the people of the earth have not yet mastered.

But when the thought that if Protoss Civilization is willing to provide technical support, then in the near future, the people on earth can also have such technology, the members of the two delegations can't help but feel excited.

Of course, those who are excited are all related scholars, whose ideas are very simple, so they have such naive views.

But as the key figures in the delegations of the two countries who are responsible for contact and negotiation, they have felt a lot of pressure.

Unlike those naive scientists, as people who play politics, they are very worried that human beings will become vassals of Protoss civilization, and there will be no way to get rid of the control of Protoss civilization in the future, so as to become slaves in disguise.

You know, this kind of thing is not impossible.

Why does the Prosperity Civilization provide free support technology to mankind?

They are not your parents!

Therefore, some people wishfully believe that Xinglingwen will hand over technology to humans for free, which is quite naive and ridiculous.

Basically, neither Huaxia nor the United States thinks it will be so easy.

Of course, the contact has just begun, and some things have not been discussed yet. In the end, what price humans will have to pay to obtain scientific and technological support from the Protoss Civilization is still unknown.

But in general, the outlook is not so optimistic.

The members of the delegations of the two countries are carefully selected. Top scientists in the fields of physics, aerospace, electronic information, etc., are mainly responsible for providing themselves to those who lead the team and those who are responsible for negotiating with Protoss civilization. List of required technologies, and then let them talk to Protoss civilization.

It can be said that both China and the United States have made complete preparations for this contact.

The spacecraft arrived at the periphery of Mars. The members of the delegation found that Mars had changed its appearance at this time. Several large orbits around the planet had been built in the periphery, and countless aircrafts shuttled through it, which seemed to be very lively. a feeling of.

Mars has always been a barren and lonely planet to humans.

But today, Mars has become so lively because of the Protoss civilization.

This also makes Mars alive, and it looks very vibrant.

Even from space, people can visually observe the outlines of many large buildings on the surface of Mars. Obviously, because of the Protoss civilization, Mars has undergone such amazing changes.

Some people even discovered that there are still some places on Mars that are green now, and there are now green vegetation on Mars, which is obviously yellow sand.

This discovery surprised many people.

But after the surprise, everyone was relieved again.

After all, the level of Protoss civilization is not known how much higher than human beings, so mastering the technology of planetary transformation and plant cultivation, it seems that this is not too surprising.

However, this discovery made many scientists of the delegation concerned, thinking about the benefits of using this technology on the earth.

Whether it is the United States or China, there are large areas of deserts in China.

If these deserts can be re-covered with green vegetation to improve the environment, then over time, in just a few decades, these places will become environmentally pleasant and scenic places, even the yellow sands. Will disappear, replaced by fertile land.

The spacecraft carrying the delegations of the two countries began to decelerate and moved slowly toward the annular belt around Mars. As the relationship got closer, the members of the delegation could see everything there more clearly.

Countless Protoss people, wearing special combat armors, are busy. Countless goods are either transported to the surface of Mars through the endless belt, or transported from the surface to the endless belt and then sent to the warship docked aside.

Jin Jianshe didn't know how to do it, he actually got into the delegation and became a member of the delegation.

At this time, Jin Jianshe was talking quietly with the delegation leader beside him.

"Old Wu, these guys have far more technology than we humans have. Do you think they will support our related technologies so easily? There is no such thing as paying no price in this world, the ancestors said There will be no free lunch."

The leader of the delegation, called the "Old Wu" by Jin Jianshe, is a refined man who seems to be in his early fifties.

After hearing this, he sighed and responded to Jin Jianshe in a low voice: "How can I not know, but the problem is that even so, we have to try it cheeky, after all, we need the support of Protoss Civilization, which is not only Because there is a crisis of aggression from alien civilizations, and it also concerns whether our Huaxi can truly become a top power."

Lao Wu's meaning Jin Jianshe is very clear.

Although the earth seems to be in crisis today, it also has great opportunities.

As one of the two great nations representing mankind, once it can obtain scientific and technological support from Protoss Civilization, then in a short period of time, China's overall national strength will be significantly improved and become a top-notch existence.

And as mankind enters the era of interstellar immigration, China will also use this opportunity to control a large number of planets and become a superpower, leaving most countries far behind.

Of course, the United States also has this opportunity today.

But at the moment, China will not struggle with this matter.

"It is estimated that the Yankees are using the same calculations as us, so we have to work harder when we come into contact with the Protoss Civilization this time, so as not to let the Yankees get the most benefit."

Jin Jianshe mentioned the Americans.

Lao Wu's eyes flickered, and he nodded slowly: "Of course, this time we and them are considered competitors. It depends on who can take the lead in opening the hole from Protoss Civilization."

The scientists of the delegation, watching the approaching orbital berthing port and the various warship equipment appearing on the orbit, constantly whispered or exclaimed. It can be seen that they do not care about Lao Wu and Jin Jianshe. Those things we talked about.

"We are also under tremendous pressure in our country. As the designated representative country of the Protoss Civilization, everyone with a discerning eye can see that we will definitely get the most benefit, so some countries that have not been designated are now quite restless.

If we really negotiate with the Protoss Civilization and get the technology from the other party, there will be a storm when we don't get it. "

Lao Wu mentioned to Jin Xiantai the current international situation China faces.

Hearing this, Jin Jianshe rolled his eyes and replied: "I can't farm the ground after listening to the crickets. If we are designated as the representative, it is luck. On the other hand, it is also luck. This thing is jealous. ~lightnovelpub.net~ I don't think those countries have anything to fear.

As long as we can succeed here, get the technology from the Protoss Civilization, and then take it back to digest it, then those countries will definitely have to look at our faces and behave, and now we are jumping up and down all kinds of threats, in my opinion It's just to scare people. "

------split line------

"Canada, Mexico, and European countries are now under great pressure, and these countries have frequent small actions in private. If we don't handle it well, our country will cause big troubles.

However, as long as we can succeed and survive this stage, the future will definitely be a smooth road. At that time, all countries that are jumping up and down will become honest. "

The US delegation is the current President Kenny, and Vice President George Sr.

Perhaps the Americans believe that this can demonstrate sincerity and goodwill to the greatest extent.

While Jin Jianshe was talking with Lao Wu in a low voice, George and Kenny were also talking quietly about the current pressure situation facing the United States.

Compared to the old George, Kenny is still quite young.

Therefore, when facing this situation, he is really not as calm as old George.

"The Prime Minister of Saar, elected this time in Britain, has already spoken to me several times, and he bluntly said that if we obtain technology from the Protoss Civilization and don’t share it with the United Kingdom, he will unite European countries to show us the beauty of the United States. And in order to prove that it is not to scare people, the British Mediterranean fleet has arrived and assembled. The troops of Germany, France, Italy, Egypt and other countries have already reached the border with Egypt, and their troops have reached Israel."

"Don't be afraid! The more you are like this, the more you have to be calm. It doesn't matter if you start a fight. As long as we can get technology from Protoss Civilization, even another world war will be fine."