Rising America

Chapter 179: If only William was there

Since receiving some special influences, Annie began to be interested in Huaxia culture. At the same time, because of the father and daughter of Kim Hyun Tae, she also began to learn Huaxia food. Therefore, Annie has now learned a lot of cultural knowledge about Huaxia. I can cook very good dishes with northern Chinese flavors. 【】

   As for these changes in the young lady, the old butler, Nord, has seen it from beginning to end. Although some of them are not that understanding, he can only silently bless her in his heart for the sake of his own lady's enjoyment.

   Annie listened to the report from the old housekeeper, and once again set her eyes on the computer screen, looking at the image in the surveillance screen.

   "It turned out to be like this. I said, why did Coco run wildly in the living room? It turned out to be a Powerball jackpot. Hehe, the little guy's luck is really good."

  Coco won the Powerball prize, and Annie is also very happy for her, as if her child won the prize.

   Although the Powerball jackpot has a lot of prize money, the money is nothing in Annie's eyes.

   You know, Annie’s wealth is over trillions.

   Therefore, the mere US$6.4 billion in bonuses is nothing for her.

   But she is still very happy, happy for Coco's luck.

   Xu is that she thinks Ke Ke is a lucky child, and she can bring her two younger brothers with such good luck in the future.

   Anyway, Annie thinks it is always good for her two children to have such a lucky sister.

   "Notify the people of the Black Hole Fund that they will send someone with the agreement early tomorrow morning. US$6.4 billion can be accepted, and the Japanese can make money together."

   Anne doesn't care about the generosity of the Japanese.

   Now everything is ready, just wait for half a month is the harvest time.

   So it doesn’t matter at all to let Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter join this wealth feast.

   This is the special case of Kim Hyun-tae. If you change to someone else, Annie won't pay attention.

   Although the Japanese have a lot of wealth, everyone wants more money. So if you add one person in, you will get less points, right?

   The capitalists are so greedy.

   Annie is the same.

   But when it comes to Kim Hyun Tae's problem, she is not so particular about rules.

   It can be seen that there are some mysterious things. How much influence did it have on Annie.

   "Miss, Dave said one more thing. []"

"what's up?"

"Coco wanted to be a star, and she made a lot of noise with her father. Dave felt that the children had such an interest, so he could support it. So he wanted to ask Miss, if it matters to you. Can you provide it?"


   After hearing that the old housekeeper had told Dave about Cocoa, the smile on Annie's face became even stronger.

   After all, she has taken care of Cocoa for several months, so after getting along with Cocoa, she understands Cocoa's character very well.

   "Does the little guy want to be a celebrity? This is also normal. Which girl does not have such a celebrity dream? When I was a child, I wanted to be a celebrity for a while."

   Annie thought of her former self because of Cocoa.

   Yes, this kind of dream is something almost every girl will have.

   Listening to my lady's words. The old butler Nord also laughed and echoed: "Yes, Miss, when you were young, you liked to watch westerns the most. You always said that you would play a cowgirl."

   It seems that the old housekeeper also remembered that time in his childhood.

   "If I remember correctly, this year's Kema mobile phone series will launch new models, right?"

   Annie's thinking was jumping, and she still remembered her childhood here, and talked about other things the next moment.

   However, the old butler, Nord, is very used to the skipping way of thinking of my own lady, so he can't keep up with his thinking.

   So after hearing the words. The old butler nodded in response and said, "Yes, miss, the new version of the mobile phone has just taken shape, and it is indeed necessary to shoot a new advertisement. Then it will be promoted in conjunction with the product promotion."

   Annie smiled and thought about it: "Let people find William, give him a generous reward, let him write an advertisement book, and give Coco a chance to shoot this advertisement."

   Annie's idea is very simple. According to Huaxia's saying, this is ‘fat water does not flow into outsiders’ fields.’

   But think about it. Anyway, when new mobile phones are on the market, you always have to shoot new advertisements. Instead of looking for someone to write a book, it is better to look for Kim Hyun Tae.

   You know, Kim Hyun-tae is very successful in writing novels, so it shouldn’t be difficult to write an advertisement book.

   By the way, I also gave Xiao Keke a chance to shoot mobile advertising. This is the best of both worlds, isn’t it?

   This money is also earned for others, it is better to earn it for your own people.

  Although this little money is nothing to Kim Hyun-tae, Anne just wants to make money for him. What can you do?

   "Miss, William is good at writing novels, but can he have some advertising scripts?"

   is different from my own lady, but the old housekeeper Nord is a little worried about this.

Annie looked at the old butler with a smile on her face, who didn’t trust her very much: "Uncle Nord, he can do it. Don’t worry about that. I know that this boy has written more than a dozen movie scripts. Ministry, so the advertising script is nothing to him."

   Annie worked as a nanny and lived with Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter for a few months, and in these months let her know about Kim Hyun Tae writing the script.

   That's why she is very confident about Kim Hyun Tae's advertising books.

  Think about it, the movie script has been written, is it hard to beat him by the advertising script?

   Obviously, it's not difficult at all.

   The old butler, Nord, heard what his lady said, and immediately felt relieved.

   At the same time, I thought with emotion in my heart: This boy is really not easy, he can even write a movie script.

   In this way, when Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter still don't know anything, Annie has gotten some things done.

   "Uncle Nord, I want to eat something, you can ask Master Li to prepare a small portion of sauerkraut soup for me, and a small multigrain bun for me to eat later."

   Talking with the old butler Nord for a while, Annie suddenly felt a little hungry.

   I don’t know if it’s because of the two little guys in my stomach, Annie is always hungry now and then.

   Nod, the old butler, nodded and turned to leave.

   Annie continued to look at the insights on the computer screen. The expression on her face was warm and gentle, so soft that it almost melted away.

   Since the intersection with the father and daughter of Kim Hyun Tae, and living with them for a few months, Annie's own taste has been affected, and she has begun to like to eat the Chinese northern taste.

   Look, when she is hungry, what she likes most is the sauerkraut soup unique to North China, and the small steamed buns.

   If you didn't look at her with blond hair and blue eyes, you would think she was a Chinese northerner.

   But in any case, Annie is in love with the food and taste of North China, even to the point where she has to eat every day.

   Among them, there is no lack of Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter who like to eat, which is why Annie is so obsessed.

   At the same time, it has something to do with Annie being pregnant and like eating sour.

   Learning Chinese, learning Chinese culture and customs, all because of Jin Xiantai.

   These changes in Annie's body nowadays, except for the people around her, those outsiders who know her can't even think of them.

   If this kind of thing spreads out, it will surely make a lot of people surprised from ear to ear.

   Looking at the monitoring screen on the computer screen tenderly, Annie couldn't help but start to miss Kim Hyun Tae.

   How much she wants to return to Kim Hyun Tae and his daughter, to live a life of plain and warm life again, without asking anything else, as long as she stays with him every day.

   Even though she is rich, she can't do this.

   So I have to say that it is really a pity.

------split line------

   Phoenix Valley San Juan

   As the most chaotic and gang-ridden city in the north of Los Angeles, it will become a paradise for all kinds of criminals to be active after the generals in the night.

   The San Juan Monastery, where the Mexican poor live, is even more chaotic.

   At this time, the children of the San Juan Monastery have finished their dinner, and followed the nuns to finish their evening prayers.

The younger children have already returned to their rooms at this time, while the older children have gathered outside the monastery~lightnovelpub.net~ The tall and hot Selena, wearing a small sling A vest, a denim jacket, a pair of jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes.

   The clothes and shoes are very clean, but they are a bit whitish after washing, which shows that the clothes and shoes are quite old.

   Beside her, seven or eight children, men and women, were gathered, ranging in age from 13 to 15 years old, and each of them had a stern expression, and I don’t know what happened to these children.

   "Everyone will be smarter for a while. After the sale is completed today, Sister and the others will have their tuition reduced. However, our trading partners are not well-received, so we should be especially careful to know."

   As the little leader, Selena, while instructing her companions, took out a pistol from her waist and fiddled with it.

   As a child of San Juan in Phoenix Valley, it is not surprising that he has a gun on his body, especially the children in the orphanage.

   Selena's side, a boy with a long scar on his face and blind eye, a very strong and fierce boy nodded: "Don't worry, Sister Selena, we all know what to do."

   At this time, the youngest girl, showing a look of nostalgia, said: "It would be good if William was still there. The bad guys in San Juan are very afraid of him."

   This sentence reveals a strange message, dare to believe that Kim Hyun Tae is still famous in this area? (To be continued.)