Rising America

Chapter 1787: Make my brother gay

When Coco appeared in the Kara’s garden, Kayla was punching and kicking a sandbag'heyhahaha' in the garden, but the sandbag was affixed with her brother’s head, so you can see Kai Ra has a deep resentment towards her brother, otherwise such a scene would never appear.

"Go to hell! Stupid Kaizi, stupid forgiveness cap holder!"

Kayla punched and kicked the sandbags, while still screaming in her mouth.

Don't know what's wrong?

But Coco was very disapproving of this, obviously she was accustomed to such things, so she was not too surprised.

"Kayla, did your weird brother make you angry again?"

Walking out of the magic channel, he walked towards Kayla ridiculously.

Keira stopped when he heard Coco's voice.

"I was so mad at that fool. This guy took another three million dollars from me, saying that he was going to ask the socialite to go out to play, and I have the evidence that the socialist hopped a few boats, but I was stupid. My brother actually said he would forgive each other, and insisted that the scheming girl loves him the most!"

Kayla is Coco’s best friend, and she will tell Coco anything, so she doesn’t intend to hide anything this time. Besides, she’s abusive in her heart now, and she really needs to find an outlet to vent her. This is where Coco is. It's no surprise to talk about your inner pain.

"I think your brother really loves that woman."

Coco continued with a grin on his face and teased.

Kayla looked sad and indignant, and said, "I don’t care about true love or not. Even if that stupid guy is killed by that woman, it’s not my business. I’m just angry, but that guy always makes money from me. For the bitch!"

Well, well, this is the most critical core point.

Think about it, Keira’s older brother, Superman Clark, has already graduated from college and entered the society as an adult man. It stands to reason that no matter what kind of girlfriend he finds, it is his personal problem.

This will not have much to do with Kayla.

But the problem is that it’s right for Clark to find a girlfriend, but that girlfriend of his is a gold-worship girl, who almost regards Clark as a triumphant, and besides being with Clark, he is also with other rich men. Improper relationship.

Obviously, this woman is playing a trick of pedaling a few boats and using people like Clark as a triumphant cash machine.

But Clark is very fascinated by such a woman, and in order to meet that woman's material needs, he constantly makes money from his home.

To be honest, this thing is really not so authentic, and it's no wonder Kayla is angry about it.

More importantly, Kayla is still a freshman who just entered the first grade. Her brother Clark actually began to search for his family's money to post his scheming girlfriend.

If anyone knew about this, I guess they wouldn't have looked at Clark too highly.

Superman is this virtue?


But this is the case, and it is really drunk.

I have to say that the superman, who represents justice in the eyes of outsiders, will be such a guy behind, which is indeed very surprising.

"Kayla, don't be angry. That woman will find a chance to clean her up. As a good friend, I am willing to help you solve this problem, and also clean up your brother."

After all, Kayla is his best friend, so Ape decides to help Kayla get ahead.

And Ting Keco made such a guarantee that Kayla was not so depressed and at the same time regained her spirit.

If others made such a guarantee, Kayla would never have such a reaction.

But Cocoa is different.

As Coco's best buddies, Kayla knows very well what kind of abilities Coco has, so since Coco has made a promise that it is to clean up the socialite and his brother, Kayla believes that Coco will definitely be able to do it.

"Put my stupid brother out of shit!"

The little sister who resented her deeply, made a request to Coco, but didn't care that it was her own brother.

"Just beating and cursing?" Coco raised his eyebrows.

Is there a more powerful way?

Keira looked at Coco curiously when she heard the words, her eyes full of exploration.

Raised his right hand and snapped his fingers: "I want to send your brother to the BL world to give him an inhuman experience. Trust me, I promise that in the future, your brother will not like women anymore, nor will he in the future. A scheming **** approached him."

To be honest, Coco said this very young.

You should know that the former Lu Ya and the current "Lu Ya" have been so cleaned up by Coco, so that they are psychologically distorted and become Lao Zhou's "love".

Powerhouses such as Lu Ya are so miserable in the BL world.

Ha ha ha!

Keira's brother, Superman Clark, could there be any surprises?

Don't doubt, there are countless strong people in the BL world, and this wonderful world born by countless corrupt girls Y Wang is simply a hell.

No matter how strong you are, in that BL world, there will be strong people who will clean up you, and then let you sing a song of chrysanthemum.

There is no way, the Y look of the rotten girl is the most heaven-defying thing under the starry sky, and in the world born because of their kind, how can there be no strong people beyond the dense existence.

It is precisely because of this confidence that Coco is confident in packing up Superman Clark.

After all, she has done this before and is experienced.

Don’t think that bear kids don’t understand anything, just relying on various media platforms, plus various paid channels on the U.S. side of different time and space, and the Internet, bear kids like Coco and Kayla know exactly what that means.

Only parents like Jin Xiantai are kept in the dark, thinking that their bear children don't understand anything.

To be honest, I really cannot write about bear kids.

"Is this over? We Kryptonians are a patriarchal race, especially our family is now the last existence of Krypton, and my brother still has the burden of continuing the Krypton race. If we take him Become gay"

Although Kayla hoped that her brother would be cleaned up fiercely, the little girl still hesitated if it was to turn him into a gay.

As she said, her brother Clark is too weird and true.

But after all, he is always on his body, continuing the burden of Kryptonian blood.

If you turn him into a **** guy, then who will blame him?

Besides, the Kryptonians on the other side are still very patriarchal. It is precisely because of this relationship that the armor has no sense of existence at home, so that she does not like her home very much.

Because of the love of her parents, she gave it to her strange brother Clark.

Hearing this, Coco waved his hand carelessly: "You are not the only blood of Krypton. My uncle Andrew mentioned one thing, saying that when you were destroyed by Krypton, in addition to your family who fled Krypton, you also A group of Krypton felons who were exiled in the multidimensional space prison are also alive. It looks like that guy is called General Zod. Now he is already struggling to restore the glory of Krypton, invading many star regions and conquering those civilizations."

In normal times, apart from being a steward, Andrew has not relaxed his monitoring of the universe. This matter has been started since he knew that Thanos would continue to send alien legions.

It is precisely because of this that Andrew knew such a thing.

Originally, Cocoa had forgotten it, but now when Kayla mentioned the last bloodline of Krypton, Xiong Xiaozi remembered it.

"What! We are not the only blood of Krypton?"

Keira was shocked by the information Coco said.

For a long time, Kayla thought that her family was the last Kryptonite.

As everyone knows, now Coco tells her that this is not the case. There are another group of Kryptonians in the vast universe, and those Kryptonians have already begun to struggle to restore the glory of Krypton.

Coco nodded: "Yes, your family is not the only Kryptonian bloodline. You can mention this to your parents. They always think that your family is the last Kryptonian, so your brother looks like There is no need to carry such a heavy burden."

After all, Coco is just telling Kayla, don't take into account your brother's problem, he no longer needs to continue the burden of Kryptonian bloodline ~ lightnovelpub.net~ so we can take care of him casually.

To be honest, Coco has always been dissatisfied with the Kayla family, especially the Kryptonian patriarchal thinking, which makes Coco quite unhappy.

What's wrong with the girl?

Girls don’t love their parents!

The girl didn't find anyone to provoke anyone, so she wanted to give up the boy.

You know, I don't know how many little bullies I beat up in the kindergarten, and I am obedient to all the boys.

So what's so great about boys!

Especially Kayla's brother is so weird, he often deducts money from his sister, and he doesn't look like a brother at all.


My elder brother gave my sister pocket money, which was very kind to my sister.

But Keira’s brother is amazing.

Not only did he not give his sister the pocket money, but instead took the money back from her sister to splurge with a bitch!

You know, his sister Kayla is just a first-year student.

And Clark, the brother, has already graduated from college and started working!

Therefore, such a brother should really tidy up.

Well, throw it into the BL world and let him know what a nightmare is!

As for whether he will become **** or not, the bear kid will not care about that much. In short, let him not be played by Bitch in the future, and then deduct money from his own hands.

"Hahahaha! If this is the case, then I have nothing to worry about, Coco boss, let my brother go to the BL world to be punished!"

I thought Kayla would still struggle and hesitate for a while, but unexpectedly, Kayla laughed up to the sky and agreed to Coco's proposal.

I have to say that Kayla’s resentment for her brother is too deep.

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