Rising America

Chapter 1748: In a flash

It is normal for a heavy warship of the interstellar age to carry 100,000 men.

And what is the concept of 100,000 people on a battleship?

This is just a small role in a heavy battleship. Normally, the average heavy battleship has hundreds of thousands of people, and even millions, just like Annie said it is a moving city.

Therefore, on such a warship, maintenance alone is a huge project, and almost half of the crew members on board are maintenance engineers, not combat personnel in the usual sense.

Of course, even as an engineer, he will fight when necessary.

But in most cases, such non-combatants do not need to take up arms.

"A moving city."

"Yes, it's a city that moves in space. Our human imagination is so lacking that almost all of the interstellar battleships in various film and television works are based on battleships or aircraft carriers. It's ridiculous to think about it now."

Kim Hyun-tae smiled bitterly, it is a fact that he had to complain about Anne.

Humans use their lack of imagination to imagine what a battleship in the interstellar age looks like.

But after much deliberation, it turned out to be based on battleships and aircraft carriers as a template, which is really ridiculous.

But now Annie knows what a heavy battleship looks like in the original interstellar age.

The appearance is different from that of the aircraft carrier, and there are so many people who are staggering.

This is just an ordinary heavy battleship.

According to the super warship blueprint provided by the mind civilization, the most powerful warship is simply a mobile space fortress and port, which can not only live millions of people, but also anchor hundreds of heavy warships.

Of course, even if the blueprint is obtained, human beings do not have the resources and technology to build.

Even what can be built right now is only the smallest of the heavy warships.

Speaking of it, it's really sad enough.

"Such a warship has great rights as a captain, not to mention the commander of this kind of warship cluster, you can imagine how powerful such a person will be."

Annie said to Kim Hyun Tae intentionally.

After pondering it a little bit, Jin Xiantai understood.

Obviously, Annie was telling herself that she should behave well during her training, and strive to command a warship in the future, and even become the commander of the fleet, to hold this authority.

"I know what to do, don't worry."

Kim Hyun Tae's answer made Annie very pleased.

"The United States and China Xia will join forces to develop the moon and prepare to turn the moon into a satellite aviation port for the earth. The ownership of the moon has now come to fruition. The United States and China Xia will jointly manage."

Earlier, China and the United States began to discuss the division of interests on the moon.

In the face of the interests of the moon, the United States and China will not give up. If a proper solution is not found, is it possible to fight again?

Obviously, this is definitely not a good choice.

Nowadays, both China and the United States need a stable and peaceful development environment, so some unnecessary conflicts can not happen, it is best or not to happen.

Mao Xiong was dragged by Afghanistan to the point that he could only pinch his nose to become the second child in the Huaxia camp. This is an obvious example.

Therefore, on the basis of peace and stability, China and the United States quickly reached a consensus, and everyone has the rights and interests of the moon.

Of course, this result has aroused dissatisfaction among Teddy Bear, France, Britain and other countries.

They shouted that the moon is the moon of all mankind. Why should the interests of China and the United States be divided up? This is unreasonable.

However, the technology is mastered by China and the United States. No matter how these countries shout, it is useless. In the end, they can only accept such a fact.

What else can I do?

Is it possible to start a war with China and the United States?

In short, now the five UN members have existed in name only, but anyone who is not a fool can tell, China and the United States will be the best in the interstellar era.

The situation has also evolved from a tie for the top five to a coexistence of two powers.

You know, the emergence of the two major factions headed by China and the United States has already explained the problem.

"This matter has little to do with us. I don't care about it or say anything. How about your investment in the Soviet Union? I heard Selena say that Director Lawrence sent a large number of people to the Soviet Union and invested a lot of money. , The big crocodiles on Wall Street also fooled the Soviets to open the banking industry."

Kim Hyun Tae changed the subject and asked about the Soviet Union.

Annie put down the knife and fork in her hand, took a napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth, and responded with a smile to Jin Xiantai: "The business development over there is very smooth, and a large amount of private deposits have been absorbed, and all of them have been converted into US dollars."

Kim Hyun Tae didn't wait for Annie to finish speaking, and interjected: "Now, you are just waiting for the harvest, right? It seems that the situation there has deteriorated to this degree."

Annie nodded: "The Soviets are over. Yuri has already taken control of the Far Eastern Military Region. As long as someone steps up to the stage, Yuri will find a chance to declare independence. By the way, would you like to inform us, Yuri? If it becomes independent, Vladivostok is likely to return to China's territory."

"Well, I'll contact Old Man Jin to have a look. But are you really sure that the Soviet Union will mess up?"

"Yes, this is implemented according to your plan the year before. After these two years, we can now start to harvest."

Two years!

Kim Hyun Tae sighed that time flies so fast.

In order to make money, I have spent three years on the other side of time and space.

And because of his own relationship, the Soviet Union in different time and space is about to collapse.

To be honest, Kim Hyun Tae seemed to be dreaming about it.

"Will the collapse of the Soviet Union have any effect on China?" Jin Xiantai asked for some opinions from Annie.

Annie thought for a while: "There must be an impact, but it will be of great benefit to China. Once the Soviet Union becomes chaotic, its right to speak in the China camp will be weakened, and even the future will only be for China’s head and be the younger brother of China. Up.

Well, waiting for the start of the interstellar age, there is such a little brother as Mao Xiong, which is not small for China. "

Kim Hyun-tae pondered for a while and felt that it was indeed the case.

Therefore, some of the worries in my heart dissipated immediately.

The split of the Soviet Union and Yuri's independence will make Mao Xiong weak, and a Mao Xiong who is too weak to be tough will have to follow Huaxia in the future and become a younger brother in the Huaxia camp.

Even Huaxia still has the opportunity to assimilate the bear country. After all, as human beings enter and start the interstellar age, things like this are not impossible.

By then, Chinese men in different time and space will be able to find blonde sisters and be girlfriends without even going abroad.

It makes me feel like thinking about this.

------split line------

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, we entered the spring of 2019 in a different time and space.

Over the past six months, mankind has made considerable progress in the technical research provided by the Protoss civilization, and has also begun to apply some research results to the earth.

It's just that most of them are military technologies, and the ones with less civilian use are pitiful or even none at all.

Nowadays, countries in the world basically have a meeting every few days, and there are small meetings every day. The meetings are endless and there are many topics to be discussed.

And this summer, the huge bear collapsed.

This incident shocked the world.

Annie and a bunch of Wall Street crocodiles enjoyed and divided up the bear country meal and made a lot of money.

And Jin Xiantai, following the trainees from West Point, left the military academy, went to visit the battleship factory in Nevada, and started a three-month battleship simulation command course here.

Obviously, this group of people will definitely be the first group of space explorers in the near future, and all they have learned now are preparing for that time.

Annie and Coco did not follow Jin Xiantai to Nevada, but stayed in West Point.

Annie herself did not go to Moscow, but remotely controlled her subordinates at West Point to do things there.

Coco goes to kindergarten step by step every day. This is the first time the little guy has been so honest in three years.

In the Nevada desert area, the American heavy interstellar warship manufacturing plant is set up on this desert.

When a group of students came to the factory, they were taken for a tour.

To be honest, they just glanced around, and didn't look at it from beginning to end.

You know, this warship manufacturing factory is very large, and it is not easy to see it all.

However, the factory staff who accompanied them said that the battleship they are building now is more than ten kilometers long, with thirty-story buildings as high as 80,000 people. After the battleship is built, there will even be specialized in cultivating organic vegetables, and The shopping and entertainment business district is really a small mobile city, as Annie said.

Of course, due to the relationship between technology and resources, this warship under construction is only the smallest of the heavy warships, but even so, it is enough to shock the trainees.

The engineers just worked in the open air under the harsh sunlight.

Beside the battleship built ~lightnovelpub.net~ there are slab houses.

It can be seen that the board room is a place for engineers to sleep.

To be honest, this is also quite hard. It is necessary to know that the degree of hard work in the desert far exceeds that of work in other environments.

There were a lot of special metal plates piled up on the site. Those workers who did not need to work at heights called the jib machine and started talking about the metal plates being transported to the top, and the welding started after they were fixed.

This is the case on the US side, and the same is true on the China side.

Both countries are preparing for the interstellar age.

As trainees, Jin Xiantai and the others now need to have a more intuitive understanding of the battleship through this visit, and know the environmental structures inside the battleship.

Only in this way can they become qualified commanders of warships, and they will not be ignorant of warships.

And after the visit, Jin Xiantai and the others were engaged in intense simulation training...