Rising America

Chapter 1753: Temporary leisure

Time flies, Jin Xiantai has graduated from West Point and has received notification from the military that he has been officially selected as the first group of members to enter space and explore extraterrestrially.

Of course, he is not as the commander of the entire fleet, but a middle and high-level member.

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae is not disappointed.

Although he has always performed very well, it is impossible for anyone to choose him as the leader.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae himself is very indifferent.

He was ordered to manage the landing mech combat troops, and in terms of power, the infantry was under his jurisdiction at least theoretically.

Of course, the danger is not without it.

As the commander of the mecha combat unit, he will follow the mecha troops to land on some planets, so no one can guarantee that there will be no danger on those planets.

In the vast universe, there are many civilized creatures, either powerful or primitive, and even single-piece combat power far exceeds human beings.

Therefore, even with the support of black technology, mankind built the Gundam series of "Zaku" mechas, but there is still no guarantee that even a little bit of danger will not be encountered.

In case, if one encounters such a huge and cruel alien creature, to be honest, the human ‘Zaku’ mecha is not enough to be seen right now.

Right now, Jin Xiantai is enjoying a rare few days of leisure time at home.

With the order from the military department, Jin Xiantai will go to Nevada in a week.

The battleship over there has been built, and after testing, it is determined that it is completely ready for use.

Therefore, the Americans immediately launched the Interstellar Exploration Project without saying anything.

The Americans don't dare to delay this matter. After all, there is another rival, Huaxia, who has heard that they are almost ready. Therefore, in order to gain a little advantage, the Americans must quickly let their warships into the air.

No matter which party is the first to discover a planet that can make humans livable, this news will have intangible great benefits.

Although the technology provided by the Protoss Civilization includes technology related to planetary transformation, neither China nor the United States can fully understand and use it in a short period of time. Therefore, if you want to migrate to space, you have to use this relatively dumb method.

Find a planet suitable for human habitation.

In other words, the kind of planet that is comparable to the earth's environment.

If you put it in the past, perhaps this kind of thing is just thinking about it for humans.

But with the coordinate map of the Milky Way provided by Protoss, this matter is not so difficult.

According to the Milky Way coordinates provided by Protoss, there are almost 200 billion stars in the Milky Way in which the solar system is located, of which 10 to 30 billion are terrestrial planets. Then we can infer from this that planets with similar ecological environment of the earth There should be quite a few.

So the idea of ​​human interstellar migration is not a fantasy.

It is even possible that the planets discovered are the same as the earth's ecological environment, and the planets that can make humans livable are many, many times larger than the earth. Only one such planet should be found.

Just think about it, just a few large planets in the solar system are larger than the earth, and the sun is 1.3 million times the volume of the earth. So how many humans can live on such a large planet...

Many planets outside the solar system are much larger than the sun. The size of the sun is really like a grain of gravel in the Milky Way. This is not alarmist.

Therefore, people are more interested in exploring space than in opening up a new world.

Of course, even so, the development of the new world will not stop.

After all, there are a lot of minerals on the New World, which are of great help to mankind. They are even now used and added to the materials of space warships, which greatly improves the quality of warships built by the United States and China, whether it is armor performance or firepower. The output power has been improved a lot.

Even the New World, that is, some indigenous people on the Oscar continent, can now come to live on the earth and use their abilities to do things for the humans on the earth.

"I heard Yang Weiwei say that many forest elves of the Oscar continent will also follow them in space exploration matters. These forest elves are powerful alone. Not to mention their ability to promote plant growth, they have the space exploration team. What a great advantage."

At this time, Jin Xiantai, who had left West Point and returned to the Beverly Mansion in Los Angeles, was making dumplings with Annie.

Jin Xiantai, who was rolling the dumpling wrappers in his hand, suddenly remembered the news that Yang Weiwei had accidentally revealed during her training.

Kim Hyun Tae rolls out the dumpling wrappers, and Annie is not idle, she is very skillfully making dumplings.

She wore an apron and put the dumpling skins made by Kim Hyun-tae, skillfully made into dumplings, and set aside. Annie responded: “It’s not surprising that Washington has also spent a lot of money, please Oscar hills. The dwarf craftsman came over and carved an inscription on the shell of the battleship. Now that the Oscar continent has been explored, we must make the best use of everything."

Regarding the fact that Huaxia Club joined the forest elves of the Oscar continent in the exploration team, Annie did not show any surprise or surprise at all, she looked very indifferent.

But thinking about it, it is understandable.

The Oscar continent has been developed for so long, and the interstellar age is about to begin on this side of the earth, so what does it matter to take advantage of the natives of the Oscar continent?

You know, the natives of the Oscar continent have many special abilities, such as the plant growth method mastered by the forest elves, and the inscription carving technology of the hill dwarves, all of which are of great benefit to the interstellar exploration that mankind is about to open.

That being the case, why not use it.

Therefore, Annie felt that there was nothing to be fussing about. Only when China and the United States did not take advantage of these advantages would it surprise Annie.

"William, Huaxia stood firmly on the Oscar continent so smoothly, and took the ride of the cute country, and had its own territory in the Oscar continent. I think you should also get some forest elves back."

The handle wiped her cheeks, leaving a white trace of flour on Qiao's cheek, and Annie watched Jin Xiantai make a suggestion to him.

Others don't know what's going on.

But as Annie, how can it be unclear.

The United States has a foothold in the New World, but it took a lot of effort to achieve it.

And some other countries, such as Mao Xiong, who are now simply opening up the new world, have completely stopped.

Other countries are also all kinds of sad reminders.

In terms of success, only China and the United States are the only ones.

But compared to China, even the United States' development in the new world is far incomparable.

That's because Huaxia got on Cocoa's ride.

Even the forest elves were found by Jin Xiantai.

Because at that time, Jin Xiantai met the forest elf archdruid Nana, and through Nana, the forest elf started various cooperation with China.

Basically, China's success in the New World, that is, the Oscar continent, has nothing to do with the Jin Xiantai family.

Jin Xiantai didn't stop, hearing the words, said to Annie: "I don't need to go to China, I can go to Oscar continent myself and find Nana to send some forest elves over."

It doesn't matter what method Annie uses. Anyway, as long as the forest elves can send people, the skills of those forest elves are really easy to use, especially for the fleet that is about to explore space.

If Jin Xiantai and the others don't want to eat any kind of synthetic food, it is obviously necessary to get a few forest elves to join the team.

As long as these forest elves are there, there will be basically no shortage of fresh organic ingredients, and the hidden danger that everyone will be hungry will also be avoided, and the exploration team will go further and explore more extraterrestrial regions.

It's just that the United States has no friendship with the forest elves, so they can't let the forest elves help themselves, so they can only watch the forest elves join the Huaxia team and are greedy.

"According to reliable sources, China has tested the natives on the Oscar continent and found that the orcs are more talented in operating Zaku mechas than humans, especially the fox tribe among the orcs, and they can even fit the mechas perfectly."

"Using a neural link system? I know that we humans can achieve 35% neuron linking, which is already the limit. To what extent can the orcs you know about it?"

Anyway, there is nothing to do, and they are at home again, Kim Hyun-tae and Annie are chatting casually.

At the moment, Jin Xiantai talked about the fact that China used the indigenous orc mecha to operate the test on the Oscar continent, and said a data that surprised Annie after the test.

At this time ~lightnovelpub.net~Earth China and the Zaku mecha made in the United States, after a series of optimizations and improvements, changed from simple manual operation to connected neuron link driving. Breakthrough.

According to tests, neuron link driving can allow mecha soldiers to better exert the combat effectiveness of Zaku mecha, while improving firepower and power output, and driving operations are more smooth.

Only due to physical problems, the number of neurons that humans can link to can only reach 35%. No matter how much it is, it will bring hidden dangers and side effects to the body of the mecha driver.

But even if it can only carry 35% of the neuron burden, when a driver is combined with a mecha, the combat power that erupts is considerable.

But who would have thought that the orcs of the Oscar continent, especially the fox race, could achieve a ‘perfect fit’, how could this not be surprising.

"This level of 90%, and some can even achieve more than 95%, completely output the power and vitality of the mecha, which has increased by more than three times."

Jin Xiantai said with emotion the data he had learned.