Rising America

Chapter 1785: It's time to debut

Although Jin Xiantai described it again very carefully, it was a pity that Andrew didn't know exactly where this event that Jin Xiantai had predicted would happen.

He estimated that to a large extent it may happen on Earth.

Thinking of this, Andrew said to Kim Hyun-tae, who was very worried: "Master, let’s inform Annie Xiu about this matter. Anyway, let her be mentally prepared. Besides, we have left the earth now, Ke Ke Xiu Follow Annie Xiu, if the young master, you foresee the woman in the picture, will really come to the side of the earth. If Xiu’s character is not good, she will come out and provoke an enemy for nothing."

Who said no.

The reason why Kim Hyun-tae had a worried look on his face was because he considered this point.

My daughter loves face, and she likes to show off. She always has the energy to "fight the world invincible". Once she predicts that a woman will come to the earth, she will go to find fault if she can't say that her daughter will know who is the boss here.

It is true that his daughter Coco is very powerful, but Jin Xiantai has always felt that Qiangzhong has a strong midfielder, and when Qi Qi has a presence that is even more powerful than his own daughter.

Until then, what can be done.

So, remind Anne, let her take care of Coco, this is the most correct ulcer.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai nodded: "Use our personal contact information."

In this way, I do not intend to use the communication channels of the exploration team.

Andrew understood why Kim Hyun Tae would say this.

"Don't worry, I know."

Immediately, Annie walked aside, picked up a strip-shaped metal object from an electronic instrument, and after fiddling with it, she connected to Annie's mobile phone on the other side of the earth.

After notifying Annie of Kim Hyun Tae's prediction, Andrew ended the call and returned to Kim Hyun Tae.

The two of them fell into a silent silence.

To be honest, they are all posting endlessly about what will happen in the foreseeing, after all, the mysterious woman in this foreseeing is too powerful.

------split line------

"Tieya, do you still have a dreamy rainbow? These days I find that I have become accustomed to that thing. If I don't make it once a day, I will feel very uncomfortable all over, and then become weak."

Tieya's friend Gangdan found him, and went straight to the subject as soon as they met, hoping that Tieya could give him a full ban on drugs.

After Andrew’s modified banned drug, its potency is many times stronger than before. Therefore, it is not alarmist that the addiction can never get rid of once.

With the addition of the physical problems of the aborigines of the three-eyed tribe of Star One, this makes them even less resistant to drug addiction. Under the spread of Iron Fang, they all became unknowingly. Addicts', but they themselves don't know about it.

Forbidden drugs once a day can make them extremely excited throughout the day, and their strength and speed will also be greatly improved. This makes the iron tooth compatriots who don’t know what the forbidden drug is, think this thing. It's a fun thing.

They know that they are now addicts, and once the source of the forbidden drugs is cut off, then they have to prepare to suffer.

And because of the relationship between physique and the improvement of forbidden drugs, they have not managed to get rid of addiction at all, so now they have fallen into the grasp of human beings under the influence of forbidden drugs without knowing it.

Tieya really wanted to open it now.

It knows what it's like to stop the drug.

Seriously, it was really painful.

Precisely because he knew what it was like, Tieya finally made the decision to betray his compatriots after some internal struggles.

After the thoughts were mastered, the forbidden drug quickly began to spread in his tribe.

And Tieya himself gave the drug a new name, "Dream Rainbow".

Now the forbidden medicine in Tieya's hand is still being distributed for free. Everyone asks it for the amount that this guy will give, and it is limited to each person can only come and get it once a day.

But Tieya also understands that this kind of free is temporary.

When the time is right, the people of their own people will start paying the price if they want to get this stuff again.

But even Tiefang doesn't know exactly what price they will have to pay in the future.

After giving his friend a dose of forbidden medicine, he sent him away, and Tieya took the time to check the remaining stock in his hands.

After some inspection, Tieya found that there was not much forbidden medicine on his hand.

At most, I can hold on for one day tomorrow.

That is to say, the day after tomorrow, it and its people will feel that the banned drug addiction cannot be relieved, and the pain caused by it will become unpleasant.

Tieya's face was very ugly.

After having tasted this taste once, it didn't want to try it again.

Therefore, Tieya decided to wait until the evening to find Halle.

In the morning, all the three-eyed young men in the tribe went hunting and took a dose of forbidden drug from Tieya before leaving. For them, this thing can improve their physical fitness, so after Tieya After the free distribution, this thing has now become a good thing that everyone has to put together when they go out hunting.

I have to say that the effects of banning drugs for people like Iron Fang are really different from those of addicts on earth.

First of all, the prohibition of drugs will not break their bodies, not only will it not break, but will make them more skilled.

Of course, addiction is definitely secluded, and the consequences that erupt when the addiction is not relieved are many times greater than that of human addicts.

According to Andrew, as long as these addicted tri-eyes aborigines can ensure that they take such a dose every day, then they will be able to survive until they are old.

But the question is, how can human beings who master forbidden drugs ensure that the three-eyed tribe gets a sufficient dose of forbidden drugs every day?

Well, this is a question worth pondering.

But it was precisely because of this that Hallie came up with such a plan.

Controlling the aborigines of the Three Eyes tribe with banned drugs is much better than using force to conquer and slaughter them.

And such a method can be called a "soft knife", and it is not insidious and vicious.

A little bit of time passed, and the sky slowly darkened.

The tribesmen who went hunting in the morning have already returned to the tribe in groups.

Today everyone's harvest was very good, and they all hunted a lot of big beasts, which can be described as a good harvest day.

Therefore, when night fell, a bonfire rose in the tribe, and the tribe happily smelled the fire and began to jump.

Tieya took the opportunity to slip out.

As Hallie had taught, it found a hidden place, then took out the annunciator and pressed the button on the annunciator.

Before it returned to the tribe, Harrie specially taught it how to use this gadget.

And solemnly tell Tieya that as long as you press that button, he will appear.

After that, I waited patiently.

Now Tieya is desperate to become a dogleg of human beings. If it weren't for this, it would not start to distribute banned drugs for free in the tribe.

Basically, such a conclusion can be drawn from its performance.

After about a few minutes, Halle appeared faintly.

"You got everything done here?"

Hallie, who appeared behind her, stared at Tiefang blankly and asked.

Tieya knelt on the ground, leaned forward and crawled, showing how respectful and respectful it was, because it had to be obedient if it wanted to obtain the forbidden drug.

Otherwise, Halle would cut off its source of forbidden drugs.

To be honest, Tieya, a sturdy man who is almost three meters tall, shows such a respectful and respectful picture of Hallie, who is so charming and coercive. It is indeed surprising to see.

However, if you know the inside story of Qizhi, then there is nothing surprising.

Some people may ask, wouldn’t Iron Fang catch Hallie and use Hallie to ask the hostages to obtain a large number of sources of forbidden drugs, or even formulas?

To be honest, Tieya did do this before, but unfortunately it failed. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

Don't look at Halle's appearance of being charming, but in fact she is a Tyrannosaurus rex at all.

As a mutant, Harley Quinn also has a lot of power, but she is usually not very prominent.

And, usually she also likes to behave innocently, making people think that she is a good bully. To put it bluntly, this is her kind of evil taste.

Therefore, the iron tooth that had fallen on Hallie's hand was taken care of by him, and the iron tooth has become honest since it was hit.

It was at that time that Tieya understood how uncomfortable Halle was with foreign visitors these days.

Of course, what Tieya doesn't know is that the strength of mutants also depends on people.

In fact, on the other side of the earth, most mutants are not so powerful, such as Halle, Magneto Bangk, Wolverine Logan, Charles, etc. These are very few of the mutants.

But Tieya doesn't know this in the end.

It feels that Halle is such a great guy these days from outsiders.

Tie Ya crawled on the ground respectfully, and replied respectfully: "I have sent out all the forbidden drugs. Everyone in the tribe has become addicted. Now I have a problem, that is, what I have There are not many banned drugs. I checked and found that it is no longer able to meet the needs of the day after tomorrow’s distribution. So this time I call your sir to come, just hope you can provide me with another batch of banned drugs."

Hallie did not immediately agree to Tiefang's request, but said to herself with bright eyes, "In this case, the entire tribe of the three-eyed tribe has become addicted. Hahahaha, it seems that the next step can be taken. It."

It is impossible to ban the second batch of drugs.

At this time, Halle felt that she could already talk

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