Rising America

Chapter 1759: eat

Jin Jianshe asked Coco to call himself "uncle". This is something that Jin Xiantai couldn't think of. At least he can't figure out why Jin Jianshe has such a requirement, and it seems that Jin Jianshe is still serious. .

Annie had guessed something vaguely, but now that Jin Jianshe is unwilling to say it clearly, then Annie won't be able to tell her own inference to Jin Xiantai.

In fact, Annie had already had her own inference about the relationship between Jin Jianshe's family and Jin Xiantai. After all, the process of dealing with Jin Xiantai over the years is really intriguing.

No wonder it made Annie sniff out something wrong.

Of course, Annie could feel the kindness of Lao Jin's family, so even if she noticed something was wrong, she didn't say anything.

As long as the old Jin family showed a little bit of malice, then Annie would have reminded Jin Xiantai to pay attention.

And Annie thinks Mr. Jin's family is also very interesting.

And Annie also guessed a bit. The family of Mr. Jin didn't explain to Jin Xiantai that there was such a little consideration behind some things.

Perhaps, there is something really right now, and it's true not to spread it out.

"Coco, call uncle."

Annie stretched out her hand, took Cocoa from Jin Jianshe's arms, and asked Coco to call Jin Jianshe just like that.

The little guy looked helpless.

But in the end, he called out "Uncle", which made Jin Jianshe smile brightly.

Since the little guy was already impatient, Jin Jianshe took Jin Xiantai's family and left the cafe where they had agreed to meet, and prepared to go to Houhai for the first bit of braised cooking.

The little guy likes to eat braised, which Jin Jianshe has always remembered.

Surrounded by a team of bodyguards, Jin Jianshe asked Jin Xiantai and his family to ride in the same car with him. This is a "Warrior" military Jeep made by China at different time and space. It looks similar to the military Hummer, and it has been lengthened. It was much wider, and equipped with armor and bullet-proof glass, which made it very defensive. Therefore, even if the Kim Hyun-tae family were to ride together, the spacious space was more than enough.

The convoy drove smoothly towards Houhai along the main road.

On the way, Jin Jianshe asked Jin Xiantai: "You are a member of too many US space teams. This time you leave the earth and don't know how long it will take to come back. Then what will Coco do after you leave?"

Jin Xiantai turned his head, looked at Cocoa held in her arms, and then said to Jin Jianshe: "Anne will take care of Cocoa. After I leave, Annie will take the little guy with her and start taking her to learn how to do business. And handle the business of those companies under our name."

Jin Jianshe took a deep look at Annie, and at the same time thought [Oh, it seems that there is no way for the little guy to stay in China, and the stepmother needs to take care of it. 】

"The little guy is looked after by Miss Anne. It seems you can go to work with peace of mind."

Jin Jianshe was helpless and said to Jin Xiantai with a smile.

Talking all the way, without much effort, the group arrived at the destination Houhai.

The'small intestine Chen' stew here is a time-honored brand, and the taste is also very authentic, especially Jin Xiantai has a courtyard house here, so after eating here, in addition to having fun in the bar street, I want to rest It is also very convenient.

If you don’t want to live here in Houhai, take a few steps and go to Nanluoguxiang. Jin Xiantai also has a private courtyard house, and there are 13 courtyard houses facing the street.

Since it's still early, there are not many people at this time, so there is no need to wait too long after ordering something. The waiter puts the ordered things on the table.

With a cheer, Coco picked up the biscuits, holding a big bowl and snorting and ate it. Watching the little guy eat is quite enjoyable, and it will also make people appetite.

The group of people ate here for about half an hour, and the little guy ate three large bowls of stewed stew with his belly stretched. It was really silly for a few old neighborhoods who also came to eat.

The big sea bowl is not small, they really can't think of how Coco, such a big **** girl, eats it.

Under the weird gazes of the old neighbours, Jin Jianshe paid the money and took the Jin Xiantai family and left the braised shop.

When everyone left, it was just over 10 o'clock in the morning.

"Dad, let's go to Nanluoguxiang."

The little guy suggested going to Nanluoguxiang for a round.

It was originally with the little guy, so of course the adults agreed to the little guy's proposal.

Immediately, the group went to Nanluoguxiang.

Anyway, during the one-week holiday, Jin Xiantai intends to accompany the little guy to play everywhere. Today I am here in China, and tomorrow I will go to another place. In short, I must accompany the little guy well.

Nanluoguxiang is still so lively here, and it is full of people and bustling.

There are various shops on both sides of the small alleys, most of which sell snacks.

It's no wonder that Coco likes to come here, it's because of the amount of food.

Since arriving at the entrance of Nanluoguxiang, the little guy began to open his belly to eat. Basically, every time he passed a shop selling snacks, everyone would stop and buy some for the little guy, so everyone's speed was bound to slow down.

So that it was almost noon, everyone hadn't walked to the middle of the alley, which showed how slow the speed was.

The courtyard of Jinxiantai Nanluoguxiang is located in the middle section.

On both sides of the antique gate, there are 13 street shops.

Now those shops have all been rented out and turned into shops selling some specialty goods.

In addition, the gate of the courtyard house of Jin Xiantai's house is directly opposite the gate of the Central Academy of Drama, which is located here.

If Jin Xiantai wishes, he can take a stool and sit at his door, watching the young and beautiful girls coming in and out here every day.

By the way, I really want to thank Li Hong. After all, the courtyard in Nanluoguxiang and the courtyard in Houhai were sold to him by Li Hong.

If it were not for Li Hong's relationship, it would not be so easy to buy these two courtyard houses, even if Jin Xiantai had money.

What's more, when Jin Xiantai bought it, Li Hong sold it at a cheaper price than the packing list.

This kind of benefit, most people don't even think about it.

Bringing the little guy out to play, in name is to play, but in fact it is just eating all the way.

When everyone finally reached the middle section and saw the gate of Jin Xiantai's courtyard, the little guy said that it was already noon and he wanted to have lunch.

I'm sorry, the little guy has eaten all the way, but her mouth hasn't stopped. She is actually embarrassed to say that she is hungry again...

On the left side of the school gate of the Central Academy of Drama, there is a Sichuan restaurant called ‘Legend of Bashu’. Even if everyone is still standing here, they can smell the unique scent of Sichuan cuisine, and it will continue to flow into the nasal cavity, one word, fragrance!

It's no wonder that the little guy is reluctant to leave. I dare to smell the fragrance.

Therefore, everyone mentioned it to the little guy and went to this Sichuan restaurant to start having lunch.

The little guy ordered a lot of dishes, almost 30 dishes.

This made a lot of students and girls who came to have a meal stare.

You know, these girls who are after school at noon come to eat, but only three or four people order three or four dishes.

But Kim Hyun-tae, three, one and four people, ordered more than 30 dishes, which is simply a luxury.

"I'm going to the Oscar continent in the afternoon. After Cocoa has lunch, you and Mummy Anne go home to take a nap, and wait for Dad to take you to the water world to play."

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Jin Xiantai confessed to Cocoa.

Jin Jianshe on the side asked curiously: "What will you do to the Oscar continent?"

Kim Hyun Tae: "I went to talk to the forest elves, hoping that they could help me as followers and explore space together with me. After all, the help of the forest elves can relieve some of the logistics pressure. ."

Jin Jianshe understood Jin Xiantai's plan and nodded silently.

He is very clear about the benefits of joining a few forest elves in the exploration team.

Today, Huaxia has not reached an agreement with the forest elves, and the space exploration team that is being prepared has joined the forest elves.

"Do you want Coco to find some monsters to join in? Does our exploration team have any powerful monsters to join the team?" Jin Jianshe asked Jin Xiantai in a low voice.

Huaxia is not stupid. The members are mainly monsters, otherwise they are monks from the great fairy mountains and blessed land. They are also mutants at the latest. Basically, there are very few ordinary members in the team.

After all, these human bodies are strong and can adapt to some planets with harsh environments to a large extent, and even when encountering some dangers, the survival probability is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Besides, since there are such conditions, why not use it.

Jin Xiantai shook his head: "The American exploratory team, it is not appropriate to join the monsters of China, even if I agree, some people above will not agree."

Jin Jianshe shrugged and did not continue.

Because he knows very well ~lightnovelpub.net~ What Jin Xiantai said is the truth.

The sisters who came to have a meal around, always glanced here from time to time. After all, the handsome Jin Xiantai sitting here is really eye-catching.

The dishes I ordered were brought up one after another.

The little guy moved unceremoniously, and what he ate was a gobbler, as if he had been hungry for several meals without eating.

"Slow down, slow down, no one is robbing you, it's all yours, girls have to be a little bit okay."

The daughter's eating situation was really speechless, and Jin Xiantai couldn't see it, so he said a few words.

Unfortunately, the little guy ignored it at all and continued to devour it.

"Oh, eating cocoa always makes people appetite, and I feel a little hungry now."

Jin Jianshe looked at the cocoa in the wind, picked up the chopsticks in front of him and started picking up dishes, and said this with a smile.