Rising America

Chapter 1726: Pattaya

The aircraft carrier broke through the blue sea and stood on the guardrail beside the deck. Jin Xiantai couldn't help but feel his insignificance.

The sky was so hot that Jin Xiantai stayed on the deck for a while and then left.

Now the whole world is paying attention to two things that open up the new century and study the technologies that Protoss assists mankind, and prepare to start the interstellar era soon.

Even if they are far away from the United States, the soldiers on the "Wilkes" aircraft carrier in the battle sequence for South Vietnam will discuss these two things in their spare time.

After all, it concerns all mankind, so it is normal for everyone to care about this.

And Jin Xiantai was transferred from Saigon by the Pentagon to go to West Point Military Academy for further training, and it was also posted on the aircraft carrier.

Regarding the fact that the West Point Military Academy has opened a new course, it has basically been spread all over the United States now, so that even a big soldier knows what it means to go to West Point for further studies.

In the huge army, there are not many people who can get such an honor, but Kim Hyun Tae is one of them. It is impossible to say that everyone does not envy it.

Because everyone knows that after the training is over, when the United States-led coalition forces can conduct space exploration, it will definitely be the first group of people who have been training to lead the fleet formed by the Earth people into space.

The names of these people will also be recorded in history.

To be honest, being able to make a name in history is not enviable.

As long as mankind is not destroyed, then everyone in the future will remember the names of these explorers. Who doesn't want to be human to this extent.

Therefore, there will always be some military officers on the aircraft carrier, intentionally or unintentionally dangling by Jin Xiantai, and hope to inquire about some gossip problems from him, Jin Xiantai is very unbearable.

Fortunately, such days are quickly over.

Five days later, the aircraft carrier arrived at its destination, Pattaya Naval Port in Thailand.

The U.S. military “leased” a piece of land in Pattaya, built a port where aircraft carriers can be moored, and opened a large military base on the shore, but there is no garrison here, and the American soldiers here, In fact, they were all removed from the Nanyue side.

These big soldiers fighting the North Vietnamese army on the front line will get a holiday after they withdraw and come to Pattaya to live comfortably for a period of time to alleviate some of the effects of high-intensity combat.

Therefore, because of the arrival of these American soldiers, there has been a deformed prosperity in Pattaya, and many local people have started the business of American soldiers.

Even many ladyboys are attracted to this place.

The American soldiers can be said to be cold and cold, don't want them with heavy tastes, even ladyboys can earn money here that they can't earn in other cities, so how can Pattaya not be lively here.

The Wilkes carrier arrived at the naval port in the evening. After entering the port, Jin Xiantai bid farewell to the carrier officers, took his car on the shore, and went to the US military base in Pattaya. Take the connecting flight back to the United States early the next morning.

In other words, he has one night to experience the deformed prosperity of Pattaya, Thailand in different time and space.

Kim Hyun Tae is no stranger to Thailand.

In the original time and space, although he had no money to pay, he had learned everything about Thailand through the Internet. After all, many Chinese would choose to travel to Thailand at that time and would write travel notes.

After coming to this time and space, Jin Xiantai also visited Thailand once, but that time was accompanied by the old George, who had just become the vice president, on a trip to Asia, so he did not go out in private.

But this time it was different.

This time he has one night of free time, and he can fully appreciate the local customs.

Kim Hyun-tae did not bow, not even a small backpack, so he was really light.

So, after arriving at the base by car and being assigned a place to live, Kim Hyun-tae started to stroll around easily.

Outside the base, you can see rows of barbecue stalls, as well as one bar after another, and each bar is open, and there are groups of girls writhing in cool clothes on the bar counter in the store.

Looking at it, there are not many local people on the street. Basically, all the wandering are big soldiers in American uniforms. These guys hang shoulders and back in groups, and from time to time they will stop to those dancing on the bar. The sisters pointed and pointed, and made some comments.

And those sisters are not shy at all, instead they will approach them openly and hook up with those American soldiers.

If you meet your eyes and add a rich body language to ‘talk’ for a good price, then sister paper will leave the American soldier with a smile, as for where to go...cough cough...unspeakable.

Wearing a military uniform and carrying the rank of major general, Kim Hyun Tae walked on the streets of Pattaya very eye-catching.

Because from time to time, American soldiers would stop and give him a serious military salute.

To be honest, there are a lot of general officers in Pattaya, but those general officers are playing high-level things. They will never hang out on the street so carelessly. Even if they need something, there will be adjutants. After deciding on a secret place, use the car to send his chief over to play in secret.

Besides, Pattaya is a place where big head soldiers have fun. The consumption is not very high. At least it is suitable for big head soldiers in the United States. So for those generals, this is a place for cheap consumption. It's a shame here.

Therefore, when Kim Hyun Tae, who carried the rank of major general, appeared on the streets of Pattaya, it was no wonder the big soldiers were so surprised.

But Kim Hyun Tae is Kim Hyun Tae, and he doesn't care about these things.

Coming to the middle section of Pattaya Walking Street, Jin Xiantai casually found a roadside stall and sat down. This is a local food stall that specializes in barbecue and stir fry.

After ordering a pineapple fried rice, a fresh grilled lobster, a Tom Yum soup, a stir-fried water spinach, and three bottles of Tiger beer, Jin Xiantai sat there and began to leisurely appreciate the passing pedestrians.

When you come out to eat in the evening, the food stalls are the most delicious, especially the roadside stalls. Both the environment and the atmosphere are incomparable to hotels.

[Perhaps there is still a diao silk in my bones]

Kim Hyun Tae, who was sitting there, said secretly in his heart not without self-deprecating.

Opposite the food stall is also an open bar. The same bar also has a bar. On the bar stands many tall girls dancing their bodies. Compared with other bar girls, the girls of this bar Their dancing posture is even more tempting.

There are two batches of sister papers in this bar. One group writhes on the bar counter, and the other group waved to the American soldiers on the street outside the bar.

Jin Xiantai sits here at the food stall, patiently opening the street scene, feeling the style of Pattaya, and talking to himself in a funny voice to the girls.

[Big brother come in and play]

In fact, my sister is soliciting business and speaks Thai.

The dubbing of Kim Hyun-tae's self-talking is an out-and-out taste of Northeast China.

After finishing talking, Kim Hyun-tae lowered his head and laughed ‘pouch’.

The girls in this bar have very good looks, each of them has fair skin and is very tall. They are definitely above 95 points.

This made Jin Xiantai couldn't help being curious.

How did this kind of standard sister paper come to Pattaya to seek life?

Plus they are so tall, it's okay to be a model or something, right?

To be honest, Kim Hyun Tae is puzzled.

But he didn't intend to go into it, after all, it had nothing to do with him.

I can't say that my sister makes a lot of money here, and she is more willing to do things here.

But soon, from the mouth of the food stall owner, Jin Xiantai learned the inside story.

"Sir, do you have a fancy? If you have one, be bold. As long as you have money, those on the opposite side... well, girl, will definitely follow you. Even with your handsome appearance, maybe they won't accept it. What about the money."

The owner of the food stall is a greasy middle-aged fat man. The English he speaks sounds strange, which is very different from the English spoken by the local Thais.

But this greasy middle-aged fat boss whispered in a low voice, which made Jin Xiantai guess his identity.

"The boss is Chinese?"

Jin Xiantai asked this sentence in Chinese.

The boss' eyes lit up: "You too?"

Obviously, the greasy middle-aged boss didn't expect that the young man who came to his roadside food stall to eat in the uniform of the major general of the US military would actually speak fluent Chinese.

Because in the eyes of this greasy middle-aged boss, how can Kim Hyun Tae be a banana talent?

Having been doing business in Thailand for so many years, he is not uncommon to see those abc banana people. He can't speak a word in Chinese, and he can't speak English very well.

"Oh, boy, you are really good. It's not easy to be a major general in the United States. I think you are still very young."

The greasy middle-aged boss greeted his wife to cook, and he chatted with Kim Hyun Tae.

After all, it is really not easy to meet a Chinese American who works in the US military ~lightnovelpub.net~ and also becomes a major general, especially who can speak Chinese.

Jin Xiantai smiled and did not answer the question.

"Boss, I think the girls on the opposite side are all pretty good-looking, so why do they do this kind of career here? What do you mean, they still receive special services?"

Seeing Kim Hyun-tae’s look puzzled and confused, the greasy middle-aged boss raised his eyebrows trivially, and said to Kim Hyun-tae in a low voice: “Those are ladyboys, not real girls, so their prices are half lower than real girls. It is for this reason that even if they are not real girls, they are still very popular here. After all, the American soldiers here have a strong taste."

I went, it turned out to be like this!

Kim Hyun Tae suddenly realized.

At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae realized that the opposite ‘girl paper’ seemed to have been paying attention to him. This girl’s face value is very high, can reach 99 points, and the figure is quite tall... But when he thinks of the other party’s true identity...

Seeing Jin Xiantai's eyes glanced over, the big x cute girl immediately raised her hand, and actually shook her a few times towards Jin Xiantai.

The meaning is quite obvious [Big brother come to have fun].

Oh, Pattaya, the magical Pattaya!

On this evening, Kim Hyun-tae was an insight.

ps: The girl was bitten by a dog, and the dog owner walked the dog without a leash. The puppy ran from the opposite side and bit my girl. Reported to the police, the other party had a good attitude and did not play any rogue. It took five consecutive shots to get a girl to get the vaccine. The other party compensated for the cost of the vaccine. I didn't ask for anything else. But as a father, I am still quite worried, after all, there is a hidden danger of incubation period. What I hate the most is to raise a dog and walk the dog without tying a chain. This kind of dog owner has no morals at all!

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