Rising America

Chapter 1768: Discovery of aboriginal settlements


Xiexi's curiosity was very strong. After confirming that this Xiexi did not have any critical cold, Harley Quinn let go of it, and after being out of Halle's grasp, the lucky mate began to completely Free yourself, jump up and down in this area.

Fortunately, Xiexi is very cute, but it did not arouse everyone's disgust.

But what exactly is this Xiexi, Jin Xiantai and others don't know for the time being, in short, there is no doubt that it is the creatures on this planet.

Fortunately, the guy always makes a "chirp" sound, so Kim Hyun Tae and the others decided to call this Xiexi a "chirp beast".

With the full work of the twelve mechas, the temporary camp was built very quickly, and a rough frame was built in less than an oblique time.

Of course, this also benefits from a reasonable base layout and raw material templates.

It is because of the raw material template that the mecha can be built like building blocks, and the temporary base can be built so easily.

In fact, this was taken into account when he was still on Earth.

Therefore, the research department adopted this method to shorten the construction time of the camp.

The embryonic form of the temporary camp has been preliminarily in place. It is a boxy structure. Four powerful shock example rapid-fire guns have been placed in the four corners of the camp to provide the camp with stronger safety.

The walls of the temporary camp are all made of super metal plates developed by the Frankstein Laboratory, which can effectively resist impacts from the ground and even absorb impact forces, including the energy of some energy weapons.

Finally, after building dozens of super metal plates together and covering them on the temporary camp, the entire temporary camp becomes a fully enclosed style.

At this point, the initial construction is complete, and the rest is to start the construction of the base's underground facilities.

"We are going to stay here for a month, and use this time to understand the resources and environment on this planet, as well as the divisions of the primitive and indigenous creatures, and see if we can get along with them friendly, but I am very worried. , What will happen."

As the temporary camp has been initially set up, Jin Xiantai's mental arithmetic is completely put down.

Because if they were attacked at this time, people like them could hide inside the temporary base, instead of just staying in the open area as before and exposing themselves to danger.

Fortunately, there is no dangerous situation.

In addition, the temporary camp has been initially completed, so this worry is unnecessary.

Kim Hyun-tae, in a good mood, told Selena about his other concerns.

Selena felt that Kim Hyun-tae's thoughts were really unnecessary.

Therefore, she said to Jin Xiantae: "The contact between civilization and civilization is to a large extent dangerous. Ideology, civilization level, and moral concepts are different for everyone. We do not always ask for the other side’s thinking to be the same as ours. Same, even agree with us.

"Therefore, even if there is a conflict, there is no way. Although it is helpless, we must accept it and then slaughter them cruelly. We must know that even on the earth, there was no peace between humans and humans in the past. , Don’t some countries and regions still have frequent wars. So you don’t ask forever, what peace will be made between alien civilization and us, of course, I must also admit that I also hope to have peaceful contact, but we We must also be psychologically prepared, the kind of psychological preparation that will break out of conflict."

What Selena said is not wrong.

These Kim Hyun Tae all understand.

It's just that he can't get past the hurdle in his heart.

After all, as a member of mankind, he staggered out of the earth, but it was unexpected that to a large extent, it would bring destruction and death to other alien species below the level of human civilization on the earth.

Therefore, Kim Hyun Tae felt a little bit uncomfortable in his heart.

Of course, Jin Xiantai is not a virgin white lotus, he just has not yet accepted it psychologically, and he will eventually accept this fact over time.

"William, the mecha who went out to investigate is back. They found a settlement of the aborigines 300 miles away."

At this time, the communicator rang Demi's voice, and she told Jin Xiantai that one of the three mechas sent out earlier had been discovered.

"Which direction? Have you taken any image data?"

Hearing Demi's report, Jin Xiantai quickly cheered up and asked.

"In the north, near a river, a ten-minute video has been taken."

"Send more people to guard on some roads to the north."

This is quite unexpected news. I thought it would be a long time before the aboriginals were discovered, but unexpectedly, it took less than two oblique times to land and found the aboriginal settlements.

Fortunately, the aborigines have not yet discovered these outsiders.

Therefore, this left enough time for Jin Xiantai and the others to observe these aborigines and get a general understanding of them before contacting them.

"Send the image data."

"OK, wait."

After a few seconds, the signal to take over the image data vibrated.

Kim Hyun Tae motioned Selena to accept the signal immediately.

At this time, Demi personally took eight Zagu infantrymen to the north, guarding several sections of the road from the settlement to the temporary camp to prevent the aborigines from suddenly coming in.

On Kim Hyun Tae's side, he opened the video with Selena and watched the video sent back by Demi.

From the video of the houses built with round spires, there are about a thousand such houses, and there are many blue-skinned humanoids more than two meters in height walking around in the picture.

The settlement has wooden fences, but the fences are very tall.

This should be a primitive tribe still slashing and burning.

Basically, judging by the information sent back from the video chat, the civilization on this planet is really primitive.

"The aboriginal people are physically strong, and it is estimated that the single-player combat capability is very strong, but I don't know if there are any special abilities, and considering that the gravity of this planet is different from that of the earth, I think the assessment of these aboriginals should be a dangerous level. "

After having a preliminary judgment, Jin Xiantai said to Selena.

Hearing this, Selena nodded and said to Jin Xiantai: "We should take a closer look. From the appearance, they are somewhat similar to us, but they are only similar."

Indeed, although from the screen, the opponent is a humanoid creature, but it has dark blue skin, the length of the hands and feet are far longer than humans, and the body is extremely strong.

And because of the distance between them, Kim Hyun Tae and Annie couldn't see each other's faces, so it was not clear whether they had faces similar to humans.

"Send the image data to the battleship, and let them send more Zagu mechas down. I want to go over there now and take a look. You stay here and wait for the follow-up troops to arrive."

Jin Xiantai wanted to get close to the aboriginal settlements and let Selena stay. How could Selena want this.

"It's too dangerous, I'll go."

"I let Demi stay with me, with her and Zagu Mecha, I don't need to worry too much about my safety."

Kim Hyun Tae raised his hand and patted Selena on the shoulder lightly, and asked her to relax and don't do this for herself.

"Head, I will follow the sir. Trust me, I can protect the sir."

At this time, Halle volunteered to stand up.

As a mutant, Harley Quinn is also very powerful.

If she was with Jin Xiantai, and Demi and Zaku Mecha infantry were added, Selena thought for a while, there really is no need to worry about it.

"Let's go."

After Hallie stood up, Selena's mind to stop Kim Hyuntae faded a lot. Upon seeing this, Kim Hyuntae greeted Hallie quickly, took a magnetic suspension and drove quickly to the north.

At the moment, Halle also immediately rode a magnetic suspension to catch up.

Selena had to send back a video to the warship parked in space, and contacted the warship to send additional mecha troops to land.

Regardless of whether it is in danger or not, now that the settlements of the aborigines have been discovered, it is very necessary to increase the number of troops landing.

Kim Hyun-tae, and Halle drove this maglev carriage ~lightnovelpub.net~ and turned on the invisible device, then galloped through the air.

I didn't feel it when I was in the forest before, but now that Jin Xiantai realized what a beautiful world this is after coming into the air.

There are many big birds flying in the sky. These birds are similar to the pterosaurs that have disappeared from the earth for a long time. They look fierce and brutal.

Under the motorcycle, there is a stretch of ‘sea’ that doesn’t feel like a tree canopy, and when you look at it, there is no spasm in the greenery.

Soon, Kim Hyun Tae and Harley Quinn came to Demi's side.

"Bring your person, and take a closer look with me."

After seeing Demi, Jin Xiantai directly ordered Demi to take someone with him to have a look.

Demi did not object to Kim Hyun Tae's order and request like Selena.

Because Demi believes that with himself, Kim Hyun Tae will never encounter any danger.

Immediately, Demi brought eight Zaku mecha infantry, and also turned on the invisibility device. Together with Jin Xiantai and Harley Quinn, they slowly approached the aboriginal settlement.

When there were more than 100 meters away from the aboriginal settlement, Jin Xiantai and the others stopped and stopped approaching.

Such a distance is actually enough for Jin Xiantai.

After putting on the observer and shortening the distance of sight, Jin Xiantai began to observe carefully.

The aborigines are really strong, which is consistent with what was shown in the previous video, and they can indeed walk upright like human beings. They are humanoid creatures.

However, these guys' looks are very fierce, and they also have exposed fangs, which gives people a kind of uncomfortable taro.

Moreover, the foreheads of these aborigines are still on the three eyes, and they have six arms

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