Rising America

Chapter 1817: The alien of the Frieza model...

Chapter 1817 Frieza's Alien Shape...

In a dense primitive jungle, Yang Weiwei walked forward slowly with an apricot, heart-winged. Except for her being the only person with modern weapons, the rest of the team were guys with cold weapons.

Moreover, the mechas worn by her and other team members are different.

The mecha that Yang Weiwei wore was of a single soldier style, somewhat similar to a steel suit.

The rest of the players holding cold weapons are simple titanium armor.

Yes, the team members led by Yang Weiwei are all the China Space Exploration team. Those who have been found on some planets along the way, seem to be people who left the Earth and ran to an alien planet to settle down. Now they have all joined China Space Exploration. In the team.

The virgin jungle vegetation is luxuriant. Looking to the sky through the cracks of thick ancient branches and leaves, you can see the clear outline of the large planet in the distance. Yes, Yang Weiwei and the others are on an alien planet.

At the same time, watching them behave so cautiously one by one, as if there is something terrible on this planet.

There was a clattering sound from the front.

Yang Weiwei and the others all looked terrified.

I saw a black shadow constantly jumping and shutting across the branches of the ancient tree, quickly approaching Yang Weiwei and the others.

"It's Wang Liu!"

A middle-aged man holding a titanium alloy war knife and wearing a titanium alloy methyl peptide had good eyes, and soon recognized the identity of the close shadow.


When the black shadow approached Yang Weiwei and their apricots, they swayed, and then fell from the branches of the tree.

On the face of this man named Wang Liu, a very strange creature covered his entire face.

"It's a worm!"

Someone exclaimed, and suddenly the somewhat relaxed atmosphere became tense again.

Wang Liu fell to the ground sideways. Standing in the distance, he could see that he was still breathing, but his face was covered with such a weird thing, which made people feel a little palpitating.

"Can't move forward, there must be an alien nest ahead!"

When Yang Weiwei saw Wang Liu's situation in front of him, she had a preliminary judgment about her.

"Captain Yang, what should we do now?"

The middle-aged man fighting with a titanium alloy walked to Yang Weiwei's side and asked with a solemn expression in a low voice.

Yang Weiwei: "Let's see if Wang Liu is parasitized by a worm, and then we are talking about the next thing."

As Xing Chang, Yang Weiwei set an example at this time, approaching Wang Liu with the first heart, and squatting down in front of him.

Middle-aged men followed closely behind.

Yang Weiwei observed for a while, then drew the tactical knife from her right fish, and began to skillfully pierce the joint of the worm, cutting the worm from Wang Liu's face bit by bit.

"Wang Liu is over, he has been parasitized."

The cut out of the face-carrying worm was checked, and its abnormal larvae had disappeared. In other words, it was parasitic in Wang Liu's body.

As the worm was cut off, Wang Liu also began to regain a little consciousness.

This is a man who looks very ordinary in his thirties.

Slowly opened his eyes, Wang Liu, who was regaining consciousness, understood his condition, and a trace of sadness flashed across his face.

"Brother Captain, give me a good time."

Knowing this situation, Wang Liu asked Yang Weiwei and the middle-aged man to lose him as soon as he opened his mouth, because he knew very well how he would end up after being parasitized by the alien.

There was a trace of unbearable expression on Yang Weiwei's face.

However, the middle-aged man called "Big Brother Xiao" gritted his teeth with a heavy expression and nodded towards Wang Liu.

"Five miles ahead, there is a small valley. That small valley is an alien nest. The valley is densely covered with alien eggs, and most of them have not hatched. I was too careless, so I alarmed the alien guarding that place. , So that Alien found me, and when I was dealing with Alien, a larva that had just hatched took advantage of it."

Wang Liu took advantage of the alien larvae just parasitizing his body, and at this time he still had a while, he told Yang Weiwei some important information.

Wang Liu is a real "alien" to Yang Weiwei, but even if he is an alien, the result of being Wang Liu still makes Yang Weiwei very sad.

After all, they are now part of the sounding exploration team.

"Sixth, you can rest assured, we will take your pension back to your family."

The middle-aged Xiao surnamed Wang Liu and said in a deep voice.

After speaking, he raised his hand-held titanium alloy sword and slashed it down.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, the middle-aged surname Xiao had to deal with Wang Liu in a short time, otherwise the parasite and the aliens in Wang Liu's body would be broken, and it would be a disaster for the whole Xing.

Parasitic in the body of ordinary humans, the aliens that break into the body after maturity are very scary, not to mention the aliens that are parasitic in the bodies of their warriors.

Alien is a terrifying life species.

They can not only parasitize the body of most life, absorb the nutrients in the body to supply their own growth needs, but also plunder the other’s genes, merge the other’s genes, and at the same time master certain advantages of the parasite to allow themselves to evolve. Become stronger.

The space exploration team suffered a big loss in Alien's hands, so they also mastered this characteristic of Alien.

Wang Liu died very peacefully. For him, dying in the hands of his companions was better than being killed by parasites and aliens in his body.

Yang Weiwei turned her head without looking.

After the middle-aged Xiao surnamed Wang Liu, he cut through Wang Liu's chest and abdomen with a titanium alloy war knife, and dug out the immature alien larvae that were parasitic in his body.

Because only in this way can the alien larvae not survive.

If left alone in this way, the alien larvae will survive in the end.

"Going back, we can't move on anymore. Since there is an alien lair in front, there will definitely be aliens around. Anyway, we found that a alien lair is already a great accomplishment, and there is no need to continue on the adventure. ."

After losing a player, Yang Weiwei's mood became very bad.

But she did not lose her composure.

In the current situation, it must be unintentional to move on, it would be too dangerous.

Therefore, Yang Weiwei decided to take Apricot back to the camp and report the incident at the same time.

In the end, what arrangements are made above are beyond her control.

The space exploration team headed by the United States ran into trouble at Gemini.

The space exploration team headed by Huaxia also encountered the threat of aliens.

It's just that the trouble the Americans encountered was an accident.

China’s current trouble is due to a certain bear child arrangement.

"Bad shape found us!"


Right in front, there was the sound of something rushing through the wind.

The middle-aged man surnamed Xiao moved his ears, and immediately his pupils contracted, immediately warning his surrounding companions and Yang Weiwei.

"You go first, I'll break it!"

At this time, I couldn't afford to think too much. The middle-aged surname Xiao made a decisive decision and asked the captain of Yang Weiwei to take the other team members away quickly, but he stayed and dragged it.

If he doesn't do this, then none of them will be able to leave in the end.

"Old Xiao!"

"Captain, don't look, go quickly!"

Old Xiao didn't have time to say more, he jumped into the dense jungle where Wang Liu had returned, and then disappeared.

There were tears in Yang Weiwei's eyes, but she knew that this was not the time when she was hypocritical.

"let's go!"

The whole apricot started running wildly along the way.

"You beasts!"

When Yang Weiwei and the others left, the middle-aged surname Xiao also stopped six aliens.

The alien form of Cocoa arranged on this planet is quite different from the alien form of a certain time-space movie version.

The reason for this change is mainly because the alien parasites joined the Chinese space exploration team flags, those ancient Yanhuang ethnic alien warriors.

It has fangs, sharp teeth and a tail, and is covered in a hard shell.

If Jin Xiantai were here, he would definitely shout with eyes wide open that Nima is not the second-stage transformed Frieza! That's right, after being parasitized by Coco and being nurtured by Andrew, the aliens evolved into this appearance after these ancient Chinese alien warriors.

Of course, although the fish resemble the second-stage transformed Frieza, they don’t have the kind of perverted destructive power that Frieza can smash the stars with a single move~lightnovelpub.net~ And after the parasitic warrior evolves, the aliens actually return. Through genetic plunder, by the way, he has human language.

"Hehehe, he is actually a human!"

"Good luck, still looks like a warrior."

"Most of the human beings who drive the spacecraft to this planet are warriors. If they can be turned into parasites, then our race will give birth to more evolutionary entities."

The six Frieza-shaped aliens actually chatted in front of Old Xiao like no one, and they didn't look at Old Xiao at all.

Old Xiao shook his hand tightly with the titanium alloy sword, the expression on his face was very solemn.

These six aliens don't look easy to provoke, and they exude a powerful aura.

Even Old Xiao had the illusion that these six alien evolutionary bodies were all innate.

"Who are we playing with him?"

One of the six alien evolutionary bodies suddenly proposed.

This alien proposal aroused great interest in the other five aliens.

"I'm here, let me see what this human means."

Among the six aliens, the tallest evolutionary body came out.


After this tall alien came out, he wanted to say something to Old Xiao.

But unexpectedly, Lao Xiao shot suddenly.

Seeing Lao Xiao raising his hand and pointing a white air current from his finger, it instantly hit the alien evolutionary body.

If Kim Hyun-tae was here and heard Lao Xiao yell out the moves he used, he would definitely yell that sentence again

In fact, this is not surprising, because the ‘Aliens of the Primordial Flame and Yellow Race’ arranged by Andrew Cocoa learned and practiced the techniques of the Dragon Ball world.

This thing is sold in mystery stores, and the bear kid wants to be easily dissolved.

[Remember the URL Sanwu Chinese Website]