Rising America

Chapter 1717: I want to try

Nowadays, on the earth in different time and space, people only pay attention to two important things.

One is to develop a ‘new world’ and open up a relatively safe, stable and livable place for mankind. With such a place, mankind will have no worries.

The second is the threat of alien invasion brought about by the "Manhattan Incident".

Fortunately, there is a ‘new world’, and mankind does not need to worry about a crisis of extinction. The worst is that all human beings have migrated to the new world.

However, it was precisely because of the "Manhattan Incident" that brought another benefit to mankind, allowing mankind to come into contact with an extraterrestrial civilization called the "Protoss", and China and the United States, which represent all mankind, and from the Protoss civilization A large number of technologies have been obtained on the Internet, allowing human beings to see the dawn of entering space and opening the interstellar era.

And with the "New World" as insurance and backing, humans can completely give up a lot of worries and start to study the technology aided by Protoss civilization, even if it is to start the interstellar era, they encounter other powerful alien civilizations and have enemies with them. There are also retreats.

Therefore, all mankind is quite excited now, and all resources and technologies are leaning on the technology delivered by Protoss. Armed conflicts in some countries and regions around the world have been quelled for this reason.

The present earth can be described as the most peaceful period in history.

Headed by the United States and China, countries around the world have begun to stand in line. Some countries in Europe and Asia have already selected their respective camps. Countries in the Middle East and the African continent are still vacillating.

But no matter what, the current global environment is still developing in a good direction.

The prices of raw materials such as oil, metals, ore, etc. fluctuate briefly in the international futures market, but they quickly rise quickly. Although the above things will definitely become less valuable after the start of the interstellar era, the interstellar has not yet been opened after all. Times.

In addition, China and the United States are both purchasing raw materials and starting to build space warships, so it is unlikely that the prices of various raw materials will fall at this stage.

Therefore, the Middle East countries are relieved.

The Nevada oil field of the Jinxiantai family also took the opportunity to start a large number of shipments, making a lot of money during this time.

Many large companies with abundant funds and technical strength also focus on some businesses related to the interstellar age, and Stark Industries is one of them.

With his outstanding talents, Tony Stark has developed the technology of refining petroleum, which refines the refined petroleum into a very special energy block. At the same time, this energy is quickly combined with the Ark Energy. As the output power, the energy matrix can actually make the refined petroleum energy burst into amazing energy.

At this point, the energy and power system of the space battleship was completely overcome by Stark, completely solving the big trouble of how to get the space battleship into the air.

Right now, Stark is studying the related technologies of Protoss Civilization, but due to the technological gap, it is clear that there is no way in a short time.

Osborne Biochemical Group also began to focus on some related businesses.

A variety of lightweight clothing that protects against radiation, shields harmful cosmic rays, and planetary harmful substances has been developed and manufactured by Osborne one after another, and these have allowed mankind to increase the cost of survival in the interstellar era.

In this regard, China has fallen behind a lot.

However, under the benefit of Jin Xiantai, a large number of business spies sent out easily stole the research results of Osborne and Stark, and then used secret channels to trade them to China.

As a result, China has now mastered the relevant technology and can apply it.

Of course, unlike Osborne and Stark, these technologies traded to China can only be used in military affairs. It cannot be sold to ordinary people after mass production like Osborne and Stark. Make huge profits.

After all, Huaxia needs to ensure that Jin Xiantai's interests are not harmed.

You know, in Osborne Biochemical and Stark Industries, Kim Hyun Taek is a major shareholder.

The U.S. obviously didn't expect that there would be someone on his side who was secretly digging the wall...

But anyway, with Jin Xiantai brandishing a small **** here, Huaxia is really not bad for the United States at all, and even leads in some areas.

And this is the situation that Kim Hyun Tae hopes to see.

You know, Jin Xiantai is Chinese after all.

Besides, he himself wants to play like this, can anyone stop it?

Above, this is what big capital plays.

There are not people with such strong capital in various countries, so they can only play small-scale businesses.

For example, on the streets of Los Angeles, there have been many ‘gravity exercise’ shops. As long as ordinary people are willing to spend a small amount of money, they can walk into the shop to choose a practice room and let the service staff help regulate the indoor gravity for some exercise.

This is mainly for ordinary people to feel the interstellar age in advance, what it's like to go to planets whose gravity is different from that of the earth, and to exercise their resilience appropriately.

For shops like this, there are not only Los Angeles, but the entire United States.

Even Canada, Australia, Europe and other countries also exist.

Game shops such as ‘full-view interstellar combat training’, ‘virtual battleship operations’, and ‘simulated mecha’ have sprung up in front of the world.

Without it!

The reason for running such a business is that in addition to making money, it is also possible to select ordinary people with talent from the people.

The saying that "the great **** is among the people" is not unreasonable.

What is the official status, it is impossible to use normal methods to find all those geniuses with talents, many geniuses are buried in the folks, even geniuses themselves do not know that they have a certain talent.

Therefore, this requires some unconventional means to find out.

Nowadays, in China and the United States, all the people have issued a smart card. The card absorbs the user's genes, up to ninety-nine, down to the newborn, each has one.

With this kind of smart card in life, any consumption can be done through the smart card, which greatly facilitates people's lives.

At the same time, holding this card to the folk interstellar training game room, those games will record various game data of the user, once it is found that someone has a certain talent, the official will find it in a short time. The guy who will be found is recruited.

From then on, someone can change the current life and embark on the journey of marrying Bai Fumei.

Mech battle! Battleship operation! Battleship command! Fleet commander! Even personal physical training, etc., every day there will be a large number of buried geniuses, especially in China, which has the largest population base.

To be honest, there must be more welfare in this aspect of the population, which is very inevitable.

It can be said that all countries are now working hard to prepare for the upcoming interstellar era.

Cocoa is no exception.

After returning to the earth from the fairy galaxy, she found her little friend Kayla. After a chatter between the two bear children, she felt bored and started the most popular interstellar war simulation game.

After all, they are not bad people.

So they don't need to find the kind of street game store to play, but have expensive private game pods.

This game cabin includes all current interstellar games and is developed and operated by S.H.I.E.L.D., so it can be said that every genius discovered will basically be controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D.

And with the development of interstellar simulation training games, SHIELD has also begun to make money.

In the exclusive lounge of the president of ai smart company, the silver-white streamlined game pod is placed here. Now the company makes a lot of money every month, so Coco is not hesitating to buy a bunch of weird things back, including This kind of game cabin with a price of several million.

It's not bad money anyway.

Nowadays, the bear kids are almost making money more than their fathers, so even if Cocoa can spend a lot of money, Kim Hyun-tae, as his father, can't control it.

So Cocoa spends money as he wants.

In addition to the game cabin in the lounge, there are many things that little guys bought back at a big price.

Rumored to have a history of thousands of years, the rusty iron sword.

Rumor has it that there is a mask of strange power.

After eating it, roasted sweet potatoes that can destroy the world and destroy the earth.

There are so many, the lounge is almost full.

Of course, basically the things that these bear kids bought back at an expensive price turned out to be fake~lightnovelpub.net~nothing useful.

But cocoa is still happy to buy.

Even the good girl Kayla was damaged by Cocoa.

The two little guys pushed the door and walked into the lounge. Kayla walked at the end and closed the door.

"There is a sweet potato smell, boss, this sweet potato is almost stinking, so I want to throw it away. Haven't we already proved it to be fake, what are you keeping?"

Closing the door of the lounge, the smell of sweet potatoes rushed into the nose, making Kayla spit out.

Coco rolled his eyes and turned back to Kayla and said, "After all, I bought the sweet potatoes for millions of dollars. Leave them for a while, and then throw them away when they are completely stinking."

"I have said that the sections of the novel are not credible, but the boss, you have to say try it, so we found the author of "I am a teacher" and bought a roasted sweet potato for several million dollars. In the end, I was right. Eating sweet potatoes can increase strength. This is simply nonsense."

That’s right, Cocoa was a bit of a madness when reading online novels. At that time, I saw a novel of "I am a teacher", saying that sweet potatoes can increase magic power, so I took Kayla to find the author of this novel, and forced the author. I baked a sweet potato and sold it to two bear children.

Coco also generously gave the author several million dollars.

But what happened.

Eating sweet potatoes is impossible to increase any magic power. The facts have proved that this is very nonsense.

For this reason, the bear child lost millions of dollars.

"Huh! Don't mention this. Let's play the game now. Today I am going to play Star Wars. I will take this opportunity to try Yang Weili's tricks, and let the turtles in the battle group open their eyes!"

Cocoa doesn't want to talk more about sweet potatoes.

After all, this was a shameless thing, so she urged Kayla to enter the game cabin with herself...