Rising America

Chapter 1793: who are you?

The thing "Zhanxian Gourd" was created by Coco at the time when Lu was a copycat, and then the bear kid sent this great energy into the BL world. After Lu Daneng got out of the BL world, his psychology and certain physiology had special changes. Finally, I became Lao Zhou's junior...

Have to say, bear kid really? Strong!

But no matter what, Lu Daneng's magic weapon was indeed copied by the bear kid.

Moreover, the bear child not only copied this magic weapon, but this magic weapon also changed after the bear child’s cottage. The original "Zhan Xian Gourd" only had a bit of Zhan Xian flying knife, but when it came to the bear child, it became a possession of ten. Two cut fairy flying knife.

Right now, Shierzhanxian flying knives are snarling in the air, forming a knife curtain, completely blocking the streets a few meters away from the zombies that are flowing like a tide. No matter how these zombies impact, there is no way. Break through the knife curtain formed by Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

Lao Zhang, the others, and all the newcomers were dumbfounded.

They felt that their brains were not enough for a while, and they couldn't think of how such a thing would happen, everything was too weird.

I thought it was a little girl who was holding back, but now she is so tough?

This... not reasonable!

Because Coco is indeed a newcomer.

I really can't figure it out.

However, although Coco blocked the tide of corpses, Kayla's small figure was swallowed by the zombies. The thought of this equally cute foreign girl died in the hands of the zombies, everyone felt very uncomfortable.

"Why did Kayla let so many zombies come over? Fortunately, there is me, otherwise the uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters behind him will all be eaten by the zombies."


Before Coco's voice fell, it was in the place where Kayla's back was submerged by the zombies. Those piles of zombies that had been piled up like a hill were overturned by external force from the inside.

Kailas reappeared without any damage.

"Oh, I made a mistake."

"Hurry up and fix these disgusting guys."

Coco shouted at Kayla.

How could Kayla with a body of steel be swallowed by the zombies, even if the little girl stood there motionless, those zombies couldn't do anything to Kayla.

Especially with the help of Cocoa, Kayla's steel body has been improved, coupled with a trip to the sun every day to absorb various radiation, so Kayla is an absolute ‘tank’.

The zombies are densely packed like a tide, and if they are cleaned one by one, it will be troublesome and time-consuming.

If you were an ordinary person, there might be no other way.

But can the bear kids be the same.

Laser eye!

Kaila's small body slowly lifted into the air, and countless zombies below roared and stretched out their hands, trying to pull Kaila down.

However, all the zombies that touched Kayla's body would explode, which was very horrible.

Kayla’s blue eyes became bright red, and two red laser beams shot out from the little girl’s eyes, and then Kayla began to adjust his sight. The two lasers moved along with Kayla’s sight and moved the zombies below. The cutting and tearing.

Even the tall buildings on both sides of the street and various buildings were collapsed by Kaila.

Thanks to Coco's Zhanxian Flying Knife, it can block Kayla's laser rays.

Therefore, this made Lao Zhang behind Coco not threatened by the laser in Kayla's eyes.

These two little girls are really newcomers!

Lao Zhang, the others, and all the newcomers, at this moment, all of this thought flashed into their minds.

Killing with eyes is a group attack skill, so it is very suitable for the current situation.

Therefore, after about five minutes, all the zombies that were attracted died in Kayla's hands.

The whole city is very big, and zombies are definitely not so much.

But after this time, at least the zombies in this area were quickly cleaned up.

It will take at least some time for zombies from other places to come.

In other words, Yanhuang Apricot is quite safe for a period of time, so there is no need to worry about zombies popping out.

He retracted the twelve-handled Xianxian Flying Knife, put the gourd back behind him, Cocoa's mind turned, and instantly he changed into a child-looking scholar costume, and even the hairstyle changed, becoming the one with a bun on his head. Kind.

After seeing the change in Coco's dress, Kayla knowsly rushed into a certain shop aside, and reappeared after a few seconds, her dress also changed.

The children's knight armor was also draped with a cloak made of animal fur. He also carried a warhammer surrounded by electricity.

Is Thor's Hammer awesome?

Maybe it looks like this to others.

But in Cocoa, there are as many things as you want.

Multiverse planes claim to be the stupid goods of Thor, and I don’t know how many of them have been cleaned up by the bear kids. Basically every time they pack one, the bear kids will grab the opponent’s Thor’s Hammer as a trophy.

The warhammer in Kayla's hand is one of the Quake's hammers that Coco has snatched back.

That's right, Kayla can get it too.

"You...who are you anyway?"

"Jin Aotian, a gas refiner in the Wa Palace!"

Fortunately, the guy pretended to be a plausible name.

Kayla also walked over at this time and put on a pose: "Earth Federation Swadia Empire armed Paladin, Corona!"

My name was thought of by the two fortunate partners in a random manner these days.

After all, the fortunate guys are often chaotic in the multiverse, and because they are not ordinary people, and other factors exist, even though the lucky guys are young, they know that their real names are not easy to tell others.

Because I heard that in the multiverse, there is a skill that can target a person with his real name, so Coco and Kayla worry that letting others know their real name will expose the time and space of their lives.

Therefore, every time two lucky mates come out to play, they will fabricate a false identity and name.

Now, it's Anna King, and Kyla has become Corona.

This shows that the bear child is not stupid at all.

Wa Palace?

Earth Federation Swadia Empire?

Are these two little girls really human?

The black line on the head of Yanhuang Apricot.

"Multiple planes are amazing. We are all Earth Chinese humans from different planes. It can't be said that in the world where the two little girls are, the earth is in such a state, but we are too ignorant to understand."

After a short silence, Lao Zhang spoke.

Coco stomped his feet, and suddenly a cloud of mist rose up, supporting the lucky mate, who used his brother in the sky.

The bear boy floated to Lao Zhang and said solemnly: "Hurry up and complete the task, aren't we going to find the target next? You will lead the team, and my companion and I are responsible for cleaning up all the targets that are dangerous to us."

Although there are many doubts in my mind, it is indeed a serious matter to complete the task first.

At the moment, Lao Zhang no longer delays his work.

Based on the experience of previous missions, Lao Zhang judged that the mission target was nearby.

After searching for a period of time, Zhang and Coco finally found the target person, Grilen, his wife and two daughters.

According to the plot, their family hid in this residential building when the zombie broke out, and was rescued by a man here, and then they have been hiding in the man's house.

Because there were zombies everywhere outside, it was too dangerous, so Greeren didn't take the family to run around, and after contacting his friends, he waited patiently for rescue here.

Not surprisingly, tonight, the Gerry family will take the transport helicopter that came to pick them up and leave.

It was precisely because of this relationship that it was easy for Lao Zhang and the others to find the Grilens family.

Because there were too many people, the house couldn't hold so many people, so everyone moved to the roof, and after they reached the roof with everyone, they completely sealed the passage to the roof.

Standing on the top of the building, you can see the black plumes of smoke rising around it. It is estimated that there is a fire in that place.

And from time to time, the roar of zombies cuts through the void, making people shudder when they hear it.

Yanhuangxing’s newcomer was responsible for protecting the Grilens family and brought out all kinds of food and drinking water...

And Lao Zhang and his faithful companions found Coco and Kayla, and talked with the two little girls.

The strength shown by the two bear kids simply blinded Lao Zhang and the others.

Therefore, Lao Zhang must figure out what is going on.

"You are from the same plane world?"

Lao Zhang was the head of Xinti, so the questioning was handed over to him.

Facing Lao Zhang’s question, Coco let Kayla respond.

"Yes, the two of us are good friends, both from the same plane and world. I am effective, and my friend is from a kindergarten."

Lao Zhang and their faces were speechless.

"Wa Palace? The Swadia Empire of the Earth Federation? What is going on?"

Kayla replied with the words that she and Coco had already discussed: "The Wa Palace is an educational institution in our world~lightnovelpub.net~ In our world, everyone can already practice. The Earth Federation Swa Dia Empire, that’s because the world we live in is not only for everyone to practice, but humans have also stepped out of the earth and become the overlord of the universe..."

"Gao Wu! Hi-Tech?"

The woman in the robe behind Lao Zhang intervened to ask.

Coco raised his brows: "Comprehensive world, super-order."

Lao Zhang's breathing became much thicker.


The world of super planes!

Think again of the aura that Coco and Kayla showed.


This is the kindergarten's harmony.

Sure enough, such a world is terrifying.

But looking back, it seems that this is very good for Yanhuang apricot.

The seniors have died in the last mission, and now Yan Huang Xing is the time to need the strong.

So, no matter what, Coco and Kayla are strong.

Of course, it's hard to tell whether these two bear kids are reliable or not.

"Didn't you become stronger through the main god?"

"That's how we are."

The expressions on Lao Zhang's faces all flashed with a hint of joy.

Because in their opinion, it is so powerful for not passing the main god. If you complete a few more tasks and have enough glory points, wouldn't it be going to heaven?

In the Ten Thousand Race Team under the Lord God’s command, the other races have their own Tianjiao, Gods and so on. There is no such thing as human beings, so that the former seniors of Yanhuangxing have been very depressed, and even after encountering Tianjiao, the whole army was completely gone. .

Could it be that the Lord God opened his eyes, so he sent two Tianjiao to Yanhuang Xing?

But are these two bear kids Tianjiao?

In this regard, Lao Zhang and their hearts are full of uncertain doubts.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]