Rising America

Chapter 1747: That is a moving city

"By the way, Hulk and Selena's studies are almost done. It is estimated that they will arrive at the school in three days."

When she came to the restaurant, Annie put Coco on her seat and told Jin Xiantai the matter.

Hulk is a transfer student, and Selena has Director Lawrence over there, but for some reason, he has not yet come to West Point.

Kim Hyun Tae nodded.

"I heard that Hallie, who helped the CIA sell banned drugs, would also go to West Point to study?"

Picking up the remote control and turning on the LCD TV, Annie asked curiously.

"Harry is a subordinate recruited by Selena and a member of the CIA. She has made money for the CIA in the past two years. Basically, the secret funds of the CIA are now obtained by selling banned drugs, although she has a reputation. It’s not very nice, but the credit is real, so Chief Lawrence took her credit to make her a fellow member."

I don’t know much about Halle Kim Hyun Tae, but he still knows the general situation.

Annie smiled: "It seems that Chief Lawrence wants to use this Halle."

Jin Xiantai sat down and curled his lips: "I guess it must be something that the CIA is not good at. It will be handed over to Hallie in the future. For example, when the interstellar age comes, we will encounter some very primitive civilized species. In order to occupy the other side’s planet, engage in a massacre..."

In general, Halle was selected by Director Lawrence to be used exclusively in the role of ‘wet work’, and it can be used at critical times.

Basically, Kim Hyun Tae's inference is fairly correct.

Lawrence, the current director of the CIA, really has this plan.

[According to the latest local news in Mexico, the Juarez gang rage trend is getting worse and worse. Up to now, hundreds of gang members have been dead on the streets, making the local people panic. Many groups have organized demonstrations and protests, urging the Mexican police as soon as possible. To solve the deteriorating public order problem.

It is reported that behind the deterioration of local security in Juarez are two organizations named "San Juan Knights" and "Rogzetas", which are violent-related activities triggered by the fight for Juarez's control of drugs. According to data from the International Administration for Drug Control, global sales of banned drugs are US$600 billion. This shows how big a market this is, and the violent organizations and related violent incidents spawned by this market and interests are also Being deeply hated by people...]

The gene maids filed in, and everyone served a dish.

Annie, Kim Hyun Tae, and Coco are all attracted by the news being broadcast on the LCD TV.

Anne lamented the poor security environment in Mexico, but she was attracted by the warhead images left by the mob that flashed by from time to time.

As for Kim Hyun Tae himself... He was there when Harley Quinn founded the'San Juan Knights'.

At that time, he happened to take over the task with Selena and was going to Panama, so he knew very well how Selena conquered Harley Quinn and authorized the whole crazy woman to form such an organization.

In the past two years, from time to time in the news, you can see news related to this organization, and most of them are related to violent activities.

At the same time, Kim Hyun-tae is also more aware that the "San Juan Knights" controlled by Halle will receive massive amounts of funds into the CIA’s overseas secret accounts every month, and these funds are all obtained by Harley Quinn selling banned drugs. of.

It is because of sufficient funds that the Director Lawrence, who took over the CIA, has enough power to expand some overseas businesses, support some secret operations, and has achieved good results.

Among them, Harley Quinn contributed a lot.

Of course, as Harley Quinn’s immediate boss and the initiator of the "Prohibition Funding Program", Selena also contributed.

Both of them were credited to Director Lawrence.

It was for this reason that Chief Lawrence chose to give Selena and Harley Quinn the qualifications to enter West Point for further training.

However, Harley Quinn and Selena, in Director Lawrence, will definitely be treated differently.

Cultivating Harley Quinn, Director Lawrence intends to let her specialize in the scapegoat and do some ‘wet work’ knives in the future.

Selena has a smooth future because of Kim Hyun Tae's relationship.

Annie also knows a little bit about these inside stories.

"Harry is leaving Mexico. Who is in charge of her organization now? After she leaves, the whole organization will be dispersed, right? Look at the situation in Juarez, it's already messed up like this."

Obviously, Annie felt that Harley Quinn was going to study, and there was no one in Mexico to preside over the overall situation, so it was messed up now.

Kim Hyun-tae didn’t look away from the LCD TV screen, and he responded: “It should be Frost presiding over the overall situation there. The Knights of San Juan have a strong ability to make money. It is impossible for Director Lawrence to give up like this. Now the CIA is overseas. There are more and more secret operations, and the funds required are also very large. It is simply not enough to approve special funds from Congress."

After the former director of the CIA was destroyed by Kim Hyun-tae, Lawrence took over the affairs of the CIA. The new director needs to use some things to prove his ability, but those actions require money, and the money is still a lot, so at the beginning It was only then that Chief Lawrence agreed to Selena’s plan so easily that Harley Quinn set up an organization in Mexico to specialize in selling prohibited drugs to obtain funds.

And when the Knights of San Juan was fighting with other Mexican anti-drug organizations, Director Lawrence also instructed Selena to secretly provide information to Harley Quinn, so that she could accurately grasp the opponent's whereabouts, and then inflict heavy losses on the opponent.

It is precisely by these means that the Knights of San Juan has become the number one banned drug force in Mexico, monopolizing 80% of the banned drug share and controlling several important cities bordering the United States and Mexico, thus obtaining massive benefits. .

But the Knights of San Juan are the only one, and they are bound to face hostility from everyone.

The conflict has not stopped since then.

Whether it is some declining old organizations or those emerging forces, they are constantly challenging the dominance of the San Juan Knights, wanting to pull them off the horse, and reshuffle the Mexican drug forces.

Therefore, the violent conflict in Juarez is only a small microcosm of this background.

And the news only reported the violent conflict in Juarez. If they could focus their attention on Tijuana, the Mexican city bordering southern California, they would find that what happened here in Juarez was nothing. .

"I think Frost will take care of it, and Chief Lawrence will not let the situation worsen there. After all, such chaos is not good for business. Chief Lawrence also counts on the Knights of San Juan to provide a lot of funds. For him to continue secret operations overseas."

Kim Hyun Tae talked about his views on this matter.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with Kim Hyun-tae and Annie. Anyway, the two of them don't have any business in Mexico, so no matter how messy there is, they won't be involved.

"William, has your position with the CIA removed?"

Annie asked.

Jin Xiantai shook his head: "No, it seems that Director Lawrence still retains my position in the CIA, but now I belong to the military. To be honest, this is a bit nondescript."

Responding to Annie, Kim Hyun-tae also sighed in his heart that the United States in different time and space is also too weird. Like himself, he was suspended from the CIA and the military at the same time, which is really too different.

Annie smiled: "Do things with peace of mind. Director Lawrence is now in the same camp with us, and I have now brought Uncle George, Mr. Lawrence, and some others over and gave them some Garbage Godhead."

Just using some **** godheads can completely draw old George and the others to his side, and form a community of interests with himself. Jin Xiantai feels that this is not a loss.

"So, they are completely trustworthy?"

"Yes, accepting my godhead is equivalent to squeezing life and death in my hands. It's just that they are not yet clear about them, so to a certain extent, they are indeed trustworthy. "

"Dad, Annie, I'll eat first"

The food was served, but Annie was chatting with Jin Xiantai. Coco, who was already hungry, decided to eat first when she saw this.

"Well, you can eat first."

Annie smiled and nodded to Coco, and then the little guy gobbled it up.

Because it is at home, the little guy can open his belly and eat whatever he wants without covering up. Therefore, the dishes in front of him quickly bottomed out ~lightnovelpub.net~ and were replaced by new ones by the gene maids.

If there are outsiders around at this time, you will definitely be shocked to see the little guy eating like this.

"Let's eat too, and talk while eating."

Annie picked up the knife and fork and ate slowly.

"The shipyard has been upgraded and transformed, and I received an order from the military."

"Congratulations" Jin Xiantai took the wine glass and raised it.

Annie cut a piece of beef and continued: "Heavy battleships are also under construction in Nevada at the same time. According to the information I have obtained through special channels, at present, whether it is the United States or China, the resources available can only build a heavy battleship."

"In other words, when mankind enters space exploration, there will only be two heavy warships?" Jin Xiantai asked with some uncertainty after taking a sip of wine.

Annie nodded: "It is true, after all, that type of heavy warship is basically equivalent to a moving city..."