Rising America

Chapter 1719: Sorry

When Coco and his little friend Kayla were experimenting with the routine they learned in a virtual game, Jin Xiantai, who was in Saigon, received an order from the Pentagon.

In this order, he is required to start building a training base in Saigon immediately, and then let the American soldiers under his command begin to engage in exercises that can improve various skills of the human body.

Following the order, there was also the "Human Function Enhancement" training technique sent by the Pentagon. This "Human Function Enhancement" training technique is said to allow an ordinary person to use at least three times the original strength after practice. The increase will be even stronger if it is excellent.

Obviously, this training method must be provided by the Protoss Civilization.

Since the Pentagon had an order, it was of course not easy for Kim Hyun-tae to delay, and he immediately plunged into this matter.

According to the requirements of the Pentagon, he needs to build a huge gravity exercise site here at the US military base in Saigon, and the types of related exercises that can be provided in this place are not only ‘gravity’.

The Pentagon hopes that Jin Xiantai will solve the needed funds.

Obviously, this is for Jin Xiantai to find a way for the South Vietnamese puppet regime.

Perhaps this matter is a difficult task for others.

But for Kim Hyun-tae, this matter is easy to solve.

Because the whole Saigon is now under the control of Jin Xiantai, the South Vietnamese puppet regime has also been subdued by Jin Xiantai, and even the treasury of the South Vietnam puppet regime is in the hands of Jin Xiantai.

Therefore, when Kim Hyun-tae issued an order, no matter what the South Vietnamese puppet regime, it had to smile and hand over the necessary funds.

With sufficient funds, raw materials can also be solved on-site, so the Pentagon's order will not cause any trouble to Jin Xiantai.

And it was not only Kim Hyun-tae who received this order, but the US Army Command in Vietnam also received this order from the Pentagon. Therefore, the 700,000 or 800,000 American soldiers stationed in South Vietnam, after the South Korean troops were on the front line, 80% of them were deployed. During the vigorous exercise.

The construction of the U.S. military base in Saigon is very fast. In a short period of time, a gravity stadium has been put into use.

As the highest military officer in the Saigon area, Kim Hyun-tae can certainly get the moon near the water and become the first person to experience gravity exercise venues and other related facilities.

At the same time, he also personally practiced the ‘human body skill enhancement technique’ and felt the magical aspects of the physical exercises provided by the Protoss Civilization.

"Human Skills Enhancement" is similar to yoga, but relatively speaking, it is more difficult to practice than yoga, but as long as you can complete the relevant movements, after the initial stage of pain and discomfort, you can really feel it clearly Changes in the body.

Selena, who accompanied Quan Fuzhen to South Vietnam as an observer of the US military, also became the first group of people who could use the venue thanks to the relationship with Kim Hyun Tae.

Due to some special reasons, everyone needs to wear less when practicing, so Jin Xiantai just wore a pair of tight shorts, and Selena didn't know for any reason, put on a hot three-point pose.

The stadium has a very private and independent place. Right now, Kim Hyun Tae and Selena are in this place.

The space of the room is about 20 square meters, surrounded by four large mirrors.

When Selena appeared in a hot three-point pose, Kim Hyun-tae immediately entered an awkward state.

The three-point style itself has less fabric, and the girl's figure is super explosive, so that little cloth film can't hide anything at all, but there is a looming temptation.

And the fabric is as small as possible, and Te Niang's is still very thin.

When Selena appeared and walked towards herself, Jin Xiantai could see the bumps on the two swaying **** and the attractive dents under the cloth below just a glance.

The indoor temperature seemed to have risen a lot out of thin air. Even though the central air conditioner was turned on, it still made Jin Xiantai feel a little hot.

Selena walked to stand in front of Kim Hyun Tae.

What Jin Xiantai can do is to divert his attention as much as possible and let his heart stop.

Selena, who has been observing Kim Hyun Tae's reaction, finds Kim Hyun Tae's appearance very funny now.

That pretending to be calm is really silly and cute.

"Come on, let us help each other experience the Protoss Civilization's physical exercises. There are a few difficult movements. No one can help."

Compared to Kim Hyun Tae's embarrassment, Selena looked very generous.

The lights in the room went out, and a holographic projection revealed a virtual three-dimensional human figure. With the appearance of this three-dimensional human figure, it began the teaching of the first difficult movement.

Well, this is a shameful gesture.

With the help of Kim Hyun Tae's stiffness, Selena finished with difficulty.

But the postures that the two poses, if people see it, it is very imaginative.

To help Selena complete this difficult movement, it is indispensable to have physical and skin contact, which is simply impossible to avoid.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae clearly felt that the girl's body seemed to become very hot.

At the same time, the girl's breathing became a lot thicker.

Because the lights are all turned off, the entire room now has only a small amount of brightness brought by the virtual projection rays that make up the three-dimensional human form. It stands to reason that if there is no distraction, there should be no problem.

But because of the environment now, it makes Jin Xiantai feel even worse.

Suddenly, Kim Hyun-tae felt that his lower body was wrapped in a mass of warm things.

"Selena, what are you doing!"

Jin Xiantai shuddered, his voice changed a little and shouted, and at the same time he pulled out the arm that helped Selena to fix her body, trying to back away.

But Selena's reaction was faster than him, and she gave up her fixed posture for the first time and hugged Jin Xiantai who wanted to get out.

"I like you. I have liked you since I was a child. I have liked you for many years. You will not be ignorant of my feelings. Now I hope you can accept me. I will not haunt you. I also know that in your heart Still thinking about Sister Xiaoxiao..."

Selena is very excited now, and her breath is very rapid.

As the girl said, she kissed Kim Hyun Tae's cheek in the dark, and slowly moved towards his lips.

If Kim Hyun-tae is willing at this time, he can completely push down, and then put Selena into an eighteen-like pose.

But the problem is, Kim Hyun Tae is not that kind of person.

It's okay to say that he is mentally disabled.

Call him hypocritical.

After all, in Jin Xiantai's heart, there is a person who will never forget.

People are different. Everyone has their own views and opinions on love. Some people take pleasure in the wanton flowers, while others take pleasure in playing with girls. But there are also people who are very infatuated, even so infatuated that others think it is a brain-dead.

Kim Hyun Tae is such an infatuated person.

Perhaps many people think that since the deceased is dead, he should start a new life after he has cleaned up his mood and find his second love.

But Kim Hyun Tae didn't think he should do it.

What is even more commendable for his wife and her poor acquaintance is that in which materialistic world, his wife can be with her and come together hand in hand, so Jin Xiantai not only cherishes it, but also appreciates it.

Because of such a wife, there is really no one in the world.

It is for this reason that even though his wife is no longer there, he still doesn't want to do something, which in his opinion is something that he is sorry for his wife.

So, I can only say "I'm sorry" to many girls.

Is such a man stupid?


Is such a man stupid?


In the eyes of many men, is such a man a brain-dead?

To be honest, it does seem like a brain-dead, not even understood by others.

But it is undeniable that there is really no shining point in such a man?

Many times ~lightnovelpub.net~ some things are really different.

After all, in this world, not many people take a relationship seriously after all.

Selena took the initiative to pull Jin Xiantai's hand and placed it on the plumpness of her chest. At the same time, she pressed her lower body closely to Jin Xiantai and worked slowly together.

For ordinary men, it is difficult to control desire at this time.

But Kim Hyun Tae is Kim Hyun Tae after all.


Forcefully broke free of Selena's arms, then fumbled and left the room.


Kim Hyun-tae who left did not hear. When he left, the girl in the room sighed with deep resentment.

After all, Selena was so proactive, and she also mustered a lot of courage to achieve this level, but it was not expected that Jin Xiantai would just run like this. This would also be a big blow to Selena.

So it is impossible for the girl to have no resentment in her heart.

Fortunately, Selena and Kim Hyun-tae'grow up' together in the San Juan Monastery, so she knows exactly what kind of person Kim Hyun-tae is, and also understands what kind of inescapable emotion a certain girl has in his heart. With such a reaction, the girl actually made some assumptions in her heart.

Selena turned over and sat up.

The three-dimensional human figure continues to teach movement.

But at this moment, Selena's heart is no longer placed on it.

Since there is no light, it is impossible to know what Selena's expression is now, but obviously the girl must be in bad condition now.


For a long time, Selena cursed in a low voice, and then muttered to herself: "I really envy Sister Xiaoxiao, but the more you are like this, the more I like you. I hope Sister Xiaoxiao will not blame me, I don't I will give up!"