Rising America

Chapter 1769: Command【Conquer】

On the Gemini planet where there are more continental plates, those aborigines who observed by Jin Xiantai found that they are all humanoid creatures with human-like limbs, but their appearance is very different from that of humans.

If it were to be described, it was similar to a certain game monster.

In addition, these aborigines are tall, with bananas, six arms, and their foreheads are still in three eyes, giving people a very sturdy feeling.

If it were ordinary human beings, perhaps he would have retreated in his heart now.

Fortunately, Jin Xiantai and the others are not ordinary humans, and with the addition of organic armor as a backing, there is no need to worry too much.

A Zaku mecha is 20 meters short, and these aborigines are just over three meters tall, so it’s no problem to completely crush them.

Regardless of whether it is tall or short, the power output of the Zhagu Mecha will definitely blow up the power of these aborigines.

Of course, what Jin Xiantai is not sure about right now is whether these aborigines have special abilities.

There are mutants, supernatural beings, and creatures of various myths and legends on this side of the planet.

Then, who can guarantee that other civilized species in this universe will not appear as powerful as mutants like humans on Earth?

You know, in this universe, Thanos of the Titans is a good example.

Therefore, even after observation, the aborigines on this planet are still in a primitive stage of civilization, but Jin Xiantai dare not write about them.

"William, the second batch of mech troops has arrived at the temporary camp."

After Demi received the notification from the temporary base, she informed Jin Xiantai of the incident.

"Go back to the temporary camp, let's not contact these aborigines for now, and observe them for a few more days."

Jin Xiantai is cautious about contacts and exchanges.

He didn’t want to contact the other party carelessly when he didn’t know much about the aborigines. After all, he contacted the other party rashly when he didn’t know much about it. It’s easy to not know when the taboo was violated. Then it caused misunderstandings and conflicts.

There are definitely many taboos for such primitive civilizations.

Therefore, it is better to be stable.

Our temporary camp is very close to them, will they find it?

On the way back, Demi asked Kim Hyun Tae, she was a little worried about it.

"There are several observation posts outside. The temporary base has invisible devices. As long as we don't remove the invisible devices, it is still difficult for them to find us. You must have confidence in the technology we have."

Yes, as long as the invisibility device is started, these aborigines must have no way to find them.

It is precisely by virtue of this technique that Jin Xiantai and the others can get so close and observe for such a long period of time outside the tribal settlement of the aborigines.

Soon, Jin Xiantai and Demi returned to the temporary camp with a few Zaku mechas.

Upon coming back, Jin Xiantai saw that the second batch of mech squadrons had already joined the work of the temporary camp.

Now that the general framework of the temporary camp has been completed, the rest is the placement of internal facilities and the construction of the underground area.

The second batch of mechas arrived at the right time, so Selena, who was staying at the temporary base, arranged for this batch of mechas to be put into construction immediately without letting them idle.

Therefore, when Kim Hyun Tae and Demi came back, the temporary base was almost constructed.

After all, the mechas are full of power, work far beyond ordinary people, and what other large-scale builders are available, and what material modules have already been made, so the construction of the temporary camp is very fast.

The increase in technology has such benefits. Many things that seemed troublesome in the past will become very simple now.

Of course, with the technology currently mastered by humans, it can only achieve this level.

If you change Andrew, you don't even need to do this level of work, as long as you release your own space capsule from the base.

I have to mention here that the space capsule technology mastered by Frankstein's laboratory has not yet been applied to the current earth.

Because of the high technological content of this technology, both China and the United States could not afford to purchase this technology, so Andrew signaled that Dr. Frankstein temporarily hid the technology, but used it secretly in the name of Annie. , On the ocean freight ships of major shipping companies.

At that time, Annie had already used a cheap business strategy to run the sea freight conglomerates in South Korea, France, Italy and the United Kingdom into bankruptcy, and included all the ocean shipping business on the earth in her own control. A new monopoly.

With this kind of foundation, Annie began to talk about the transportation and trade in the interstellar age.

Now the heavy ship construction factories under his name have all been upgraded and changed into carrier-based armed interstellar transport warships.

It can be said that, globally speaking, Annie is the one who started to devote herself to this matter, so in the future, she can go faster than people in all industries and gain an advantage that others cannot match.

Of course, in Annie's original plan, she wanted to monopolize the interstellar transportation trade in the interstellar era, and what she is doing now is just a small step.

When the space capsule technology is used in business, who can compete with her?

It was also due to some reasons, and such selfishness, that Andrew and Annie hid this technique and did not make it public.

If this technology can be announced and used in the exploration team, then Jin Xiantai and the others will be able to carry more materials, and there will no longer be a need to worry about food shortages if there is no supply for a long time.

You must know that the space capsule can increase the amount of materials carried by a hundred or even a thousand times. It is conceivable what would happen if the space exploration team carried a hundred times or thousand times more materials.

It's just a pity that Andrew and Annie did not announce this technology.

And Andrew, the leader of the maintenance team, was still on the battleship at this time, and he did not follow Jin Xiantai to land on the planet.

Of course, even if Andrew followed Jin Xiantai and landed on this planet, he would not show off the humble black technology in front of so many people.

The underground of the temporary base has been dug out of a large space, and in this underground space, a variety of metal plates have also been combined to build a room.

Basically, this kind of temporary camp is a suggested military station for the Protoss civilization on various planets, so there must not be too high technical content at all, and the pursuit is simple.

But even so, this kind of technology is amazing in the eyes of humans.

At the very least, if it weren't for the Protoss Civilization to provide this technology, it would not be possible to master this technology with the human level of technology, at least not now.

Gravity conversion crystals are placed on the upper surface and underground of the temporary base. This ensures that the humans in the temporary base can live comfortably in the temporary camp without being affected by the planet's differentiated gravity.

The second batch of mecha units has more than 300 Zaku mechas.

In this way, there will be more than three hundred and sixty Zaku mechas stationed in the temporary camp, which is definitely a large armed force.

Therefore, even if there is any danger, the presence of these mech forces can definitely guarantee the safety of Jin Xiantai.

Dozens of mechas were dispatched, mainly to stare at the aboriginal settlements and to guard the situation from tribal settlements to temporary camps.

The mecha infantry sent out were all told to turn on the invisible device at an angle of 24 hours, and they were also asked not to be discovered by the aborigines.

With these mecha infantry being dispatched, the temporary camp here is within a radius of more than 20 square kilometers, even if it is safe.

These mech infantry are on guard outside, and even if there is an emergency, the temporary camp can learn the news as soon as possible, and then respond.

Demi placed the mecha on the temporary site and jumped out of the mecha operating room.

Selena walked up to Kim Hyun Tae and Demi with a serious face~lightnovelpub.net~ and told him a miserable situation.

"A few more teams have been sent to land, but it's not our side."

Obviously, the landing team is not only Jin Xiantai, but also teams landing elsewhere on the planet.

Jin Xiantai frowned. To be honest, he was very worried that other teams would conflict with the indigenous people. After all, not everyone was as cautious as he was.

But for such a thing, Jin Xiantai has nothing to do.

After all, if it was an order issued by the highest commander, what else could the following people do besides following the order?

Besides, there is nothing wrong with sending more teams to land on this planet.

"I hope that other teams will not clashed with the indigenous people."

After thinking about it, Jin Xiantai can only pray, hoping that this situation will not happen.

But many things are sometimes not transferred by personal will.

At the same time, not everyone will treat these alien civilizations with caution like Jin Xiantai.

Thousands of kilometers away, a landing mech force brazenly rushed into an aboriginal tribe and slaughtered the tribe.

The commander of this mecha force is a guy from Dongying, and the Zaku mecha pilots under his command are basically from Dongying.

The aborigines fought back vigorously, but unfortunately, they did not succeed.

Soon, the news was transmitted back to the battleship in space, and then transferred from the battleship to the landing mecha units, with an order to conquer the aborigines.

In such a sudden situation, Jin Xiantai was asked to be cautious in contact with the appearance of civilized creatures, to see if the plan of peaceful coexistence was completely ruined.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]