Rising America

Chapter 1722: Variety

The base was lit up, and under the stars, Jin Xiantai and his friends started having dinner.

The breeze was caressing, and the night market outside the base was noisy. The soldiers began to have fun in twos and threes. After Jin Xiantai cut the veal steak in front of him, he put down the knife and fork in his hand, and sat up straight and said seriously: "I received the order. The day after tomorrow, I will go back to China and return to West Point for further study, because now there is a new course that is specifically aimed at the interstellar era that will begin soon."

Nowadays, whether it is China or the United States, the military has started a re-learning craze in related areas. The first ones who need further training are the active generals.

After all, after the beginning of the Interstellar Era, it is absolutely impossible for the rich or ordinary people to take that step first. It must be the military-led space exploration first.

Only after the military forces of the two countries have a solid foundation, can it be the turn of the rich and ordinary people to start space migration.

After all, the vast universe has too many unknown dangers.

Therefore, the military must become the first force to enter space, and this is absolutely impossible to change.

If everyone is allowed to do whatever they want, the first thing is that the danger is not dangerous. Then everything will be messed up.

"Congratulations, it seems, William, you are very likely to be the first general to enter space. Don't forget to bring me when that happens."

Hulk, whose mouth was full of oil, raised his head and smiled at Kim Hyun Tae, and then said.

No fools were present, and they thought of this possibility for the first time.

Basically, there have been rumors that the generals who took the lead in training will become the first batch of candidates for space exploration in the future, and Kim Hyun-tae is obviously the first batch of people selected by the US military.

Moreover, behind this, Anne and Old George, as well as Director Lawrence, and those in the hawks camp contributed a lot.

Now, the hawkish camp where Old George belongs is completely tied to Annie.

The freshly-released Olympus and Nordic dual-system big BOSS, used the gods to make old George and the others share their honor and disgrace. With the coming of the interstellar age, the hawks of course have begun to have a little idea.

How big is the stage on this side of the earth.

With the advent of the interstellar age, the future stage will be even broader.

Just imagine, if you can control one or even several planets, then how powerful the hawks camp will become.

You must know that at that time, the control of the own camp was not only the political forces, but also the armed forces on which planets, this was the most critical.

Moreover, to dominate a planet, oneself is equivalent to becoming the earth emperor.

Thinking about this kind of thing is very interesting.

In addition, they have become less ordinary because of Annie's relationship. In addition to their power far beyond ordinary people, they also have a life span far beyond ordinary people. So when the interstellar age comes, they can take advantage of this opportunity. Create a perfect territory of your own camp.

Until then, this is called scenery.

Besides, now the United States is the head of the country’s coalition forces, which has already been named the "Blue Star Empire." If you push it in the future, it might not really become a monarchy.

Regardless of the fact that the United States is holding high the banner of democracy right now, it is actually very nonsense and used to fool ordinary people. The real rights are in the hands of the big capitalists, who are basically equivalent to the invisible emperors and nobles.

So, as the interstellar age is coming, politicians see an opportunity to change this situation.

They hope to be able to trample those capitalists under their feet and no longer have to follow their orders.

In short, many people's minds are quite complicated now.

As for Annie, she also needs to rediscover and open up two sites for Olympus and the Nordic gods, and then let people believe in herself on the site.

Therefore, everyone contributes to make Jin Xiantai the first batch of trainees, use this opportunity to seek a job for Jin Xiantai, wait for the interstellar age to come, take this opportunity to let Jin Xiantai seek opportunities in space for everyone.

Of course, there is also the little guy Coco, who wants to make his father a hero.

But no matter which one it is, Jin Xiantai needs to be the future. The first members of the military to explore space must also be members with power.

Under such complicated factors and measurement, Jin Xiantai will soon be transferred back to the United States.

And with this order issued, Annie joined Tony Stark, Osborne Biochemical, and Wayne Steel to form a capital interest joint business entity, privately began a gold-dollar offensive against the military, and what she wanted was to start the interstellar After the era, their union can also act together with the military.

And this kind of thing, other capital forces are also going on, obviously there are not many smart people.

Even the bear kid, Coco, has sent professional managers under his name to seek to represent the business of space food. After all, after a large number of space explorers enter the starry sky, everyone needs to eat.

And because the environment in space is different from that of the earth, the food they eat must also be produced in a different way from that of the earth, and they require different technologies.

This is a big business.

So, under Kayla's suggestion, the little guy also took action.

Anyway, you don't need to go out to talk. Uncle Andrew technically provides black technology, so the little guy is the easiest one.

And the business she focuses on is food, which is different from the concerns of many capital forces, so there are relatively few competitors.

It's just that Jin Xiantai is still on Saigon's side for these things, and he didn't know it for the first time.

"According to the information I have, in addition to the active officers of the United States, those who go to West Point for training will also select a group of people from the alliance countries. I guess that after the beginning of the interstellar era in the future, the United States will definitely form a joint fleet. To explore space."

Kim Hyun Tae revealed such a piece of information to some extent, and glanced at Quan Fuzhen.

These words were deliberately revealed by Old George when he contacted him.

Although Jin Xiantai couldn't guess what it meant, he still said it at this time according to the old George's request.

Quan Fuzhen took the napkin and wiped the corner of his mouth. Then he placed the napkin on his left hand and looked up at Kim Hyun Tae, saying: "My father is trying hard to get me to study. If nothing happens, I will be with you. Become a student of the same period, and even in the future space exploration fleet, there will be a place for me."

Kim Hyun Tae nodded silently. He didn't know what kind of intersection between him and Kwon Boo Jin, so at this time he couldn't have too much thoughts about Kwon Boo Zhen. The current contact is only because Kwon Boo really belongs to the South Korean army. Commander only.

Turning his gaze to Hulk, Jin Xiantai asked, "What do you think? Come to study with me?"

Hulk raised his hand and touched the back of his head: "Do I have such an opportunity? I am just a small major. This training is for your general officers."

Kim Hyun Tae smiled and looked at his "good brother": "Anything is possible, the question is whether you want to go?"

Hulk nodded hurriedly: "If you can arrange for me to be with you, of course I want to go."

"Okay, leave everything to me." With this attitude of Hulk, Jin Xiantai knew what he should do. It was nothing more than getting some Jin Yuan offensive. Anyway, he was not short of money.

If you can take Hulk with him and make Hulk a member of the space exploration team in the future, it will be of great benefit to you.

You know, Hulk is his own ‘iron buddy’.

If you encounter any problems at that time, Hulk will definitely stand on his side, and then many problems will become easy to solve.

After inquiring about Hulk, Jin Xiantai put his gaze on Selena again.

Before Kim Hyun-tae asked, Selena responded to Kim Hyun-tae and said: “Chief Lawrence informed me before dinner that I am already one of the three trainees of the CIA.”

Yo, this is a good thing.

If both Hulk and Selena could study, it would be equivalent to having two more helpers in the future.

This makes Kim Hyun Tae very happy.

Hulk also grinned after listening.

"Haha, it's all right now, we friends can be together again. If anyone offends us when we are studying, let's beat them together!"

Selena rolled her eyes and complained about Hulk: "Violence, you know fighting all the time, and you don't want to think about lightnovelpub.net~ when you are going to study, who will be so boring."

Hulk ‘hehe’ smiled and said, “What if there is any second generation ancestor who doesn’t open his eyes and asks for trouble.”

Jin Xiantai joined the Tucao with a dumbfounded expression: "That's a routine in online novels. There are so many second generation ancestors in reality."

Quan Fuzhen did not join in, because for the time being, she was still an outsider in front of Kim Hyun Tae and others.

So, what she can do is to keep smiling as much as possible and sit quietly in her place.

If you want to join Kim Hyun Tae's small circle, it is obvious that Quan Fu really has to continue to work hard.

"Frost, what are your plans after we leave?"

Finally, Kim Hyun-tae asked Frost, who had not said anything.

As Harley Quinn's subordinate, Frost was sent by the violent woman to come to Saigon.

Because Harley Quinn and Colonel Stryker are working together.

It was certain that Harley Quinn would not come in person, so Frost was dispatched to deal with it.

Here, Jin Xiantai takes care of him. Colonel Stryker’s cruel experiments can be concealed very well.

But now Jin Xiantai is about to leave, so Frost has to plan for the future.

After all, she cannot guarantee that the person who succeeds Jin Xiantai will continue to help her conceal the cruel and inhumane secret experiment here.

"I may also leave. Without your help, the secret experiment here may be exposed and cause unnecessary trouble."

Selena answered: "Indeed, you are leaving, because among the three CIA fellows, in addition to me, your boss, Hallie, was also selected. She has led San Juan these years. The Knights did a great job in Mexico and earned a lot of money for the CIA, so Director Lawrence felt that she had done a lot..."