Rising America

Chapter 180: Under the night of San Juan

   Like all cities in the United States, San Juan at night is also a scene of neon flashes, a row of drunken gold fans.

   Especially because the Phoenix Valley area has gathered 80% of the adult film and television companies in the United States, a large number of women with heavy makeup appeared on the streets of San Juan at night.

   From time to time, you will find that certain production units are shooting adult videos in certain open spaces.

   But when you see the production unit that made the film, don't be curious to walk over. Once you do that, you will get fattened by someone.

   And there are not only girls with heavy makeup and scratching their heads, but also some gang members wearing hip-hop costumes patrolling their sites on the streets.

   Blacks, Mexicans, and white gangs all began to be active on the streets after night fell.

   When people in California mentioned Phoenix Valley and San Juan, they are basically synonymous with chaos, crime, and disorder.

   From this we can see how bad this area is.

I don’t know how much bizarre personal information the funny alien elementary school student created for Jin Xiantai in this time and space. The children in San Juan said that he was still a very famous person in the crime-prone area of ​​Phoenix Valley. Especially in those gangs more famous.

   Fortunately, Kim Hyun-tae didn’t know this, otherwise he would definitely curse that funny alien elementary school student again.

   In particular, the thing that made Jin Xiantai complain the most was that he had forged so much personal information, but he didn't know it at all. This was what Jin Xiantai hated the most.

   "What's so good about such a reputation? I think it's hard for William to live a good life now. At least he can live like an ordinary person. He doesn't need to die on the street like an older child who used to go out of an orphanage."

   Selena patted the little **** the shoulder, speaking with a taste that does not belong to her age.

   Indeed, the children of the San Juan Convent are making a living after leaving the convent. In order to survive, most will go down the evil road.

   Most boys will go to gangs, while girls will go to sell meat.

   But whether it is a gang or a meat seller, the final outcome is not very good.

  It's basically the fate of the gang members to die on the streets, and the older children in San Juan have few good fate.

   And the girls did not end well. Selling meat on the street for a year or two is either tortured by pimps or perverted customers, or else suffers from some disease and died in pain.

   After all, the children in San Juan have no survival skills after they leave the monastery. There are really not many options for him (her).

   So in order to survive and earn the money needed for survival, what choice do children have?

   Before these children went to society, there were no parents around to guide them.

   "Sister Selena, William said that he would pick us up from San Juan, but it has been a long time, has he forgotten us?"

   The little girl thought about the thing that Jin Xiantai had promised when she came back to see everyone last time. At this time, she raised it a little.

   "No nonsense. William is not that kind of person, maybe he has more things now."

   Selena stopped the little girl's random thoughts, and she didn't want the children to doubt Kim Hyun Tae.

  As Kim Hyun-tae’s ‘acquaintance’, she knows very well that Kim Hyun-tae is not that kind of person.

The one-eyed fierce boy next to Selena glanced at the little girl at this time, and said to her viciously, "Mary, don’t doubt William so much. I can guarantee that William is not the kind of person you think. The children of San Juan, dare to fight against the Phoenix Valley family alone."


   heard the one-eyed boy say so. The three children around the age of 13 all uttered a'wow', all showing a shocked appearance.

   These three children are new here, so it’s normal to not know Kim Hyun Tae’s ‘past events’. However, Selena and the one-eyed boy are veterans, but they are different from these three children.

   "Well, Hulk, you don't need to tell the little guys about these past events, just let them know that William is not that kind of person. Let's do business now."

   After finishing speaking, Selena took the lead in the night. Leading the children out of the monastery, walked towards the brightly lit Phoenix Valley.

   I don’t know what Selena and the others are going to do to go out so late.

   Don’t they know how chaotic Phoenix Valley San Juan is at night?

   and the children also brought guns.

   What kind of transaction is it that makes the children bring guns.

   More importantly, Selena said just now that they have a deal at night. After the deal is successful, they can have money as a child's tuition.

   This has to be strange.

   You must know that Kim Hyun Tae's trip to San Juan earlier, but left a sum of hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash.

   Although the money is not much, it should be enough to pay the children's tuition for a few months.

  You don’t need Selena to go out to make money anymore.

   Could it be that the money was embezzled by the nuns of the monastery, or squandered?

   Well, this has to make some bad guesses.

   But this is not the case.

  The nuns of the San Juan Monastery, of course, will not be tempted to embezzle the money left by Kim Hyun Tae, after all, they are all people with strong beliefs.

   But why is it causing this situation now?

   In a word, the money left by Kim Hyun-tae was stolen because of poor storage.

   Because that money was stolen, it caused the current situation.

   Because the money was stolen, the monastery knew it was not good to keep it, so it had no face to tell Jin Xiantai that this matter was kept hidden.

   In the end, the children did not enjoy the benefits of the money, and their living conditions remained the same.

Fortunately, before Kim Hyun Tae left, he promised to build a new'home' to accommodate the children. Therefore, both the nuns and the children of the monastery hope that the'home' of Kim Hyun Tae will be built as soon as possible. .

   But this can't be done overnight, so in the process of waiting, the children always have to earn some money to support it.

   That’s why Selena took seven or eight children and went out to do ‘business’.

   It’s just not clear, Selena is taking the children for a ‘business’.

   left the monastery on foot, and everyone stopped in a secluded grove. The one-eyed boy Hulk in the team walked into the grove alone, and soon drove out in a dilapidated pickup truck.

   "Get in the car quickly."

  The pickup truck is very worn and old, with rust on the body, but for the sake of being able to start, it seems like this is a transportation tool for children.

   The children climbed onto the back of the pickup truck one after another, while Selena and a few girls sat in the carriage.

   After everyone got in the car, the one-eyed boy Hulk restarted the car and drove onto the road in a puff of black smoke.

   Ordinary people who come to San Juan in Phoenix Valley will feel very scared and terrified when walking on the street at night. However, for the children living in the San Juan Monastery, there is nothing to fear and fear here.

   Because the children are used to everything here.

   After driving through a few blocks, there were two fights, one gunfight, and three incidents of pimp beating guests.

  Things like the above are all very common here.

   So, the children in the car are not interested in taking another look, because there is nothing new.

   On both sides of the street with neon signs flashing, there are bars, strip clubs, and adult film companies that are open 24 hours a day.

In the dark corners of the street, gang members gathered together, watching the passing pedestrians and another gang guy across the street vigilantly. From time to time, people approached these gang members in the dark place, shaking hands with them and then leaving, and their hidden ways , Complete a transaction.

   The children in the car, except for looking at the neon signs on both sides of the street, have no interest in other things.

   After driving for about twenty minutes, Hulk stopped in front of a nightclub with neon lights flashing in the image of pink girls.

   "Here, we are at the place, everyone get out of the car."

   The children sitting in the back seat of the car quickly checked the guns they were carrying, and when there was no problem, they turned over and jumped out of the car.

   The girls in the carriage also did the same. They all checked the guns they were carrying, and then they opened the door and walked down.

   "Hulk! You are responsible for staring at their gunmen."

   Before getting off the car, Selena gave the one-eyed boy Hulk a bit.

   Hulk nodded as a response. From this point, it can be seen that the boy said very little.

   The children's expressions are very calm, there is no panic, no fear, what they usually do now, I have to say that there is really no mental quality.

There was a tall black security guard in front of the nightclub. After Selena and the others walked over, she said to the black security guard: "Go and tell Bear Bear, I’m Selena from the San Juan Monastery. He knows what it means. ."

   This is a bit like a self-reported family in Huaxia's novels, depicting the incision of the world.

   And obviously this tall and sturdy black security guard had heard of the San Juan Monastery, so he nodded at Selena and walked into the nightclub.

   The children stood quietly in front of the nightclub and waited.

   Soon, a fat black man with a height of two meters and a fat man came to the door surrounded by several thugs.

   The fat man who was far away said loudly: "Oh, my little beauty Selena is here, come in quickly, let Barto love you well, OK?"

Standing at the door, Selena responded very rudely: "Go home and love your bitch. I am not interested in you as a bear! I feel sick when I see you, you know, it's sick!" Continued.)