Rising America

Chapter 1760: You have to be fair

More than 30 dishes are definitely not enough, cocoa is very edible, if the little guy eats it open, it’s not a weird thing to eat more than a dozen cows at a time. You must know that she eats even the devil of the nine-layer purgatory. Bear boy.

I don’t know if it’s because of special changes in the body. In short, even if you eat ordinary food, the little guy will feel hungry from time to time, perhaps because ordinary food provides little energy.

But even so, the bear child still likes ordinary food because it tastes very fragrant.

Generally speaking, even if a bear child is hungry outside, he will endure it and not be so scary.

After all, she can eat so much, it will scare ordinary people.

It was like having lunch at Nanluo Guxiang Sichuan Restaurant, she scared many sisters who came to eat after school.

But those sisters didn't know that, in fact, the bear child has been very restrained, and there is no full firepower.

After more than 30 dishes, he basically served it a second time, and the bear child was considered to be greedy, and he left the Sichuan restaurant with his father contentedly, and went back to the courtyard house opposite to rest.

After the group left the Sichuan restaurant, there must be a crowd of girls behind them who looked dumbfounded.

However, Jin Xiantai and others would not care about these things.

Because they are very used to this situation.

Back to the courtyard in Nanluoguxiang, Jin Jianshe left.

Although I rarely live here, people come to clean it every day, so every room is cleaned up, and there is no dusty situation due to uninhabited people for a long time.

The little guy went to the main room to play video games. He couldn't sleep right after lunch. The little guy still needs to play for a while to digest.

More importantly, if she didn't eat enough at noon, Annie still needed to cook cocoa again at home.

As for the ingredients, they are very different from the general ingredients, the dragon eggs from the nine-layer purgatory.

The energy content of this thing is very high, so it is suitable for cocoa. Basically, this kind of egg will not feel hungry after eating five or six.

Therefore, when the little guy eats, in addition to the dishes made of ordinary ingredients, he will basically eat some of these high-energy foods, otherwise the little guy will definitely feel hungry from time to time.

The magic dragon egg is very big, about the size of four or five basketballs combined, so cooking five or six at a time, but that is definitely a test of cooking skills.

Fortunately, Annie is already very proficient in making magic dragon eggs, so there will be no problems.

Generally speaking, this kind of magic dragon egg is best eaten with some chopped green onion.

So, today Annie is still going to fill up her stomach with Coco Dragon Egg.

Taking six magic dragon eggs from her storage space, Annie went to the kitchen.

The ingredients in the kitchen are readily available. Even if Kim Hyun-tae and the others do not come often, they will still be delivered with fresh ingredients every morning, so that when Kim Hyun-tae and the others come, there will be ingredients available.

Anyway, with money, hiring a few people to look after the house is easy.

Coco was playing a very old 32-bit game "Contra" in the main room, while Annie was in the kitchen preparing green onions for frying the dragon eggs.

Jin Xiantai took a look at the time, then talked to Annie and left home to go to the bronze gate of Huaxia leading to the Oscar continent.

After all, he doesn't have the ability to go against the sky like Coco, and he can go wherever he wants.

Therefore, if Jin Xiantai wants to go to the Oscar continent, he must pass through the big bronze gate of Huaxia Capital.

Fortunately, the location of Tongmen is not far away, it is in the square opposite Tiananmen. It is not necessary to walk from Nanluoguxiang for half an hour, so Jin Xiantai walked over.

About half an hour later, Jin Xiantai appeared in the lobby of China's development base.

The base is very lively, adventurers from the earth, as well as the indigenous inhabitants of the Oscar continent, can be seen everywhere on the street on this side of the base.

Now because of the rise of the Moe Country, there is no threat to the base, and because it is behind the Moe Country, it has become quite safe here.

Therefore, some indigenous people in the country of Meng will come to Yanhuang City of China Base. After all, Yanhuang City has become the first stop for all kinds of earth goods, arriving on the Oscar continent, so a lot of manpower is needed for transportation. jobs.

And the properties here in Oscar Continent also need to be transported to Yanhuang City and then transported back to Earth.

This requires a lot of workers.

Earth adventurers are unwilling to do this kind of work, but this kind of work still needs people to do it, so many natives of Oscar continent bear such a heavy burden.

The goblin bandits on the early Great Plains were still in hard labor at this time, contributing their sweat and strength to the construction of the basic roads in the Great Plains.

The dark elves who first took refuge in Yanhuang City have now entered the middle management of Yanhuang City, assuming the responsibilities of the security and intelligence departments of Yanhuang City.

And because of the diplomatic relationship between the Moe Country and the Orc Empire, a large number of merchant groups from the Orc Empire also appeared in Yanhuang City.

Of course, the hill dwarves from the hill area must be indispensable.

Since the country of Meng has now annexed the Frankish Empire, it is now facing the British Empire, so in addition to the naturalized original Franks, Yanhuang City is a race that is different from humans.

And because the forest elves helped the Great Plains fight agricultural matters, there were also many forest elves in Yanhuang City.

As a forest elf archdruid, Nana lives in Yanhuang City at this time.

She is the leader of the forest elf agricultural technical team.

This is convenient for Jin Xiantai. You can find Nana directly in Yanhuang City and talk to her about taking a few forest elves to the earth.

Yanhuang City is currently in a state of expansion. After all, there is an influx of people every day, adventurers from the earth and Oscar natives, so Yanhuang City must be expanded to meet people's needs for housing.

The so-called, the periphery of Yanhuang City is full of large construction sites, and you can see the engineering team building the house if you just walk around.

Nana lives in the central area. After all, she is the captain of the forest elf agricultural technology team, and she is also the war druid elder of the forest elf, so no matter how you look at it, Yanhuang City must make proper arrangements here.

Therefore, Nana was arranged to live in a luxury villa in the central area, which combines the earth and Oscar continental style. She can receive a lot of salary every month, so Nana’s small days in Yanhuang City It was a good time.

Jin Xiantai, who hadn't been to Yanhuang City for a long time, was surprised to find that the so-called "rich residential area" and even the commercial CBD area appeared in Yanhuang City.

The villa area where Nana lives is such an area.

Outside the villa area is the commercial area full of various chambers of commerce, and in this area there are various official institutions in Yanhuang City. At the same time, the street construction and planning here are much stronger than other areas, and various public facilities are also very complete. , There is even a park covering a large area with lush vegetation.

Because of the experience of urban construction on the other side of the earth, the construction of Yanhuang City pays much attention to the green coverage of the city, so the vegetation coverage area in the central area is very high, reaching a level of 80%.

And the area under expansion also attaches great importance to this point.

It is foreseeable that when the construction of Yanhuang City stops, the whole city will be absolutely green.

Of course, the help of the forest elves is indispensable.

The villa area where Nana lives is rich or expensive, and the guards are very strict. Security guards wearing armor will patrol the area 24 hours a day to provide residents with security.

Kim Hyun Tae found the community where Nana lived, but was not stopped by the security, because Nana had been waiting for him at the door early in the morning.

And even without Nana, as the emperor of the kingdom of Jinxian and Taemeng, it takes minutes to enter the community.

However, the premise is that you need to bring a large group of people and let them prove that he is the emperor.

"You haven't been here for a long time, why do you think of looking for me now."

Taking Kim Hyun Tae into the community, Nana looked at Kim Hyun Tae complainingly and said to him.

"There are too many things on the earth, busy."

Kim Hyun Tae explained.

"How long are you staying in the Oscar continent this time? I recently created a new one. If you stay for a long time, you can take a look at this one of mine, and then discuss the plot with me. Speaking of this, this film will be published in Yanhuang City. The agency said there was a problem, so it didn’t agree to publish it, but after I came back, I read it a few times and didn’t find any problems. You just came to lightnovelpub.net~ to help me see it."

Kim Hyun Tae has written on the earth and has achieved great success. He is considered a best-selling author.

Therefore, at this point, Jin Xiantai and Nana, a literary spirit who loves writing, share a common language.

At least what Nana thinks.

However, people who don't know may think that Nana is a young female elf.

But for Kim Hyun-tae, who has been in contact with Nana, and has seen and understood Nana’s creation, this forest elf war druid elder is Wenqing, and he is the great demon of the dark literature department.

Because what Nana creates is an extremely depressing, dark and heart-wrenching **** stream...

Nana looked very happy to see Jin Xiantai, she took Jin Xiantai back to her residence, a three-story villa with a large garden covering an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters.

"I think the people at Yanhuangcheng Publishing House are very ignorant. I am such an outstanding author who actually said that they are not suitable for publication and that they have problems. William, so I hope you can be fair, is it me? The problem!"

As soon as she got home, Nana took her new creation, stuffed it into Jin Xiantai's hands, and began to complain about Yanhuangcheng Publishing House.

Jin Xiantai looked down at the cover in his hand.

The cover is also very distinctive, it is a hand-painted blood spray painting of a naked elf girl with **** with her hands tied behind her back.

Kim Hyun-tae looked at the title of the book "Dragon Knight" again, it seemed normal.

However, Kim Hyun-tae knows Nana's virtues well, so he thinks that the title of the book looks normal, which does not mean that the content is normal, not to mention that the hand-painted beauty cover already explains the problem, doesn't it?

"Let me see."

Kim Hyun Tae walked to the side and sat down, and then began to look at this work that Nana thought was a peerless work...