Rising America

Chapter 1797: Behind this one cut

The aborigines of the Gemini 2 star were given the title of "Sea Race" by Jin Xiantai, so that the future human immigrants will also continue.

After all, this title is very appropriate.

As for their original titles, there is really no need to explore them.

As the AI ​​smart machine man-machine caught an aboriginal girl, and under Jin Xiantai's deliberate friendship, humans began to slowly come into contact with the "sea race".

When dealing with the Sea Clan, Jin Xiantai and the others did not come up with the means to deal with the Three-Eyed Clan. After all, there was no conflict between Jin Xiantai and the Sea Clan at the beginning, and the exchanges were peaceful.

Every day, the sea girls will bring many friends to Jin Xiantai, and also bring a lot of Hu presents, and then when they leave, Jin Xiantai will also give them many plastic shapes.

In this way, friendship slowly existed.

With the help of the Sea Clan, the human space exploration team has also become more in-depth exploration of the second star, and the scope has also become much larger.

At the same time, Jin Xiantai revealed intentionally or unintentionally that his tribe may come to settle here in the future to test the reaction of the Sea Clan.

But no matter how Jin Xiantai tried, the Hai Clan's reaction was not too fierce, and even most people welcomed it very much.

After all, after humans emigrated, they did not dwell on the seabed, but built urban platforms on the sea, so the impact on the sea people was not great.

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The two major camps headed by China and the United States jointly own the management and development rights of the Fore Moon. At the same time, the two sides also jointly took over the Mars military base left by the Protoss civilization, and formed a solar system defense system with Mars as the frontier.

At the same time, immigration issues for the two camps are also on the agenda at this stage.

The Huaxia camp did not lag behind either. Just as Jin Xiantai gradually mastered the Gemini, the Huaxia exploration team also found a planet suitable for human habitation.

It turns out that no one knows what the name of this planet is. Anyway, it is now named "Pangu Star" by the China Space Exploration Team.

The mass of Pangu stars is 30 million times that of the earth, not to mention the volume. Anyway, after leaving the solar system, the planets they encounter are much larger than the earth.

Because there are gravity crystals made by the Protoss civilization technology, humans can ignore the gravity of those planets that differ greatly from the earth's gravity. As long as the planet's ecological environment is suitable, it can become a human immigrant star.

Panguxin also has aboriginals, and the aboriginals on this planet are actually similar in appearance to the Chinese, and various powerful martial arts are popular here.

Because Chongling Earth is different, coupled with the popular martial arts of civilization on this planet, the aborigines here are very powerful.

Placed on the earth with a different gravity environment, people on this planet are absolutely superhuman beings, and their destructive power is absolutely quite powerful.

The Huaxia Space Exploration team came to this planet. Like Jin Xiantai, they concealed their deeds at the beginning and observed them in secret for a long time, and they didn't get in touch with the other party rashly.

It is also a cautious relationship. The Huaxia Exploration team found that the risk factor of the aboriginal people on Pangu is quite high.

Fortunately, this is not a super martial arts world. Although the aboriginal people on Pangu are powerful, aside from the planet's gravity, in fact, their martial arts are not that powerful.

Therefore, there will be no such thing as a super-strength world, where the mighty can chase the stars and the moon, reverse the stars, and hit the starry sky.

In addition, most of the members of the China Space Exploration team are not monsters or monks, so after quietly observing and evaluating, the China Space Exploration team finally made up its mind to start contact with the aborigines on Pangu.

Because based on observation and evaluation, the Huaxia Exploration Team found that the monsters in its own team, the monks would not be disadvantaged when confronting the natives of this planet, but to some extent they were stronger than the opponent.

Based on this, the China Space Exploration team must be bolder.

Pangu is already the era of the Ku Dynasty.

Similar to the social level of human beings on earth during the 13th and 14th centuries.

The Huaxia Exploration team came into contact with a dynasty named'Da Yin'.

To tell the truth, looking at the aborigines on this planet, their appearance is so similar to the Huaxia ethnicity on Earth, and it makes the members of the Huaxia Exploration team stunned.

Many people even wonder if a group of Yan and Huang people immigrated to this planet in a certain era in ancient times.

What is even more shocking is that the "aliens" on Pangu are actually speaking Chinese, so it is no wonder that people have the above association.

Of course, no one will know.

The reason why such a thing occurs is actually the ghost of Cocoa Bear.

These people on Pangu are similar to those of Chinese descent, and can even be said to be exactly the same. The Chinese-speaking ‘aliens, they are all made by Cocoa and Andrew.

It is not difficult for Andrew to use genetic black technology to produce Chinese genetic people in large quantities. It can be said that given him a gene, he can create a civilization is no joke.

Therefore, such a situation appeared on Pangu.

The reason why Cocoa does this is to increase the ‘playability of the game’ according to the words of bear

Therefore, such a situation will appear.

No one knows about this.

Therefore, when the Huaxia Exploration Team met these ‘clan people’ on Pangu, don’t mention how shocked it was.

Even the report sent to the earth used this assessment and guess of the Chinese ethnicity that was found to be suspected of immigrants to the outer planet.

And the China Space Exploration team is not clear, there are more things like this waiting for them.

With the character of a bear kid, it's certainly not just a small group of people who just play with big ones.

And China on this side of the earth also spread the discovery of the sky exploration team through the major media peace news.

In this way, we tell everyone that ‘the Chinese race has already set foot in space’. Our ancestors don’t know how many generations have passed on the outer planet. Our Chinese race has relatives on the outer planet.

Who would have thought that this special mother was just a joke of a bear kid.

And the instigator of this incident, Coco was playing in a very strange time and space. The participant Andrew was beside Ye's own young master Jin Xiantai, far on the Gemini 2 star, and neither of them were on Earth.

If the two of them were still on the earth, they would definitely have stomachaches laughing now.

Of course, anyway, according to Coco's setting, the China Space Exploration team will foresee many civilizations with the "China Gene" along the way, and then come into contact with them.

And all of these civilizations will become friends with the China Space Exploration Team after contacting the China Space Exploration Team, and agree to become a member of the camp headed by China.

To put it simply, Coco opened a hanger for China Primary School.

Through this ‘Little Hang’, it is guaranteed that China will be able to go smoothly for a period of time, until it meets Yang Weili and others.

Through this process, it is enough to ensure that China has a large area of ​​galaxies, and it must take time to digest these planets.

When the time comes, we will build and consolidate the site, and at the same time we can train with Yang Weili and others.

Look, this is Coco's plan and plan.

Similarly, the Three-Eyed Clan and the Sea Clan of Gemini, without any accident, were also made by Coco and Andrew.

Even Jin Xiantai didn't expect that her daughter would have such a moth.

Therefore, Jin Xiantai still thinks stupidly that the three-eyed tribe on Gemini No. 1 is really an aboriginal.

The Sea Clan on the second star are also native creatures on this planet.

Andrew this guy is also very good, always pretending to know nothing, I have to say that his acting skills are also quite good.

The three-eyed tribe on Star One, controlled by Jin Xiantai with forbidden drugs, has been unable to get rid of the fact that they have become human ‘slaves’.

The ‘Sea Clan’ on the second star had a peaceful relationship with Kim Hyun Tae and the others ~ lightnovelpub.net, and under the temptation of some commodities that Kim Hyun Tae and the others deliberately brought out, there was also no way to get rid of human ‘control’.

Moreover, the Sea Clan is very innocent and pure, so it is easy to be fooled by Jin Xiantai and others.

Especially the girls of the sea people, they are more in love with the colorful shapes made by Jin Xiantai.

At the same time, the collection of resource information on the second star also gave Jin Xiantai and the others a general understanding of the planet.

There are no mineral resources on the second star, which is disappointing.

However, the huge monster fish in the vast ocean of Star Two gave Jin Xiantai and the others a surprise discovery.

The meat of these monster fishes is delicious, and they are also rich in various nutrients needed by the human body, and if they are eaten for a long time, they can also make an ordinary person's physical fitness change and improve significantly.

This discovery immediately made the second star valuable.

There are a lot of monster fish in the deep sea, plus the fact that Star 2 is many times larger than the Earth, so there is no need to worry about overfishing in the future, at least for a thousand years.

Therefore, as Jin Xiantai told the earth about this discovery, Washington became very concerned about this discovery.

Although there are many aliens here on Earth, the most common humans are after all.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the American camp will pay attention to something that can change and improve the physical fitness of ordinary people.

It is conceivable that as the exploration team goes farther and farther, the more things that can improve and change the physical fitness of ordinary people are discovered, and it will not be long before human beings will start to evolve substantially. This is so exciting.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]