Rising America

Chapter 1716: What are friends doing

The Sarando fleet is strong.

But they did not expect that they would encounter such a thing.

Good thing, how could the planet near the jumping point explode!

To be honest, this really surprised the Sarando people.

The warships on the side of the blasting planet were basically destroyed.

The electromagnetic storm generated by the explosion of the planet, as well as the chaos and raging energy of energy, completely changed the stability of various elements in the jumping point, so this jumping point is considered useless.

Before the explosion, 90% of the warships of the Saranduo people had arrived, and 10% of the warships had not arrived here.

Because the jumping point was destroyed, the remaining 10% of the warships were completely lost in the folding space, and it can be said that there is no need to think about them anymore.

In the face of the most powerful and terrifying disaster in the universe, even the Saranduo people have a high level of technology, but they can only wait to die.

Over 70% of warships have electronic instruments that have failed.

Even if those electronic devices did not malfunction, due to various reasons, there was no way to evade them immediately to escape.

The subsequent impact of the explosion of three or four planets is far from these.

And it also made a big change in the cosmic magnetic field, rays, and energy of this starry sky.

Some small planetary debris, as well as the wreckage of the Sarando warship, were fixed here by some very gravitational planets, so that as the scene slowly returned to calm, it became a space cemetery. .

The Saranduo fleet originally had more than one billion warships, but now there are only those left, and the hull has suffered such and other heavy damage.

"Unidentified battleship found!"

Yang Weili ordered the 15th Fleet to withdraw its invisibility and circled out from the back of the supernova, ready to start to knock down the water dogs.

Now the Saranduo people can be said to be sad.

Many battleships escaped, but the hull was so badly damaged that when they stopped in the starry sky, Yang Weili could see that many battleships were still exploding.

But Yang Weili has no mercy.

The Saranduos are not the people of Baden Gorm civilization. The two sides are completely two civilizations, so Yang Weili will not have any sympathy for Sarando at all.

"The artillery has been targeted!"

"Free fire! Free fire!"

The Salandor fleet that had suffered heavy losses was not enough for Yang Weili now.

Now he leads the fleet on the stage, basically no different from knocking down a dog.

The Saranduos had no courage to fight back.

Although some Saranduo battleships started to fight back, their artillery fire hit the battleships of Yang Weili's team, all of which were blocked by the unfolding energy shield.

It can be said that the Saranduo battleship that fought back has no way to bring any damage and pressure to Yang Weili and the others.

So far, there is no suspense in this war.

How could the mighty Saranduo people think that they would be defeated in this way, and also suffered such severe damage and loss.

This time the Saranduos can be regarded as coming out.

With this failure, needless to say, their civilization will lose everything.

Thanos will never let them go.

For a while, the Saranduos who were attacked by Yang Weili were quite desperate.

"We won, Admiral Yang Weili is really amazing!"

Goldbaum and they both laughed happily.

This real-time scene was sent through the holographic image, and everyone can draw such a conclusion.

With the destruction of the Sarando fleet, there will be a long period of peace.

Even if Thanos wants to send the fourth wave of invasion teams, he still needs time to select and build, right?

In this way, Gordonbaum civilization has been given some more time to better develop the Andromeda Galaxy.

Similarly, it will make the earth safer.

I have to say that the Gordonbaum civilization has a ‘great responsibility’. They not only have to be enemies of the earth in the future, but now they also have to shoulder the responsibility of preventing the invasion of the earth by the alien fleet under Thanos.

Put it away, they are quite sad.

After all, these people in the future will all become Jin Xiantai's stepping stones and pave the way for him to become a hero.

But no matter what, it is worthy of everyone to be happy about the annihilation of the Sarando fleet that has come out.

"Well, I can rest assured that I can leave it to you here. Based on your strength, I think it is more than enough to stop Thanos' alien army."

In the holographic image, Yang Weili led the fleet and had already entered the work of finishing touches.

Seeing this, Coco jumped out of his seat, ready to set off to return to Earth.

Goldbaum and the others have proved their strength and can block Thanos' army here in the fairy galaxy, so Coco has nothing to worry about.

Now that the development of the Andromeda Galaxy has entered a normal orbit, it doesn't matter whether she is here or not.

In other words, Cocoa does not need to help them develop.

Today's battle between Yang Weili and the Saranduos gave Coco a refreshing touch.

The little guy knew for the first time that Interstellar War could still be fought like this.

To be honest, the little guy finds it very fresh.

At the same time, I feel that I have learned new knowledge.

Emperor Gordonbaum, leading his subordinates, respectfully sent Coco and Andrew to the airport.

The little guy and Andrew, after strolling around the Andromeda Galaxy, set out to return to Earth.

As soon as he returned to Earth, Coco left Andrew and ran to find Kayla, boasting to his little friend.

Andrew Ze went to Annie to see how the shipyard's upgrade was going.

So far, the little guy's plan has been successfully implemented in the first link.

Well, he created a strong enemy for his father.

Not only his own father, but also the enemy of all human beings on earth!

And don't worry at all, the Baden Gorm civilization is so powerful that it will scare humans to pee.

Because Coco felt that the stronger Gordonbaum's civilization was, the more powerful he could be reflected in his father.

Today is Sunday, Kayla doesn't have to go to school.

Therefore, Kayla stayed on the side of the AI ​​Intelligence company and was easily found by Cocoa.

After Coco explained what she saw in the Andromeda Galaxy, Kayla was also shocked by the interstellar war described by Coco. Don't want it.

Don’t think Kayla is a little sister of Krypton, but she was born on the earth and grew up on the earth, so she is no different from the earth children in interstellar, space, and so on, all through film and television dramas and cartoons. Understand, so don’t talk about correct knowledge.

Like Coco, Keira felt at the beginning that Interstellar War was nothing more than queuing up and shooting, and the enemy and our warships blasted each other.

As long as my energy output is strong enough, the defensive shield is hard enough, and the technical level exceeds the opponent, then I can defeat my enemy and win.

But after listening to Coco's description, Kayla realized that it was not what she once thought.

Interstellar warfare is cruel, and can be used to defeat opponents in various ways, commanders can also use various strategic means, not the mode of queuing to shoot.

Moreover, the weapons of the interstellar age are so powerful that even a planet can be destroyed if it is destroyed.

So, after hearing Coco's description, Kayla almost scared off the cute bear pants.

"Boss, the war in the interstellar age is really terrifying. Will you let the Protoss civilization hand over the technology of China and the United States to ensure that we will not encounter such an enemy and bring us a devastating blow?"

Cocoa could see that Kayla was so scared that her face was pale.

Obviously, his little friend was frightened.

Upon seeing this, Coco raised his hand and patted Kayla on the back, and comforted his little friend: "You will definitely encounter such a powerful civilization in the future, but don’t be afraid. With me, humans don’t need to worry about anything. I can’t do it. Just destroy that civilization ahead of time. You have to know that I have this ability."


Kayla heard the words and remembered how violent Coco was.

So, after some comfort from Coco, Kayla finally stopped being so scared.

The two little girls were chatting, and they talked about a wide range of topics.

At first, the two of them talked about how powerful the alien civilization is, and as they chatted, it became another topic.

"Boss, are you skipping class now? You haven't been to kindergarten for a long time, your father said you?"

Yes, when Coco was in China, he was enrolled in a kindergarten by Mr. Jin. Due to her age, she went to a small class, but Coco had never been to a day and played crazy outside all day, so in a strict sense. Said that she really skipped class.

"It's okay, my dad doesn't know. Besides, I don't like to play with those little kids in kindergarten. I think I am more mature than them~lightnovelpub.net~ Cocoa boasted, apparently ignoring my own age. Said other kids are little kids, haha.

"Kayla, with my promotion, the earth will soon enter the interstellar age. At that time, I think you can let your father, mother, and all of you join the technology alliance to provide some technology for mankind."

"I'm going back to ask about this, you know, my daddy and mommy are weird."

"You have to contribute to mankind so that your family can live better. Look at me, don't I plan to make my dad a hero."

"My daddy and mommy can't be heroes. Although my brother is now on his way to be heroes, his structure is too small, limited to California, unlike the boss, who has already focused on all mankind. So I think my brother is just a turtle."

"Oh, mentioning your brother, I remembered one thing. I heard that he and Spider-Man became good friends?"

"Cut" Kayla curled her lips, with a look of disdain, "The Spider-Man treats my brother as a triumphant, that diao silk is very good at flattering, and can get a lot of money from my brother every time, poor. My sister, he has never given pocket money, and now she is so good to a diao silk, she is really unwilling."

As long as the fellow Superman was mentioned, Kyla would have no good words, showing how deeply she resented her brother.

Coco quickly changed the subject, otherwise Kayla would go violently.

"Where are Pitro and Wanda? They haven't contacted me much during this time." Coco asked about Pitro and his sister.

Kayla replied: "I know that. The two sisters and brothers are now studying in a place called'Mutant Academy', where the management is very strict, so they can't come out and play with us freely." 8)