Rising America

Chapter 1764: Feeling as a member of humanity

The battleship slowly lifted off.

The people below gradually became unable to see clearly anymore.

Unlike most of the exploratory team members who are excited, Kim Hyun Tae is very calm inside.

Demi. Ayumi, Selena, Harley Quinn, forest elf Nana, and a few girls are beside Kim Hyun Tae.

Demi, who went to Dongying with her father, gained a mysterious inheritance during Dongying. She and her good friend Ayumi possessed extraordinary powers. It is this advantage that made Demi join the space exploration team.

On the other hand, Dongying, the "two son country" of the United States, sent people like Ayumi to join.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there are Toyo people like Ayumi in the US-led space exploration team.

After all, there are now two camps dominated by China and the United States.

Now on this battleship, there are not only Dongying people, but also personnel dispatched by Britain and Europe.

As the commander of the mech forces, Jin Xiantai lives in the middle of the battleship, because this is the living area of ​​the mech forces.

At this time, the battleship had broken through the atmosphere and came to outer space.

Jin Xiantai did not go to the battleship command room.

The electronically synthesized sound reverberates all around [lock the course, fly into the speed of light 30 seconds later, start the internal gravity stabilization program...]

"Huh! Big **** are great, not as big as Ayumi, what arrogance."

Demi didn't like Selena.

Similarly, Selena looked upset at Demi.

Previously, the two of them were making trouble in Tomari Port, which was quite unpleasant. Now everyone has left the earth, but the two of them still haven't passed the matter.

Selena glanced at Ayumi, and realized that this little girl from Dongying was indeed big-chested, then she curled her lips and walked to Kim Hyuntae's side and said to him: "William, I will find the captain to change the room first. Live here with Halle."

The residences on the battleship have been arranged.

However, it is not impossible for Selena to change. The most important thing is to see if anyone is willing to change with her.

But think about it, it shouldn't be difficult to find such a person.

After that, Selena left with Harley Quinn.

Demi leaned over and said to Jin Xiantai, "Who is this woman? I think she seems to be familiar with you. You and her don't really have a leg, do you?"

Kim Hyun Tae was a little dumbfounded.

"This is my friend during the San Juan Monastery."

Demi still knows about Kim Hyun Tae being an'orphan', after all, it was reported in the United States.

During the training period, Demi didn't know that Selena was actually Jin Xiantai's friend during this period. Now, hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Demi knew why Selena and Jin Xiantai were so familiar.

"It turned out to be so, I'm sorry, I thought..."

"Why do you think?" Jin Xiantai looked at Demi wryly and asked.

Demi shook her head: "It's nothing, I'll go check my room, um, I won't be so fierce to that big sister in the future."

Immediately, Demi also took Ayumi and left.

In the end, next to Kim Hyun-tae, there was Nana the elf.

Turning his head, Jin Xiantai found that Nana was staring at the direction of Demi's disappearance, and she didn't know what kind of brain hole she was opening at this moment.

This warship is dozens of kilometers long and ten kilometers wide. It is as high as hundreds of stories and has a fusiform shape as a whole.

The living area of ​​the mecha unit is located in the front section of the battleship, in the middle layer, with an area of ​​15 floors above. As the commander of the mecha unit, Jin Xiantai has absolute control over the area of ​​the 15th floor.

With a slight shaking, the internal gravitational stabilizer was activated, and the battleship immediately entered the state of light-speed navigation.

But in the ship, everything was normal, and the people on the ship didn't feel any uncomfortable things because of the speed of the warship.

In some movies and TV dramas, in such a state, the crews will enter the sleeping cabin, but in real reality, there is no such situation. It is also due to the super technology of the Protoss Civilization.

Sailing in the vast sky, even though the speed is very fast, when looking out through the porthole, there is still not much feeling.

Looking at it, the outside is deep.

At this time, the members of the mecha unit were busy cleaning their rooms.

After all, they will live in this area for a long time in the future.

"Nana, what are you thinking about?"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Jin Xiantai is also preparing to leave here to get acquainted with the environment.

As the manager of the 15th floor area, plus the commander of the mecha unit, it is necessary for Jin Xiantai to understand what these areas are.

"I just got inspiration again. Thanks to those girls, they made me full of inspiration."

Jin Xiantai rolled his eyes, and didn't bother to ask the rest.

Even if he didn't ask, it was clear that Nana's overwhelming inspiration must be the kind of dark 18 forbidden.

His own office is very large, with an area of ​​more than 300 square meters, and there is also a floor-to-ceiling glass window made of special materials. It occupies one side of the entire office, allowing Jin Xiantai, who works here, to enjoy the space while working. Exquisite.

The room is covered with comfortable carpets, a sofa that looks very attractive, a large desk, and a built-in bookcase, which is generally very simple.

"Wow, a big office, can I borrow it for writing in the future?"

Nana loves it here.

Jin Xiantai nodded: "You can use it anytime."

In this regard, Kim Hyun Tae has nothing to be unwilling to bear.

Nana cheered, ran to the edge of the sofa and sat down. The soft sofa plunged her whole body into it.

"Oh my God! My inspiration exploded again. I must create paragraphs of male protagonists having **** with female characters in such an environment, especially this soft sofa..."

Kim Hyun-tae pretended not to hear Nana's "nonsense", and to be honest, sometimes he felt that he simply couldn't match Nana's weird brain circuit.

Walking to the chair behind the desk and sitting down, Jin Xiantai turned his gaze to the depths of the starry sky. To tell the truth, sitting in this office is really a pleasure.

Of course, now this is a fresh wave.

After a long time, such a scene will feel dull and boring.

Unless you pass by a certain planet occasionally, you may be able to enjoy the spectacular astronomical wonders that are exciting.

Reaching out and turning on the projection, the area structure map of the 15th floor was unfolded in front of Jin Xiantai, and he became familiar with the issues of the 15th floor.

The living area of ​​mecha troops includes residential areas, training areas, canteens, mecha maintenance and other areas.

According to prior knowledge, the entire mech force has a total of 5,000 elites from the "Empire" camp.

Among them, the living area even has commercial streets, parks, and other public areas.

In other words, there is a completely living area inside the battleship, where there are even various commercial shops.

I have to say that in terms of humanity, this consideration is quite thoughtful.

And with these, thinking about it will not make people feel bored and boring in the long voyage.

Moreover, this is only the living area of ​​the mecha units.

Some other departmental living areas also have such places.

Just like what Annie said to Kim Hyun Tae, this battleship is basically equivalent to a mobile city sailing in space.

In the area under his management, there is also a large warehouse, which stores a large amount of materials, drinking water, and IA robots.

That's right, Washington purchased a large number of IA robots, and a large part of these robots were handed over to the mecha unit to manage, and only a small part of IA was used to serve some public affairs of the warship.

Come to think of it, once you encounter planets with cruel environments, and when you want to explore these planets, these AI robots will come in handy.

In this way, as the commander of the mecha unit, his own rights are not small.

Outside, those AI robots are already at work. The area on the fifteenth floor is busy, either after opening a shop or preparing dinner in the cafeteria.

Yes, the merchants who buy and sell in the street area are actually AI robots.

In addition, the logistics maintenance department also has a large number of AI robots as assistants to assist the logistics maintenance personnel to do what they can to reduce people's pressure.

"Major General William, please go to the top-level meeting for a meeting."

The electronic synthesis sounded, summoning Jin Xiantai to the top meeting.

Turning off the holographic projection, Kim Hyun Tae stood up.

"You stay here and don't run around. I will go to a meeting and come back to arrange a place for you."

Before leaving, Kim Hyun Tae told Nana not to run around.

Leaving the office and went outside.

Jin Xiantai saw a large number of AI intelligent robots, driving light rail cars, members of mech troops, and their luggage sending them to their residences, all in order.

To get to the top floor from here, you need to take an elevator, so Jin Xiantai stopped a light rail car and went to the elevator.

Now everyone is busy packing up their homes or rushing to their homes, so not many people come out to wander around, so not many people take the elevator.

Therefore, in the absence of interference, Kim Hyun Tae quickly came to the top.

The crew in uniforms came and went, and Jin Xiantai asked for a little bit, and found the meeting room.

After arriving in the conference room, Jin Xiantai found a seat and sat down and began to wait for the others.

Almost ten minutes later, all the senior officials arrived and the meeting began.

The captain ~lightnovelpub.net~ is the highest commander of the exploratory team. He told everyone about the next arrangements and the first planet to be explored.

Participants have their respective nationality badges on their chests, so that it is easy to distinguish some of the national forces they represent.

However, Kim Hyun-tae observed for a while, and in the end, it still had the most senior US officials.

A holographic projection appeared in front of everyone, and the captain said to everyone: "This is a planet outside the solar system. It is estimated that we will reach the outer periphery of this planet in ten days. According to the information provided by the Protoss, there are many on this planet. Primitive civilization, so in addition to exploring what kind of mineral resources the planet contains, we must also evaluate whether to destroy this primitive civilization..."

The words of the captain made everyone in the meeting look stunned.

In particular, Jin Xiantai sighed inwardly [Humans are cruel and cold-blooded in their bones].

Isn't it?

Just stepping out of the earth into the starry sky, this is about to start destroying other primitive civilizations.