Rising America

Chapter 1776: good stuff

"Tieya, do you know what to do after you go back?"

Halle asked seriously the young aborigine in front of herself, who was almost two meters and three meters tall, and that aboriginal youth had a solemn expression.

To be honest, no one could imagine that such a tall and strong guy would be so conscientious to a charming little woman like Hallie, which is beyond common sense.

But whether it is beyond common sense and knowledge, this is a fact right now.

Hallie Welfare, who is already addicted to the prohibition of drugs, can't get rid of it, Iron Teeth, and the sound of the urn replied: "I remember it all, please rest assured with me."

What Tieya said was not the language of the earth, but Halle could understand it.

Even the language used by Halle just now was the kind spoken by the indigenous people on this planet.

Don't be surprised, with Andrew, the language problem is easy to solve.

So, under the premise that there were no obstacles in communication, Halle quickly gave in to the aboriginal teeth.

Of course, drug prohibition is also an important link that cannot be ignored.

Because of drug addiction, Tieya has no way to not give in. After all, the taste after the addiction comes is really torturing.

Not to mention, this kind of addiction is impossible to get rid of, even if you quit.

And in order to play a better role, Andrew even personally made a small improvement for the prohibition.

So, what else can the addicted Iron Teeth have?

"Go back and share this stuff with other people in your tribe as soon as possible. Although this thing has side effects, you also know the benefits. It allows you to improve your strength and make them stronger. You just need to pay. It’s just a small price, I think it’s a good deal."

Facing Hallie's remarks, all Tieya could do was nod his head.

How else?

Can't talk about it.

Tiefang was not a fool, he knew exactly what Halle's ultimate goal was.

It's just that it is already like this, and it has no choice but to pinch its nose to betray the tribe.

To be honest, Tieya really doesn't want to feel the uncomfortable taste of the addiction.

"Go back, and when you're done, come and find me here in the temporary camp."

After a few brief confessions, Hallie let Tieya leave.

Tieya turned and walked into the dense forest, and soon his figure disappeared in the forest.

As Tiefang was released, Hallie returned to the temporary base with the mecha infantry, and turned on the invisibility device, and began to patiently wait for the good news from Tiefang.

This matter is not anxious at all.

When Tieya returned to the tribe, the tribe must ask why it had disappeared for so many days.

As for this question, Harley Quinn had long taught Tieya how to answer, so Tieya easily dealt with the past and did not arouse the suspicion of the people.

Tieya found her good friends, took out the forbidden drugs she was carrying, and started sharing with her friends...

Everything is being implemented in an orderly manner.

Kim Hyun Tae is not idle either.

He dispatched a large number of small mecha troops and began to scout the planet carefully.

According to the feedback, the number of indigenous people on this planet basically exceeds hundreds of billions.

This is to be expected. After all, the size of this planet is much larger than that of the earth. The size of the planet is large, and the land on the surface is also large. It is no surprise that the number of indigenous people is large.

But this is not good news for Kim Hyun Tae.

The aborigines have a large population. If this fights, the space exploration team that people can definitely fight can't find North.

Therefore, everyone can't help but rejoice, thanks to the lack of force to conquer, otherwise the space exploration team will have to face the aboriginal people's sea warfare.

After all, the space exploration team has only more than 80,000 people. Although it has high-tech equipment and weapons, the shortage of personnel is also a disadvantage that cannot be ignored.

If this planet is a barren planet without any resources, then this matter would be easier to handle.

Direct all kinds of weapons of mass destruction can be accomplished by indiscriminate bombing.

However, this planet has a very good ecological environment and is suitable for human immigrants to live in. Therefore, considering this point, those weapons of mass destruction are not easy to use.

And this also limited Jin Xiantai's combat power.

In addition, the aborigines have black mysterious crystals. The shields created by this thing can effectively resist and absorb energy, so this caused the 65% of the weapons held by Jin Xiantai and them to lose their deterrent power.

Therefore, the method of conquering the aborigines by force is now very unreliable.

After all, human beings are not strong enough to be unscrupulous.

After all, although human beings have obtained the basic technologies of the Protoss Civilization, they have not fully understood those technologies, so the overall human technology is not very powerful yet.

If it were the civilizations under Thanos, it would be very simple to solve the aborigines on this planet.

Therefore, human beings are still only the bottom shrimp in the interstellar civilization, and there is still a long, long way to go in the future.

In the battleship laboratory, Andrew was testing the collected black crystals. Jin Xiantai was standing beside him. Judging from the expression on his face, he was very concerned about the black crystals that could absorb energy.

Selena was also there, and she was reporting to Kim Hyun Tae in a low voice.

"The Earth has received the information we sent back. Washington is very angry about Hydra's incorporation into the space exploration team. At the same time, Britain, East Asia, Italy, France and other countries are also because of the Hydra member The order of the Gemini, which caused all our personnel to die, is attacking Washington."

That's right, the American camp on the other side of the earth is messy now.

No one thought that people from Hydra would be mixed into the space exploration team, and they would be used by Hydra to lose a lot of elites.

But, fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae was notified immediately, and he quickly stabilized the situation of the space exploration team, and found other Hydra members hidden in the team, thus exempting the space exploration team from being controlled by Hydra. situation.

Otherwise, life in Washington would be even worse.

And it was precisely because Jin Xiantai learned of the Hydra's conspiracy that made the countries in the American camp vigilant, it also frustrated Hydra's plan to seek the corporate authority left behind after the fall of the elites.

At the same time, Huaxia also received Jin Xiantai's reminder, and immediately found many Hydra members from the Huaxia space exploration team to avoid the situation with Jin Xiantai and others.

"They were used by Hydra this time because they wanted to exclude me too much."

Kim Hyun Tae said with a sneer.

"By the way, what is the Earth's response to some data about the actual combat test of the Zagu mecha?"

Kim Hyun-tae not only notified the fact that Hydra had mixed into the space exploration team, but also some problems exposed by the Zaku Mecha during the conflict with the aborigines also passed back to the earth.

Although the Zaku Mecha is a product of Protoss civilization and Tony Stark’s steel armor technology, it has also undergone a series of rigorous tests. The test is ultimately a test, and some theoretical data is also theoretical. It is impossible to do without actual combat.

Therefore, in the conflict with the aborigines, Zaku Mecha exposed many problems.

And these exposed problems actually existed in actual combat, and Jin Xiantai could not ignore these problems.

And Jin Xiantai can't be selfish and conceal these problems, so he must inform the earth side as soon as possible, and transmit some data back.

Because of the inter-stellar network communication technology support, even if the warship has left the solar system very far, it can still send these data back to the earth.

It is precisely because of mastering this technology that Jin Xiantai plans to monopolize the network industry in the interstellar era of mankind in the future.

Of course, because of this technique, he also became the target of Hydra.

However, looking at it now, the Hydra plan has completely failed.

"The earth is very concerned about the data we send back, and responded to us by saying that we will continue to observe all aspects of actual combat data, including some problems with this warship."

Jin Xiantai nodded, actually, he doesn't need to tell him from the earth, he will report back immediately when he finds a problem.

"The Earth side has decided to let you lead the exploratory team. The hawks of Mr. George are now using Hydra members to get involved in this matter, and are attacking conservatives who are seeking a comeback. After all, this matter is mainly because of conservativeness. Those guys who sent."

Selena talked about the current situation on the earth.

However, Kim Hyun Tae didn't care much about this.

Andrew turned around at this time and said to Jin Xiantai: "Master, this kind of crystal can indeed absorb a certain amount of powerful energy, that is to say, those shot through the converter~lightnovelpub.net~ with more powerful energy weapons. Energy source."

Andrew said that, it must be right.

Sure enough, this black crystal is very special.

"However, the energy that these black crystals can absorb has a certain degree, and once it exceeds that carrying degree, it will shatter and disappear, not without a bottom line."

Listening to Andrew's words, Jin Xiantai didn't think the black crystal was useless, even so he felt it was very powerful.

"To be more specific?"

"This kind of black crystal has the highest purity. According to my test, if a piece as big as a football field can be collected, there is absolutely no problem in absorbing a bombardment of our current battleship's main gun."


Sure enough!

"This kind of black crystal should be regarded as a special mineral. You put it on the record. It seems that we have found something amazing."

Jin Xiantai asked Andrew to record the black crystal in the brain of the battleship, which was the first special mineral discovered by the exploration team.

Hearing what Jin Xiantai said, Selena at the side also nodded in agreement: "This crystal is indeed very peculiar. If it is mined and used properly, it can completely make certain equipment possess extremely strong defense power, and I personally think this This crystal has a wide range of applications."

Andrew listed the black crystal in the list of special minerals, then looked up at Jin Xiantai and asked, "Master, do you need to inform the earth?"

Kim Hyun-tae thought for a while: "Let me know, although this thing is very peculiar, but I don't think I need to hide anything. After all, with you, this thing is not worth it."

Andrew smiled: "Master, you are right. This thing looks very powerful, but in my eyes it is rubbish."

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