Rising America

Chapter 1773: Good plan

Andrew was surprised. He didn't expect that Hydra would be behind the scenes.

It has been a long time since my wife, Coco, cleaned up Hydra more than a year ago.

But unexpectedly, after the news of Hydra was heard again this time, they actually targeted their young master.

Finally, after Andrew interrogated little Smith alone, and used his own talents to probe Smith's thinking, Andrew discovered that Smith's family itself was a member of Hydra.

What political family is the Hydra at all, and the reason why the Smith family can become an American political family is also supported by the private resources of the Hydra.

But Smith is a silly boy who was introduced, so he doesn't know much about it, which is a pity.

It's no wonder that such an idiot would be promoted to become the commander of the space exploration team. Obviously Hydra got him out for the sake of backing the pot.

The conservative camp, the Wall Street Financial Crocodile, and the East Coast Business Alliance want to come and know a little bit of news more or less, but they are absolutely happy to see Kim Hyun Tae having problems, so they all contributed to it.

You know, if something happens to Jin Xiantai, then the companies under his name will be in trouble, so that people like them can show their fangs and rush to enjoy these benefits.

Some of these joints, through Smith's side, Andrew has almost been able to understand.

But it was precisely because he understood the inside story that Andrew was very angry.

After all, he extended his black hand to his young master, and put his young master in such a dangerous situation. How could it be possible that Andrew was not angry.

Right now, the situation has been completely controlled by Andrew.

The Hydra joined in, and those who assisted Little Smith were all solved by Andrew, so it can be said that the entire space exploration team is already under Andrew's control.

In this way, things are easier to handle.

Andrew broadcasted the things that Smith had personally confessed in the ship, letting everyone understand the situation.

At the same time, Andrew also began to contact the Earth side to report the incident.

After landing on Gemini, the lost landing personnel are also the targets that Hydra wants to eradicate. For example, which member of the Arthur family is an example.

It can be seen that the target that Hydra wants to kill is not just Jin Xiantai.

What kind of uproar will be caused by the news on the earth side, Andrew will not think about it. At this time, after Andrew took control of the battleship, he ordered the battleship to land on the planet where Jin Xiantai and the others landed, and let all personnel be prepared. The outbreak of the war with the indigenous people.

Andrew also did not use the method of gathering in space and bombarding the planet with energy shells, because doing so would destroy the planet's surface and some mineral resources on a large scale.

If it is not necessary, no one really wants to do it.

Previously, the reason why Smith was so mentally disabled was because he wanted to consciously eradicate some people, but now that Andrew has temporarily taken over the battleship, he certainly won't be as mentally disabled as Smith.

Therefore, orders were issued, and everyone began to prepare in an orderly manner.

And Jin Xiantai also received a message from Andrew, and Andrew told Jin Xiantai to abandon the temporary camp and return to the battleship as soon as possible to take over the command.

When Jin Xiantai gave the retreat order and was about to rush to Andrew's side, he suddenly discovered that Halle had brought out an aboriginal youth.

Damn it!

When was this aboriginal youth caught?

Kim Hyun Tae didn't know at all.

Therefore, after seeing this aboriginal youth, Jin Xiantai was quite surprised.

"what 's wrong?"

Jin Xiantai asked everyone around him.

Demi shook her head, saying that she didn't know.

The rest of the officers also didn't know this matter.

In the end, Selena answered Kim Hyun Tae.

"Halle has a plan to conquer the aborigines here without applying violence. I think this plan is very good, so I asked her to arrest an aborigines and come back for experiments. Right now, this plan is about to take the first step. Since we can't guarantee success, we didn't tell you first that this is my negligence. Please don't blame Halle."

Selena took everything to herself.

What else could Kim Hyun-tae say when he saw it, so he dumbfounded and asked Selena: "What is your plan? Why don't you tell me in advance? If you tell me, whether it's successful or not, I can have a bottom in my heart."

Selena looked apologetic.

Demi motioned to the unrelated people to start packing up and set off.

Selena told Kim Hyun-tae about Halle's detailed plan, and Jin Hyun-tae, who knew what Hallie had planned, was shocked.


Halle actually wants to use forbidden drugs to conquer the natives and control them!

This guy is somewhat whimsical, but also a bit criticized.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the success rate of this plan is quite high.

Therefore, after Kim Hyun Tae was shocked, he took his place seriously.

Although the use of forbidden drugs is immoral, it is not for human use after all, so Kim Hyun-tae does not have any psychological burden.

Once this plan is successful, the aborigines will not be able to get rid of their dependence on prohibited drugs, which can indeed effectively control the aborigines and make them no longer have the idea of ​​resisting humans.

What to resist!

Rebellion against humans will cut off the supply of forbidden drugs!

This is definitely a painful thing for the addicted aborigines.

In order for drug addicts to obtain forbidden drugs, they will definitely obey them.

Soon, Jin Xiantai thought of the various benefits.

Of course, the disadvantages are not without.

However, these disadvantages can be ignored for the time being.

"The plan is good, but will these guys have drug resistance?"

Kim Hyun Tae also had concerns in this regard.

After all, the aborigines on this planet are different from humans.

Therefore, if these aborigines are resistant and cannot become addicted to banned drugs at all, the plan will be completely abolished.

Seeing that Jin Xiantae was not angry, Selena couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, seeing Jin Xiantae inquired about this matter, she turned her head and beckoned to Hallie and asked Hallie to tell Jin Xiantae her progress in person.

Seeing Selena greet herself over, Halle walked over.

"Harry, how's your progress going?" Selena asked.

"Haha!" When Hallie saw Selena asking about this, she smiled happily, and replied: "It's progressing very well. That guy is completely addicted. I'm testing whether it is resistant to addiction. The results of the test are also very good. That guy has no way to deal with drug addiction, and I also had his blood drawn for testing, and found that the green skins here have a very special gene in their bodies, this gene People make them have no way to get rid of drug addiction."

"Green Skin" is Halle's name for the aboriginal people on this planet, but it is quite vivid.

The aborigines on this planet are indeed green skins. Only a few of them have light blue or other colors of skin. Basically 99% of them are green skins, so they are called 'Green Leather' is also appropriate.

However, Kim Hyun-tae didn't care at all about how to call these aborigines. That thing was just a title. What he cared about was whether Hallie's "drug plan" would work.

If this plan can be implemented, it can really avoid the use of force to conquer these indigenous peoples, and at the same time avoid greater casualties for members of the space exploration team, and the use of weapons of mass destruction that may cause damage to the planet. .

In Jin Xiantai's view, it is the most correct not to destroy the planet, avoid armed conflicts, and conquer the aborigines on these two foundations.

Although the use of forbidden drugs is a bit despicable~lightnovelpub.net~, it can conquer the aborigines while giving humans a means to control these aborigines. At the same time, they can also use the forbidden drugs to make the aborigines. Become cheap labor.

To be honest, this is really more cost-effective than slaughtering the indigenous people.

If you follow the little Smith's way, even if you conquer the aborigines here, it will bring great damage, and even wipe out all the aborigines on this planet.

In this way, cheap labor is definitely gone.

At the same time, conflicts and wars will inevitably bring disasters to this planet, causing great damage to the natural ecology.

Therefore, this is a very undesirable way.

After all, this hasn't come to that point yet, so I did it at the beginning, and Jin Xiantai didn't understand why.

Of course, with such an arrangement of Smith, it is necessary to take this opportunity to get rid of some people, so some of his orders made Jin Xiantai feel a little confused and incomprehensible.

But now little Smith is under Andrew's control, and Jin Xiantai is now looking to become the supreme commander, so he can implement his own set of methods in the future, and no longer need to worry about other people's constraints.

"After drug addiction, will these aborigines behave like addicts on the earth? For example, if their body breaks down, what do they do anymore?"

Kim Hyun Tae was very concerned about this issue, so he frowned and asked Halle.

Halle: "No, these green-skinned aborigines have very strong physical fitness, which is completely different from our humans. The prohibition of drugs will only make them addicted and unable to get rid of this state, but their physical fitness will not be prohibited at all. Affected, even through our observations, their physical fitness has even improved a lot after drug addiction..."

Hallie's answer left Jin Xiantai stunned.