Rising America

Chapter 1782: Haw beast, crystal

Humans want to immigrate to other planets, not as long as they discover a habitable planet and then take a spacecraft to come over, things are not that simple.

Even if there are no indigenous people on the planet found.

But what is the ecological environment on this planet? Certain plants are poisonous and non-toxic, have any characteristics, are harmful and harmless to human beings, and all these need to go through the initial investigation of the space exploration team to obtain a rough relevant data.

This is only about plants.

For example, the magnetic bearing of the planet has no radiation.

Animals, the strange animals that exist on the planet that attack humans, etc., must also be collected and sorted and sent back to the earth.

Then, on the basis of these data and information, the earth will begin to educate the people on earth who intend to become the first group of immigrants, so that they will not lose their lives in their new homes because they do not understand anything.

Of course, the information collected by the exploration team will certainly not be very detailed.

In the future, in more detailed aspects, we can only wait for the arrival of the immigrants, and the top scientists here will slowly explore them.

However, this kind of general information collection at the initial stage is very critical and important.

Otherwise, I know how many new immigrants there will be in the future, and I will die because I am missing this link.

Therefore, during this period, Kim Hyun-tae did not take time off.

He dispatched an exploratory team in 24 oblique shifts to explore the surrounding forests, collect various plant specimens, and animal information to sort out, and let his subordinates sort and label them.

Basically, there are many new discoveries every day.

After all, this is a planet outside the earth, so many plants and animals that exist on this planet are not on the earth.

In addition, some plants and animals are really creepy after being understood.

Just in the valley where the battleship was hidden, there was a very gorgeous flower, which looked nothing special from the outside.

But in fact, this kind of flower can release a hallucinogenic scent, causing the Zhongzhang people to come to it unconsciously, and then the whole person is swallowed by these harmless flowers.

The flower itself has no teeth, but it can secrete a dissolved substance similar to sulfuric acid, which will completely melt its prey, and then it will be absorbed by the petals which is invisible to the naked eye.

There are not too many ferocious plants like this kind of ‘psychedelic flowers’ in this forest.

In addition, there are many animals with huge bodies and aggressive nature similar to Tyrannosaurus rex.

In short, the planet is full of dangers.

If you don’t understand this, let humans recklessly emigrate here. People who say that they don’t know anything about it will get along and lose their lives.

Fortunately, the task of collecting this information was entrusted to the mecha infantry. Driving the Zaku mecha can effectively cause casualties.

At the same time, the AI ​​smart robots in the warship warehouse are now completely used.

They can be sent to some dangerous areas to collect and collect information and data.

Even Jin Xiantai himself will leave the battleship from time to time and personally lead the team out to collect ecological information data. His behavior of leading by example has also driven the entire team and won everyone's conviction.

After all, if the change was a leak, that guy would never do these things himself, he commanded and ordered others to go out for adventure and take him in a safe warship.

In this way, it is obvious that there is a contrast between Kim Hyun Tae and Leak, and Kim Hyun Tae's position has become more stable.

An apricot side 200 kilometers away from the battleship.

Jin Xiantai took a Zaku mecha apricot and rested here for a short time.

They came out in the morning and worked until ten minutes ago.

The team did not get too close to the river, because no one knew what would come out of the river.

A few days ago, because of being too cautious, some members were dragged away by strange fish with six legs that looked like clams.

Fortunately, the hapless guy was driving the mecha at the time, so even though it was dangerous, he managed to escape in the end and didn't become the dish of the strange fish.

But this incident also sounded a wake-up call for the exploration team. From that time on, the teams that went out would become heart-winged, and would never dare to be careless anymore.

The same is true for Kim Hyun Tae.

After all, this is not the earth.

Around, the team members were busy preparing lunch, while Jin Xiantai and Selena began to organize some data collected in the morning.

To be honest, when he came to this planet, Jin Xiantai really opened his eyes and saw a lot of strange animals and plants.

At this moment, beside Kim Hyun-tae’s feet, there was a furry lucky guy running around, and he made "chirps" from time to time, looking very lively and lovely.

The small hair ball has eight legs, similar to a fat ball puppy, without ears, but with two big and watery eyes. This is the most harmless one that Kim Hyun-tae and the others have found on this planet, and they are very thankful. Enjoy the local things that are close to humans.

In addition, Kim Hyun-tae and the others also named this animal, called ‘Haw Beast’.

To say that the ‘chir beast’ resembles a puppy does not mean that they look like a puppy, but Jin Xiantai and the others have discovered through observation that this Xiexi has the same habits as dogs.

Get close to humans, like to smell humans spinning, especially like people touching their furry bodies with their hands, and playing the game of ‘throw it out and pick it back’.

And this Xiexi does not eat meat, is a herbivorous animal, and has a gentle personality. It just likes to play with people and is more active and active.

Therefore, Kim Hyun-tae and the others have already had a very good relationship with a nearby group of ‘chir beasts’, and even many women in the space exploration team have adopted a ‘chir beast’ as a pet by their side.

Even Kim Hyun-tae is no exception. The ‘Haw Beast’ at his feet is the Xuwu he adopted and prepares to return to the earth for his daughter.

These chirping beasts have undergone strict birth tests, so there is no need to worry that they will carry harmful births or books on them.

And every person who adopts the haw beast, in their contact with the haw beast and in life, also finds that the haw beast has a very special ability, which is especially obvious for the supernatural beings and mutants to increase the owner's self who adopts it. ability.

Of course, in order to obtain this increase, it is not a simple matter of adopting a haw beast.

It must be achieved by earning the true likes of the chirping beast.

Fortunately, this kind of lucky guy likes to be with humans, so it is not difficult to get Xie Xi's heart.

Even the wizard Druid Nana has a haw beast by her side.

And the Haw beast is very alert to danger, come out to explore, bring such a lucky buddy with him, if there is any danger around, Xiexi will issue a warning as soon as possible, so that people are ready to deal with it.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is such a scorpion at Jin Xiantai's feet.

The hair of haw beasts is very short and it feels very comfortable. At the same time, there is no need to worry that raising them will cause the house to fall out of fur.

Fortunately, the guy also likes to sleep under the covers at night.

Anyway, this lucky buddy has captured the love of many people. This can be regarded as a relatively happy harvest since landing on Gemini One.

Even for many people, it is more exciting than finding black crystals.

To be honest, these Xiexis met Jin Xiantai and the others. In fact, these Xiexis are on this planet, in the eyes of the aboriginals of the Three-Eyed tribe, they are used to roast and eat the gluttonous sacrifices.

Jin Xiantai patiently used the tablet to organize the data. The chirping beasts at his feet ran around, and after a while, he ran into the dense jungle on the edge, and then came out again after ten seconds.

In Xiexi’s mouth, there was still a shiny object in its mouth. It bounced over and then spit out its mouth like a treasure, spit it to Jin Xiantai’s feet~lightnovelpub.net~ and then began to stick to Jin Xiantai’s trousers. Drifting back and forth.

"what is this?"

Selena picked up the shining crystals curiously, and looked carefully at some crystals with colorful halos.

Haw beasts like to find something to return to their pet owner, and I don't know if it is their habits or what, Jin Xiantai's is no exception.

It's just that, most of the time, what they find back is nothing more than some good-looking portables or useless things.

I really can't tell, they are still collecting hobbies.


Seeing that the things he dedicated to his master were taken away by others, Xie Xi immediately bounced up unhappy, and kept making rapid ‘chirps’ to Selena, apparently in protest.

Seeing this, Selena handed the crystal to Kim Hyun Tae, dumbfounding.

"Get it away, you see your little pet is going to beat me."

Of course, this is Selena's joke.

Although the chirping beasts are angry, their nature does not prompt them to make some actions, such as biting An Mo. The top sky is just a scream of'chir'.

Jin Xiantai took the crystal, and the haw beast really stopped crying.

Xiexi re-attached Jin Xiantai's trousers and began to rub her soft body back and forth. It could be seen that he hoped that Jin Xiantai would praise him or something.


Before he waited for Jin Xiantai's hypocritical compliment, just after he took the crystal from Selena, the crystal burst into a circle of colorful ripples visible to the naked eye.

This ripple swayed away, and moved further and further.

And Jin Xiantai has entered a very mysterious state.

His special abilities are automatically activated, and the huge spiritual force field envelopes Selena and the busy mecha infantry around.

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