Rising America

Chapter 1765: Uncomfortable

The "Blue Star Empire" exploration team headed by the United States, the first thing to explore is the planet named "Hope Star", because this planet is the first planet the team wants to explore, so it carries a lot of humanity expect.

At the same time, this planet is also the closest planet to the solar system, especially a habitable planet. It's just that there are primitive creatures living on this planet, so if humans want to emigrate, this problem needs to be dealt with and solved.

The current situation is very similar to that of the ‘Great Sailing Era’, and the primitive natives on the ‘Hope Star’ are like the Maya or Indians at that time.

So, what exactly will the arrival of mankind bring to these primitive creatures is worth pondering.

In particular, the captain has clearly instructed to evaluate the creatures on this planet to determine whether to live with them in peace, or simply use arms to deal with them and occupy the planet before immigrants in the future. Come here to settle.

According to the intelligence given by the Protoss, the environment of this planet is similar to that of the earth, so it is absolutely suitable for human immigrants to settle. Therefore, the exploration team has to deal with the indigenous issues on this planet, but also to carry out resources on this planet. explore.

Now that human beings have just stepped out of the earth, they continue to have a lot of resources.

After all, to manufacture space battleships in large quantities, the various resources that need to be consumed are very expensive. Just a little stuff on the earth is absolutely unsatisfactory, so it needs to develop resources on other planets to make use of it.

You know, mankind still has a big enemy Thanos to deal with.

Thanks to the Protoss now reaching the side of Mars, this gave the earth a little bit of safety, and also gave mankind a little time for development.

But China and the United States, and even the high-levels of all countries understand that this matter cannot always rely on the Protoss civilization. The people on earth must have the power to fight against the legions under Thanos.

Therefore, after the beginning of the interstellar age, the first thing humans have to do is to explore the resources on other planets and use them. As for immigration, it ranks second.

After the meeting, Jin Xiantai returned to the area where the mecha unit was located, and he was not in a very high mood.

Because he didn't expect that after humans staggered out of the earth, it was very likely that other alien civilizations would bring disasters immediately, which made him feel very uncomfortable as a member of humanity.

What about "love and peace"?

Isn't this a slogan that the top leaders of various countries chant from time to time?

But in fact, it's not the same thing at all.

I have to say that this is really an inferiority that cannot be erased from the human bones.

In fact, humans are the most cruel and cold-blooded.

Throughout human history, it is not difficult to find that it is basically a history of war advancement and development.

It can be concluded that human beings are not peaceful at all, but rather warlike.

This was the case in the original time and space, but after coming to the other time and space, the humans here are also the same.

But Jin Xiantai also knows that this is the case between civilization and civilization.

Now it depends on the luck of the natives on the "Hope Star". If they are lucky, they can become vassals of mankind. If they are not lucky, they will be destroyed.

For a very primitive civilization, it is absolutely impossible for a long-distance voyage in space, an opponent of mankind.

As for myself, I will act as an executioner if I can't make it right.

Yes, as the commander of the mech forces, he will definitely command the mech forces to land on this planet, and contact the natives and observe them.

Once the upper level decides to slaughter these indigenous people, the mecha unit under Jin Xiantai will definitely be the main player in the killing.

I really did not expect that one day I would become a villain of the ‘aggressor’ type.

Thinking of this, Jin Xiantai couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

In the mecha area, people have cleaned up their rooms, and started to wander out in twos and threes.

Basically, everyone looks fresh at everything.

Also, after all, they are the first people to leave the earth and conduct large-scale space exploration.

Although human beings can also launch satellites and carry astronauts into space, there is no way to compare with them.

Those astronauts are at most in the outer space of the earth.

However, these people are going to take battleships for long-distance exploration and land on some planets.

The streets inside the ship are very spacious and do not make people feel crowded.

The members of the mech forces coming and going have a nationality mark on their chest, which makes it easy for people to tell which country they are from.

It's like the stars and stripes on the chest of Kim Hyun Tae.

The space exploration team also has uniforms, but this uniform is a brand-new style and a close-fitting design. It lining men is not a taste of martial arts, and makes women more prominent. It is somewhat similar to the style of the German period of World War II.

God knows why the ‘Blue Star Empire’ camp headed by the United States has such a uniform style. Is it possible that Europeans and Americans still have some worship for the noise in their bones?

But anyway, the uniform is very handsome anyway.

Jin Xiantai is a major general in the United States, the youngest major general with real power, and he also holds the rank of major general in the exploratory team.

So when he passed, every private soldier would salute him, no matter which country he came from.

Kim Hyun-tae had something on his mind, so he responded with a straight face.

His mood at this moment is not very high, after all, it is very likely that he will become an aggressor or even a villain in the future.

He needs to communicate the content of the meeting to the troops. After all, after arriving at the "Star of Hope", the mecha troops will land on that planet.

If you don't make it right, the first contact with the indigenous creatures will cause conflicts and battles to break out, so this needs to be notified so that everyone is psychologically prepared.

Back in his office, Jin Xiantai found that Nana was sitting at her desk struggling to write something.

Jin Xiantai didn't even bother to ask, don't talk about it, she must be writing.

Although it is a small brain, Nana just likes to write with a pen, and Kim Hyun-tae is very helpless.

Apart from Nana, Selena was sitting on the sofa, talking quietly with Harley Quinn.

"You're back."

When Kim Hyun Tae walked into the office, Selena ended the conversation with Harley Quinn, got up and greeted Kim Hyun Tae with a smile.

"I have transferred my residence to this floor, and I told the captain that now I am your secretary adjutant, but I will work with you in the future."

Jin Xiantai didn't expect Selena to take the initiative to become her adjutant.

But he was not dissatisfied with Selena's own decision, after all, he really needed an adjutant next to him to help him deal with some problems.

Nana couldn't count on it at all. What she thought about this wonderful mentality was how to create more exciting things.

Kim Hyun Tae nodded and put his gaze on Harley Quinn.

Upon seeing this, Selena said, "Halley and I will follow you on errands. She is my assistant."

Well, Selena and Halle are both following themselves now.

"Notify the officials of the mecha unit to have a meeting. I went to the top level just now. Now we have a task."

Jin Xiantai thought that he had to talk about the meeting information. Now that Selena has become his adjutant, then Selena will take care of this matter.

After Selena responded, she walked to the desk, tapped her finger on the desk a few times, and turned on the holographic projection.

A holographic projection screen showed that Selena continued to use her fingers to touch some frames on the holographic projection screen a few times, and issued instructions to convene a meeting.

Thanks to the technology provided by Protoss Civilization, such as this holographic projection touch screen technology, it is now maturely used on this warship.

As the order was issued, the middle and senior officers of the mecha unit began to gather towards the conference room.

Kim Hyun Tae continued to let Nana stay in the office, and then took Selena and Halle out of the office.

To be honest, at the moment, Kim Hyun-tae doesn't know what job to assign to Anna, so he can simply let Nana be idle like this now.

And Nana herself accepted this.

After all, she also needs free space ~lightnovelpub.net~ to ensure that she can create her own.

"We will arrive at the first planet that needs to land in seven days. As a mecha unit, we definitely want to take the lead. According to intelligence, there is a primitive savage civilization on this planet, so our mecha unit must contact with it. And evaluate it."

On the way to the meeting room, Jin Xiantai told Selena and Harley Quinn the order he received during the meeting.

Harley Quinn has a very indifferent attitude.

"Sir, listen to what you mean, we are likely to strangle him?"

Harley Quinn was so smart that she heard the subtext all at once.

Jin Xiantai nodded: "If this civilization is not the kind that can live in peace, our mech forces will strangle them."

"Ha, aggressor, I like this identity." Harley Quinn's eyes lit up. She is an absolute militant. She is not the kind of guy who likes peace in her bones. So after confirming her guess, she has no fear and Uneasy, but rather excited.

Selena intervened and asked, "What if the other party can get along with each other in peace?"

Kim Hyun Tae: "Some decisions are beyond my control. Even if they are able to live in peace, if the other party has hidden safety hazards, I guess we will still face the end of strangulation. After all, we will emigrate many people to live on this planet in the future. It’s inappropriate to put a large number of threatening natives."

Selena understood what Jin Xiantai meant and nodded silently.

Soon, the meeting room arrived, and Jin Xiantai opened the door and walked in.

Looking ahead, the conference room is already full of people.

Demi is in it.

Saying hello to Demi, Kim Hyun Tae walked to the main seat.

There was no politeness at all, and the order was passed on immediately.

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