Rising America

Chapter 1752: The interstellar age is about to begin

The fact that the Far East wants to be independent really adds to the hardships of the terrible bear.

Although the Far East is a land of bitter cold, it is rich in natural resources. Even if all the resources here are not used after the interstellar age in the future, the value of the land here will rise.

After all, it is the mother planet of the earth.

Moreover, the Far East occupies 40% of the entire area of ​​Siberia. Once the Far East becomes independent, the bear will not only shrink its territory, but also lose its frozen port in the East...

Of course, the non-freezing port will not be used in the future.

But this is really not a good thing for the incumbent dignitaries who have overturned the former government team and have just taken power before taking office.

Therefore, it will start to fight if it is not done.

However, due to the huge benefits, even the opening of China is not embarrassed.

Moreover, Yuri's Far Eastern Military Region was not given in vain. Two forces, Yuri Moscow and China Xia, still dominate.

Besides, those new powers in Moscow now face more than one mess and troubles.

The festering economy, the messed up people's livelihood, and the deep-seated war in Afghanistan.

Yes, the war in Afghanistan has not ended yet.

Mao Xiong still has an army of almost one million, and he is in full swing with the Afghan guerrillas. The huge military expenditure every day is definitely enough for the new powers of Moscow to drink a pot.

In addition, the withdrawal of more than a dozen franchise countries has also made the already collapsed economy even more erosive. So, how can Moscow have any experience in taking into account the independence of the Far East.

As long as Huaxia and Yuri are given a period of time and everything is set up, Huaxia may be able to set off the first space exploration fleet at that time.

By then, the new group of powerful Moscow still dare to fight?

It was precisely these points that made Huaxia dispatch Li Hong to talk to Yuri for the first time.

And Yuri is not a fool.

Although South Korea, Dongying people, and even the Americans have sent people to contact him, expressing support for his independence or something, but Yuri does not believe these guys at all.

After all, these guys have a bad reputation, and they often do treachery.

Therefore, Huaxia, who pays attention to integrity and keeps promises, is the first choice in Yuri's view.

It is precisely because of this relationship that after receiving assistance from the [Black Hole] Fund, he considered the suggestion that Jin Xiantai had to convey, and the first one took the initiative to come to China for talks, instead of releasing'goodwill.' 'The Yankees, Dongying people, and sticks.

Regarding details, Li Hong and the others were talking with Yuri, but Huaxia's actions were very quick.

The matter could not be announced to the people across the country for the time being, but military deployments began immediately.

A train, carrying a large number of soldiers, arrived in the Far East, and cooperated with the troops of Yuri in the Far East, and began to deploy in the border between the Far East and Siberia.

The people in cities such as China and the Far East are still kept in the dark about the upcoming events, and they have not heard a little bit of Fengshen at all.

And because of confidentiality and the secret of the march, the people of the Far East didn't know that China's army had entered the Far East, and the people of China didn't know that their army had gone to Mao Xiong.

The decline of Mao Xiong is bringing great benefits to China.

Yuri's pursuit of Far East independence is only one of the good things.

Those countries that were originally joined by Teddy Bears were dumbfounded immediately after they left under the flick of the United States.

They found that they encountered the same situation as a bear.

National resources and finance have been plundered, domestic prices have skyrocketed, and people’s livelihood has been soaring, and a large number of military supplies have been smuggled for monopoly. The entire country has become a mess.

So, each of these countries regrets not falling.

But at the moment Moscow can't take care of it anymore, so how can it manage these allies that have already separated from it?

So, now it's all on your own.

And what caused these countries to fall into such a predicament was actually the policy of Mao Xiong's former government towards the participating countries.

It is precisely because of those policies that the development of these countries is very deformed, and the Americans have seen their weaknesses and made this field.

Moreover, the former government of Mao Xiong gave a large amount of aid funds to the participating countries every year, and now these funds have been in vain.

Without funding, these countries that are accustomed to reaching out for money will be really unbearable for a while.

I originally thought that after I got out of the control of the bear, I felt that I could develop better, but now it seems that I might as well continue to be controlled by the bear.

It's just that Mao Xiong can't count on it anymore.

So how to solve these troubles?

After a lot of contemplation by the senior officials in these countries, they came up with a way.

Find a new boss!

Well, a wise way, isn't it.

However, for these former franchisees that have separated from the bears, the first choice is the United States.

Therefore, these countries began to contact Americans frequently, and clearly stated that they wanted to recognize Americans as the boss, and asked the boss to give the younger brother some help.

But the Americans are not stupid.

Flicker, it's absolutely impossible to take out real money.

So, I really don't have to talk about it.

The second option is European countries.

Unfortunately, these countries have the same virtue as Americans.

They are all the stuff of cannibalism.

For assistance, you can worship the boss, but the sovereignty of your country...you know.

I rub!

This will work!

Therefore, I can only start looking for the third boss to go to the dock.

Huaxia came into sight at this time.

The first person who came to China was Outer Mongolia, Mao Xiong's eternal aid.

Outer Mongolia has a population of 36 million, but it has a land comparable to that of China. Although half of it is a desert area, it can't stand a large area.

Moreover, there are a lot of mineral resources buried under these lands.

Coupled with the special geographical location, when they came to Huaxia, Huaxia was very excited.

It’s just that the other party’s mouth is too big, so it’s not as refreshing as Yuri’s side.

But no matter what, Huaxia started talking anyway.

After Outer Mongolia, countries such as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Belarus have all sought China.

In a word, worship the boss!

Therefore, in recent international news, there are always news about visits to China from Central Asian countries, or visits to China by some Eastern European countries.

At the beginning, everyone didn't think anything was wrong.

But slowly, everyone noticed the abnormality.

In the countries that have visited China, anti-American waves have begun to emerge in the country, and the leadership team supported and supported by the United States has fallen one after another and replaced another group of people in power.

And with the emergence of the Pan-American wave, a large number of Chinese bad guys, as well as cheap daily necessities and non-staple foods appeared on store shelves, which greatly affected the erosion situation in these countries and the unstable public sentiment.

At the same time, these countries have received orders from China and began to build interstellar warship manufacturing plants for China, which is equivalent to having more than a dozen sub-bases at once.

The armies of these countries have also begun to congregate on the eastern border, forming a strong military pressure on Moscow.

Just when the international community is judging what is going on.

Finally, news of the independence of the Far East broke out.

And the time has come to the second half of 2019.

Almost a year has passed.

Kim Hyun Tae, who is far away in the United States, is about to end his training.

In this year, the construction of the interstellar warships of China and the United States is coming to an end.

Basically, at the beginning of 2020 next year, the first space exploration teams can be sent without any accidents.

I have to say that both China and the United States are catching up.

Both parties hope to start space exploration as soon as possible, take the lead and occupy a favorable start.

In addition, the United Nations has also issued rules that everyone recognizes.

Just like in the great voyage era, the camp led by China and the United States, each force is responsible for one direction, and according to the principle of who finds it, those discovered human habitable planets belong to the camp.

Of course, as for how to allocate within the camp, that is a matter of communication and settlement within the respective camps.

From the starting point of the earth’s home planet, the ‘Blue Star Empire’ camp headed by the United States will explore to the south of the solar system, and the ‘Blue Star Federation’ camp headed by China will explore to the north.

For a time, the news that the Far East was independent and was going to be merged into China, apart from making China rejoice and invigorate the people, it did not have that great impact on the United States-led camp countries.

After all, the little Far East is nothing compared to the vast and vast universe.

And Moscow did not act rashly. After all, they still hope to follow Huaxia and get some benefits in the interstellar age.

Therefore, with regard to the independence of the Far East and the integration of China into China, the current powers and dignitaries in Moscow have sincerely pinched their noses.

You know, because of the current erosion situation in Mao Xiong's country, they have stopped even the development of the new world.

So in such an environmental situation, what would they use to fight against China?

Not to mention, now more than a dozen of the original franchise countries, with the supply of cheap products from China, have completely guided China, and Chen Bing is waiting.

So, what else can Teddy Bear do.

Recognizing counsel is the wisest choice.

"Unexpectedly, in more than half a year, the international situation has changed so much."

After finishing a day of classes and returning home, Kim Hyun-tae said to Annie, watching the international news broadcast on the LCD TV.

"By the way, how much did we make when the bear fell?"

Annie is knitting a sweater. Recently, she learned how to knit a sweater with an auntie Hua Xia. She planned to knit a ‘Love Card’ for Cocoa. She is only half knitting the sweater right now, so she will start to do it whenever she has time.

Annie's hands are skilled in threading needles~lightnovelpub.net~, looking up at the LCD TV, and then responding to Kim Hyun-tae: "You and I add up to only 20 trillion US dollars. After all, there were too many great crocodiles on Wall Street at the time, and we could grab these. It's already pretty good."

"By the way, the United Nations has introduced a new global currency bill, and now all currencies have been abolished, right? According to the new currency rules, are we rich?" Jin Xiantai asked again.

That's right, because the interstellar era is about to begin, humans will send the first space exploration teams in a few months, so the United Nations and other countries around the world have decided to abolish the currencies of various countries and issue new currencies in a unified manner to deal with the advent of the interstellar era.

"The exchange rate of 10:1, you and I hold less than three trillion credits, but compared to the salary level of a few hundred credits, we are still rich. As for the little guy, Coco, I didn’t ask. , But I guess it must be a lot."

Annie's knitting movements were so skillful that Jin Xiantai couldn't help but praise again and again.

"Annie, your sweater is so good, I think Coco will love it."

Annie raised her head and looked at Kim Hyun-tae with dignity: "Do you like it? If you like, I will knit one for you after I finish knitting the cocoa."