Rising America

Chapter 1725: What am i jealous

At the Saigon Port Terminal, Jin Xiantai is about to leave for the United States. Hulk, Selena, Frost, and Quan Fuzhen all came here to send him off.

Among them, Selena and Kwon Boo Jin will also go to West Point, but their itinerary is a few days later than Kim Hyun Tae, so today they became everyone to send Kim Hyun Tae off.

After Kim Hyun-tae left Saigon, Frost would return to Harley Quinn to take care of the stall in Mexico.

Hulk has to wait for Jin Xiantai's letter. After all, he wants Hulk to become a member of advanced training, and there are still many troubles to solve.

Jin Xiantai was on board a US military ship. He needed to take this warship from Saigon to Thailand, and then take a military transfer from Thailand to return home.

On the dock, Jin Xiantai explained to Hulk some things he needs to pay attention to in Saigon after he leaves.

"There is no need to worry about the puppet regime. Those guys have already been killed by us. If someone dares to think a little bit carefully, you don't have to be polite with them. Just mobilize the troops on the base to suppress it. We are here in Saigon. Have the right to cut first and play later."

"Don't worry, William, I would never have such a situation."

"Well, you can wait for my news with peace of mind. As soon as I go back, I will immediately put you in manually."

Before leaving, Hulk and Jin Xiantai gave a hug.

After Hulk, Selena also came over and spread her arms actively.

At the moment, Kim Hyun Tae was not easy to refuse, so he could only walk over and hug Selena.

"I will wait for the day when you open up. I hope you remember that I am the number one suitor, so you must never give other girls a chance."

When embracing each other, Selena exhaled in Jin Xiantai's ears, using a voice that only she and he could hear, and said this to Jin Xiantai.

Hearing this, a bit of bitterness flashed across Jin Xiantai's face.

"Why is this, you should understand..."

Selena raised her hand to block what Jin Xiantai was about to say, and the following words were most likely to make her sad.

The girl looked up and looked at Jin Xiantai with gleaming eyes.

"You don't need to say, I know it, but feelings are so unreasonable. Even if I understand everything, I still can't bear the urge in my heart."

After speaking, Selena turned and left, leaving Jin Hyuntae alone for a while.

The battleship is about to set off. Although Jin Xiantai still has a lot to talk with Selena, it is clear that there is no chance for the time being.

Fortunately, Selena also went back to West Point to study, representing the CIA, so she still had the opportunity to have a serious talk with Selena.

In Kim Hyun Tae's opinion, girls like themselves all the way, which is very unfair to girls, so he needs to change this situation.

After all, Jin Xiantai always has his dead wife in his heart, and he has no way to let the second girl into his heart and leave a place for her.

Kim Hyun Tae, who knows this very well, really doesn't want to see Selena love her bitterly, because she can't accept the girl and give the girl the kind of promise she wants.

Therefore, it is good to talk clearly, so as not to delay Selena's great youth.

If he doesn't think so, then he is a complete scumbag.

Fortunately, Kim Hyun Tae is not a scum.

So, he has already begun to think of ways to solve this problem.

Boarding the battleship, standing by the deck guardrail, Jin Xiantai waved his arm to bid farewell to his friends.

The battleship slowly left the port and slowly disappeared to sea level.

The few people on the pier finally turned and left after they finally couldn't see the warship.

Quan Fu really looked at him and never left Selena.

Through her observation, Quan Fu really felt that there was something very subtle between Selena and Kim Hyun Tae.

To be honest, when Selena hugged Kim Hyun Tae and whispered to him, Quan Fu really felt a little bit sour.

Although Kim Hyun-tae didn't know her relationship with him, and Kwon Boo-jin didn't tell this idea, she still felt quite uncomfortable after seeing the scene.

As for why this is so, Quan Fu really couldn't understand.

Anyway, seeing other women hugging Kim Hyun Tae, Kwon Boo was really upset.

Like Annie, Quan Fuzhen now has some lustful dreams every night, in which she will be played with by Jin Hyuntae's eighteen poses...yes, just playing with.

Poorly, she still pretends to be serious in front of Jin Xiantai every day.

"Do you like William?"

Quan Fu really suppressed the sourness in his heart, and seemed to ask casually.

Several people took the car back to the base.

Selena rides in the same car with Quan Fuzhen, which gives Quan Fuzhen a chance to spy.

"So obvious?"

Selena responded shyly.

Quan Fu really pantothenic again.

[Oh, what kind of person am I? What does it have to do with the little girl who likes William? What kind of vinegar do I eat? 】

Even Quan Fuzhen himself felt a little funny for this kind of unprovoked reaction.

"You like other people's thoughts, it is reflected in your face."

Although his heart was sour, he had to squeeze a smile on his face, and then teased Selena in a relaxed tone.


Selena was ashamed for a while, and then her face collapsed.

"What's the use of what I like, people don't have my place in their hearts, at most it is my unrequited love, or a very active unrequited love."

Listening to what Selena said, Quan Fu really felt that the haze was swept away, and the sourness in her heart disappeared without a trace, even she still has the urge to sing a song.

Damn it, what happened to me! ?

Quan Fu really calmed down his excitement.

But the next second Quan Fu really thought that he had no right to stop other girls from liking that person, so his current thoughts were really ridiculous.

Besides, she had decided not to find out everything.

So Quan Fuzhen stopped chatting with Selena on this topic, but changed the topic.

But Selena's mood is obviously not very high, so for the next small chat, there is always no match, and it is really boring to get the rich.

Although Jin Xiantai left Saigon today and he is unlikely to return in the future, he has already established a foundation here in Saigon. No matter who will take over in the future, he can easily continue to do it.

And Old George will definitely make follow-up arrangements to allow a camp of his own to take over things on Saigon's side. Even if Old George ignores this, General Moran, the highest commander of the US military in Vietnam will remember it.

You know, because of Jin Xiantai's relationship, almost half of the US military officers stationed in Vietnam have been bought by profits and joined the hawks camp where George old is.

And Kim Hyun Tae tortured the senior officials of the puppet regime here in Saigon, plundering South Vietnam’s mineral resource rights from their hands. Those benefits were shared by everyone in the hawks camp. So at the moment, even if Kim Hyun Tae was transferred from Saigon, he left behind. Representing the interests of everyone, Old George, the US Army Command in Vietnam will definitely find a way to arrange another person of his own.

It is simply impossible for other American forces to take over.

If you have eaten the big fat in your mouth, no one will spit it out so easily.

Right now, the situation after Kim Hyun Tae left Saigon is like this.

And through this approach, the hawkish politician camp of Old George successfully extended its tentacles into the military and wooed the officers with real power. This also allowed the expansion of Jin Xiantai's network.

It is foreseeable that, driven by interests, if Jin Xiantai encounters any problems in the future, then these supposedly related parties will definitely use their own strength to help Jin Xiantai cover up or deal with it.

In general, Kim Hyun-tae's position in the United States in a different time and space is now more stable.

On the way to Thailand to reach the ‘Wilkes’ aircraft carrier, Jin Xiantai received a very good treatment. He was assigned a single room on the aircraft carrier. The food was also different from those of ordinary crew officers.

The reason is simple, the commander of the aircraft carrier is also a member of the hawks camp.

I have to say that joining a circle and a camp ~lightnovelpub.net~ can enjoy a lot of benefits on the American side of different time and space.

At this point, sincere is so different from another time and space.

However, Jin Xiantai would not want to change this. After all, changing these unspoken rules would not bring him any benefits. On the contrary, he himself is still enjoying the benefits of such invisible unspoken rules.

The days on the ‘Wilkes’ aircraft carrier were very leisurely. Even though it also participated in the US war against North Vietnam, the soldiers on the aircraft carrier were much more comfortable than the infantry.

At least, they don't need to fumble, fight face-to-face with the North Vietnamese fighters, just gently press a button on the aircraft carrier to shoot missiles or something.

Therefore, in comparison with the American soldiers on these aircraft carriers, the infantry who fought with the North Vietnamese troops at the 17th parallel before the South Korean troops arrived in South Vietnam were very sad.

People here can not only stay away from the danger of face-to-face fighting, but also eat and drink very well. They can also hold small parties from time to time. This is simply a day that infantry soldiers can't imagine.

Look at the days of the infantry.

Shuttle back and forth between the jungle and mountains, but also every moment to guard against attacks by North Vietnamese soldiers, cold guns, especially night attacks by the North Vietnamese army, and the logistics supply will still be interrupted.

No way, the North Vietnamese army will always attack the logistics supply line.

Coupled with the relationship of the Vietnamese environment, so that the American soldiers of the 6th Army always have to fight in the wet environment under the rain, which is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Therefore, taking the "Wilkes" aircraft carrier to Kim Hyun-tae in Thailand, watching the navy soldiers who ran to the deck to let out the wind and beer when nothing happened, I couldn't help sighing that the 6th Army soldiers were really sad...


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